ORONO WEEKLY TIMES.- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY l7th, 1971 Septic Tank service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontarlo Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 BO YOMANS PLUBi il zAND IHEATING Z4 IHour Service New Installations - Alterations Repairs Speclalizing in IHot Water Heatlng Forced Air Heating Septie Tank Work R.R. 1 Orono 983-5624 UNITED CliiRCH- Orono Pastoral Charge Nlinister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY,. FEBRUARY 21, 1971 <CHURCH SCuIOOL - 10-00 MORNING SERVICE - 11:15 KIRBV SERVICE: 9:45 A.M. CHURCHI SCHOOL 11,00 A.M. ST. SAVIOR S ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service -, 9:30 am. Hoîy Communion- ,First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays HoIy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 The Rev. H.- Robert Hlayne, B.A., L.Th, Valeyitiae week-end, February hIe lc3tiî, l4fh rd15th ill go dowvrî in thie Kendal records «s thie wvorst in more tlùan a decade for ciosed roapds. Sorne of us remeTu-ber that the sxth Unme was bl-ocked on March 17ih 1960 -A1l schols were los- ed butt f4inally thýe rai were op- ened fi next day at, 2 p.m. su thet Mr. Blake Alexuader's fuin- eral process4on could get thiroughi at 3 p.ni. 1.0 Oronc. Ihe snowat thiat t:Nvas bdnearly up to the telephone wà)res on Satl rdiy *ait ernooni when tb" qtoirn wîa-s til.s wor'&t, signs viere lpbaeed at blL. ends af the ýixtIi and eighth concessions (Roa-tls Clused) but people con- Il iid tu use the seventih, then in th-_ evLenng the cars bedcasne stuck oni top the shâ hi-l and hialf- way up the hdill, eis of -MKet vey's. lit'%as bitterly cold sa the paisc-eiýers left the cars end came intb AilKelvey's lu phionie. At une finfie thiere were nearly 30 people. Sorne mien wiked tu their eot- Vij imÇpv Kn.r1n1 arca, got a ski- O u -id itiîrned for their sive-s ind îi 1 farcci - -eI1 -d t0 - P ý iii ýîtOne c6 ty couple spent tflic - ron;d ngIt here. 'Mr. J '¾îc)i s8k ensý of Gu elph f Cuuid d .1 g-ls 0o al the r, ai,' left, lis car at the cij'î li 1 n id -'d horri Sot- riid 'e î'îfli n On Su udsay after- 11011\i-i -nO 7h2.i -John Hlce- buto fî'fiiîr h i n e on skiisand th-ercider came in the kiOsrcturng in Jiohn' 8V' cfl; i lu he cit.y. Nicit14ier flie s'ixfsh nor. the sev etii w-c open tili fate M-nday Mvnîî.7r. A. TPhotuip:on had to go by way of Oro no and the four- t)II iiirie to get to hls fa-cm n'orth of Kondsal ýat 5 p.m. Monda-y. The chiclof course, wass elosed on Fubruàry 141h. Trs WruJerck, on receivcd a fi' ehine meLssage -from lher diaugiter Margaret who is mnr- ing in iiGlifornita, that, she was not harmud by the carthquake. ]yirs. W. Girsoii received' a eaul froin her daughte'r Amy, that lh-ey were O.K. Airýy lives just three nmiles fr om the1 big dam ttiat cracked. . L. SmtCith (Mab- el Thoynîp.ïýdn) alisosetWord that thlihad heard sevecalsurens and 1)urglar ca]as ,ringing at the fijnie but nuo rak had shown in their 1ijoime Manjy Wiho had panned f0 at- tend Valentne events were dis- appodnted. Severial of those wiao went out on their skidusïs ta view the snowbanks on Sundiay, went rigit over thetbops af bur- îid cars. Callyour Jicensed Plumbing & Mçchanical Contractor who selis, instalis and guarantees PLUMBING AND HEATING PETER BOOTS Phone 983-5796 Custom Bufit Furniture and Repair Work Specializng in LivIng Roor, Rec. Room Builti*b Bars Wood Carving Free Estimlates R.R. 2, OooOc 49.5 Inches 0f Snow Records at tire Ororno Weather Station, Departmen t of bauds a'nd Forestîs, ,sbow a snow accum- ulation for the l'ic wntvseason to February 151h amountin.g to 49.5 incihe&. Mr. Carl Kn etstates thiat there aTe tstili six weeks af 'wiinber duràtng vNhc'h bime, the accun-ia.lûon could i4ncroase con- stderably. In dhikiiug thie records over ùbe pasti fifteén yenrs, Mr. Kimi- mett fouuýd thiat 80.1 inàhes feR ini 1964-65 and iu that yeoûr 44.6 inches had accusnulated to Feb- ruary 15hh, In 1958-59 the total acculmu(baldon for ýthe whole sea- r.un aniounted to 87.3 indhes with 59 5 inches faUlin.g by the date of Fe-bruary 151!h. The ave-rage snow fl over the fiftee.n year period amounts to 54.2 inches. The 1owest snow ac- cumulation eisted in, 1961-62 wfth'a seant 23.3 inches. SNOW ACCUMULATION Orono Weather Station 1955-56 ------50.5 juches 1956--57 550O inches 1.957-58 36.2 inch-es 1958--59 87 3 iinches 1959--60 78.9 Jiches 1960--61 38.0 inches 1961-(;2---- 23.3 inches 1962--63 --- 46.9 inches 1963--64 44.1 inches 1964---65 . 80.1 inches 1965--66 52.6 iucheî j1966-- 67 57.6 inches 1967---68 51 7 inches 19G8--69 54.5 uches 1969-70 -------55.9 luches 1970-71 to date -- 49.5 inches A lbertVSTexc GENER-AL Phone 983-5249 REPAIRS ,ý Booster Banquet Cord Party end Dance Saturday, February 27 Eliminotion Draw For $100.OO Dinner in United Church at 6:30 Draw, Dance and Card Party at (>dfellow's Hall TICKETS. $5.0 Tickets available at Rolph Hardware, lMatt' s Barber Shop orany Association Member ADULT COUNSELLIÉNG. SERVICE If you want to do somethiug about yow education.. . you probably can See Your Aduit Counselloi EVERY WEDNiESýDAY EVENING 7 to 9 p.m. at ,bc Bowmaonville High, School Guidance Office, The service is free - confidential -- fnd no appointment is necessary,, See our new stock of men's casual slacks. For the younger set, bo-risc flared jeans as well as dressier slacks with flared or straight cut legs. Wider cul siack-3 for, the older man_ Stripeýe t ceds aid plain shades. Sizes 30 to -6. Another shipment of knîtting yarn by Patons and Baldwins. A good choice of colours in iCanadiaWt Sayelle, Beehve Astra and Chieftain Spedknit. Fr100 ççc to $-1.00 per bal WVallpaper Renmuants A few buadles of pre-pasted wallpaper at HLALF PRICE or WB STILL HAVE BARGAINS rN MOST WINTER WEAR REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 King tz BowmaiwdUe 623-3393 îToronto 923 -9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, courteou.s, effici- ent service when buying or gelling and for the îargest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster 983-5801 Wiiam Thransky (Kendal 983-5420 Ray Fimnie 277-2280 (Bethany) Dane Fouind 623-3965 Andy Sutch 9831-19119 .Roy Strong 52 r Il