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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Mar 1971, p. 1

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Cia rke 'Group Receiving Items 0f Interest For Musuem A group of Iive from the Sup- ýerviioyStaiff at thie DepaTtment o-)f Land~s and Fores-t station in Ororno are vàevving, a Provincial ehampdonsihip in First Aid. The group, (1. tio r.) AI 1cFadden, Waiyne Helsun, Carl Kintmett, Dousg Hensoin and-c Wm. Tudd have already won acelam in First Aid cumpetirions by winrnng first pliace in a Distliet eo.mpetitiôss-, as welrl as first in' Southenn Ontaivijo Rerg il on upetition. The group now travel te Tor- enta on March llth where they will cOimpete ini the Depar-tment Or o-no We VOLUME 35, NUIMBER 9 OR.oN-,O WEEIR Speaks 0f Evolutilon 0f ekly ,of Lands' and Fore-sts Provincial-- wide cormpetiti<ms. The tests ame oral and practileal ranci the j-orup from Orono have been pracrtiaing for the last nuis- ber "of months in preparration for the competition withln their de- partment. Toime KLY TIMES,- WEDNESDAY. MRHSd 1971 Drama Night At1 Liberal Party Policv ibHmeSho Dr. I-an Wrilsoni,, a sirgeon froni Coo-rg vra f-nrodu1ied aI fthe an-lui Lbaalmeeting o-n' Wd- i--e-ca- hst 1)y Mr. 1irkpart-ni-ck oft Port Hope. Dri-,lï*son ivi ehis ipec 4nto lae art, heevol- nitia-n OF-,ofio-î-y ili i te Jiiberal PairtyIïa-nd the cmmgProvincial The speaker itx)dn-ootier poli-tiical party iri tha wond o- ,lay 1,as aceormpli-sd-ed what the LiIbcral]s h-ave in Canada, thiat of takinsg fithe policy nsaiag to thie people wth everyon-av receivin-g fheicqypportunity of b-avin-g tiheir sa-,y He -ai ýj9d thre NDP had ngt reaehed thit5seucpe andi fisat in fact tli, Conseirviati-es hia-c neyver belica zt - poli-cy ma-km-g confer- Ini. rc-achi-rsg baek lu-to history Dr. Wilson sai-d that lat one ti-me polhitcy wa-s-,et by seni-or people in -Ot--.Somne s-as good 'and s-orme wa-s not. There was nus-PU-h lic debâate within the party over pcdi;oy, bc said. 1-e ha en -referred to e ii- mr-nlipngs' off .disco-teust across the nation lu 1957 an-d 111e*,delet off the e Libreai. 'Vhs reeclted, Ileasaid, înto a lot of sole, Gcearcbi-rs-g arad fihe Tbnrniker's Con- farenr-ea a in-gsý9,ton. Stirîl horwever poiiey usas beitng set by people in the hjgher places and the Cab- D)r Welson, sa-id 'Mr. Tris-sicau in 1968 wanted involvement by the peopfle aocla noted dbauge startad Vo take place. Here h-e refenreite the lr-i Confere-uce ai-id the Nrat-onil Co-nfc e -st No-vember.where plcy dis- ousss affectiug ail Cailacians. Every motion, startedl th(,pakr ena-ly i cera-iny acive in con- s-ultn-g w ith he people i-n re- grspoiicy,. e said itws-'t krn a-s yt te -at degre libhe peupe -il-lpa-triclp-rei-p Ibis Cdi- eus--soi. "I il orks w lii have -a~ ~ ~~~I( tredmrr-y"hes-id. lu --pakigof the fortheonuing Prvnilelectdion hebcsaisithe-re was is-cnten in il aeas ff govenrmrnr. 1e saidthe, Conser-, vatives waebin ciiie.ov- er tt ILglorul chol Boardnul be-a-se f va b-d egsi ttonbut bea-rs ff î csîsa-a the fart than ilwasimpIeroned wtbout prier conisltation wita1h tb> peu'O pie. Regiol d GovernImernt \also a-s-o came undar ire, ire said,ai though lbe duc? net know 'why. Theïe must bt soi-e goos inl'sc N W legi-siationi, be saisi. "Gro-wilr-g Bureaiucr-acy" at Qucen's Park wa-s anotùher area under attack pyVise speakear ani he' quIeisiti-nesi, "Dlisi yuu ever try luO get aunythIn-gdun?"Dr. Wil- son -xadmitted to the fasat tii-t eusVs mus-t iioriase but he s-id -uaste was te evudentitn Uailgov-- ernimarrt spendirsg by tiie Cons-ar- -vativies.Y The speaker7 sai-c? the NDP were o-n a couivnswad silde while tire LiberMas usere asces-ing ini a ,rse. -H-e said 'a necent poil of one rmonth agu showed .tre Iàbernais ai-d Cunservaltives tïed Wuitir40%ý eaoh and thre NDP witi 14%ýý. The undeolded elenient wma only 6r, wbuih, he said, usas exceptionial. He suaid thr iýmage cf Robert Nix- on hac? imý)nocd eunsiratbly of late ansi it w-asthie speakers con- tentiton tirat Nixon usa-s as a- po- tes-s-i-i leader ýas a-nyo-ne else. I-n elioisig Dr. Witlsonurged thre local Association Vo acetiva-te thre local poli captadns. 'ha ready Vo ürganisje md ci kancte pick a gooid candidate. Tir-is eleetioîn, lie s-arc?, eau hb-wou by Vhe Libealas but a gü-uc effort must ha made by thosra interes.-tresi in the rparty Hydro Surplus Continues2 icrase At thereaular metn of tire Orov.) Hyçirodit W,9-sotîin-c i Vhe manager, Mr. M Down, tiret tha" upu e r-dr'Ia u- r'ailrIdIaI 1,1>f $381 78P3. sur- plsfui;- I-bei-% ýc- 1970 liefore 'de- Ilevenrs- ctuo1n-gliheyLrar a-, ri-li- td e ver $600.frurin rasi if-t i cîsomesover $13,- 000 t ni7smaII comma-rci-als and? over $1i,U000 iromn indu çtry The tolal-ros of hydro from Outa-io P. cioamoi.,nted ta $48,640.00. Th sstns bas a total off 415 eus- 'VIe -,,r-acount, has a .sur- p7us anountin-g to $451300. Si-sme discussienc -irec? un lie purchase of a newv bLirk for ]ii-- -OrâoeSysten wbicî woulc? lu- vulve a-n axpenditure of soe $20,000-00. T-is -s qui-ckiy ra- sionhuasiwhe-u flic proposail rece-iv- - (Continuesi on page 5) On Tues-day, Fe'hruairy 23, 1971 the KirlbYHouleta-nd Sehool pre- sented e Drina N4,ght,'st.a-ged by Mlr Davidi Stafles and )the Grade 7 and 8 students. OfiiIViit'; 'The Upacia Joke'; 'nhe Rest Room' andi 'A F-c-w Friends a-t a Din.ner.' Mr. Steýphlen Bamrs-tt wofiIse trc.phY for Bcst Act-or for hi-s per- formanie in 'The Uispraütcia Jok'. issAMY Morton wars pre- sented the trophy for Be-st Act- ress for -her poie in 'A Few Fiends to Dinner'. Mr. Staples, the Grade 7 an-d 8 ,stu-dants 'ansd Kirhy Centenial School are Vo be congratula-ted for tits -evaing. A -greit deial of preparnati-on, orgamsizatiois n mio- operation obvriou-s-ly wernt into fis-is erveni-nrgand the parents of these, Young adultis have evary reasomn to be very prouc oîf thtse young aduits for their on-stage Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Newcasrtle, seereta-ry-rasurer cf the Dur- bam (Provincial) Ricing Lbiler-ai "amOf Proyer 'Tire irst Frýday in MGmha, thds yelir the 5til, is the Worid -Day cf Prayer. Bal ure we, in Orono, are up on Fnidiay, hurndreds âf Ilsous- auds w-tii have alreîady met foir prayer i-n -vît-liages -a-u citi-as i-n A-astra-la, Africa, Europe -ans-c the is-tends cf tIc .seat. In Canada, -a Dayý of Prayer sta-rted i-in 1895. It gîra-duai-ly de- velopeci into -a wurI&wiEde observ- ance iu wih-ich 150 counViies mow partii-paute and h-as b'-en calcIns-t- ed als su-eh for motre tIrs-rn 40 yeîars. uIn-aa the Womau's Inter- ,Churci Council bas tiau-siated the Service ,from EntghI o Firaich, Crue-,Jiarpanrerse s-nc? In die beginning ifwaýs.primar- -i-Y W wr --nwbu met for thèee setlrvices but norw -irase -are av-l able for aduit, y outh ani echîld- rau. J-n s-ois-e prts ufý f ca;n-Cn l Wofflid Pavof iayrlas;alwaýys been u alaily service. sud a-s; -r Ac-c regions -wbahre famirlles carme tuigether by duog-s,-led or more re-cently 'by ski-dýoo. Il is boped more andcnorre triss-t -w-h-oIe fans- i-ii-el sW.1,i-I w-orsfip to-galber on Fuinds feu-m la-st yrrac-'s o1ff-fr-ring w-ere ditributec ii ru roi.i -nend a roq-nid tha w-1,ou -Id tlu alVii Prtcp- arty a-nd a-si-st relogea pintgrams. SclNurr w-a aio given I-o tic uctonlwork. 'VIesericefuir Or-oqno-a-nct-ha surr-u--ding cmnuity wlh ha belc? at 7:30 Fuiday eveni nrgl the Msrrai i ll -crfM Oro-nu Unitted Ohu-reb whi- sevenal ddfferant de- iro-nnationc, ansi yuuth -greups vW-lI participuta lu the service. A w-arm w-e-I-ruie is extendced te everyone in the ce-mmu-n-ity. bebinic-th.scruc effort. rVlaby Ho-mvlpain-s--c ool n ext meeting ill ha on-Tuasrdfay, Ma-r. 2t0O, 1971 et 8 p-i. a-t whrich tris-e tât-e guest spe-arker w-ill be a ('hrtld P.rv-hogist athc îe therne wi-il be os-unct-n Par I1ey is crediited in -Uoklore Mîith m-agite properti-es, manqy <yfan evii nature. To destroy some of its evil Good Fnictay iis recom- rnenided ais a pl"fing day, espec- lall1y if there is a nising noomn. is said thliat evdl xvil overtake Ginyone w1ro atteim-pts to trans-ý pilan-t it. If it grows well, it lis cleair tlat the worna*n of the hons e con trois the household. -An oic? n-espaper rie nhove is aci item from theý elr]y days. If 'anyoie lias anything Perthii(ng to the history of Clrke 'Iownsfhiip such as d'eeds, kl1leirs. photos, papei-s, tht -rke Mus-rom uwofld be htappy to r- ce4ve themn for The Archivnes see- tion. It is hop-d that eventuelly f:r.c-prof faieliites wil be a1c- qiy. ire-d for Tlii e Arc1hives , to ini- sure l'ie safe storage of va1uable paipers. Maîny locoal newspapers have ai- rea-dy heen donated to The Arch- ives as ',îe1j as the 10fo ' wlîeg 11 ems: --The first and aony mi-nute book exfisting off the Orono'Meths-- oist W.M.S. (Woimen' s oný ary Society) - 1885. .-A -minute hou-k reiatinig Vo Sundiay School Teachers of the Biible.,Oristian, Churoh in Or-onn cocntbook1' - 1860's aind 1870's. 1As ear1y as 1901, Profes&r John Squadr, wvho publislhed "nhe Towin sh ips 'of Dav1ingiton- an-d Oliarke",in 1927, :e3presscd regret that uic? aCcount books amd Jap- Mref h earlY hus(imess men had not bhren m ore e--flypre- "Porved. H-e th'ought. at that fiie, Ttfit he town an-d township ecunils'ihoîldresýerve airnook in their v.~uts for suh eis The Olake Mus urn a-dArch- ivesin ron xvii h glaiato give a humie to ucitenms now. P1a - ril one of the givený rhn niuanhers if you have anyr- thd-gcfinte-rest., 3-5198, Miss , ,Stewart 983-5837 -Mrs. . R Sehiii 983- 5479- Mrs. D. Tansley. Wood (a rving DipliyAt Library Durinsg thie neýct week bofth Caînaddan and IndonfeswtaQn Wood cariving will be on dILspkay at the CMa-rke, Pubilic Li'braéry. 1pi-e dits- pliay vVîiLT be quite extensiie wfth three local resideanits.,enteining, (Continued page 4) ANssýoriatüion alouig withi Mr. Ràlpb strategy for L.he forthcomrnig pro- His, En«Liskilin pres-ide-t andi vincial eleccien. Dr. ]lan Wilsn, Cý1oourg, plan y

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