O11ONO WEEQKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FBUAY24th, 1971 Septic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING M4 ROUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard,> Ontario Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 BOB YEOMANS >ILtÏMPING AND REATING 24 - iour Service .New Installations - Alterations Repairs . Speclalizlng liln Hot'Water Hleafing 1 Forced Air Heatlng Septie Tank Work LBR. 1 Orono 9352 UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge c - ftMinister Y, Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 CHï,iURH SUHOÔOL 10:00 IMORNIZNG SERVICE 11:15 KIBBY SERVICE: 94:45 A.M. CHURCHI SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "DIAý1L A TIIOUGHII" ANGLICAN Estabîisbed 1869 Begular Sunday'Worship Service - 9:30 a.m. Hfoîy Com munion- Ffrst and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays HoIy Baptism by appointment with Rector 9874745 The Bey. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. W. FRA NK REAL ESTATE L IMITED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 62-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope, Office 885-543 For prompt, courteoujs, effieI- eut *ervie when buyîng or seUllng and for the largeut i- ectis of properties, la the are* contact Orono Area Representativea Roy Foster 983-5801 Open Cncp (Gonts.nued frorn page 1) f îr to trc'at iait stifdcets alikc. in referrirîg the Ope'n Concept type of educaldon ihe feIt dit wiould tie in vilth thle opaý,ration now in effeet at Clarke HiEgi Sehool. Mr. Le, (I .-is poke i dof 'çy as h.iig onetiog to de'velop the peIýo.Jc wrso - 0 it a'i iGO - to participate i the 'commun- mty andi to be able to give amid n - CEeive vwitlîiiuthis curu Re. ,adwe niust have an iinterest to give depth ta MIe an'd that ts eo&uld cme frorn not oftly tihe jo9b,, ci'c oq gc'ihacrni or from sucti aivllc-3 nïi, '" or Mrs McKenzie spoke aof the g-- for adaptablity -i our mo- L~c ocîcyShe said she was tiere reaily to learn. Mr. Phil Nchols, Mlarke ffig~h student, exîpreGsscd his vitw that thé freedom of choice in courses uai s great as bein'g stated. He did nodify fils stateitnt ligit-. ]y. lie speke of a change in atti- ud'l of ep cialy Cnr one stuci- ent-, who iio, longer holc the old- er studýts as eiders. They are n~tihouglit on as a fiîi'd, he DoniieLi iscyk csoký, of the haeslie 'h)-d noted Iin the pub- ]ic seol s tem lie &sd today you are slh'wn the work, fa do In plf. opcet wookwe in our no li rm ' o, epare jit oîi then pre-'sot ifot I c ela'ss. "I le'arn, m,,re this way," he, sad. M.leGro( 'hc'n u tlÂn'ed the Open concept ftype of seho'ol. 11e cad t vi ,' a so,, 'xvha dffrent s'ch'ool pr'o'viding roormîs andic areas aý d17ffetiint 'ie h ere clases miay be helci with 1I0 -tudent c ýor 6stiîdeîts. The arnas r','e flexible and wpîch use is made of d'idn donc partiions. At -Ajax tiey have f-our ki iersnens wth rooms ,a'sily aces'ile, ooe to fhe othes'. MdTst rooms are double size ro'oms., 'lhle' second story Iias sevenj. double rooms, m7hici can be di- videci, ail cenfreci around a re- source library. The ecst, he said, was below that of a traditional school even with the fa'ct tiat carpefing was us'e'd on the floor to -eut the noise factor. We have not great murais i the hqIl and we do use portaible blackboard's. Mr Le' Gros saîd he recoin- miendied Open Concept sebeolsý very bighly a'nd that in Ajax 99 perýcent of the parents were sold on the proegrasn affier the f irst ytar of operafion., He also saud Lhot parentsl-ç were assisting at a rate of tiirty per day. Hie pointcd aut that fi'fty per- cent of the educational program in blis grade K -ta grade 6 scbool Callyour llcensed Plumbin8 & Mechanical Contractor who selIs, instails and 8uarantoe CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATNG PETER BOOTS Phone 983-5796 Custom Built Furnîture and Repair Work SpeciWzng in Living Rooic Bec. Boom Built-1inj Bars Wood Carving Free Estimates LB2, orono Opta re Past Noble Grnds The Piast Noble Grands met a" t4 lîihome of SilterBetty Major wi.1h twé. 'ive l>ast Noble Grands pres-ent. AOLter a deliclous supper by SiGter Alice, Maud an'd Haze.l, SýstesMAle o'pene'd tie meeti.ng wijth a pocm "Thle Days Wolk, fcilowed by a pia~yer. Silte Mac thanke'd the girls forý sud'î a diciu-uppetr also Siter Betty for the use of her home. The thank you notes were rciad 'and file«, Sister GIad moved we agaîn have aur tulli tea on the 29tih of May; tlso the penny sale. Ou next meeting to be în Marci, aiter a social tàme spent by al.' was manditory and of the cole subjecftýs, readling, math, writing, etc. The other Portion of fie Pro- go,iam lis -as wide as possi'ble so as to be able to expose the stud- cnt '(o the vastnes of the world.ý A student, he sadd, maýy bc w'ork- Îmg in lhree levels of musiic if lis is whee bis interest lies or in anjy other subjeot. On question lie s'aiid that lit ws not difficuit to assess the pro- gsress 'of a studient as in most cases the studenits hal two teach er s who k-riew ech student's work habits and progrc'ss. "We kr-bow 'as mudh about them' under this system as before," 'e sai. In e1os inhe sîid he 'hadl seen marve'lo'us happenig taking place in the deveil'opl ' of st- dents under this system Albert's Texaco GKENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Oroe Oron o atrmeur Athletic Booster Banquet Card Party end Dance Saturdly, February, 27 ElmiatonDraw Dinner in Umtedl Chmrch at 6:30 Draw, Dance, and C ard a ty t dfllows Hall Tickets available at Rolph Hlardware, Matt's Barber Shop or any Associatio~n Member SERVICE If you want to do something about voum education . . . you probably ean Sece oni, Aduit Counselloi EVERY WEDNESDAY 7 to 9 p.m. at the Bowmanville High School Guidance Office The service isfree - confidential - and. no appointment is necessary. iiiiiiii - -,- 1141L 21