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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Feb 1971, p. 5

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GRONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY_3rd,_1971 Septic Tank service GENERAL PU31PING 21 HOUR SERVICE LORN~E HARDY Leskard, Ontario Tefrphone 983-5728 or 98M-5266 I0 BOB EOUMANS PLUY-IB1'ý,; AND 1HEATING 24 Heour Service New Installations- Alteratious Repairs Specializing ini Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work K.R. 1 Orono '983-5624 UNITED CIIURCH G rono Pastoral, Charge Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1971 CHURCH SCHOOL 10:00 MORNING SERVICE- 11:15 KIRBY SERVICE: 9:45 A.M. CHURCH SCIIOOL, 11:00 A.M. ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regualar Sunday Worsbip Serv ice - 9:30 a.m. HoIy Commnuon- First and Tird ,Suudays Moriug lFrayer- Second and Fourth Sundays H-oly Baptism bây appoitmeut with RePctor 987-4745 The Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. W.FRANK REAL ESTATE 1 LimITED Realtor 21 King- St. W. 0 w m al ; le 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office885-4543 For prompt, eourteqs, effici- ent service whlen ,buying or geling and for, the largest sel- ection of properties in the Contaet Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster 98.3-5801 William TuraflSky-1 (Kendal) 983-54201 (Bethany) Dane Found Andy SutchAý Roy Srn 277-2280 423396 Local News Messes. Wmi. B-tnJohn Breen an-cl arl Kcnmett of the fDepartmen-èt of Land.aandi For- eGts, Orcbno atte-ndedi a NuIeery- men's Convention at tic Parla- ment Bu,,ildings, Toronto-, Wednes- &ay, Thursday an-clFrdàay of lest week. M-. ani Mes. Carl athlg t- tendedtheUcfunerel o! her u e MTr. J. W. Bhikah4y, on Thilrlday, J>uary 28tih i Toronto. Vd!ai in(steT WblhaianC. Davis, r-eceabti anniounced the ap- pointaient of! ISI. R. Foirester to tie Lakte Ontarlio Regional Li- brery -Board. The %uard enconi- paoses t-en Counie's f rom Duri-ana -Cou-nty ceast. Mr. W. L. Grecaiwood of Cleerke Townslhip bas been elected chair- mmencd -the Advissvy Vocationel Commî,tte eof th~e Northinbcur- Landi andi Durham Boarcl of Edu- Thbe Townuýhp of Clrke Coun- diii met on Tueeday of thls wtek, tiheir second meeîting of the year. The inaugural m-eetinag held int .lanuarly was attendeci by Rev. BâaiI Long, Osono and Rev. T. Snegrove of Netnvlýlle. Bott spohe briefly to the membe-rs of Couàl c ongtuîýatIng ttiem in their office as well as outlining te respyon-sbilities andi conduct- îng prayer. 4-H NEWS The Th-e Soîzzer Wliizzrs met agadin t Mils. Twnblyn'c, on Mýon- day nigh1t. MrV F4_ riim nte Humne Economist was, with us andi we dernoniratùedwhat we weee doing wlit- puir material. -Mrs. Taanhlyn served a iovely lunch vwàh hended tUic meetig. Meetings xvIiil. e bsld every Mondiy nIglht eit 7:00. -On ,Sturday pot, Mr. lHarold Rans6erryaccoompeqnihd ohudren froen BrowaVis Sdi-sol to Chiannel 9. Mvar's Music Shop. Ou Friday, Janaray 29th lie ail-,4ooký part i the SnwmobUele Winter Work- ehlp With Grade 3 andi 4 of Brown¶s. Keep up thegood work Mac. we need more like you. Mr. and Mrs. Kith Rilderson ai (rwne 1Hill. visited M~r. a-nd Mr%. HaroJd Rensberry mud Mr'. and' Mrs. Keo- Henderson on Tue.sday paot. Miss RuiodaIaRend- orson cf Toronto Un,!vere',ty was aso a viisitbr. Mr. ans Mrs. Cliff.Tyrrdil and MT. andi Mrs. Jim Strahoin ol Hampton viLsitesi Mr. andi Mvs. Harold llansyerry on Sun-day. <3ongratulations, teo andy Dol- nay of Kirby Centennial School. She was the winner of the Clarkie Township Pulicl Speaking-. held aeent1y at Osono Publie Sehool. The finals Wiil be held on Fpbru- ary 9th.. Good luck Candy. Mr. andi Mes. Andrew Van Druen and ' Michael cd Newcastle visted with Mr'. ad Mrs. Mult Wannan 3aturday evenning. Srmners of the cexnnuifty. et- tended the annuel Ferai and Im-' plecuent Show i Toronto, last week. Tw'o vwolves weve seen iniMr. Sidi Rutherlford's field on Friday. Mr. and Mes. Stan ChWpmen and Clire were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wfilson' OU Sekurday evening. Mr'. Stan Ciap-inen. has resIga- cd as Treasuirer of Kürby United Chureli. We wýiSh to theank Stan for ai'l he lias clone in 'the past. Mr, Lawrence Harris lis the ne-w "Ir. andl Mrs. Ken Bail, Mr. and Mr.Bruce Mercer were drnner guc-iuýats tMr. admrs. Laverne Patr On' n Snday evcenng Mr. Ken Bai nd Mi-. Stan 'Il-n njye acute rd on kendal News The annuai ,United Churclh meetng,,was held ini the dhurch school on Mo.nd'ay, February 1. There weoee sixtean adults who came te, the pot-1u'ck dinner at nonfoliwed by the afterioon meetûing. Thet social get-to-gether wasI enjoyed, althought il. iwib- low zero outside-, 1k wa'.s very corn- forbable inïside due, Vo the instail- ing of the' new el-ctri;c heating Sa'tifadoy reorts were bro'ught i by the vraus hrancli- es of the ehmrch, The probleinior the drop mi sinday Sdhooi> attendiance vias ATTENTION 983-5624 SNOWMOBILE CLINIC PARTS and SERVICE Fer ail makes and models 4h1 lne west 1/ mile from 115 Alb.rt's .Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phono 993-5249 Orome dl'iscussýd iand a feuw suggestions nmacle to gl1Ve thýen a little longcer than ten minuites in the Sunday School session. The part year -waL.s a very busy one for Kendal bcause of ail the Centennial events and projects, Mis;s C. Stewart',s baook waîs pub- Iifihed and sold welfl. The new heatinig systenicst $2,96fl.0 was underita.ken and i wtih eip from mniany sources hias been paid îor. We appreciate aul the aist- anec given Vo Keniidial church "rom friends lWvIg in mrround- ing ommnikes and aeross Oai- ada. Interiior decorating is neteit this suanner. M! hi rý ,our ln.slionaries IS Va'Ac ~~j ComIng yearl. Ml3s Ann Foster was inomei fi-rmWestern Universfity in Uniî- don last weelvend. She told about the deep snaw enCounâteredih that oky. PETER BOOTS Phone 983-5796 Custom Built Furniture and' Repair Work, Speciallzing lu Living Rooi Rec. Room Built-ins Bars Wood Carviug Free Estimates R.R. 2, Orono ,0O (cQutiuu-ed from page 4) cd by fLlic Roýbarts government ii- cludiIig the remsovail of ffieased elm treý and ,*Inprovernents bt; parkland, togeher with addlitiom.- ai proj ect, whidh are planswd -id cain get underwa'y vcry quIckily. Incentive grants to lu- duwtir, ax rebý-ates and incilras- ed lalfowianees to pensioners andi welfare recipients have aIso play- ed an important roie in control- ling ithe uneniffisyment s!tuatdion in the province. "li e et riùicalImtm1y nitni,t iation i s due to a nm- Ihtir of! Icts aionmg which could be ILusted the an-ifiation measur- es of the Federal govrernnit, the freeing of the Canaden do- -1er, the economie vrecessiion Mn the Uni t ed Statess ar'l the inabiliïy tp seli our manuflatured prod- nets et co-npetitive 'prices in,- thc miarkets of the wor]d. The slto in my opainioni Lies not ýnpochIt pregrammes$ or en inecrease ia an unproductirve Influx of money intVo the eeonomy buit rather in a general gtimuta- Iinthrough a reduetion ianae tithe Fedetral level and prlu lady the il per cet ax on buildi- ing mate-r*,asv":: isih ould have -a Lnniicntipact on . everyv -brianch of the econorny. AD T C UNS CELI If youi waut te de smnietlng about vi eduction . . vou probabN amà Sec euvr Aduft Counge1i<k EVERY WE5tdNEsDýýAY 7 to 9 P.MatJ~ Bowmanville High She Guidance Office The service lW free - confidential - and no appointment is necessary. Knitting Needs Bed See us for your knlttipg needs. A Rapido Double Knitting, 2 oz. bail - 89e good pastime on these cold wintry days! Paton'sFuzzy-Wuzzyý, 1k oz. bal - $1.10 We haye a good stock of knitting yarns Knitting Bocks aud Leaflets - 25e te 75c by Patoüs and Baîdwins, the makers ofKutig eeesseso Zor4 Szs "Beehive." 'Ail wooî kaitting yarus and 1 te 14 - 19e te 55e Carefree yarus of softspuu orlon acrylic Plastic Cr..ochet Hoeks, sizes 5 to 9 which has the same look and feel as flue-Pred5ct20 combed wool but whichlias so much more piu 5 o2-O -Machine- washable, machine dryable, Stitch Hoîders - 2ec nemýallergenie. A good colour choice. Sewing and Kuitting Guage 39C WOOI Sale of Plastic Bonts- Beehive Baty'Wooî, 1 o. skein- 70e Beehive Scotch Fingeriug, 1 o s kein 70e Clear pla-,*, overshoes for , omeaneu ind Patens Super Sock aud Sweater Yarn, girls, te w ar over any heel. Girls sizes 4 oz. bail - $1.95 7. te 3. Womens sizes 5 to 9. Reg. $1.95 Patons Chieftaiu Speedkuit, 2 o s sein 89eSAEPI ,Pe a 19c Carefree'Yoas Caadan ayll,2 oz. bail - $1.00 M id W inter Beehive Astra, 1 oz. bail 55C Patons Baby Sayelle, 1 oz. bail - 70e Patons Double Double Knltting, 2 oz. bal.- 95e Patens Cauadîana Fingering, 1o. bail - 65e S l o tn e 2 oz ball -79e T 4 1

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