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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Mar 1971, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,_WEDNESDAV, IMAlteR 3rd,:1 On Thiursdcay evening, Febru- aniy 23riodgeopened wth Noble Gran SiterJulia Jackson pre- ej4irng, ïans,ýite-d by the Vwce Grand isir GlriaTodd. Teew-ece 23 members present and à Ofifie- eeýs absent. The CWfkiccrs were urged to piiactlise tirmduties for tihe fol- *owng nIght et the President's viit i-n Port Hope. IV was devide-d Vthal 'e would have a pot lu-ek supper for our birthiday~ on Mare-h 23rd. Lod-ge riosed aeeordilng boute ritusal af- ter mi0ch lunch and ia soc£ial bourr was enjoyed. 'On Wednesday evening Feb- t-a'iry 24th about 25 OfLicers and rmembers w-nt ýby bus Vo Port aleipe where a meefing vss held for Sîste-r Audrey MiUlr,, Presi- dent of the Rebetkh Assernbly. Thre dAfevent lodges in tihe dis- trict took part 'i-n the meeing, iVitti o-ir Iod-ge dodngc the ope'iaug part, wich was very we1l done. Our Presî!dent gave a very in- teresting t aik which I am sure gohned - ber the respect of cvery- icne present. Lodge .oiosed accord- ing to the ritual aU-er which a dôeiickolms 'unch anid a social hour *as enjoyed. Clairke High News -by Kathy Morrow Posterts ine the halls adivertîs- ing Clarike's mini-courses wbhII arc o, SeheisI fronMma-ch 5 o -March 18. These courses ill Se Jxeld dani-ng Vte las t 40 minutes, of every school day (formerly the obith pgriod). Some arc tnaruc- ted by students and some by teaziers; thre cbject of this pro- gnr is o, show studcnts that henre is more o school tha.n just &4tng lfront od a eaher al year ad wiiting bis tests or for- ettig Ivo do Vhie assigaments Viral lie assigned. Soime of the More popuIar arinii-coourses are itseuàansW~p, wmqtehzt, àbusy t he superuatuTlal, estu d frock e-Uaic, andlustnial arts for -grIý tny afld fimaly, the raost popu- lar qioice - driver edueation. Roweýver, there were 76 courses to dhcoose froin - corne were del1et- ed frorn the Eist due to ýlack of- response; others Inelude a study vif slent moves, malcing a patch- work quIlt, golf fundiamentals, loarnni,- 10 pl-ay the guiýtar andi tri- dying. tbing in'fJune on alngrturne On Fniday, FeS. 19, sýtudents from ail levels crnpete-d lu a public speaking contest ,É)ousored by the Newcastle Lions. )Contest- ants gave five minute speeches whiceh ranged from pollution to te present day sehool systein. Steve 13rown, 'top maie fijnalist, gave an excellent speech on gen- iuses, rwhille Kathy Gustar, top f emale finalist, delivere-d ber themfe on Perry, the explorer who the North Pale. Phose who also ýplaced well were Ralph Barnett iand Ian Davîdson, sen- ior-,s Art Groot -and Rick Phdhips, juniors. Bach 'won $10.00 for their ëtfort. Steve and Kathy bath placed second in the Region finals at Bonanviliýe on Sa turday, Feb- ruary 20. CLUBS: The nrama Club gave an ex- cellent perforniance of Oscýar Wilde's "Salomé" on Tuesday, Ma reh 2. The acting, sets, light- ing andI sound were vcry 'wel done, as 'were the costumes; how- ever, the surpnising hing about the presentation w-as that the iplayers got Vte play together in such a short tîme and managed Vo do such a good job of it. Sev- m'aI of the cast remarked that akhlough the penforinanoe requir- ed ia lot of last minute work, it was good practice for the Draina Festival at Cobourg Colegiate West whie d i i e beld this Fni- day. Good luek to the cast aind crew who certadnly have ýput a lot of time and effort iinto this play. SPORTS: Although Clarke deleated lien- ry Street in a closegaime 77 to 69, Henry retLuned the, fignit and beat themi 66 to 15. I'd Lke to add here that al the 'dead-heads' or people on the sÉdeiines at CLarlRe vho say there is no sehool spùiît are totally, unforg"vbiy wroCnig. .During the gane aganst Henry ýStreet, te gym wýas pack- ,d to fual capacity - and not be- cauitse students 'were abie to skip class eîther. There were only i1bout toni fl1l of scfiol inme 'ýWasted" in watching the gaine. Fans sc-reamed themnselves hoarse and reialIy helped the dhleerlead- ers with the Raider's eheer. If you hmk there's no sohool spirit at Carke, then 'corne out to a gaine - you'll sec. If tjhe Raadcis are able Vo beat llenry St. with a 16 poirit le-ad, Uhey',Ul go on to C.04S.S.A. LAST WORD* . ..note left on t'he biology roone bla'ckboard durkng 'School Orientation Week' (f or grade cights): "Gilade 13's w dissect and emidne carefuly the bodies of grade jeâght students. Warning do not cat." 'VoEN E zIA. RESTAURANT Highway. 115 and 35 kmile south of Orono PHIONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Speciailzing ini Pizza - eauls ý A new formed Mother's 'lub met wiai.h grelat sucoess la§t week at thie oroino United Ohurch with sixteen moâhers and forty pre- school children in attendance The Club meetings lare held in the basenent of the Orono Uni- -ted Ohurch on a non-deniomiina- tocnal basis. Everyone is weïlcon-e. . Mrs;. EýaTbara Munnelke was el- ected president, Mrs. M~arie Mfurnie, seceetary; Mrs. Mailyn iarrabaIl, treasurer ýard Mrs. Lois Brown, lst vice preident. The prognan for Vte meetings ýý1l1 inelude, guest speakers, filans enterbainmen't and qufflieboard. plans are rit-j7 to hold the cu End 0f bSeason REGULAR $595.00 'NGW ONLY $49qv5O Rolpi IHardwa're Oreno Phone 983-5207 meebgs 4every Secomd week witLi niew rnembers:Ilip always open. Coffee was served the mothers while the ehildrein recedïved fruit juice and cookies. Systm Your Headquarters fer, Freeze,-r tpIe Government Inspeted BEFor PORK This Week's Special HIND QUARTERS 0F BRANDED BEEF 77cIbo Cut, wrapped, anid frozen BULK SUPPLY 0F Frozen Food CUïlr0m CUTING SMOKING - CURING Locker Rentais PHONE 623-5578 73 King St. W. Bowmanville Shouls i tese V wo weeks prove o 'be- frudtful (as we shall se- eon thae lst day nf the- program whkch bas been desdgnated as an Achieveiment Day), staff andI stu- dents inay try to have the saine Cý-ANADIAN AND INDONESIAN WOOD CARVING ON DISPLAY AT LIBRARY (Cônfinued froin poge- 1) lheircramft in te ddsplay. Mcnssrs. Bernard Estabrooke, Bnue Gustar and Peter Boots w'ii have thedr ol on view. Mr, I>otds isis -s&io ueuddng-S'omie Li- doneYian wood carvîng with his Ilhe wood caoevdng ig maë,S se-en during ]ibraa'y hours on Thurêsduy evening,, 6:30- 8 p.m.; Filidiyaf- ternûoon and eventing, Satturday mnfinà, 10- 12 ansi next Tues-' day evening 6:30 - 8 p.ns. Planingto build a new home? __ _ Sec Mc*Laren's "IHOME PLANNING CENTRE" Orono FuL& Lumber Coe Phone 983-9167_

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