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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Feb 1971, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES_ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17thi, 19'71 Maokiog A Business, 0f L'ivinig From anmessage by Rav. Basil Long A few yenr.s ago, drivin'g an aut- -c)molyle wa's a very pleasuurabie exper-ence. One couid 'almnoqt take the old soLlg tite, "D 'fti ng omd Drcamring" as a way od navtr- gatng the streets and thea hl- wiys. iMany naotorists got away wit efecti,ýve equc'pmenrt, poor Eigbt4ing, uncertain brakes andi eteerlug. notiher fact f*idi made prvn asier was that there were -onfly a few cars on tihe zoad .and whcn pa'sung occrred it was only on tthe one side. But dr'lvî'ng las ch'anged. 'Uule'ss one is going to make a bui.ýness of it by le'rndiing h'ow te dve proper- ly, uisinig thie best equftxnent and in thle poossejulen of good reflex- es, iît jus only 9.asing for trouble tu try sand navigate thbe busy thorougiafares. Llfe ias changcd toa! Thbere is more traffie on the ronad of Mie, more '1hazardus and more fatialies. "Dnliftun'g and dreenmdag" only leads to ineffetuve ïÉving a'nd tie trilouble, t breeds.,We need to !inatke a buiness cf Lrving. Our social structure aýssures most ouf us the things necessary for 'a çsimple astari but our chal- lenge la te get beyoad these thiags to the deeper secrets of aneaningful 'and auuceeuuiliving. We oaa be re&ýonably sure of go'od ýnutritioan as fear a&s food i!s concetned, good education as far as teehhaidal kuýow wlio 1,3 conçen- ed anld of good treretronal facil- ities lirougli wh'i h to seey iproper deveopment )and growtli cf body, but the deeper jioys, Ibenetits, and blegsigs iare net the Mmnd cf tlhang ubuiehlcan ba Vrust upon Lore, ago, 'ene who lvd ieto the ýfuiluest anld made acetbu lion to mankind whiclh bas been m Atce by nro other said, "sek en'd ye shal find, knock aand the ,door shahllie opened" In sto say- ing lie net only' made reference to,1f e in general but -te the devel- copurent, cf, thfe spfirtual life jr particular. 'any 'would, and do deny that which they, have nol exppered thetaiselves. Mn cthrs're,(asfied< with a form of religion, ibut witlhout power. po'wer tr, live isà the renar.d, ol thuse whe hav-' -e the desire tc s-eek 'aîsd te seek dhEigently witul apprec&iatien for finer things. A tiinvller, wandering amonlg- .,nm shop., in a foreign city, lookod at some o1gtfts 1 chJcli were sprend oul on the tpibi]e For ail te see. Wlen however, lie inqured of the s'hoi 'keepercnerI g s'orne speciea ihing, 'be iras akeabaick toena otiher rocua whre t-a s -'op keep okeiemr e cos'tly gift: The~ we net~pradout foi the assul c ppar ey werE It ecs: ha JeuswaJs Point pre'aud l m~e area bine thnihr uw be a keen desir( Anohc iportant factori maiga business ocf liviýng bha flaving clear violon. Moi o)f us love heen seated in unanin om-iobUlo when the windows wer o1- p hecause cf the cel terpertuleand have seen t], winiwsfog up v7th eteam frai or own brieath If nuch ta cond fien were t e3àxsi wihile driqin grea noni j(oývenîieflce, straiui an rskof acýcident weldbe the'r ,uit. it is 'lttle tuse te tbake clofli or kneenox( and clean tl wido r wnshe The ce guiclance.,of the church ils the picysýcian of .society. Values be- corne twisted and cotorted when entireiy in the custody of thbose cforces or agencies whàch ,are ,seQüular. It oaa, only be so be- cause judgments are infliueneed by prestige a'nd proftit. Clear vis- don is nagnàlfied en.d multiplîed Mien ail aspects of ilife are relat- cd to the creator'of life. Anotiier vlue ia the art of maliing a býus- i ne as of Mliing ils to realize tihat the wndows of our understand- ing get all steamed up unless we will open our Iidves to the fresh air of new thinking, so that faith s a living, gro'wing t'hiag rather than an aged, twfised and driedup relie. We may feel- that ftils 4cos- der and warmer with the cool resb air shujt out, but bbiat con- éition is more dangerous, unhl]thy and fllcd uith Strain. As Ohirstian people we need to lay 'asýide our fears and let in the fresh air of God's present truth. As we penetrate into the deep- er thdngs of life, and as we'devel- op our vIsion meany of the profits and blessings of the depili exper- jence will lie ours. mamý year.s aga ýwhenr Edward the Seventh 'w'as crowned king of the qritis'h Emf- pre, nobables from tail1 over the world iattended the splendid af- faïr. Afred Dcîakiin, prime min- kster of New Zeaiand, xvas one of the h'onoured guests. When lie re- turned homie, ho Was asked by new'smen what ha'd tmpr.essed hlm amost aliput !the coronatrien.Ilie sidth)at one night ho was return- ffng to bis hotel and Ipa3-sed by a d'ark alley in a sl'urn sectiion of odo.There 'lie saw a little boy about eleven years oid cÀttdng on a deorstep with his arm a- rovnùd a uitie girl cf about slx years. lit was late and cold and Stars writh "Persona'lity Plus" frorn the "Pwg 'andWitle" trans- forrned the Roywl C'anadi'an Le-- ion temporari'ly into a traditional BriUsh Pu'b, Saturday evenIng waes 'a. night lanvhieli memories hldthewiinnàinîg Giand. Renain- isces of tihe Biutz, Dove<, Berkloy Square, authentie English scenes oombbinod wiptih la cap'aoity crowd fror whicl e'aeh >guest appeared to become ua 'par-t of the show 14 n.ot physically but emetonally turned the evening into an unfor- getable Auf Wiedersehn. There wa's a spoLltianeous eeci- i ng bctween the iperformors and the audience from the opening numiber tetihe Dinal finalé. Theo Ken Stanley Trio 'aecented hy Lyîn Shaw who seems to be one of those indfi'd'uals wh'o las everytuhing going for lier- a vîiv- Cic boy had draped hWisjacket arlound the litile girl's sbouiders, and h'ad put fi'is cap over her bare fet. That was the sight w'hich Imcd &mpre'ssed lu"rn st ai the coronatiýon. In iail of the pomp land paeitry of the coronation h,ïs eyes bcad been -opened to a gre',ter fbuman drarea. Thle uder- ldi;coneern and conridera- tion of l'IlehMile boy gave hma .inight &t, e f tat the .coron- a on(ul net, for there were Ihe two ebi ,ldren in the midst of poverty and need expresmiing and expeeniceing life's nuest reward- mg expression, devotion. Ha eviho i'ecki 'l find, but to the I la God's- great treasures are not reve'ajled It pays to nvake 'a reanl busness of Euviing. a eousapparacean outstand- ing p ersonality, ~a eaptâtatng vikce andia for w'hom the ap- plause wnrs endesÈ. Antlia Scott, a .typëoal ,BriÜsh performer W'ho knew an enddless niumber ýof 'ways to 'attract and hffld the 'attention of. an enthus- ia4ie audience. Qh'ais. Kent was o ne of tiiose peuple who exes not Only as an Mc.C and an entertaltner, but el- so as an qrnmjIator whtceh left no doubt in anyone's mimd. Chas had a repertoiire which would sel- dom, ff ever, be surpassef 'by live entertainmenft. Hu1gli Hagen and Dave Armour the ýshow"s comedient belped to keep the performance ýon an 'ar- iusin'g, lîight key wit'h maniy appi-- caible 'anecdotes. Incýidentaýliy, Dave Armour will soon be emi barkidng -on a Britishi tour., Once tihe performance *was fin- ished the Ken ýSt'anley Trio ably ar_-s'sted by Lynn Sh'aw brought the evening bto a close with an hour of dancing. Several "Thank You's" iare In order; Oharles Smfth efficient Fish e'nd Chips service; Mr. Waite, Busllnegs Manager, Four Seàoonis Travel Agency, Tomrnte, To alll thoqe from bhe Pîig end Whéstle 'who provided the littie. extra~s beyoind the calil -of, dity- we eypress our Th.ik You and uincerely ho-pe for a retura en- gagement very s'oon. See your Commuýiýnity College in, action February 22& 23. during Durham College's third annual Open House> Our student guides will conduct you around Yyir community college from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. See Applied Arts students producing a television show and student publications. Watch Business secretarial - students conduct a practice office. Observe Technology displays covering Chemistry and Pollution Control. Tour the college's new permanent building. See a space-age fashion show and preparations for winter carnival. Whether you're a prospective daytime or extension student, this is your opportunity to know more about our wide range of courses, Durham College is Iocated on Simcoe Street North in Oshawa, just beyond the City limits. Openi the door to your future.. .Durham CoIIeg<- 'I Townshlp et Clarke First inst aiment Payable at the branch offices of the Canadian Imperial Bankl of Comùmerce at Oronio and New- castle. Due date for payment of First Instalment is hareby extended from March 1 te Mai-ch 31, 1971. H. DeWith, Clerk, Townshp of Clarlke, Orono, Ontario. . .... ......

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