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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Feb 1971, p. 7

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-- -, - r- --- -- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1971 W4NT ADS FOR WEDNESDAi PUILICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 J j p p I se. AoucyLj Ju âes ofe ersal and Commercial Coverar'" Offce:MinSt., Oru«mo le.983-5754 Orono, Oiitarl PAINTING CARPENTRY GENERALREAS Interior Exterior Orono's Lîiensed Auetioueer adValuaiýtor Spcalîze in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dnt4es PXIONE ORONO 9935914 Monuments and Foumil y Memoial1s Oui- quaity andisrie evs notling t. hiýe desireti II.k the persen who boýugh-t f rin au a neighbour, frienti orrelive 7h. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 72 Ontario Strnet PORT HOPE Largest dsplay ia Seuthere Ontario Bowmianwille, Ont, Phone 6M,3383 WATSON'S Markne Sand Cycle PMRINCQu"FTBOATS, Allouette Sn>w eMobiles Mecuilocl CHAIN SAWS Repaira to ail makes of Lawn Mowers andi 2 andi 4 cve ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES F PMPING OUT- MEwp.PTIC TANKS Bort Tompkin, »OU»iSOPEN: Ituesday 46: 39 Tlursday 6:2 8 -3 FdMay 8:30 - 5; 6.30 - 8:88 Satoe4&w 1:00 - U-610 a. BYAMS PlU"ýMNG and RRXATWI*J SuzQs nad Service n oiR BURSERV58ICE- GMLI'FINANCIO Low Iatercwt IEa Tyroue 283-Un5 E'ectrîce, -contraclag Ekc'tric UIeatlnf and Service PHONE 98S3-5 546 or 982-5940 Orono. Ontario Herb ndGerry Duvail ELECTrIC' HEATING ELEUFRICALAPLANE T.V. -CLORT.V. RADIO - mI-FI NESINGHOUJSE ICA ELECTROHOME GUAUIAýN EED SERVICE Service AUTO PMRE, PACKAGE POLICÇIS FIDELrry BOND LIABILfl' LW£E Pivot Irfgae Loansl Sadie Hamliton Phone 983-5115 1 t -a-.-.- Building or remodeIl1n~ 0,~ thea Floyd ~ Ph~ 803-100 g01 iow aEnt acontact Uphoistered at a speeel FOR SALE EAT APPLES FOR HEALTU Panenv, crtsp Defliciotis,laclntôsh d chairs. Show sauxPles Courtlanssend Spys. d nrice - Neý%tiùng Furniture Ltd., Orono, Phione 983-5192. a-c APPLICATIONS Apilicatî«bn-, wMil be recelved by the undýei-Àgned up untfi- Feb- rusary 28tXt 1971 for the Booth Concesion at Oronio Park nnd Park Manager, wlx4eh would lu- élude one able Vo mualnVMn pools and other park duties from ap- proikiiauMate&y May 15 to Septem- ber 15, 1971. F¶or 4nformatdion phone Aîna Cuttedi1, Oronu, -Sec- retat-y, 983-5007 or eveotings at 983-5548. b-8-c WANTED TO RENT House wanted tu rent i Orono by April, or before. Miust have bathrooni, hot runnsing water anid furnace. Adufit famlily. Apply box 500 O-rono We'ekly Times, Orono. b-8p NOTICE Kirby Centennial Séehool Eudire' Night, Februîaîy 2thi. 8 p.m. Lunch served, .75c. b-8-c IEPWANTEI) FO R EXTRA INCOME Men anr1 Woen anv ague. Part or FufIl lime. H111gbKarnlinýgs. P1eal.ant Digniified Work. Flex- iblie Houi-s. Perfect for men wth jobs ansi wtom.n witih cch.ool age ch4ldren. Tealindng provisled. For informration contact Bernie Rloi- lien, Scigog Street, Hampton, phone 263-8489. b-8-c Cali (ron-o Laildsoaping for Snowplowilg and reinovial thdis winter. Phonie 983-558. tf Wantedi Dead or Crippled FariStock PICKEI) UP PROMPTLY TeInffione C<leet 263-27U Margw-HiI ur Farin Licence fNo. 258-C--70 Ores. kit*dmag Contracter BrIek - Bleck - Concrete 1Stoeo Wrki Carientry -Cabinet Work Flooirg - Te 983-5441 RN JACK REALTOf-R 99 King St., E9. mhen Buylng or Sellihg can 'WILF PHAWKE" YOUI ORONO AIEA REPIESENTATIVE ~.11 aipecials-. % buçgfiel Cee grade Macs .95c. Deledouts, $1,50 Ilce C'ream, %/2goi., 79e FRED'S FRUIT MARKET FOR SALE Gurrev El ýLýrc(tov- In g( working9 conditi r)n. $33.00 Phone 983-5719. ood a-c NOTICE Fîliensis and acquîainhtances of Mrs. Mary Morris, pyleaise accept this initation to cal aet the, 1 ..F. Hall, Orono, on Sund-ay, Feîbruary 21st from 2 Vo 4 p.m. The occaglon« being her 8Oth Rirthâay. Beist xvshes'only. a-c ATTENTION - DOG OWNERS Quaii.ty frei-sh froýzen doig meiat (ired iimf i grounri and eut for your clinvenience, only 18 cents ýper Pound - Governmýent approv- ed. Havelberg Keneds, W. Kiose, Havelberg Kennels, W. Kiose R.R. 1, 'Orono - Tel. 983-5016 d-11-c ICE FISHING -L1AKE SIMCOE John Hales andi Sonts. Phone: code 705 437 1615. f-9-c HORTICULTIJRAL NOTICE flMebers please note that a buis 4shbeÜng chartered Vo go to the- Toronto Garden Clu(b Show aýt the RoyalOntiarlio ,Muiserum, leav4ing -the Towvn Hall at 9 a.m. on Satur- day, Mai-eh 6. Bus tickeits'- $2, miust be purothiased by Februiary 2Otb from Mrs. Jaesati op' Hfardware or Mrs. Couvier. Admiissifon Vo show - $2. b-8-c NOTICE nihe Orono Figure Skating 01lub ,announees the cancediation, of tlhir annuffi Garnivafi. This xii be rpLacdwt figure skating isia on Sundey alternoon, Marcfh Ji21-t at 2 o'clock. Eve ryone Welcoime. a-c DANCE Pontypooj Comuuýnunitfy il, Saturda.y, Februvai-y 20th. Mtusîic by Fay A'dains andfl The Country Bar pivilges. $300 per couple. Couples oily. Dancing 9:00 o 1:00 a-c Phono 98345301 Local News Gra'dei 6, 7 andi 8 of the Orono Publik S(,dqioofl travelled Vo TOron- Vo on Mfonîctay by ibus to vEkt, thé Ontaiio Siienice Centre. iCongratulatbionýs Vo Mr. and Mrs. Glmey Lyeett (n ece Mary Dean) on thýe bi[rtb of their diaufghter lin Par Hope Hospital. The funca of Mvrs. ArIniae Cavan, was hýeld in Mllbrook on Tueéday. Thfe dieceýa!sesiwas thie motiher of Mrs. Kcith Weist. Mrs'.Kéilth Treigunina lis a pa- Vient lin Meniiai HosIpâIft, Bow- nsanviile. Waibdh for a future 'anibunce- ment of tfe, nfext showânýg Vo be hetd, in Cliarke Public LibrarY. Wvoo6d'-Tarvding will be on depflg. Mhe, Orono Masoùnie banquet rSnomhais bren redecanated i i- oenrtly anCtsi son xviiibe, coniflet- ýelId. he walils have been pîaneds ';i!thý pre-finishiei paneiiing aindiin the neiar future electrie befat is Vo be installed in the room. loi 183 Pii.61M Stalloerd Brhother, WUMYY, ONTARIO Wiilliam c. Hall, B. Comm. Accoutant Phonie Newcaatle 987-420 Ail day Wednesday and Satuurday DRAMA NIGHT A dnaima n1ght wâIll be iefld, at Ki0,rby Centenniail Scihool on Tues, day, Feibruary 23rd ait 7:30 p.m. Foîur OneqAct PfLaytswil be pre- sented hy the Senlior dease6 Admission: Adiult 50c, Chi(Idn Free. Everyone weflconie. Township of Clarke Application for WARB-LE FIN INSPECTOR Applkiations for Warble Fly In- spector',eor the year"1971 xi be received by the underslgned Up to and inelntdi;ing Februlary 22, 1971. 1 AIp'dèants to state re-munera- tion, expected. DuLies Vo eorn- menice March 1, 1971.' H. DeWITI,, Clerk, Township of Clarke, Box 219, Oî ono, Ontario. a-e COMING EVENT The Gei eral Meetng of Oronýo U.iC.W. will be held lIn the Main Hall at 8 p.m. on 'Phluridiay, Feb- riaary 18. An i'nterestànýg program bats been pianned iincluding a film reuating Vo thi(s year's StudY Book.'b-8c Mothers Day ÙOu t A new group eintitled "]Vother's DaJy Qut", v11 be formed on Wed- nýesdcay, Feibnttary 1.4, for all mo- thé,rs w1th prel-school chlfdren. Everyonie we-Jciome. Corne with y1our Preýsehooflers to the Main Hall of Orono United Church, frpom 9:30 a.m. to 11:15 ar. b-8-c CAR'D 0F THAINKS We wvi'2h Vo conveyour sincere tbanks aid appreclation to aill the ne1ghbours andi friendis for theilir kind .expressions, of SIYi- paVhy, cards, floral tributes and donations Vo the HÏeart Founda, tion.,:Siccial thlanks to the Depit. of bancis and Forests, Rev. 'Long and Heiather Rebekah Lordge, lin thepasn of> a dear friend Frank (Ginger) Reader. a-C The Cooper FamiY. lis« lu -

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