Taken fiýbca a me-s-ag9ie by Rev. ]c iiLong. Tiis his -e que ta,'n wn-'ilehev- ,gyon1e cfus i5 tr'yig to an arwer lin La' Itiwytne du.And tV ise ad- Vo o , e f ÉVite lzînSwelr- be- comeus, inîcrela' 'ngly urgent as 'tise irnpc sne -'p'tof Ourpr'n 1,vay &fVIlaeîceniwuate's iseif. M 'a; aîpe s ier negiatve fliKngs towaird life iin such re- narks a3 "wa corne, n-e do a fen- tisin", 1I:f e grhads an, ftheun ike te '-a: mais n-care gonie Put jîust a minitte. Are we just lîtke t'ise ati'imals? Or do we laave id, t,"ny? Soînnehivetet itce 1is trutit in witat thse Bhlseeys iabr.sut mian beîinîg made inth'e ina- ügc nof Gîd and bevauise dl thiat kaigis om mof creation thiatit e iis lite Osciurd f man, and his aý- b ty to do ab tracýt Vii~ing miay well aeîk, "whatils tiils sub- jec't theit cati look o itsalf as an ~bct"T'a e iict titntwan aan do tVils very hlng nit inMvt- uihîly biCng ahlm Vtothe place V'cme a--J <'ai'!i«-n- n where hie asks 'i-ho am P' A n--i s nho hais sufferesi Irons anmaes*i f or three yeiirs regeinid MS s ns mary a'nd conÈ'ciiusnns-s of laisf sier sef., Thîjîs did noV satis- fy hi',,m, Isonevelr. Ucen-as stuli botitereîd by te question of Who he ac wnhein sufferinîg lis amne- sa. He n-atriEd Vo knnuw bis reac- tdin to 111e, fwiho he îa-d beesa is- ,volsed wit and whîaîthec uevents osf hic if e haes becîn. Orc take te inc ance noftre wotsan 'who hsacib"ce- hounîdec aînd distressed ennd be" i' tsd hy oingry eînd -escnt rfui tiesurstîl eebeiime a Ii'feless s",ventu'l'e type of wn-an. Firaîfi ,pushed tVo te point where dite miade an effort Vo, sur- vive, sha n-ont o a psydsiltiist for he5,s. Tlintat a'-socla'tioin site gai'ii-d a r'sIýved sense of 'self' Vo the pan't V'-'t site brnîk fiece ta liencelas Vhs n-ny, "I somesOw bsn' ïgn'in Sneels of lier esepes'. fiouisJtVhe strenîgitti Vintel Uiem ahI'where ta head in iantd nion 1 feci myself gron-Ding sroger ansd more ciiident every day. P'm gett11*il cg o knînw mysel for Vihe fir, t tm'e and t o my astnîniishment 1 am mot uselesis and stfpd as I 'onnce tihinuglaght." B ot of theise cx- periencesý certiaiinuiy indîioate tihe ieed t j answer te que-ision, 'Wuxho arn '? Aire 'you stili trylsag Vo get aie- quîiant,'J xiit yoursel'f? To dis- 'nover who you rreally ýare? Yo.u usaay ansn-we, 'there is n-Nfa'g cein'lîtatd bouf t, 1VIknon-who Il arn.' Do you? I douhbt il.Tîtat ls Vie job nf a Ifeti'ne. '0, yý s I dO. I'm e prac il type nf man. f kiî1coa mysclf. Let te dreamers ,endci ccen'tîîlcs asýk suric h'i's but just hocc m-e alone wiltla my ielght p of cir, my cîgar and ald iehaottes'thiîgs I n-ced ,Vo ceiate a goîod image 'an practinai asaîd ecir--i îightecd. But te' very Maet ni titis jiimage cre'athiig is an i.ndicatXsn of a dieisire Vo idcn-tlfy Pti' Gordon White commients s:the exipression 'F'n not my- ýeelf tadtay.' Thein goes on Vo asl an titiqueton, 'If you aie noV ynrcfthon wh-o are you? WhaV ais Lit)o' nho is I iftat knows that yn(ýu aire tnt yourslf?' Wihat ls Perhàaps it ils ite imnagery (of Go)d isut rais kn's'v '<bout it ihat ,i. j- noV .tself? Wliet is hs suit- jeci l t-a-t cati look et itsel-f as an objeect. Titat is whiat sets mac ýff îdistîinct frocs ail ntlic-r crea- Vi oc. teb-itdt?1ac f i t tlientlie wouild te a servant af God a t-le ian of thse dcvii. Ini seckicg -acd daiing huube wÂ1h of God lie finds out wiso he reilly ;Paul, te greal na postie, wcnt titiough hbis strîatggcle edntî-fy'isg hi iii r-f a-s a Pheirssee, an ardent Juddi ,er, a leader of te îicoplc arîd a docr of God's' w.11. IV was oni te Deinascus îîa-id theat ise exlp--riern.ced te liv- ing Chit .aisi ith titat &di raviry an inà*'es'"ion oif uto lie really w'es. Peter, te discIwple, tou-ght tiat he kîsew lihîmseif very n-cil. ILe once soid, Va Jesus, 'IV dnies noV tte if ail mie-n deny vf)t,, 1 noever w ii't n-s noVtlong pii- tii Peter dic te very t tln hat ite t oughlateh was incapable of doing. Hie began Vo discover hlmi- se-hf un a truc-r Light.In T Jesus' stoiry of te youarg man wîho leit home Vo liva is own life in a fer country, n-e find titis sanie qu-est hcling eneîictcd. Tite young mans, havng tid te feir cou ntry, itungry aend rcjected, came Vo hiisel'f, Vite eventual (resuIt 'nI whlich vnes thet ite souight onat hi; father an d îlcntIfie'd bis ile wi th hlm. Made ini the imiage nI Gid n-c c'en nnly discover aiho we reeliy are Vhitîugit oui' relatio-ns-hip witli Gyod asidc front othter iscn. Whuo iimTI 1don't kisow. But of tlhs I ami sture, cclida'î, step ty stcp Ced itelps me Vo d ae e itItle more ataut nayself. Tic e5oser I live writh Ilins the maie he shows me utmy cl I kusroxa tisati'n discoverî'ng niy truie iden- tily I cannaot i ,ave hdroî ont. Seli Pine Ridge In A' Package A saîgge.itiîon thiat reioat dna ers -rn Vte Greit Bini Ridcge Tour- àst Reigiion iihould oniffer "Packag. 'cd vaicatloDns"was imada Vo te cx- cautive f tsa Great PBuse Riigep Tourî'ut Councl at a imeet:Yii-n Pý, OITHope t-y an offiiel i ab- la is-B',g'îa Wuld Airhluces. ýW J. Bch, who re'certly hou-itt)a hbe n untise ine Ridge avce, saisi before an area ssould be penasotod, te orîga'ndiaeti'on re- cpoucui'J sttl cnu-i kio(w "tise pend uet" îenîd preî-en't it in,'sucis a înay thiat prai-pective vistoils arc a, ware titat àt exists. "Yîou inecci Vo whet Vishe appetîVe nif tise prospective ýtourih---t rend ie nauzat knoîw wiserc ta tuy titis pro- ducst anîi bon- muih1Vcosts," ac Tie ipsaid4ueýt bad tVo be adapV- eableVo te iited,.ieanid ta te puc'e 0if 'ise tossrists. LHc suggîci ted talte exe-cutîlve t iit lit,3 cheapeî' ta expsnd a knnwn maiket itan o go out tacd loo-k for a eien-one. For eumpe lac siîd most Ioite annuielvis- itors li inte Bice Lake area couse fîîoîîu tiese t'ai cof Ohilo."IV is FEBRUARY 25th. 1971 A DUL.T- 'by Rd G]dfdr (The scai eh for mis.ig persons). i Ching - traaiated'dby James hi 'e(th wolîlsold'est systein Weeýds ocd Canada and te Northt- erUS. by, F. H-. Montgome~ry. Sttange Meeting - ýby Hilawy Wilde (Romance). A Savage Place by Frank Siaugli- ter. Fim E'<pecting To Lire Quite Soon h y Paul West. JUNIOR- TIIM înd and PrijýýalofLebainon byv Viola JIl Wîneîr. FeigIte Pres(,sure by Paul The I îttle F-ies b'7 CheistLdaia- Hi'ugaîard ('a totgehing story a- i)rnt a boy in war-torn Naples. The Tale ofth ie Faititul Dove - by Beatrix Potteir. E'XSY READING BOOKS and PICTUBE BOOKS E]vrî Eer tîîngby Frank Asch Hi Cat hy Ezra Ja'ek Keats Ton Muehi Noise by Ann' Me- Govern. Olga B e'auchamp Kendael New s On Sun'day afte rnoon, Feibruary 22nd a numbe of sixtih line fnlends attenidc' the Birtiiday p'irtyoif,,Mr3. M., Morris in the Cddf~1'o~'Hall. Site Ès-Mr.-Jaerk Sbptnsmztb'îr, Sjie was boru ona t.b ' Y1o.on homesýtcaîd, wthe>re VfBo rtMirton 1iv'es todav, ~în e"ode 'l xUacIinje scihool o~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i ~ a syfiil nthis e wo i hhe ciîaîînedgood lii oz~i' irIei~ sor<y Voba roary Vud F'ak ý-vùup on) h1 ýis faihers fsrmnor~h of ite bon Hoy farm. It is n'oýw a pa rt of Ken- de'l Pro0vincelj;cý.1caîtende Keiadial S0ol n ronio Uigh Fsohool. Uc becate a banclerk in Orono. _He mridCathierine Hall of O qo."ljey attended Kendl CntenîiaiiaJune. IUc was an ardent sienan. Sym- pathy ils ext anded to, Caitaerne and hi s ~siasMudison andi Allen. Saturdla'y, Februaary tîhe, 2th Ke,àdisl streets were a skafing sîkfor' the village citidren. Chuvda w'as closesi on Sunday due io tii'. icy nîltos of the cia ni y lunesancd hillia. Mr. and Mhr-, T. Stevenis helped Mlr. Ailthur Thom'pson celebrate h' 'ha on Feîbruary 22nd. At tlise regular meeting of 1,O. L. 405 Kendal, the third degre n-as cenirred by Grand Losige of- ficers asssted by Past County and Ppli'mary Lodge Masters. At to close of thc meeting e ban- quet was served by th(c coamitte of Keadalii Lodge to about forty-' five guime ts and memibers on Feb. ruary 3rd. ?frs ýWus in erv. sjited arr brother in UxbridgeL over the weekend. V7ý,i l icil - h t'. a'u'd AMrs. IL. Ecster iiuda.y n-cee Mr. anîd l'Jr. J iýrY lr ani f<aillyand Mrs. Mi~'s IVihamucTu'ýniAky aid Ann Fo"iter are home for a week's h o 1,daýy Iroi iWestewn University, R.R. 2, ORONO, ONT. &P. New Books1 %l F RE-E, $1P'"e00,.00 worth of Accessorles '71 SKIROULE - 19" Track 35 H.P. priced .... àqýv,,, 0 1"7-e, les for tlite sale. Roll ccii"Nin a herb." Tihe mottio, "Keep a g d ~pl of, lierits iin ynur Mv.Manders, Corifvenýot' for Iloe Ecoîsoîsis anîsd Ilcaltit, chtose aý., lier topie Vxii' itny use.z; of hacrbs and spir. She old of te ny i-sy s of titi ciaiqn cook- !iinp, also in raw foods to bÉing oui aInd e ld i )u', bfia i uofui'I v, fond, itcrbs quch as mn-' it tasil, nstardi, 'nîiist and oth crs nmary ho planted -ia thc gariden amosîg the~ vegetablecs Vo kecp iau ay insects as n-cii<as to use ii ic heian ne Soine fion-ars are,a îep )'it. inuthe golds foi' A ci'rd was rad froin Mrs. A, Low, vi lin las been l'ia inu Hawafai. S'le reports ail arc hav- ing'a woîsderultdme lu 80 degece tocmpcralîîre. Mec'iin g cod itlU "The Qucen". Lutinch .w as scrvcd bv M'irs. R Eliott and Ur;. J. lccd- eiIs",n A vote of Ihan'ks waus ex- etadicrd tii our hots.Ncxt net fiîng to be at lte home of Mes. WillimTur'ansky: $1025.00o HIGHWAY 115 end 35 WITH TIE PURCHASE 0F RACIT '71 SKIROULE LISTED 1 SUIT, 1 PAIR 0F BOOTS, 1 HELMET, 1 PAIR 0F «LOVES "71 S KIROIJLE 16 H.P....$635.00, '71 SKIROULE -20 H.P....$700.00 '71 SKIROULE- SS300 .... $825.00 '71 SKIîROULE'- 24 Hl.P....$765.00 '71 ýSKIROULIE,-, 28 H.P....$825.0 '71 SKIRO1ULE - 15" Trýack 35 Hl.P., priced .... $950.00 PARRY'S XL GAS BAR OIRONO WEEOKLY TIMES. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 24th. 1971 LAND PLAN REJECTED A resolîutdo,: by the United ('oiuti es of Northau mberla'nd and I 1< iitaîti, akicg ttat neiîways cuirl properties noV under ¶ s';to adjacent landi owners, ,.i d gantVe supporit of On- hî ('urit <i ('ùiîiiil, fus day A uîsg ila s'cmin4lo fit iiite ' nda oiniîittee on ioivdxus l ce',, council votcd flot o îrlî;î Ile resoluliion beceîuse 1hi' r"ailn'y laids may ite requir- ed foi' future trainsportalion in'ks. 'Fhicrc.solutio'ne'dvosatcd re-, vcýrt'injgte former txaak beds hn o olii' properliies from whicîh i bey -ee oiglinally separated, eliarigicmý,i ey "aire lot being maÀind, d . . eontributing Voý tcdcterionabion andi redueed value üf adjacent peopertides." The, resoluitilon ais-n stated the lands werc oviginaily acquired af littie ý er no cost and it would be more advantageaus to retur'n 'lhem Vo te present ownaa's of ad- jacent pro-perty.