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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Feb 1971, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,_WEDNESDAY,_FEBRUARYlOth, 1971 Ores. BoVh ti.eianbamsandI t gets take ta the p]ayoff ti weeek, Tihe Mdigets openec i m4ttti Pickerin-g an" evening ai tthe Orono Are Oru'o B'anbamn triavel ta âaig on ThurAday niht,ans Do the Donno Arena onl Fr t.nig ta play the secan witib Piekeriagl,-. The P Bnains defeatei ýdNewca. two stïaight garnes, 10- The rSo oBan-tain5la .gWnieFniday i*bV were- otI by a score of 53 by E vilhhe. Kedth Powell scored the Orono goals assiisUlng tilrd rwls&h went to Jin an. Assutbs went ta Jwm]1 Larry Wat4,qan, Riclizid antI Steve Allen. MIDGETS LOSE BY ONE The Orono kMicget lost twa in a close feature Fr enitag by a 4-3 score. Roat er, Steve Cab and RandI brook shered in the Oro wiith ,asi5ta Ra'b RobËin. Winter, Warren J Nui4co DeJange andI Rob1 Lkarry Luain played a gox Js goal for thc local crewv. PEEWEE WINS The Orono PeeWeesi 43 vietory over Newcalqthe day aight in Orono. Jeri s1#on, Nqicky Van Segglen tor Buoots were the scoan for Orono wth asisiÈus s hardworki-ng John Corniu lalterton and Barry W loiýcal club -mas certaàn-ly eM I-n their vwiun by thefi BMlan Brandit, who only t started ta play hockey. The Newcastle goals Jie(f Bugden, Jerry War ant IJelfBugdeun. TYKES TAKE VICTORY Thse Qrano Tykes witÉ fromn Terry Heciges, Bobi and' Peter Phdlhps defea BpwnsanvilIe Tykes M~. iir and RoËS sStult aISSLtâ vbtory.1 Clarke High School by Katdhy Morrow, The Student Co>uridi was proud tahave the "Theatre Aquarjus" group ft'osn Ottawa perfarin on the Mid' the -Clarke stage on Mondlay Jan. iiasil this 20. The growp preseinted ten mui- 1a Ser- ute iselecitùions whch range c froin Tueuday a mectiev'al church scene andi "Dr. 'ne- The Faustus" to the last, seene of Os- Picker- car Wlde's "Salame", .a Giilbert d return aii Sullivan operetitia \and John idiay ev- Leffmon's "2Oh, is a -lovely war."p LU gaine IIýcilering Ilowcvcr, thlroughout the per- stIe i farmnane students, seemeci Vo get and ,9-31 quite resiless andcI ound ih noes- a game sary ta beave tihe auditorium. def«at- Several returned anci agan seemà- Bowman,- cd ta think t'hey haci ta leave. A 1tiwo of few -were rebukoci by tteachers Son tac but the overali student behavilour iBreinn- was, nas ane stbaff nember put Mt. B3remian, "digael" Robertis Clubs- ta O'hl Katlhy Lovekin, student direct- ridjay ev- or of the plîay "Salomie", nameci bin Wn- tli-e cast anci crew atiua draina [y Eastaý- club meeting on February 4. MT. mo sclr- Taylor, of the English dept., will Ruý,S,1e, bc thc staff 'advisor; Karen Stec, lohnm4on, piioôucer; Glenda Tennaüt, stage RuîsLzeILl manager; Eva Panta, piibicity; xld gaie fRais Lugtenburg, Mlghting; andi Ghris Hugees, sound. The entire cast a14 crew cansiltsfai four- teen andi perhaps twenty stud- edged a ents rcspectirvely'. Garai Lavekiii aon Frn- wUM take her place on the stage ,ry John- as .aome';-David Gray ias 2leroci; and Pe- Suzanne BunOtng as Hecadilas and lmg &ces Steve BrOwn, .JOkan(aan. MoSt Of godqng Vat1île cau5it amOc rrew lias haci conu&id- qh , ave erâaNe experience in draima bath est. The an andi off stage, thums giving support- lfarke a good entry in the Ga- [r goalije, bourrg Draima FeEtlival in ÜVarch. tihs eir Congratulations tO Heathler Iloar wfrmSc strikiing caver desigfl were by won her a recorýd vaucher as firsi inamaker pri*,e i-n lihe Yearbaok's Gaver Conteist. %Rodmey Payne andi Ruth Chat er, bath in level aone, -wn second a-ad theirdfor liheir cnt- th goals ries. ,y Myles ted the The yeaî book planec its eav- D. Mla- er andI encisieets at a meeting on nin lithe Mondlay, Janta'ry 30 iand MadIe further plans to condut a Used AlumImum, 20 ft. Push :Up 44J shoots of Assorted Reg. $29-95 sct ia better eiample, tisat sdnce students would tirnid tthey couidn't have everyd1iig tihedir own waiy outsilde of scho1, tiey shoud be made lia sit ini the gyüi for a Be your own painter with this comiplete set short while. Few sUaff membe- miade suggestions, -but bath stuii- ent and teacliers reafize that, thâs s la prahlein andi croates uni- necessiary frfictibn. ON SALE Regular price $3.49 ubhesetRouler, Brush & Panr upto4oOFF lleavy Swedish Steel Fire Screen $3 9.00 Regular price was $56,00 Do o u,,r S MWOHOGANY à3ix8'oe' ea. Itoid $9.50 METAL eachk Bllold $6.q5S lauterl er D oors No. 1 FIR 1 /% inch No. 1 PINE 1 Y inch No. 1 RIEBON STRIPE1" L AD DER s 36 foot WOOD Reg. $59.95 $198 i -~ PREINIHEDPLAKTN E x8 Sheets. 4x8 Sheets, 4x7 Sheets Dirceh PanflIng 6.5 No1 9x9 size Go d olurs Vi>' Asbestas, 080 guage Floor Tue, each bc No. 1 12x12 Vinyl Asbestas .080 guage 15e NEW (No trouble for anyone to lay) Reg. .35C. Peel U .i,eïek" a. 26e Regular Grade LURAN ' Floor C , vering 495 Regular price $7,95 sq. yard Seconds and discon-inued colours Regular $ZUO5 ARDORITE, 4xS sheet $1200 Soe 9flc ~ctre n Orono Fuel & Lumber ORON, ONARIOPHONE 983-9167 buok sale. Spor ts- The Clarke Blue Raiders won ,anotheir gaine last week in basket- bail taction. The final score agadiws Oshawa CathoiEt was 84-61. Penheps one eiightih of the stu- denat body p1ans to go s ving at the Oshawa Ski Club oxn Wedneis- day, Felbruiary 10.,This is the sec- ondi time lihat Ithey have esjoyeci sueh an 'atvity oend judigg froni tihe approvial that àt bas met, they wdM go a fow nmre âmres before the sli seàsofl la ovier. Last Word- Stiidents were asked lihs wee'k hfthey hiad' any type ýf«olution to larke's auItorium p>rfleni. Many 1bought thiat students shouid be given the choice of attendllng an actffviy thiat "ýreqmured" ,slttinýg in the gym for en hbur end a biaf. They. febt that since ofniy one thilrd of the staff at- teided the perornmnce put on bv tle h'etiiare eroun. thalt Ithey also slhioud be aaliowed thait saine pnMIvege. Olfihers saff that the schoal hîd nbth'ing to "scare" the students; muS3t agre*ed on tîhis, saying thiat under the new ýsvýfiem ids hai a new freedom ' tant they couldn't or wold'tacept wdith total matunhv. A f ew of tfhe ýsenior students said ithat the staff shouId DpouglasJ. Barber and Mervyn'B. Kelly are pleased to anmounce that they have become assoctated in the practi ce of law under the finm name of BARBER and KIELLY 28 KING STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Telephone 623-4444, Effective Immediately Extension $39.95 Township of Clarke First, Instalment of Taxes, due March 1, 1971 Payable at the branch offices of the Canadian Im- peril Bank of Commer'ce at Orono or Newcastle. Tax bils will ho mailed within a week. H. DeWith, Clerk, Townshp of Clarke, Oronb, Ontario. GRADE 'A' LARGE* EGGS WHITEý - FARM FRESH Graded and packed in the iiew pillow post carton by Orchard Farm. Glen Rae eggs don't go te Toronto and back again to be graded. Price effective 3 Feb. 8 to 13 3 doz. for $1,.00 FROM VOUR LOCAL DRIVER or the FOLLOWING STORES Middleton's Confectionary Reid's Generai Store Orono Kirby Bradley's Store Kuzenko's General Store Vizinos Grocery Kendal' Pontypool QRONO, ONTARIO

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