________ORONO -WEEKL'V TIMES, WED)NESDAY, MABCH 3rd, 1971 N ew Books Orono Sport, Activities New Traclk For Harness Racing NEW LOO)KS MARI 4, 1971 Adut- Savage Iui:v BrPikn Doaýe, (9laughlt<r of the baby seals) Wéill Y( tJhc*p c ,op ths? Il id Ie book and see note at back. Cylcle-ý 'n Cour I ife by Darreli If off W'o ýe Wîl? by Di)o, o, Rose BUW ag '~(s rcrjce 0k -!,Praige expressiois) N1~ k~ preog the Uikhm iioy by Geritrude Fnney l'lie, gutin (a n ovel) Fie instuyl Pi-Jdge by Marti4n Myers Maira by Arn Wrlnt lopensto a Ilanburiger by Paul Siwr ( a reati anti f id out Science Book) Baeibone of th e King by Marcia Brown Flue Raif SCsiý1l rs by Natalie Sav- age Cacison Thse Wcndcrful Kite by Jan Wahl Easy Readinig anti Picture Books Doctor Talbit by Jan Wal Ia tise Iýgiit Kitcheal by Maurice Sendak. Steffie anti Me man. by PhYllis H-Ioff- Olga fleauchamp O-RONO MIDGETS FALL TO BOBCAIrGEON IN PLAYDOWNS, The Orono 1Xfigets have met te Waterloû at the bands of the Bobeaygeon Midgets who have ouird thse local boy;s in two pr2imtgrres lin Orono's sec- ciplaydown series. Tfie OrTio 5 ees ) r X. ~~ly efea I Pk < pi'~n- !r 'he r' p~to proceeti furtier (C, tuIe plbuydoDwn sýer(res &nd to play lýobcaygeon, Boboaygeon didl bl -wevýr nrwove togo muis for Or- on and they weait out is two c's~157 sIe3. The âauCal Midgets have hoiwever enijoyeti a gooti yesar of hockey under the banner of the Orono Athletic As- .oetin and basve proviclet much i1.joN4ment for local eectators.' lu, the last game with Boabc'a-ygeon a 6ý 2-i',tory for thse nopthero teiwn. Randy Eastabrooke sufifer- ed a broken ankie.> FAVOURED TO WIN LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP The Orono Atoyms and thse <roino PeeWees tare both, favoured to wip theiw respective League Oh.nWIo~hns.Boith have started out in fine form. Thse Orono Atoim3 in theàr first layufif game lw',th Bewdley, show- cd no mercy pLljng up a 9-4 vie- tory. A two goal iilfort went to Ma- thew Robinson, Tommy Gustar andi Stephen fllayaes. Sngle coun- tets were scoreti by Robert Grant Chiai-les Quantill andi DaVid Huit- ton. Ocono assias were eddted-, Fe ael Like A Good Laugh?9 C4JME AND SEE THE fPRIVAT EAR -AND, BLACK COMEDY. AN EVENING'S ENTERTAINMENT. WRITTEN BY PETER SHAFFER AND PRODUCED 13Y THE BOW31ANVILLE DRAMA WORKSHOP TIIURS. FR1. SAT. MARCH 11 12 13 BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL ADULTS - $2.00 8-15 pan. STUDENTS - $1.00 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT BOWMANVILLE RECREATION OFFICE - 623-3114 Special Gi-ou» Rates Available For DetailsPhone Margot Saniuel- 623-2473 Educaton -Week -1971 bihe.wk of Mai-ch 7 13 will be observed through- out Ontario as Ed!ucation Week. .Many principaLs' and staff will extend invitations te, the oublie as weiI as to parents to visit their schools within this perliod. The Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education lis supportive of titis endeavour and wouI .-l courage neet lfs4 take advantage of tits oppor- tunity to become mofe faiiar- with modern trends and technicues in educatlon. W. FRANK TIHO-7 A. A. ,H. STRIKE Director of Education Chairman of Board tz. Tommny Guslùar, 'ChaIrles Quai- tiJi1, Lýavid Huttpn 2, Doug Kra- mer 2, Deug Hancock, John West and Ron Opolca. ORONO PEEWEES WIN OVER BEWDLEY The Orüno PecWees' took a 6-1 victory over Bawdley Setue-day rnorning at thse Orono Mrena. Ken Huntton andi Chris Robinson hotis Ficored two igoals with Terry Johston ant John Cornisi eom pleting the scoring. Assists went te *Klan Popadkci, Ian Moffatt and John Cornîs'h. Thse PeeWees are con i,,,dcred 'ashew4in for tise league ehampionship. REGISTERS TWO CONSECUTIVE SHUT-OUTS Danny Mitcheil became a pop- ular boy Wâth isis teaim mates mates when he reffistered two consecubiveshtot for tale Or- cno Tykes. Thse Orono No. 2 Tykes defeat- ed Bownanville 4-0. Tise Orono goals were by Duiane iMai or, Pe- ter PhiliP for two andi one by Wayne MacLean who also pieked up two assists. The Orütno Tyke No. 1 h arn de- feated a Bowmanfvulle emnt y 3-0. Wayne MabLeaun scored 2 of the O0rono goals. Duuaae Major scored thse otiher goal ai piked i p twvo ass1sts. Terry Hetiges was al- so given an ass'ist. BANTAMS WIN OVER NEWCASTLE Thse Oronlo Bantaim;, took a 4-3 wJin ove- Newcas;t1e. Keitis Pow- eli andi Robbie icaesnsoe thbc Orono goals1, tw'o eaehI. Steve ?!-'en Mak Cnn andi Robisie Wu'desn ckd p assts. HA VING SUCC'(ESSFIJJÊ VEAIR WITH PORT HIOPE JUNIOR 'C's 'Two o o 121 YY s, Dom A1]len and B'C1 Robinon mwho ave pjiayeti tiscir mf inov hoekey ç, ut off orono are b0th maitingr1 thceir mar~k this 01c--* stieport 'I-ope Junf-or C' lu. onAllen, a coîu1petent goale. s garnga lot of acclaqrm for Porit Hope's dqefelat 01 WIstby ils tise piayoff seiles. i-n one game Moine Don turnetiaside over fffty- z1'o4s to gadin, a sliutout. Bll Rcib'nson, a "forwarid for' Port Hope is agaÎn sdîfcpia3 ng his agressive style of play. Thse Port Hope Club now face& the strong Bownaýnpijfle Junior C Club 'in a playdouwn series. Thse Bowmanville cluib won thse open- Ing game last Sunday. Dong Tauy- lor on tise Bowmianuvdlleteaem faces s.ome, of his former teamates Who MoW Play for Port, Hope. SPRING TRAINING No one hbas reported, as yet, the, retturn of thse robins -but Mi-. GrÈant Wade his done thse next best. Thse Bagles Vidf be out in fÉorce 0 n -March Otis and we hain- per a guess that thiýs will beat tlise robins. Thse Kendail Eagles, that is, opea their spit,,ng train- intg program at_ tise Clarke Iigh Sdbcocl on thse 11th at seven o'- clock. It wiay seem a littfle early by some but, doa't forget "Thse eanly bird get.s the worm.", Tie Eaglýs' are lau'nchling a reai effort for a mjost successful bail seas-on ia 1971. Plans are under-wgy to builti a e4]J0,0O race track on the west 5ide of iighway 28, in Cavan Townsibip between highway 115 and Fuaserville, about miine miàles fromr Peterboroutgis, near Mill- Bert Howden, prei <'idenit of th.e Peterboirough Driirg Club, an- nour iced tiscs week 2-at alt:e at the Peterborough Exhiibtioün Park are not adequate to inmxet the nccds of tise club, ani that the - e'w layout will make this une of the top Q1týss 'C' traorks in Onituarlo. 1The track will be 5/8 ucf amile andi will have a 5/8 iloch c'asshed stoe haý-e tiese ame as Green- wood anti oher major tracks. so that ralanfaîl will mot aoticealhly interfere. with the race.- Tlue coruplex 444horse barns, eno.ugh to hulti will include txxo a paddock large herses for four FREE R.R. 2, ORONO, ONT. granaistanti, restaurant andti ll- isouse. It willaLs;o have a blacis- smilth shop, secretary.s builbdng and betting area. Parking wiýll ac- comvmodàde 1000 cars. Tie track wR ýIlbýe gadanti ligistedta t imeet existlng eCný4rio raicing andi litigsitaindards. Mr. Hewden expLaCoti dtiat an ave'rage cf 2,000 people atteind races every week lin Peterboroughs arj ithe iu:dustry injeets about, $1!50,0ý00 revenue into tise area, Pursm moniey exceeds $80,000 andi more, than 75 people obtain- pat timne.eimpiloyment. Tise new tiaok ; eýxpecteitao be içn operatlin by 1972.' The fact tisat tise Peterboroughs Exjhij)biion Boiard is seekimg a new loicatioin for the anuul fadr was anotiser reiason why fs3 Dri vuig ,Club dtidied teo builti its own park. ,$100.00 worth of Accesserles HIGHWAY 115 and 35 YEAR END Clearance WITH THE PURCHASE 0F BACH '71 SKIROULE LISTED 1 SUIT, 1 PAIR OF, BOOTS, 1 HELMET,ý 1 PAIR 0F GLOVES '71 SKIROIJLE - 16 Hl.P.....$615.0 '71 SKIROULE - 20 HL.---$695.0 '71 SKIROULE - SS3oo0 $,.800.00 '71 SKIROULE - -24 H.P.---$735.00 '71 ýSKIROULE- 28 H.P. $795.00 '71 SKIROULE- 15" Track, 35 H.P., priced ... . $900.00 '71 SKIROULE, - 19" Track 35 H.P. priced .... $9%*.00 PARRY'S XL GAS BAR