ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,_WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1971 Agri-News by Bob Watt, Ass't Agnluultural Rep. Use of Financial Giftlng Zytaili MaeLachlain, Farin Man- egemnent Specialet 'Mth the -On- DROGERSON ORONO, ONTAILUO ANTIQUE.4 WB BUY A.ND SELL 014 Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLD ... CALL US, WE PAY CASH Phone 823-5342 after 6 p.m. ROu"Y TI'OMPSON Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Work Remodelling Kitchen Cupboards Wýe build from the foundation Up. taria Departzment of Agriculjturc aud Food i Asnasteir, indicates that linancial gifts can p~lay an bnpart,tpart'âii Estate pl.anning for larmers. These ýg.fts may work two 'ways: Frst - Gilts can be used to reduce a farrner's est- ate so as to lessen tht effeet of the ;Caniada Estate Tax and Ontar- iD Succession Duties. Second - GIts also enabie the young mnan ta, gain assets to hegin farmn>g. Ail stradghtforward gifts be- tween 'husband and wirfe are com- pletely exempt of gif t tax. Gifts to other îrndiv4duals are exempt up to 2,000 )a year to eachih div- didual. A once in a lif e tirne gift of farMjng property up ta $10,- 000 fromn a fariner to his child is exempt froin gift tax. if certain conditions are met. "Mr. MacLachian also indficates there are a few points to be re- inembereci. The gft must 'le ac- t'ually made at farm m'arket val- nie, and properly recorded to a- VOM dComplications later on. The receipt of a gift ds geneally re- garded as Capital by nature and not subjeet to dncorne tax. Af ter October 22, 1968, ail taxable gifts, plus tax paid i-on such ggifts will be dncluded in the ýestate sum for the purpose of calec'ulating estate tax. Thus, there is uitile, if any- thïing, to lie gain.ed by inaking taxable gbfts for estate planning. Registration of Egg Producers In Ontario The Farn Products M1larketinig Ompeun, House At -Orono School This Afternoon And Evening Bad lias granted the Ontario 'Egg aind Fowl Producers' Market- ing Board the authority to re- quest reýgistration of ýevery persan engaged -li producà,ng, eggs ami fowl Ila Ontario on Feliruery 4, 1971. The registration form mnust b, sent to the Ontario Egg and Po'wl Producerls Marketing Board at iits office on 4809 Yonge St., Willowdlale 441, Ontcario on or 'be-fore-Mardi 15, 1971. If you have noi received copies of the forn, they are available froin tie a-bove address or from tlie above ad'dre-ss or from tlie Ontario De- partm ent of Agriculture anid Food ýoffices. Also, if a persan com- mened to produce eggs -or fowl after Feiruary 4, 1971, he must î-egister w.itlhîin 30 days 'after lie started. The Board defines fowl as a domestic lien, flot less than six montlis of age, t-hat tis produced. ini Ontario and lays eggs. Beef Bull Sale A,>nyone in the market foir a Perfurmance Te steci Beef Bull siould bl i nteresied in tlie on- tardo Beef Catfile Improvement Asýsociation Bull Sale to lie ield at Ilays,, Siles Arenia, Tra-falgar. 5 miles nowtiî of Oakvi'lle Ai 'breeds except Hereford will lie solýd on Marci là andi the Here- fards on Marci 17 Boili daiys the show is at 8:00 arn. andi the sale ligiins at 11:00 a.ni. Roadside Mas keting Coxîference An.yaone who i s sIlgf(ruit and, vegetaibles at a i-oadside stand or is Interested, should keep this confereince on Wednesday, Marci 17, ýat hIl oliday Inn dn Kitche-n- er, i'minci. As more and more ipeocple belcomre involved in Vhs type ofen-:,erpise, ih will lie ta the 'nft fAriutr and' Food, 1-4 Firnsk Street, Bowman- ville, Ontario. Phione 623-3348. CORNISH'S Redcl &White jl OLD T1IME FAVOUlUTE - Branded - Full Cut Rounid ROUND STEAK Ilbqq Good Old Fashioned (Boneless) Chunk Style BEEF STEW IL 87c VAC PAK 1/2'S MAPLE LEAF DINNER -RAMS lb. ~qc OPEN IHOUSE A-r SCHOOL ------ The {}rano Public Seliool w&l fbe holdinýg theïr ennual. Open House, tonigit, Wednesday, 10th of March. 'The do:Qrs of the sehool are open ta visitors fromn-2:00 to 4:00 p.mand froin 7:00 ta 9:00. There will le pupil displays of interesi ativariaus grade levels. NEW SCHOOL ,The staff of Oroino Public Sehool lias visited and reydewed numerous so-calleci Open 'Concept sehools and it appears ta lie the opinioýn fiai the 0rono sehoal is 'now aperating wîth a progRlai siluilar ta the successfrui open sebool iýdela. Mr. Moffat reports tftat iÀ now appears tliere willibe no radicail ciange in tlie Orona program at this 'iUme or wlien tlie new echool is constructei. ~The type of building, he lias saici, ilsnat tie important factor but ratlier the oinus for success ,is on tlie staff. Mr. Maffat refers ta the South- wood Park Public School, Ajax, las an operation that lie belièes lias the kinci aofmixtuire tint 'mosi wanit for their children. The hasic learning skills are not ne- glecteci and the subjeets wlicl invite researchi, .discovery 'andi thýining are made in-terestîng tirotîgi the uý;e of indi-vidual in- terýest development. AJAX VISIT PLANNED 'The principal Gi the Orono Public School lias macde arrange- monts for interested parents ta visrit the Ajax schooi andi ta see dt in, operation on Wedinesday, March 17. If a sufficient number let the sciool ýknow arrangements will lie made ta secure a buýs. It bas been suggested tint they beave Oronao at 8:30 ýar. DENTAL SURVEY 'A denteàl susivey Is lieing, con-. 'du'eted aithtle Orano sohool andi rwi1l be com-pleted Mardhiliii by, the Pine Ri'dge Health Unit. Another Storm Hits larke Twp. 'The starin of snow and wind oveir the weekend-lias kept the Townshdfp of CMÈake Rond Depart- ment busy endeavouring ta keep Townsbip roacs open ta traffic. Tuessýday inarning Mr. Bruce Han- cock repoýrted thnt ail main town, slhip ronds were open but that saine side roacis were silil bbocked He expected thnt tiese would he open before flie day ended. It was report'ed that side ronds off the sàxtli lin e were the worst 'aund after opening one on Mondny it was agaïn bIock'ed wthin an liaur due ta fie high w~inds. It was reporteci iliat ail Township ronads rwere openýed, bed-ore the' storrn aver tice'week-end. 'Many of tie ronds are reduced to single lane traffie in saine lareas. One wouldhave ta ie out dn the country ta rea1lize .the ex- tenit af the hIgli winds. Elmer's Gra ge TEXACO SERVICE Miil St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Tooth Paste anid .Mouth Wash 12 ta package J-Cloth, Towels 12 toek 99C 49c FLORIDA GRAPEFRIT Et for 750 ARCTIC CAT .SNOWMOB1LES SALES and SERVICE Donaild Cathcart R.R. 1, Kendal, Ontario Phone 983-5671 Grant C. Wade' Insurance Agenry, GENERAL INSURANCE Newtonville, Ontario Telephone 786-2921 AND FABRICATION and LATHE WORK Sam. - to - 5 p.m. Wonday through Saturday PHIONE 983-5760 OxfWrd IICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCMAHL Phone 983-5606 Specialîzing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do ïchimney Repairs Dr. W. R. Kent DDF Bowmanviile Professionalitip 222 King St. E. Suite 108 Office Hours: Closed Sat., Su.n. and Mon. Open through Tues. to Friday Telephone 623-7349 DX SERVICE STATION Highelway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle SFeaturing: Premium Quaiity Producta -~ At The Most Reasonable Prices Any quantity per gai. Stove 011 Station 2 , Phone 987-4215 EAT RIGHIT WITH OLD. TIME BRANDED Rump Roausts $I.09 OId Tuiie Best Buy! Meat or Mushroom 14 oz BRAVO SAUCE 3 for $1 Old ime Best Buy! Price marked 5 for 99e 5 envelopes to Ceilo bag TANG range Crystals 89C Old T'ime Best Buy! Instant Coffee 10 oz. CLOSE-UP ALL-PURPOSE BATHIROOM TISSUE WHITE SWANJ 2 roils 29c CLOVER LE,ýAF 73/4 oz SO0CKEYE SALMON 65c HOUSEHOLD TOWELS WHVITE sWAN 2rpaco 59t EVERREAIDY' Iluracel - Aikaline Energizer For FLASHLIGHTS,.-- WATCHES IIEARING AIDS- CAMERAS TRANSISTORS WE HAVE THEM ALL Middlet ORZONO, ONT.