ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAUR 10, 1971 service GENERAL PUMPINO 24 HOUR. SERVICE LORNE IHARDY Leskard, Onta rio Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 8OB YEOMANS PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations - Alterations Repairs Speclalizing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septie Tank Work R.R. 1 Orono 983-5624 UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Rev, BB E. Long SUNDAY, MARCH l4th CHURCH SCHOOL- 10:00 MWORNING SERVICE - 11:15 KIRBY SERVICE: 9:45 A.M. CHRURCH SCHOOL, 11:00 A.M. 41DIAL A THOUGHRT" PHONJE 983-9151 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establlshed 1869 1 Regiilar Sunday Worship Service - 9:30 a.in. Moly Communion- First and Third Sundaysý Morning Prayer- Second and'Fourth Sun.days Holy Baptism by appointmnent 1,with Rector 97-4,45 The Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B. A., LTh. W. FRAN IREAL ESTATE Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville U3-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 for prompt, courteoujs, efflel. ont servie. wben buying or nIlIag and for the largest sel- «oetto of'properties in the Contaet Oreno Area RepreSntaUiv Roy Foster 983-801 (Bethany) Dane Pound 27 7-2280 623-3965. BMy Strong 52 ryi ie iJniited Chureh iWOamdn met at the hom-e of iMrs. E. Couroux on March 3rd at 1:30 ýp.ni. A de- lt-u unch was scrved by Mrs- K. Wooli; thore were ten mc-ý bers, preý;,nt. We rebearsed the, program sent out for the W/orld's Da- of Prýayler. Mrs. A. Low read an artiUcle te,-,, of itue P.ýg'nang of the T)ay of Pt-ra er in, Canada lu 1895 andI gradually spread&ng to ijnclude a bundred and i Lfty countieW. Tlie,ý U 111-fil, 'isa countrv or i i ýid of Soufh Aýinir ita. Ofrgwau3$6.62.Me er sliip fee for ceiglit members $-LOG; Talent money $2.10. Wheni bouse cleaiing remncmber the White El,- -t , t ur Ba7aar in - -" 'ricles ta hc soltI ,t thn~t u.U,-ed e.)ye glas,ýes can be --iit aw',,av for others. Some la&d taok w oui home ta ku',t foi the Jazaar. The mc-xl meeting wll 'he aI tbe home of Mrs., Il. Foster. The Worl's Day of Prayer serviCe wîas held at Kendel On Fridjafyafternioon. It was atlended, by ladies from Newtonville, Shi- lob andI Kirby. There 'were six ien pr-ese;.t. The- offeing was- $2100 Thi-> is ta ha used. ta dcvi- aIe poverty. as3st refugea pro- grin puoduca Christian litera- tut-e and thoer edircational work. Mrs. T. Carhutt andI Mrs. J. Fonk bave returned bome from Boawmanville 1Ilospital and Mrs. R. Greenwood expects la b 9home this weekend. Tle Kenodal Orange Lodge held a Ladies Nd-.gbt on Salur-day eren- img, Marcb tb. Uniortunately fflRISTIAN - NON CHRISTION <Contnued from page.4) gven. Thase who are yun in years, teenagers anid young married people, d'are not tun a'way from consideration of the abundance wth which they ýare surrounided, good biome, heaith, strengtb, edu- cation, opportunity and a host of other things, for "ta whom much rs, give, of him wilI much be re- qupred.", The difference between the Chrit-1în Pru d thle non-Cristian' is thet one, no matter whiat bis degrüee of perfection, directs bis lue towvard God; the other no mat- ter how orderly, directs bis hie to suit bis own purpases.' The difference between what people thînk Jeus satd end what lie really did say is that in the first peopfle take an easy, super- ficial view of hf e end th ir Te- sponsibility; in tbe latter we wil give account of our ,irves %accord- inýgto thatwbich bias been en- tmnsted tou us 'Tor to whom muclh is given, Mf h1m will much be re- quired." Callyour lcensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractor who seils, Instalu aný ý d guaranteoe _ CARMA PUMBING AN HEATING PETER BOOTS Phone 983-5796 custom Built Furniture and Bepair Work Specialhing in Living Rooi Rec. Boom Built-inb Bars Wood Carving Free Estimates RR. 2, Orono Ora , %veather and roads were ucr tah,sa that the attend2ince wa snalil. A good tne Wasn27 e by thase whao attenlded(. Ghurcli had to be cosed on SundŽ-,y due ta the ronds 2nd sid'- ruaids beine, fuli of snow. No sclioio' buses travellfid the sWxh lime on Monday. Perhaps samp of the older f ol'ks wilI reinember Mir. James Fawler. Hâs fülneral was March, lOthý froin Melnlos- and Anderson uindert'kiing parlours, Osh'awa. He was br on the Fowler houme- sýtead mw her Mr. Art Low lives today. H1e farine d the Pete New- ehi farm. He narried a Kendal soh(oal teacher, May Wal'ls, Who predeceased hm hùn win ilason Earl was smail. ilus present wife is, sUilI living. Mr. Fowler died iin Osýbiawa Hospital after suffering a broken hiip. 'ie was 93 years olId. Symvpathcy is extended to his, ~wfe and son Earl who now resàde at Blackstoek. Kirby News Mr. aind Mrs. Daug,, Hird of -Wilitby ;visited ber parents M1r. and Mrs. tawrcnce li1arrIs an on Satut-day iafternoan. Mrt. an'd Murs. Bil Seat-s af Scarborough were Satturffay an'd Sunday -guests aýl!so witli er parents. Mr. and ýMrs. Lawrence ýHarr&s and Charles visdted ýMr. and Mrs. Gus ýWdlsýo;nSatuirday eveniiag.. ,KaTen Lowery bald the misfor- tune of breaking ber elbow on Saturda)y aflernoon- whille going up a ski tow. TheTe was no church on Sun- day imovning las everyone wvas snowed in. Aniyone passing LowerY's se Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phione 983-5249 1 rons ro'ad on Sinday nuiay have -won- ded xlwhlat was -going on when *h vy ç snm - tHie C u 'ty p lo u g h , Tcwshp lughand Dept. of l Lghw ays patrol truck. Karen Lowery h;ad to retura ta the hos- 'ptlas her arm wavos swelling in- side the cast. Thie Counity plougli Iaily got us out and the De'pt. rf Hfighways patrol took u s to the hospial. Thanks toalal who helped i ny way. ýWe thik everythîing is under control now! 09- u ýl4O A RE N'A ORONO- PORT HOPE LINDSAY- OSHAWA Tyke Hockey,' FriayMurk 9th BOWMANVILLE ORONO - - NEWCASTLE, BOWNAN VILLE Wednesday, Marck 4t Teams from ORONO - NEWCASTLE PORT HOPE and BOWMANVILLE softie pouch. Many soft crinkie patent vinyl as weil as leather-like graïned vinyl. Black, bone, brown, beige, tan, navy and red. PRICED FROM --------- $7.95 to $13.95i Brighten Up your bedroom or bathroom with one of our new pîush pile scatter rugs with non-skid latex, rubber back. Machine washable. Beautiful shades to choose from. PRICED FROM - ----------------- $5.50 to $8.50. Towels New colourful terry bath towels and band towels with face cloths to match. Good colour combinatiens. TOWELS prlced $1.69 te $2.95 FACE CLOTHS 59e. te 69c YFoam Dacek Tableclotba The tableclotiis you have been looking for - f6ain back tire- thane! Just wipe it's-cdeanX! Wil, not slip. A good assortment of colours and attractive designs. Two sizes. 5211 by 52" prlced ,----- $1.98 52"1 by 701 priced----- $2.49 if you are thlnking about Spring decorating sec Our Wall- paper books. There is a big choice of papers and you'il be sure to find the paper most suitable for your room. These papers are avail- able in a short time. We also have some papers i stock. Swimmtïlýing Pools COMPLETE POOLS If you are buying a Swi1iuniig Pool give me a eall Phoie 983-5494 Orono, Ont.