__________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1971- Sports TYKES TIE WI'TiI BOWMANVILLE Tice Ororso Tykes on Friday Cv- "Ming f cd Bowmia'ville 2-2,at the Orono Arena. TIhe 'flrst Orono gosI vwa, scocA 'by Duane ,Major wstlsIl t 10Peter Piiijp. 'lise sýecond go;al was scored by Wayne v i Bss Stutt und d i iBob ri sua. i:ting. ORONO f)ATMMS ýA UH! T V ,(0 Pif I TEAM i'~Orono Atom!s iwho have Jnly bd onîe 9eme cAl yecar, and ti'i; iW lota Podt'ope Ail-star entry, came up with anether wn 5-2 0SiF evessCing. Thse At- oms', are no doujbt, tbe outstand- £r'gh-1,111 of be year. Thse sung plia - inlugenesral, exceellent skte-s Ç'ytheir p ! oswell; use hei beeeswiths good affect -asii have the alîy o nove the purck in fill right d.ireclf(-ion ijt thse righit tifC tîs.Hiý ai o qite e7ident that tbhey have b -en vieil coaclici. Tiscis b1its i s n diisected to uOne 'Or tlývso ip!,3aers a93 s tnoted by thse ois d assists on F ri daY if Goalcswment to Doug I{ae~c (1.slesGeetniiMatb- Qw Robi n, .I.avlid lutton and Jîim J:-oectt Asists to Scott West Matliew Bo'htnsoûn 2, Michael Mitchella'dCl rs utri. Tb- "m- on Friidoy evening vas a league kame with Bewdley sufferiusg tîhe deficiat. BANT? 'WBLANKETED IBV PICKERING Thle Orono Banitams bowed 'out of the O VillA pladowns, on Frnl- day evening when they were de- feut-'d intwo sÈaj ghit g!mes by Pickeniing. Tio 1e eenig lic e bocels were dé funai d 14-1 iii4e Friday in Orono flie defeat wvms marked at 9-0. Tihe local boys, were out-, cla-sed and proved weak defcos- ively loivirg thc goalie unpro- teclcd f iire after Minue. PEE IVEES OUT-HUSTLE BOWMANVILLE The Orono Pee Wees on Satur- day c"ig out hustleà the Bowmanvilîle Pee Wees te the tune -of 8-4. John Cermi, eue of Oren's MOSt capabâle iayars, scred three of the Oreno geais usei*t Nicky 'Van Segelen. The other'invo talles went te, Peter Boots and James Quliton. As we'1I as cllecting 'three goals, John 'Uorniih aise was creclite.d with twa assifsha bris FhuIipanother bard worker an the Oroiio tcam, picked up four assists from flic eligiit Oronio goals. Durhom Sets New Course In Moulâs, GeneeiNalMotors' of Canud(a' Ltd. icon iering the gosb'ityof nalaking plastice niuld palts at its Oshia a dvî o arding to re- B1 T Bkio ut, cru -enof thie technrIoilogy division of the »ilii.n _Cltie of Apiýled A-rtsý und l TCII, hnoogy. r'Ad4tha:t a mneetin.gIYt cnCilege and Gm Oeffc 2- 1v'be held 1b'a ko asi- ~aIgmi'sf or propose4 d,- ay- !hmep asti.cnould nmk'4çng cours- es for, GUM skled fdac.Tihe cueexpectcd h le-t iat threee onftlis3, could tart almost immed(ateb,ýl once a txchIer is3 se- dured.d Thsf I aIlat fil shool- Up And Down The BoukStocks February lg9th, 1971 Adut- Thse Tale cf Beatrix Potter by Margaret Lanc (a Bliegrapliy) Hiuman Scexualiîty by Jamens Leslie MceCary (a Marriage manuiel) A Special Providence ýby Richard Yatets (aeelaimned as one ofl the grialt novels of ýtie year) The Queen is ta tise Garyage by lEa Karp b ayJn Caurtiterclockwic'se Ward (Author Trav-elis With My 1 hem Greene cf "The Snake Aunt by Gra- Junior- Gregor Mendlel by Caria Greene (a Biogralphy) 1 L'et"is Go To A Steeil Mill by Er- ma Greene How Siimmer Came, to Canada by Elizabeth Ciciaver Magical Melons by Carol Ryrie Brink (More stýories about Caid die Woodlawn) Easy Reading and Picture Books Under A Mugbroom. by Anita Lobeli Arthur',s Artichioke býy Geoffrey Frog and 'uoad Are Friendisby Arn old Lobei Olga Beauýcbamp SALE -DISCARDS ..SALE 10e ON.L'Y IN READING BOOM NrDP Educatilon Critic To Address Guidance Teachers Walter 'Pitman, Ontarlo' New J)emocratàlc Party Deputy 'Leadei and eiduication critic wiill address. ýabout 75 teaiChers in ia Glidiance Wi.nter -Course at 7 p.,m. on Mon-< d;ay, Feibruary 15th at Gjouýrg Dil4rict Ooliegiate linstitute, 335 King East in Cobourg. The teadhers e.nrolled 'ý' the ci>ursýe are 'from ,tihe cocunlps of Noarbhumberland. Durbiim, Ontar- ib, i-s tangs iand Prlince Edward. Elected to the H,,oc,;c of Comn- mous i ;i a 1060 by-elect'bon in Peteilborotolh Wulter:PIitman lie- caime the New Partys first M.P In 1967 he tiurned to proviniali 0'â4tr nd was e'lected ias théc -'MPP ýfroru Peterborough. Mr. P*tman has Ibeen cheuirmta.n of the NTDP riucuis and was ae leadership cossd(date at tlhe reeont provinclal ronxnnfiion Hris fellow caucus mnipýhers have çvinee chosen bdm fr thec post )of Deputy Leader. Skating Tests %Id' I t Orono C.F.S.A. TESTS Cr, 'S.A. tews held PFcbruary 7 at Orono Arena ,are as follows: Preiimiina-ry Fihuro - Mar-Lou Powell FîrAt Figure - Foufi Iuan, Tracie Stutt. Swng - Mar ho Pwell,Chr .y] Watson. Jr. B3roize - Firest -IariaLowery, DMar, garet 2Moffat. Widiow - Mlaureeýn Shetler. Sr. Bronze- FourTteenLstcp Putt! - Lunn. Linda McCulough, Tracie Stutt, Merrl.,dy Wil'llass. ALEX CARRUTHERS PREDICTS JUNE ELECTION The new premier oif ntarl,1,' WVilliam Diwis, wull hiold en ealec- ïVon in June or more likely Octo- býr, saa3Ale-, Carrutîbers, MPP for Durhiam. [Comnting on Frijay's Pro- 9re-<ive Conservatifve Leiadershdp elecin.Mr. Carruthciis siaid it ",went i;!niootbu1y" aftier the first hitdeh with the voting ffiacehinms The Durham MRIP Waýs a 'coin- mitted Davis suppoarter even' be- Dora the convention started and, therid~utthe 'oVt;119procedurei3 remlaineid calmi, unlike many of t'hic province, Wvho becamie more and more ruifý1ed aîfter etcila-i the other deleigatecs from aerosis term'nable deliay. Mr. Carruthers predits thiat 41ie n0v premile-r elcfet wilil make ,seiîne 'majoir reforis' 'ie bais omeideias tihat te, me s(ound very practiýcal," lie sald. Hae belatives that Mr Davis w'11 ha sworn lu wiithàn' a week aA cdWIîI cail bhis first c-arucus mF eti,,g shiortly J after. him ;n action in rthe bouse, I prie- 'Kn!oxvinig Bill Davis and sei d'Ict thathle is goilinig te be a greait primie minister and an ouf)btànd-, img Canidêýan," ha said. Hie 1dicizcribed the new priTmer as a very capable polîtdciau, who bas the supiport cyf 90 per cent cf the mnembers in the lieuse. 'Hie us a miore forceUi speake-r th;an John Roburits, wuiflh a strong ris.ce in the hoi . t wen't be long before the people of Ontario hferz is couistandling abili- hte, ie sald.- Mr. Daviýs won the leadership eled'ion b y a 44-ýv<te majority civer Allin Lawreaee after a total cf eleven heours and four ballots. Honour Heber D.own ,Former 04balwa Fair Board pres-(ent- Stan.ley Bagg and lIcher Down were honored Wed- nesday last by the, Ontiarlo De- partment of Agriculture aiod South Ontarlo Agricuiltural Soi ety for their contributi ons to the advancement of agriculture in the Osliawa-Wbiitby area. At a testimonial dinner at the Credit Union Hall, Oehama, Ont- FREE R.R. 2, ORONO, ONT. alio South MPP Williami New- ma presented plaques from the provincial government to Mr. Down and Wiifred Pascoe, repre- senting Mr. Bagg $100:,00 worth of Accesseries HIGHWAY 115 and 35 Protection Is Our Business ALL PHASES 0F OBEDIENCE TRAINING HQUSE 0F OBEDIENCE CHAMPIONS AWARD 0F CANINE DISTINCTION »atterq oq tbm MID SEASON> SP EL WITH THE PURCHASE 0F BACIT '71 SKIROULEMLSTED 1 SUIT, 1 PAIR 0F BOOTS, 1 HEtMET, 1 PAIR 0F GLOVES '71 -SKIROULE - 16 H.P....$635.00 '71 SKIROULE - 20 Hl....$00.00 '71 SKIROUJLE SS300 .... $825.00 '71 SKIROULE- 24 HI.P....$765.00 '71 SKIROULE 28 H.P....$825.00 '71 SKIROULE - 15" racmk 35 H.P., piiced .... $950.00 '71 SKIROULE - 19" Track 35 H.P. priced .. $1025.00 PARRY'S XL'GAS BAR HAVELBERG KENNELS REG'D - CKC QUALITY GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS Guard Dogs for Sale and Rent MODERN DOG BOARDING -Fresh Frozen Dog Mat Supplies- WOLFRAM H. KLOSE R.R. No. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO TELEPHONE (416) 983-5016 (Cor. Taunton Road and Hwy. 115) ...... ......