(bRfNfl WEEOKI>Y TIMES. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 1971 riANT ADS FOR WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00 p.m. TUESDAYý-, PHONE ORONO 983-5301 See Milison Insurance Agency for kil classes of personal and Commercial Coverakres Office: Main St.. Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Interior Exterior CHARL.-ES REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator specialize in Farni and Furniture Sales Oonsult me for ternis and dfttés PHIONE ORONO 983-5914 monuments und, Familv y emorils IHailon Our quality and service leavez nothing to 'be desired Aâsk the person who bought from m, a neighbour, friend or relative The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest dispîay in Southera Ontario R. C. SLEE Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-3383 Box 133 Phone 868-3552 Stafford Brothers LWmted MaUufactur o f Cenm.tey blMuriala 318 DU"» sSfrem Fia WHITBY, ONTARIO IBui1ding a bouse? I r remodèlling your present one, then contaet IFloyd Nicholson Phone 8-M pN EXPERIENCED BABY-SITTING Will d'o, bubY-sitting, live In or out, in Orono or Newoiarticl area. Age 19. Plione 786-2942. a-c FOR SALE 8 tracak Sterio Tape Playr plus 3 84rank sterio tapes. $6500 Pibone 983-6683 after 8 p.m.. a-c FOR SALE 30 -30 Savage Single bOZrrl Rifle, ldýke -new for sale or trade for cli~p type 22 autoiatic. PlioDe after 6 p.r. 983-5330. a-p PLUMBING' anad IEATING I Sales and Service M ~ HOUR BURNER SERVICE! GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Gui Phone: Tyrone 263-26u@ Orville Chatterton Electriical Contractîig Electrie IIeatïnLy and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 I Orono. Ontario ORONOELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING * ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V., RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE ECA ELECTROHOME GUARANTEEI) SERVICE Or .lui ldlmg Contracter t Brick - hock - Cencrete ffllae Werk Car»ntrY - Cabinet W.rk Fleers - TIc 983-5441 «0» 1o RICAXRD REALTOR 99 KMuSt., EL BOWMAN VILLE I Whea Buying or Selilng can WILF HAWKE1 'YOUR ORONO ARA t RPRSENTATIVE 9SU5Z74 memboe of Oshawa and Dis- uie16 bal Eutate e Um -om EAT APPLES FOR HEALTH Flancy, cibp Deilriefous, MVfacintos~h Courtlands and Spys. Specials- % bushel Cee grade Macs .95c. DelIcldou's, $1.50 Ice Greaun. % gal.. 79c FRED'S FRUIT MARKET t-f ATTENTION - DOG OWNERS Ouaity frerdi frozen dog meait 1rýd beeý') graund and eut for ycur cmiwenb>nee, only 18 cents per pounri - C yr-,ernmcint approv- cd. Havelberg Kenneds, W. Klose, Havelherg Kennels, W. Kiose R.R. 1, Oro no - Tel. 983-5016 d-11-c ICE FISHING - LAKE SIMCOE John Hales and iSonis. Phone: code 705 437-1615. f 9-c KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Orono Public Sch'ool for September 1971 on Tue sfa, Mas-eh 9th People with l a.t nmre begtinndng witth A to M' plei-se corne between 1:00 p.r. and 2:30 p. People with last nmre' begniing wi'fh N to Z between 2:30 and 4 p.ni. Il possdible bnlng Bdrth Geiltdfdjate and Melilcal Record. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Kirby Centensual Schooî for Septembler 1971 on Tueqd.ay, March 9th People wdth lasgt name beginnting wlith A to M pieuýse corne between 9 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. People with last name begaumnîg with N to Z between 11:00 - 12.00 p.rn. ~If possible bing Bfrth Ceridficate iand Medical Record. JUNIOR GARDENERS The Junior Gardeners will ré- sumne meetings on Monda'y, Mateh lst, 6:30 - 8 pm. àn the Upper C. E. Audîitorlum of the ehurch. Theve will be Junior and Senior groups Ail ch!ldëeen froni'6 - 15 years are we'Icome. MeTabeoeshi'p fee .50 cents.- a-p ADOPTION GAMfSBY-Jiim and Nancy, Lorraine, Quebec, proudly noune the arriýnal of their ci en -,cn, Williqam Kenneth, bi Oetober 2nd, 1970. A tier bnc er for Melamie and Steven. of an- 'os- os-n ath- ac Phone 983-5301 CARD 0F THANKS We wfsd to expre'ss OUT s-incerýe ýthbn'ks aind apprecitdon to aIl frie ds, relattives aýnd neighbours for their kind expression of sym- lpathjy, c'ardýs, floral triibutes and donations to the Heetrt ouado- tion. Spe4lial th.anks to 'Cavan Umnded Ohureh Women, Reiv. J. Ostreicher, Rev Long f or eonsoi- ing words after the piassing of e, de.ar ,'iothietr nd grandinothc, Mrs. Ww. Armitiage. The Ar, tage ramiily ap CARO 0F THANKS Many thenks to relativels and f rieods for the lovely cairds, fldw- ers, geifts and gooci wils'hes «n 'rny- 80th hd'rthday. lVlary Morris a-p DIED ALI EN,' T J. Harper- Pas'sed away at Markham Lod g%, Mark - hom,' on Friday, Februlary l9t(h, i19'il, Thojnýas John lla"per AlIet beIoved hu ýband>oT the lite Leaf- fa Thoimp3ioi, diar fàther of EIleen Of Toironto anid Lorne of Agincourt, grandeather 6f Ruth and Rohert aind brother of Eve, (Mrs. Irwîin Bragg, Bonwmanvfille). ýRcsted at the C>gden Flrne¶aJI P.aiour, Agincourt. Funral ser- vice in the chapel on Mondayj at 1:00 p.m. Inteernent Mount Ples- sont Gesnetery, Toronto. DIED Hosýpiýtal, Bowsnaoiivillle on Sunlayý FeIb-uary 21, 1971, Le'ona Moise. ai eýd 75 years, wEdfe of the late Victor Farrow, Sta-rkville,' dear nolther .af a'verne, Welcoane Raymoînd, -Hiailton, M rtlu (Mrs Novînan Rleýidiford), Edmon- ton, ïEdna (Ms-s. Pa-uil Nrio C'avan, Marjovfe (Mrs. Cboence Aiubin) Woodviille, Marion (M'rs. James Spdichen), Toro!nto, Ilazel Mu.Gius P'Iitz) Pinkerlg, unr- cen (àMs-. James LoweTY) Ki'rbY, Lauwrene,, Stasrkvil]e, 'Do.ro'Y (Mrs. Alan 0oirnish) 'Daytonl, Qhjo, Bil,. Ne-wtconvfitle, Betty (Mjvrs. Lbayd Darnes) Hampton, dear sister of Viola (Mirs. Wýlfmde Hf ils) Po-nt Hope, Rossena (Ms- Dr. Rutheford), Flint Micigailà. Resig et t)he, Morris Funeral ÇlyapeI, lIc cranville. Serviee in thle ChaiPel op W(,clnesdiay ut 2 o'elo-ek. Inteunnent Port Urope uion Cesnetery. IN MEMORIAM HARNES---nl'ovie em~ory of our dear diughter Wendy Diane, oige 10 reiars. who lef t us Febru- ar.v 25tli, 1967. God gave her toi us f or awhle, Wd th hler swee*t fe.e, and iovely The littie girl 'we wiill always, 11e toodk her back'to be his own, To be an anigél, by Rlis throue. Sanie daty lf God's willing We11 join ou aànd then We'il all 'be so happy togetlher So s'adly rnissed lbY Moînmy, Daddy, Robenl., ud Lsa. Chartered Accountant Phone Newemgtte 987-4240 Ail day Wedneaday and Saturday, - Insurance Service AUTEO IPIRE, -PACKAGE POLICIES FIDELITY BOND LIABILITY LIFE_ First Mortgage Loans ISïa d ie Hamilton Phon e 983-5115 WATSON'S Marine adcycle Oro ne Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BO ATS Alouette Snow Mobiles McCuiloch CHAIN SAWS, Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and A cycle Englnes ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PTJMPING OUJT SEPTIC TANKS Bert. Tompkins Phone 786-2552 Clarke Public LIBRARY HOUES OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 8:30 Thursday 6:30 8:30 Frlday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 a.m. 1 %. 1 't Î7 FO1R SALE '69 and '71 Ski Doos Phone orono 983-5428. ac NOTICE Sew!ng alterations and repa&rs. Phone 983-5493. el3c COMING EVENTS Two f ilms will be shown this Friday evendng, February 26th et 7:30 p.rn in the basenuent of the Orono Unàlted Chus-ch. Fs-ce ad- nission. Sponsored by Olarke Li- bras-y. "The Suinmer We Moved To Elm Street and WaYne and Shufter Look ut Techuical Train- jin ( anada. - SNOWPLOWING Cafl Grom Lndm.k o $ wlutfer. Phone 93-5W08. I W=nted Dead or Crip* o Farm Stock ricwm UP PIOUMT Margwil F'ur Farm