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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Feb 1971, p. 1

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Orono TOLUME 35, NUMBER 8 Weekly ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAI T 0 mes Mster 0f ýY FEBRUARY 17th, 1971 Or oLdg Poo 0r RoadiCod*1t ions Cause OronoAcdes Poor road conditions on Mill St 'reet, Or-ono, caused two accid- ents ]ast Thursýdày. Icy shoulders iade l im; osieat some sec- tors for . ehicles -to travel to the 'ie o)f the rlOad without Swerv- ing. The centre od the toad was down vn!ile icv rîdes *deeloped near each ofd n the rend whch weresixinchs aovethe centre car drliven bJv Mr KenP il 3,1, suf- fcreishck ,xii his car wes in coison'wth Chattferton Electric panel truck dive n Iy Mr. P. Cow- an. M-. Oowan No suffered some m-inoir injuries 'vith daqnage to the truck esVlmeted at $600.00. Two o ther vehicles siideswipc d reatth other with minor damage. ShlortIy after the ýaccidents the Tocwnshdp reýpIoWed the road eIinniating 1the 1ev shoulders. Proposai For Region Djue February l9th Final regional government rec- oýmilencations wil1 13e presented to t'he Oshawa Area Plan!nling and flevelopmnent Study-, Feli 19, by ýrnsultant Donald Paterson. Mr. Pýatereon's report, based on previnus researel ixam the Octob- er muicIpl hearings will deal wýithi major issýues of local bound- ailes anidne region repre-,ent- In a letter to OAPADS mem- bers, thle study's exectÀve auann- istrator R. E. SÈms -said l~oal nmunicipaI heads, who. do not st en the study's committees, wl be invited to the meeting, "b-e- cause of the Importance ani po- tentai ciffect of thie reconnicuda- ticons -" Eaeh muniuiipaLity wiBi ako b-e able to send an addftionial senior staff member. The meeting w4tàl be at 9:30 a m nin court room Que of the Ointario Couuty ,admindistration budiding, Whutby. Skiýeing Plune For Kirby A-,rea Cross-emntry skiding, anu aetiv- ity- that conibnes exercise with a love of nature, is; maklng a Corne buek in Oshaiwa Osdiiawsn Ski Club ait Kirby will hold a clinic Sundiay at 1:30 p.m te introduce the sport Vo inter: estesi people. 1 àans at the moment call for rails thVoÉugh the 15,000 acres of forest timo milles east of the club. IV is stiiict-iy a recreiationsab pur- suit at the moment, not competi- ive. 'Tlie i-casons for the growiing intcrest in cross-country toumînàg include the luw Cost ni equip- meut and the fact s4diers don't have Vo malt in tow bines 'or pay tow fees. They a-sn have full use nf the club housp. A crcs-country skier eau- 'be outfliitted for appi-oximately $80. 'Plie cost includes skiis, pobes, dbindings. Ivan Richardsà of the 'Oshawa Skli Club said that the Ottawa clu-b lad a meanbersihip of 11,000 skiers and apprmimucly 2,000 of thean were cross-country devotees who tourcd the Gatineau Hills He said thc sport is n,in-g luý po'pulaity se mnpfidly tînt lunfve_ years there eouid 1be 2,000 ci-os- country Mers lu Osliaifsa as wel. Ile qajd tic country nround theI Kibysite fends îtselfpeecl t n titc prit.- "A pérson needs a coupbe of bessons," lie snid, 'but almost anyon-e can do it. Proper waxing is une of the major items lu the instruction." flihards gnid, it is hoped that goverument aPProval eau 13e ob- tanued for the construction of bar becues and shelters aiong. the routff where the skiers could stop for meals and i-est. Competiti-ve skiers could 13e found fi-ou thlose vàho ta-ke up the sport -as a recre'ation. A num- ber of cross-country events are h-ed aci-ossa the province eacli winter. mîan h-a-s lest lis bld fer another termn as- executive cnmmittec ýhairman Of tlic Oshawa Areia Plannking end Development study. Walter Beath, chaimnian of the Centrai Ontiarilo Jo9int Pbanning Board, defeateil the mayor lu an 11-10 exe.cutive committee vote Wednesday Five members were ahbsent. The c[b a-in)ramshbp, which May- or Newman ha-s hcld since its crýeý àticu tso years agio, ih sthie key po- iJtion on the regional govern- mient study. 'lie new cîhoiýirman l aid alter W.,. election liecocn,idered biis principal goal te 13e netin-partisan ]\lj. Beatli admîl(ited his edct- juil may htlaxe revea(led a splt in the study, but added -e diýd net forcsee a permnent splht cri- dangcrii&g regienat government. "1f it (a split) dinies c.ecur," lie 5iaiýd, "I illi have failed as chai- inan." Ilîr. Braihsaul dil vi as neccssary te cre-ctethe O I .,.5aaccntrcd rg- 1011ý "fa-st. . hI)i-t not tee fat." H1e gaid a regiai governiment coisid no e le.ucsfh formed 'ui.nie1s we have a consensus that is practîcai and extensive." A crucial test for airca con- sessis enxpectud to comne Feb. 15, wlien t-be exectîve comit- tec wll meet to recelve the final régional goverument reco-Smc-lend- aions from principal consultant Dona, ld Paterson. lu addition Vo the chia irman and vice-oliarman, three mem- becs were cbected to the execut- ive sutb-cemiittee - Mayor -'Me-" Nefly, Ontasrio Oouaty Wardein ýottn Williams (ree've of Picker- ing Township), and,-Reeve W. 1. 'iho-ias,.-representing the United Couatiies of Northuimberland- Dburhami. At the January meeting of the OilanoD M(a ,onîc Locige, Woýr. Bro. Hlarold A. Heard was installed Master of the Loidgie . The in.stal- lation wns conducted by the Past Masters of Orono Lodgei with Bro. Chasi. 'Irim as conductingi Master. Oqiher officers installed were: 1mmediiate Past Master - Wor. Bro. W. B(ailey 1Senior Warden -Wlir Bro. F. Nilchoilgon Junior Warden- Bro. J. Fonk Senior Deacon Bro. K. Seolen- maker junior Deacon Bro. R. Batten Iniýer 'Guard - Bro. D. Devolin Senior Steward Biro V. Wil- son Junior Steward- Bro. M. Kâast Jr. Tyler - Wor. Bro. R. Winter Chiaplain- Wor. Bro,. H Miii- son Secretary Rt. Wor, Bro. H. Duviali Troa-inrer- V. Wor. Bro C. Billings D. of C. - Weýr. Bro. C. Trim. It may take until the 'end of the week before ail ronds in the areia are cheared of snow ani pas- sable for traffdic. Iligli winds andl snow on ýSaturday evening plug- ged niost rondi in the ai-cia and scores of traveilers b-ad to vacate ib(utmobilesz which vwere soon tiovel,ýed nnd .hiddeu in decp snow banks. It ls reportesi that suowmobiles are passing over the top of cars unaware of their em'istance. Sun- day mlornlng lt was rep4rted that most east-west roeds were block- ed and thils included the Sixth line, Ith, 8th and even the Taunt- on Road to Oshawn. The six Townshlp plows have been busy eleardng the roads aud the asoistance of buiîdiozers lias lad to b1e called in to help cleaar the sixth 'ine. Ou.-way traffic ils reported iu ma.ny instances Wor. Bro. Harold A. Heard, A NEW ROLL Tile disused 0anadian Pacifie Rai1wvay station on Peter Street, Port Hope, wCll take on a new lease of Mie next month as Port Hope's bus terminaI . Micohael Alyward, bu(A-ding'and apartmen1t owner, lias signed a three yý7ear eage with CPR for jihe builing and h-as completed. nege- litoswdth three bus compoanIies Voyager, Codonplal and Travel- ways to operate.the terminal. whlere tihe rd, ihave been open- ed and thi(s incluides the Taunton lkad. Twelve and fihfteen foot drifts arc reported. With n January tha)w the snow banlçs have built up over the winter and Saturday n-glit fýilled Pýi the -cuts ith n place te pult We snow- The CItaike Higis Schol report- ed some 115 atbsent ou Monday and the Orono United Oburch congregation was dowu to fifty- five on Sunday. ,Suniday was reserved for those tiho oould ýwaik to chureh or for those Wiho own a snowmobile. The dey wns brdght and clear but with few plaes to go. The Osha-wa Skî (74ub was foi-ced to close -as the seventh ine was biocived with snow with- no hope of being -op-. ened op Sunday. Moigtfiain arteries are now open for traffic. Suggest $1 Million To Repair Victoria Hall It would need about $1,00,000 Vo restore the Vctoria THad, Co- bourg, iwhuieh, according Vo a re- port te town eouncei1 recently, is aidldwiith rot andi hais seveinal cracks slowidng in soine of the ouiter wnlfbs. The report indicated that there were many defiýcienciies in the Floor joists supporting the ,,round floor have extensive rot at thie penlimeter of t'he building, and aithoitugili they have beeýn -ihor-ed uip, the. rot lias not been cilt Out. Bail cacks hve appenred .Al tHe etro ls especlally on thc souhstl w_\VI' àing -The northi undr west wîall]s, betwueen the third and fut losso igsof an utwrdmov'emenit of uip to tl nh vîl te j o 1 -- ap!pear, 1 lorin wut at of thebudi. Tilie con Js pliants, cr andC Wa'Il a ce eineering fees C. D). Carrtli es timitetd that to de.terniiine the exact condition of the build- ing would 13e iu the regiion of 10 te 15 thousand dollars. -This inwesigatdou would equire some lontrnotinig, and tie estimnated cost would range froan 15 to 301 and dollars. also work lie-ie thous- They say that lWitbongh there is extensive rot they feel it has not rechles the stage wliere thiere, is a dianger of t-le floors collapsIng. - Bnsedl on theýir expeir cuce with St.Laxre Hall, where extens- ive restoratidion work vas don-c, theY-rie nf the opinion that a to- tal î-',>oration nf the Cnbourg hall woi-id le in the regii.lon of 'Plie Victoria Hl totek four a(i- te bî'ild -iid -i oc I S p xbe 7, 1 30 lvVePic 1 7 0's -The Evcndn-g Guvide Activities at t,,lie Clarke BHigli .Selnol on Monday evening i-e- vert frein the usual day-time classes ite that cf Badminton in the gy ind icallier-craft lu one cf tic cla5sî eins. The csicr-caftclasses, con- ducledliyh e Ja e !aist, unde(1ý-r ti a teo f t4ic sehodi u-ýýiht clasi progri , li-sbeen acive, 1c,4te 1-r[y falîl and wilb o kneunll ai iendthbe end cf Ma'ârtil. The elass lias man enirol- S -n uof severiteen ai ut wecekiy at the eo. TÙiPLiermspr-oiuceddu the lai hvea wîidfe range from beits, iiature saddles seat cov i pur-esbillfldsad many ohr ware toc]ing thc designi by hanil icpiithe leathier te n greater- dep .iV ppears that tie desgu iis tooled cIrter tlie lcather lias beenweed 5uch lk ca cPae open to every- cmid at tihe b onig f tic term. Thle teinpo ws omw .aivliier lan the gym i h i a iawatgroup enaeiith p t c h-lmin- ton. Tins, acityLa dubeen on blie - ý-,'î f),n 1ste in 'the faIl arA is ie:1d we,-kly on Mou- day everng For tho- sigtOtkepr iii an ar ive sport badmuinton couid wý Ellf1ý11 the 13h,11 TonsipAn Cunfty Ronds,

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