ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESBAV, MARCH 10, 1971 Seon Cass Ma-1ýilRegistratroa Numri OJ6r QUI IPublished ever-y Thuiirsday at the offîie of publicatior * MainSfree~OronoOntaso. Phone 983-5301 THE IRONY 0F IT AL For the 'past few years the educataoe, along with a hhost of others anrd thds includes the news media, have been stressiirg hat h1gher education niaant job secunlty and greatar finanilal rewards. The falsity of thîs view mIay be blown sky,-hgh by the people who created the view. A clash between finanelal économies and higher education is now in the making within the cor-e of the educational System itself, the eounty Boards of Educatian. Ilt N also obvious that the Premier of Ot'o William- Davis, and former Winister of Education, is unaware that bis view ýis now' open to wide diseourse. Onfy last week-end In THalton County lie caintiiued to extoli the 'virtues of a higliar education una- ware that he hiinself had placed a miil-stone. around the neck of the educated by clamping -down on scheol hudg-eting Tihe Countv Boards of Education have hai ddirective (ias certainly it was tîme) frSem the DepartmeInt of Edu- catio-n to operate wthLi à certain area finpncai'liy. This bas necessitated saime Boards to cut back and the rest to hold the uine. It has brouglit into piay the aspect of financial ecoao'nras. . . Boards of Education are for-ed to econcm- ize and to spread the dollar a littie farthar. Thea greatast area of expendtura for the Boards las that of teachers salaries and it is naturai that Boards will look at thig field first. t is impossible to cut back on pres- ent salary scedules and outside of lay-eff s the only other ar-ca whare the Boards may stiretch the dollar lils iring teachers as replacements or to augment the staff. It is tis latter area where the Boards do intend to make thair- saving' and although it is not being state'd pub- licly'or set as a poiiey the word bas gone out - '4na new teachers will Ce~ hir-ad for elementar. pur-poses who carry teaohing txper-ience or a degree. t is possible for the Boards to*hire teachers coming out of teachers' college min- us any degree at a lasser- cost than those carr-ying a degree or expenience'. The wcld of ecoýnomies overcomas the theory of job security andl greater- finanIal rawards of a higher education. t is ironical that thàs myth of the past few years bas been b)roken by the very institution that created it. Township Faced WithRsn CostsÏ In Prepomarinrg* Boudget lhe Township of Clarke eouin- cil fûled a number of financlal rqulisitfaql requests 'wtlh-.refeti4 rai ta the finance committee. The requests wil, bc handied through the adoption of the budget ia future nreetiig. The Ganaraska River Conser- vation Author-ty hais requested an amouint of $2984.00 whiclh La- ekldes a sum of $1807.00 for pur-- chaise of the BMI Mill nortli of Cobourg. This budget is anuiin- creaise of $200 aver iast year. The Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority raquesits an ineresise of $400 la their request which, now totals $542.00. A request fr-ar the Clarke Townshp Planning Býord is al- so ieferr-ed te, the finance coni- mditee. The local Board Is askinrg for an arnount of $12,500l.00 to insigate an offiesi plan for the Township. It hbas been voiced that this imay ba csrried eut avec a two year period. An application by Johin H. Blunilberg fer- a taxi licencei lawke Township was led., A speciaii meeting of counedi is ta -le iield ta consider wage demands by the r-ead department ernployees. A Ltter wss r-eceved fr-arc. Hale requestirig a price-o $5000 a yeýar- for thie use of tihe Haie disposai ar-es for residents of the Township. As yct no ýar-a has been clearai for disposai mthi the Townliip by the Deplartment of Haalti. Mr-. J. L. Leiwery bas be-en ap- pointed War-bla Fly Inspectetr by the Towxshp Counciil. it was racagnizld at the meet- ing that M. L. Ross had beain-aLec- ted ta the Board of Directors of Ontar-lo GorI oada Association. By resalution- the Township a te termlinate fjanitor- service with1 Wayne Kennedy oif Building Maintenance ýCe. as of Apail 2nd. -By4aw 1700 was passed whaclh wilI slUow mater raeiing at Mos-, port park on Sunda/ys for the yeair 19,71. - The Townshlpp la to psy reagis- tration -fees for Brue H-ancock te attend J. Mhony Road sehool and for M.' L. Rassa teattend C. S. Ander-son Road secheal. Rev. Basifi Long, of the Orono Unitedi Church, is high in hi-s praise of the value of the prograni -'Diai A Thfought" n ow eminaiting frin tihe Orono, United Church. The prc grarn lias been ln opera- tien for 't'wa weeks and is'be4ng extensively iîsed by those an the ar-Ca.1 1 The use of 'Dial A Thought 1 is ýfàar beyon-d expectations and surpasses the established average. La speaking of this aspect Rav.. Long also notad that ýaboyeaar-- age support given by members of the congregati-on ta, the church DËiretory puibîcationl wbich soon will lic ready for distribution. Rev. Long states that "DiliA Phougi-t" is being used by ail age groups. Ha notes the use of the Provision ta leave messages which, ha saidl, is most encourag- î1-ng. Extanding rlgoha said, is a matter of coimmunication and the 'Dal A Thought' progra-mex- tends this lina of communication. There hava been a few mechian- dcal bugs in the equîpiment but these' are baing ir-oned out as time pb-gresses. Your 'fUail A Thouight' mess- age may ba obtained by phonIn-g 983-9151. ILofial News IMr-s. NKco Henidersan, -Mrs. Min-nia Taylor, Mrs. Jean Allen and Mrs. Theima Forrestar- left by molor on MVonday for a two week holidayr la Flor-ida, Mr-. a-nd Mrs. Jack Rickaby, Tor- onto spaint thie wcakend with -Mr-. and 'Mrs. Carl Billýing-s. A bus lbcd eo Or-ana Horticul- tural iimmbars Jour-neyed ta the Toronto Flower and Gar-dan Club show onSard. The show was hlld at the naraMuseu-m. Mr. and Mrs. fyn Kîmmett of Lb ndsay wara Sunday visdtors with M/r. and Mrs. Car-i Kimmett. The Orono Senior- Gitizens met in the Oddfellow's Hall on March 4th withi a fairly good numiber in attendance. Mrs. Elsqdie Har- played the piano anrd Mrs. Ilazai Staplen showed siides of Flac- ida which wer-e ver-y interesting and enjoyable. Mrs. Harzeil Far- row and Mrs. Elsie Hear served aftannoon tea. The remainder of the aiftern-oon was spent in playig, ?ogresý. We are Agents for Cl-eaners PICK UP AND DELIVERY EVERV TUESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY MATTS BILLIARDS and Barbershop Orern, Ont. Ph6n» N-IS1O Sive cucbre. ffigh Lady 'was M'%rs. Ephriam White, Jow lady, Mrs. M. Chatterton, Mrs. Gaâ:deneiýr, piayfing as a genit won first priZe, low gent, Mr. Fred Truli. We l wouild like ta see more out at the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. W. H Canmaii are spending a f ew 4ays in Ot- tawa ar-ler-e Mr. Oarrnan às atten- ding a ScholTrustees eoqwen- Mrs. Charles -Rutherford Is a -patient in Bowmanville lHospi- tal following a- fail and brea&àang lier leg. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gocode are holidayiing in the Bahaimas. De-ar Sir: When doas thic law with regard ta str-ay and 'barkiing dogs come Into force? We wîll soon ha busy in aur gar-dans, and at the moment it waould seemi that there are more dogs than evcr at large. Interested. EdtrsNoté: (owsbpAf Clarke Bylaw No. 1~7 prinbtsthe r uneping at large ofIIdags, and barkfing, 12 mion-ths of tire year. Aithougli the by4aw la la farce there is ne con- trol office-r appolnted ta carry out t-lie enforca-ment of the con- ditions of the by-law. The by-lam, doshowever- give author-ity to, any9ne to -pick up ýa dog on their praparty a-ad take it ta the Town- ship Peund Keaper, Bran Cas- well, lot 11, con. 3, -larke Town- ship, R.R. 1, NewtonvdIle. 1In caseof nuisance by bowling a connplaîntant rnay appeair ha- fore ýa Justice of the Peace and swear out an Information charg- ing thae wner- with a br-each of' thîs section.1 Net much helip 'n ?.,irid.------ TUIE NEW SCHOOL To settle the naine of the new achool 'why not have a conteat open to former pupals of the presaint public school with cash prize of $50 or $100. The contest- ant sbould add a few remar-ka t(> bis or- ber entry ta enable the judges ta select a wnnar if more than aria person subinits the sanie STUT'SPHA MACY ORONO, ONTARIO HN 9350 Under New Management Niel de koker.Slaughter House formerly owned by Harry Van Wieringen, Pontypool CUSTOM KILLING. - CUTTING- WRAPPING Weekdays 8 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Saturdays 8 to 12 moon Choose your Wedding Stationary from the popular BOUQUET - PRESTIGE INVITATION LINE, Canada's first ciloice of Weddlng and Social forms A wide choice designs and'types to choose from. INVITATIONS - ANNOUNCEMENTS MATCHES REPLY CARDS - SERVIETTES THANK YOU NOTES - ETC. ETC. ORONO WEEKL TIMES MAIN STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO MONE 983:-5009