ORONO WEEQKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBIRUARY Z4th, 1971 0onà1 iJ mdgets Win Fk'st Round 0f Playdowns, ORONO IWIffETS SEEKING HRIGHER R1ONOUMS IN OMBA Tàe Oronio Midget hockey club, e~fter 1oiiing thedr firat OMHA playdowngam with Pickering, cme baik to defeat andi eliinin- etce the Piickcrt,ýing ertry with 2 eFoqiisecig've wminsý., The final blow% for Pickering wvas hawndod 1thm. at thle Orono diiik ida iight mwfbetn Orco toplk a 5-2 win. The local club lad alsýo defeý,'tcd Pickerim-g on WVed-- nepstJa3,y of Last we8k on Pike4ng's fomat ice, in Brooklîn. The ro yo bos played a'cl cse checking g.iýi)e and .a3 a result often kepit Pickering bottleti Up ;i lerov ed. Lary Ijunn, pleý.injg in tihe Onono nets, played good standfli1irp goal tendàng and uavcti ife day on pmany attemnpts 4y Vle Pickeoeing crew. Tho Oono i)Une of Steven Boyd, ad sva oeand Nico dQ Jürige plaiyed thle headi- cntý) hoke c ny of the lines on, thle oc.Te h-(ked we(Il eam woreable toenieer soeoplay, a3 thevrihe dommi. the ice. Oo'sfirst goal resultedl througls fithe2 efforts of Steven Boyd ms lie ,(ug the purk out of the corner te pans it to Bob Tennant in fiont f the PIckering goal. The outi gocil was -a sdniiar ef- foi-t by 'Boyd wvho stavmi wth h-is (iheek f0 steal the peuk rk ndag t;entre it ni front ofth Ie net, qth(- fume to Rard&v Eartabrnooke. Ramnty Easta'brooke am iNico de Jo!',ge were also cbecking welM ànd settiing up seoring DppDTtUn- i'iî,one whioh went to Steven Bowd and ianthgr Vo Bandy Dast- abrooks. The eith gmo f the gane.for Orono went te Bob Ri,9,,eli wh.o spore'd iitD an empty Pickering net wfthin the last haflf mn.ite of thle gamne. A surnmary of the Oreno goals: Randy Eastabrobke 2, ith singe cûnters to Bob Tennant, Steven Boyd arÉd Bob Rugsell. 'Bab Ten- niaznt was used effeeétively when Oronro was short-handed andi on a nuinTher f occasiýons dispiaYed some goed puck conitnei TYKES TIE üOWMANVILLE 7U-e Orono Tykes played o a three-alB ie with Bommanvilule on' Foday evenf'ng. The Oýroo goals -were scorod by Bob Myles, Wayne »laLean, andi'Richard Robinson. Kevýîn Philip assisteti on two of tbe thireeý Orone goals. PEE WEES REFEAT BEWDLEY Jfohn Cornish lead thle Orene Pece Wees, o 5-1 victory over Bew le' rdîay evening. John ad- dJed another three -goal pame te ?lus credit as well as pî,cking up onear it.The two oûthr goals wer sored by Ken ilutton and Nick Van Seggeien Ian Mol fat and -Allan Gimblet assstet on file gül by Ken Hlutton. John Coarnisli ks shawing lots of abdlitY in his gaine tVis wiinteoe beinig able to ýconîtr(Aeilfieuck and shoot WLAL ATrOMS CHIALK-UP ANOTHIER WIN T'he Orono Atenus on Saturday pi(vrniiig edgCed the BewdleY At- oms by îa 3-2 score. Scott Wes8t, step)pn laivnes anud Ji'm Lycit sooed iheOrnno gocals ith as- sis Vs to Ron Tasna, Deug. Han- r-Qockand Matthew fRobinson. OBONO BANTAMS WIN OVER NEWCASTLE TcOrgono Bpa1tams colecteti two wn off Neweaistle Ban ais lest wcek The first in Newoaistle was 6-2 victory withiVthe second played in uOrono Saturday night, a 3-0 win. cano goals were by Keith Powell, Steve Allen andi Jim Brenuam. Assists in Vthe gaine went to Robbà,e IHenderson and JuinBren- nan. On Satairday night Mark Merc- er, in the Orono geai, silut oeut Vthe Newcastle boys Mark nmade a inuber oi gooti saves andi beld 'his glioumnd te suoother 6'hots on at least two break-aways . Te Or- omre goals were by Mark Oarman, t'teve Allen lanci ATOMS AND PEE WEES ON TOP 0F RESPECTIVE LEAGUES Bothil the Orono Atonus amid the O.rono Pee Wees head id eir re- spective fourttEam leagues. Beth are-weii 1out In front of file rest of the league The- Orano Pee Wees with 21 points, bave a 13 point lead over socond place Bewd1ey and New- castie wluo are tied for tis pocni- filon wfth eight points eaih. Millk- brooôk stands qn fourth !place wi'th five points. Tùe Orono crew have- won ten ganwes, lost none and tied one. PEE WEES Won, Lot Tied Pts orno 10 1 21 Bliwdley -- 3 6 2 8 Newasile 4 6,8 Millroonk 2 7 1 5 The Orbno AVenus top their icaiewith fiften points while Bowamia,îvtlle rests confortabiy in secondc with nine points, followed by Bevoley in third with four poiîuns iavd Millb'rook hi the cel- lar wth two points. NOVICE Won Orono 7 Bownuanville 4 Bewdiey ---2 ]Villbrook --i Lust Tied Pts 1 15 2 1i 9 -6 4 6 2 O.PBPO Report Newcastle Detaclunent 08-11 The Newcastle Deboch.lent 01 the Ontariu Promincial Police frein Fcbruîary 7tlu te Februairy 13tlu, 1971 investigted 29 uoter veluile collissiions in wvhich 8 Per- sens receiyed personail !injuries, and as a resuit 6 pensonî were ,charget i wth traffic off ences. laves igated during Vile saine period of ine were 55 general occurrenes of wh ilteeee 3 reports of break, enter andt hett 4 reports of minor theft, 2 tirs- paising ceniplainits, 2 reports of wif ut damage, 6 tiiýturbanîce cîmplaimnts, 3 donue5tIec oin- pfiaiitis, andi 3 cosaplaints oft er- raVie anti dangerous drîving. Two cars stoien frin Teroteo anti Oshiawa wcre recovered abandon- cld near Bomwinvie. Two mfv- enlies were charged wIth cninn aI offences, 3 persons chargeti witih miner liquor offences, ani 1 person chargeitiwithiinpaired KNOW THIE LAW: ThceIFgitway 'Iraffic Aci. state. fiat when an anîbee signal ligit ds siewn at an intersecîtion, the opereater oft a vehilie approiacil- mg tlue intersection anti fabing sudu Ilighi, shuall bring lis velu- icle te a fil stop iaxumdiately before en tering te intersection.- itowever if suclu a velicle cannot bc brouglut Vo a full stop inlaféit- ty, it may hie driven cautiouslY aress the intersection.' Oïlinany occasions, the driver of a vehiicle observing'an amber lighiand iaviag anuple t1inte te, stop ini sa-fety, wcntld aiteninues inraethe veihcle speeti in ord- er te crossfile itrecinbeforýe the traffir signal light changes teo redt. Thsis lama offenice andi chrgs il be laid. The penalty pr-ovideti by wupn-onvic-tion i, netù leqs than $2000 and net moeilIn $100 -00. D!RIVING TIP: FiOIIOwing tee coseis a coin- nuo~ caseOf accIdents. To avoit acietfolio w at a sae ist- anc, away alow ai eas oe Credit Union (Contlnued froin page 4) Oredfit Unvion, sewgaive an dllusgtraVted talIk an "Coinunieca- tiont., " lan Ile past, lue stiteti, nuia hais been more coacerned oniit4 flue art of sending comnunni- cations tblaan re ceivding hem. Lkstenimng dis a skill wlieh must belkri and piaetiscd. lt is Imuportant ducause, through -liat- eniing, we gain Infornation and ,a deeper însigilt andi undeistandung cf the tituation îet bard. lMr. B one drÇW te a'UT tattention a few faeVorswluli prevent us frein beInîg goot i Isteners and gave'USs scycral use*u Suiggest. ioins wvýhich 'stxDltid h6lp us com- muunitate ibetter wft otlues. Mr. Waker iitanked Mr. Boue for lis in.Vresiing presentation. 'The door prizes, donated by CuTvpiy Wood Predueits LVd., and Cooperators InîsuiramnlcA&ssociat- tien (Guelph), were won by Messrs. Donald Mayilcw,, New- castie, flonaic. Fowlier, .R.R. 1, Oreno, and ýRobenrtI-Iancock, Or- one. .After .the mneeing lunch, was ,werved by the ives oit the offic- ers. I { I I I f a r t T e f t t q f f Province Say Pickering Must PaY Share 0f Study Queen's Parki wili negotiate wîvith Pickeý,i7ng Townghip over the municipality's refusai te pay D its sharo of Oshawa Area Plan- T ning anti Develepinent Study cassi r on tinie, %ieordà 'ng te Sanmuel T ('Iasky, director of the province's ' nni icipal reseiaredu branclu. tI In a letter prescnted te OAP ADS Friday, Mr. Claslçy saiid the a province consàdeired the "tbiming e and formiat" of PIýckerîtng's pay- to ment te be neoýd2ible. Ile added the exlusion of Newcasgtle and CIrarke Township frim the region- ai study's costs sharing.formula "woil(l appear te be jusfleti." "We have ,ne reservatiens about théir exclusion," lue sald. Pidke&ing,i whiloh sîhouMIti p::::ay approxim.ateiy $33,000 towaîrds thle study, by mid-March, bas ar- guedit should net pay until lieg- risiation acluding lit in the regian bas been eapproved et Queen's Park. CIarke and- Neweastie, which have neyer taken an iactive Part in eie study and are flot a pro. poseti part ýof the regien, have said they wll net pay their shar- ,e-larke owes. $5,500 end New- caqtie owes $1,800. In total, the OAPADS nunnici- paliies In the basic study area south cf -the ridîiges iowe approxi- matcely $230,000 te Vthe province as thcir share ef. the $1,500,00 study. At a recent meeting, tlue OAP ADS executive cenumittec passcd Pik'ken1nîg's veîseiiîtien 4that Clarke ancd Newcastie bliecxcluded frein the the cost sluarihg arraqngemeRIt van thle town ship negoetehe payment of its share wÈhthVie province. Mr. Cia sky i ndiocated lanlis 1eV- er the province entiersedth iis stand, but thiit PIckting would eventuaily have to pay its share' regartiless oft whether or nef iR joined thle reglien. AlitheughthVie finbal relgieon al governnucnt report rcomuis he IVewigshi4p i the cregion, Priekewing counîcil hais censIstently said It wants te joi Metrepelitan Toronto. car iengtil for each 10 miles per heur cf your speeti. The spae be- Vweea ywoir an muthe one you are foJIowdng, is cailed "Livip Boomi." Make sure whcn yen are drivàinîg, tit yen have enougl "Diving R1e ,m", and ~especially on sdpeyroils. Yen sheufld al- %vaysb rvy s top siddeiy Ilouse Tour In Durham On :ûie afternoon oft Febru.,-y 17, 1971, ;Miss Jeanne Aimmr. do- teiiier design speciailat fromnte Home Eceionhiks Braneh tofthfle ),rrito Dc!part&xent o it gicufit- ure anti Food, Toîroh-to and CoutY Homue Eonoxuist, Mrs. Karen 'itzsinxaruons met w*h 9 woxnen, nomq Nestieton Womns Insfitute and 8 wonien friom Hlamptta Wo- iuents Institute in Vthe Darlîing- on Township Halll te Wa Suu- naîry Day ior te cob% "Ac- cessories for thle Honucm. The womnen present representeti two of te fine gnoups who conuple'ted lue course whielu Vhey begaýn last Octoiber. 'he Hampton Wonien's Insfi-, utc under te leeder-1p of tiUWr prcaident, Mrs. T. Chant, provideti teîa andi daintuies te stant off the, prolgrar. Mrs. Fitztinumons weilconued 'Lthe ladlies anid introduc-, ed Mrs. L. Ma1coln-ifrom Ncstle- ton, who thien cluaireld the nxeet- Mss Arexour prýesentel badIges o the twe l&-aders who were'prýes- eni, Mrs. L. Malcolmu, Nestieten Giid Mrs M. BTyun.t, Haîmpton. Wïe then Iteard relports froeicd group and Miss Armour discusised the cusuhienîs whiclu the ladies hati made ant ilsplayed incennection viti the course. The highiliglut cf the Sunmary Day w"s a visit toe i ,lonue, of '4rs. L. G. Rarmer, R11. 1, Býow- maýnville; Mrs. R J. Lambert, R. TL 1, Bowmanmile and Mrs. C. W. Lowes, 11.11. 2, Onono. Thiese ihre-e women i kndly op-ene t ieir homes te us anti iere we saw ex- 'elient examples aof goold Vaste iad weii lucâoen accessorles which îimplaisized boeautifuliy what was fauglut in V.ile course_ DYKSTRA'S Frigid Locker System Your Headquarters for -Freezer Supplies Goverument Inspected BEEF or PORK Tihis Week's Speciai HIND QUARTERS 0F BRANDED BEEF 77c Ibo Cunt, wrapped, and frozen BULK SUPPLY 0F Frozen Food CUSTOM CUTTING SMOIWING - CURING Locker Renais PHONE 623-5578 73 King St. W. Bowmanvilie VENEZIA Highway 115 and 35 1/ mile soutit of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Specializing in Pizza - Meals Citoose your Wedding StationarY from the popular BOUQUET - PRESTIGE INVITATION LINE, Caizada's first citolce of Wedding and Social forms A wîde choice designs and types to choose from. INVITATIONS - ANNOUNCEMENTS - MATCHES REPLY CARDS - SERVIETTES THANK YOU NOTES - ETC. ETC. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES MAIN STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO