ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY~, 'WUARY 3rd, 1971 Sports Mos Oîonohockeytcm ar now ap)pe& hing the trewe tchey wd'i 1entcr-i'n-g the play- do-wlu àiBo tli ana Us N lldet- ave tP i r s e l 0t1o thep4-yd-wnroulcte i te MAF ~seie-. Ielocald Midget tcao xsnl-1 fwc P'icering M ing-sl m7hat Éi t to be,-ilie hesi ORONO TIMIES soId cut Middleton's Confectionery Stutt's Pharmacy Reid's Grocery, Kirhy of,) bîie gaine-s. TheBnaw x p)ýCË t tieýir plaatii orn the current NemiusasVl and Picker¶ng ser'es. loigrusae xetd to hriaive filie fr seri-es coiplet- ed wihI -b axtwo week,.. 'l'le Orono Atoms; an-d Pecees mw o liitplaýY joa local league are eu-reîîllifiCtg d-owAn toi) poiin.'Plie PeeWees iii a re- ile tencf hwith a .5-3 ictory. Jerry o-riona-id JohCornish bat îitte t-c>go-isfor 01rono, w-i u ufl yNccky VcnSegg- <lei.lh-e Neoa- il e goa]Ls hy Jeff 1Pla ,dû in. The OrAcioiA-tomsdrew a tic ville iini h ouig Hnokwan thc spark foi- tht' loci -,(.boYS net- -tmg tlîree ofOoo' four goals. The other was by David Hutton Oroiio a,ý,zîsfs wenlt to Bon Tais,1- na2, Ta-ni Guistar, Scott West, OwenJn-tn arîd Glirles Quan- Satiîrd a-ythe Orolno Atoms met lhie Port Hope Ali.-Shais and came up agadnst saome stron-g op- poion, tle defeatcd 7-1. Scott West scored tlu ane Orono goal MmID SEASON S;PECI'AL WITH THE PURCHASE OF EACH '71 SKIROULELIT) FREE $100.00 worth of Accessorles 1 SUIT, 1 PAIR OF BOOTS, 1 HELMET, 1 PAIR 0F GLOVES '71 SKIROULE -16 IH.P. .... $63500 '71 SKIROULE- 20',H.P. . $700.00 '71 SKLROULE - S3M0...$825.00 '71 SKIROULr, - 24 H.P. . $ 765.00 '71 SKWROULE - 28 RP. .$825.00 '71 SKIROULE - 15"' Track 35ll~,pr-jced .... $950.00 '71SKIt~UE 19" Track 3HP.pried -.... $1025.00 R.R.2,-ORONO, ONT. HIGHWAY 115 and 35 asisIed by Owven Johaston. ORONO TVKES WIN Wayne MeLean lcý-ad the, Orono TyS tor, a 2-1 vkitory ovtr Bûw- main ui'Il-ewie hecored t1ie two Or.ono Lgo-as.Iluis w kalong \with gaal tending by Itiehtard Robin- son lead the wacy for the Vitory 'nie Bowinanvifle gmil was by VOU HAVE SEEN IT ON TV Once parbicui-wcar enmeixeial on TV ffi-aniffl iers turnin-g g-mer- tjacijts in mjd&air. Somne of the youmgi' sports Out at the OýSh1iawa kiClu1b on, Sundray vere iuto the acit doing their ar.aie.Iuutto the air, they went, ten to twelve feet above tihe groun- to fHP cver an-d p-bp into a three,-to four foot snow ba-nk. Tlihe good aId days ,were neyer Iïke thufs. 0 P.?. Repoart Newcastle I)etacbiment 08-11 Thle Newvcastle 1)tachcment *of IJý h-e OntaDo Proviinc<ial police froîn January l7th, ta J.,nntiary 23, 1971 iivestigaled 23 mnotor ve- lîsdci collisons duwhich 5 pers- ons reccived persomial -njupcc'sý, j.îd3a a reýýult 8 persaons were ehar'cd wi h taffi' -ffences in On,1Tdîurday eeigof Je- taryn 21, 1971 an Osiîow'a r ýstident receivcd 'a broken leg and lacer-. niios -ftertiis sowmobdie trav- elled over a Mtirty fv,,t ci0 f n -ci- fi t i 1liilb il 1 - 'file q ceprts ut emoiuu dlinei ccin'a o .-ac3 erc t ic drîving eompii'its- TWco persý q-c iqo ffnea-n-cl one persondhrgd wh Imaed or-befcîre mviu u r pîn rk' ed pcc-loru Ois irth sure Üta-I sncb oye-entcaai 1w made1iïn safety. if -a-1vy ûtbcr veh bide inray be qaf-(feMted y your titi utie, the 1Ighî Traf fie Act prou-ide apntyuon con- viclicin (4 (p lu $100-00. T)RIVING TIP:. mCiI on roxide Pois4ouiiig"7 Wýii 1 t ei s'ultnd gi-imiie on tht' r'oad -, c cq bkly deteri-orates peiticle exqra-tis t systeilis, cauisng exrciu5 e'fn;ii-iuto ceep iota the pass- enc'conipa-trtmetit of a eicle Oabfu on-oxide is an odourless ga-i and na-tnot easily cbe dctccted. fý,,cii yea-r ma-ny pe-opé are over- eourne hy tItis deadiy gais. To safe- ga'dyoît arîd y oi.ir passe5(n-gers1 froýn -ni Crbon Moo xi de podisoning <-oi-ie hiites or so, aid qictk- ly re-oaceany worn or dlefectve o he t i,,enîparts. No0W on--Display At Clark. Library ýlUi-. Bi y hicisoh io-no lias on clpaya thie C1arke Lilyrory Ihi sWc-ek an-d a portion of nx weok, a ntîiniber d eetoso li-i>l)I t cgr'-cuphly vvuu' . i il- i; i -; c a <'i'ii'- of lito 'tp y Up And Down The B.ok Stocks Thuiirsdaýy, Febrpary 4th, 1971 The F.L.Q, Seven Ye4ars of Tel'- rorism by Theý Maiit-rcaRI Stiar. Apollo On The MoDon by Henry S. F. C ooper Jr. 21efi Sea For Breakfast hy Igt-aan Beelvwitch The, Yelow Goýld of Tiryms by Helen, Osborne (a novel of ro- mance- andi swpense Ma-ke Up For The Toff by John Craise~y Thle Upfld Witch hy Josephine Bel- Beyind The Sound of GuMn by E.miJ.t Loring Begiinniiàýg Soience wiIh, Mr. Wiz- ard "LIGII"' y Don Herbert aind Ily Ruchlds Cesar Choyez (a 'B4ography) by RutVh Francliere Pipkcin by S. F-orst Danccimg Princess by Jean Roth- welui Easy Reading and Picture Books Grant C. Wade Insurance Aec GENERAL INSURANCE Newtonville, Ontario Telephone 786-9,921 BEI'TER 7 W,:YS Visit Our Showroom Friendly Sales, Service and Parts PONTYPOOL, ONT. Telephone 983-5161 iG0 M Callyour Iicensed Plumbin8 & Mechanical Contractor Who selis, ita ils and guarantees CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATIlN'G ROUY THOMPSON Orono, Onitaio phone 983-5159 Ail Carpentry Work Kithen Cupbe)ards b"e bild fronttthe foundation Up. Friend Around the World b'y H1elen ])<>s Unky Brothers. Detetives by J'ames Lawrence Curious Georgt by Hl. A. Rey Ape - in a Oapc by FÉ, tz P:,ieen- berg. Ol'ga Rea-uchamp TOTAL ECLIPSE 0F IOON FEBRUARY 9-10, 1971 (Continued from page 3) is ref-rated througtc thie atmos- phere of Fthc eartih an-d fai-ntly îl- ]umnitnateýs the eelcipsed> moon. Staff at Flic McLaù-glii Pan- etariiîn sIate that no speoiai equàpioent Ès m-eedcd Ico enjoy the junr eclfjpse. However, they do suggest tiat binoculars or a smiai I elescope wM lc enhance the oppor- tunty of seeîng li r eS«mîr anad moinýtadliojs are-as diseippeair withhi-n the shadow and reappea afew ,ho(urs later. Thiose who wisýh to receive a dignam of the, 9bagesih thVe km.- ar ec-ili se nioy write for one to (Che Mobaugfdn P1anetacriumu IRoynal Ontaio 1VLté1, 100 Queeni's Park, Toronto, Onýta-rito. Elmer's G rg TEXACO SERVICE iMill St. North, Orono Phione 983-5130 ARCIC(A SNOWMOBILES SALES' and SERVICE Donald Cathicart R.R. 1, Kendal, Ontarbo Phone 983-5671 s NOWPLOWING DRIVEWAYS to SHOPPING PLAZAS -24 Hour Service- Season and Hourly Rates Phone 983-51197 D, ROGERSON ORONO, ONTAIO ANTIQUEâ WE BUY AND SKLL ,OidGIM.China, Plue Articles Teya and OdUitlee IF IT'S OLD ... CALL US jWE PAY CASH Phone 623-5à4?. alter 6 p.m. DX SERVICE STATION High-way 35 and 115, just nerth of Newcastle Featurig: Premium Quality Products A, The Most Reasonable Prices Any quantity per gai. Steve Ou ,oun20.0 Phone 987-4215