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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Mar 1971, p. 1

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ono VOLUME 35, NIJMBER 13 Joins Central Ontarlo Group The Clar-ke Township Museum -jind Archivesý whi-eh will open tAlic-r display te thýe puiblie tfis ~umrin the-upsta-irs cf -the bLiib uilding, have reenitly )oi-ed Ic Centrai Ontario Mus- cumi AssociatLion. The latter gs-oup bas :beeii !n exlstanle for tie last aiumber of years Vo assist in gro-ups planingam c-oclat mg pegrnis treugieut the Iusurane ÙOffice To Open In Orono Ms-sS. Sache Ha-milton Insus-ance bas anpeuaced that Ms-. James H. Hare, of Petýley-1-are Ltd., Os- aiwa, wlafifiliate iti Ha-mitn ,nu ,ae s of A-ps-i- ist. ýfs-. laâre bsidfifteen yess-ex- perieixce -la the insura-ace busdn- Tlc an-acuncen1ienit states the ais-urance Ser-vice wlwll morve te nlew quarterýs e-a the Main Street c.f Orone w'ititii-e nftw office Op- - o t onpii 15. M-ss. Susan Sw ye .,s,)t continue witi the i-m vhen it moves to Osono. ln Kceeping, With lu kýee-png wi tradition tic ýsue, were 's-oeaipasbe aus- ing anuothes- rie avy wowk bard fer t]iie Townisîîp road departmeut. Duie te te stonqi the Dus-ham Counrty Farmers Co-operative postponed thers-aninuai meeting i .and on Tues-day no'n-ew date liard1 heen set for the meetng.1 Theic Oone Athietie Association aise ealled off a hockey tourna- f niet iichwull be rs-scheduled.t Skating DISPlCYr FiHs Arena '1Uc Oronio Arcitia pckcd a te cpacty as-t Sunldaly afterneou01 when the Osono Skating OClutb held a diiJsplay cf skating by theis- Thie cvent inclý ude5d Patich Dein- enstratiens of tic prelinaintary t figure, as well &s tic Fis-st ati Second figure, There wars aise a Dan-ce Sessjin wici d1splared P nmne diffe-ent dance routines. I "1nda'asi' possibly 'hirghiigted f the sest of -tic group numnbers -whiici were presented la a great <G var-e ty. i' Deîlitf'ul sôlosý wes-e prescnted by Miss Bajnnie Balew ami Crâaig 'Penanet, tmo acco'mpiisied s-kat- l crso t-ie club this yeaa-. TPle dis-play on Sunday took tic place of thc aurmu-al trwe-.igt carniivar ilci tiis yelar, was âeld du obeya-ncc. th Free Film Show lth f Thie elarkePublic L-rayarehe hol inafree film ishow tuis Fsi- Weekly Tmes OIRONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNES DAY, MARCH 24th. 1971 Horticulturaf. Members Take Pictorial Trip To Holland The sound of Irish music could >be ýheiard on enteviag take Main Hall of Orono United Chus-ch on Thursday nùght wvhen Mrs. E. Tou-chbuirn pr-esided at 'the' piano forthe opening oft-lbe Mas-ch HIor- t4cuilrlusail meeting. Tbough this waes the i8th it was stili ntice to hear - 4My Wîld Inish Rose', 'Roise of Trailee', 'Pý O'Neill' and other lIrish tu-nes. Thie Ihig;ý411lit o-fthe cveniing wfl5 a ti-:p to llol½nd courtesy of, Mr. and M.'Kliaas Schoen- maker. Ilis beautifîil siides show- ed miany aspects of the cowntry that the sae tourist might ,net see. We followed thein to the airport, when th'ey Wese accom- panded by neighborisf-or take-off ait 7 p.-mn. Alt'er a "2 hous- n;giht," due to, tme change, they laixdied in lol'lamd wihere they were -greeted by their ifamulies. Bu,§ trips, boiat trdps, visits to) museuins, lamuse- ment par-ks, churches and mnany other places occupied theis- days. ýA n iteresting' tdine ,was spent ait a fanm whereý the, womnan was ni-inghome maide cherese. We sarw the various preicesses fs-cm the chus-ning to the a'gingil of the eheese. Sheives Were filled with 300 theei weighihng freiin 20-25 poucnis eii ihhad to be turrddary 1a the openir cheese mar-ket vwîrious tam cntested to 'secý who woiîld hav4ýe their caieeses weighed by noon. We -a hve' seenpcu-so Duth wnrmirlibutnes-eor the i!ntcrýir mecharismti.May thougýh no longer used other ta as -a tourist attraction, formeirt.y eut wood, ground reed a'nd purmp- An linrterestiorg tour was through a iniiature village, where sima-l refpba of homes, fairm's, dYkes. hairbours. colleges were drwarfeýd- by the people. In 'a large cathedrai we sew the 1ivr7-st pipe organ dm, EuTope 8 stories high. . I a miavket gaily padrnteid wood- en, shnes ,qiiirounàed thewrk mnan tow makiýng the shees by Theirip home wias over the n-orth route and icebergs could bc, se-e-n in the blue wmater thous- cas of feet below. A e hautiful 'su-nse-t oves- the wa1fcr brought an enjoyable visit to a close. Pres,;dient Ms-s. E. Couvier tîa'nked thbe Schocamaers and 1),e.te a gift. ýAnnriorincerments. madle by the pre-Ajdent were for the April ieetj:ig, the %actural -moti o-f the -irst mneeting 50 yeassta-go, wihen ,Mr. John Clar-ke and- Mr. nlugseli, Go,,lime, Toron-to, will l)e sPýecdaJ Anryone baving information pLer- Io Horticulturail rtco-dis, ifrs. E Seiimid iwoui lihe plcased o have it. Tt ýwas decidecl l eliay the 1recî ie-i-ntsale un-tii tic MIay 20 meàetijng. An Invitation waý reacl' ry Mrs. 'E. Jiames, from he Oqih-mwa,-Soriety. te attend heir meetdjng on Mav 3 for ia- forrmiiein on rose culture. ]Xr.Conivier sipoRe of hier ie iîre lattrenefiin-g Ihe Jno Carle-,nier's Mari meeting. Aay huidiren, f'rom 6-15, not aiready- c t)ýteýnidii-ng, aire we'lcom;e te jeýin th -Vie xtmetigApril 5. Thei(- Golden 2Anniiversary Year b Books were givea te mieimbers ýC ýrsent andc the lunch cewimittee C erved dedicious deouughnuts a"d ýffee. ai m ore Act'ivities Froni ýClarke Library At the Boa-rd Weeting ou Tihurs- da-y eveting o-1 tic Clrke Pubic- 13bàYaIrY a 1-unilies- cf activaties aia-g Iýw-ith -soine improvenients weregiven B.oard approva)l. To O)pËn Section For Y0u14,9eaders TicBoa-t gave approvil te couvet ticPs-es-euit oiibrarianOs wifl be lan -thds a-oi tha4tich picture bocks and eatsy-rcead!,ng bocks -will be shel-ved in soie oti-er cabinets. The , cas-eus-el table and chairs wil-l ailsebc placcd i-e' thrs rocua. At 'ticps-es- cn't tjýIme i equirpuient and b0 oks arc laeige junior section cf ticlura.Tie prs-e-nt sys- tean dous Iet aliow encugi s-oim fer- 91eîPla cf al tic picture and eas s-a-dinfg bocks. This chageove- s xpccted te be cOîletd wt-iinthe a-ext monith. It -s a -se hpcd ttaît a s-tory heur av beset-up for -Saturday mornsu-g ccanîea in the f-l. To Show Summner Films Ot-d Tie oa-d is- erndeavcus-ing te cîbtaln tic en of a mevie pro- jctor ru--g-i uiîa ets j'y orfde- te show tmovies outdo os-s frinmd-un 'e0 ri s-d of Augist Fiinsas-c obtainiable fromn ViaO'-i-rwa ibras-y iee of charge ançl cover a wide s-ange of sunb- jcs.Ticeju-ograni wlil be be-id wcekl,'y snd pos-i'bly twîce a -week if t-equ-cstcd -iv ticpublic. To Hold Bummnage Sale Plans were aise niade teo-hold a îumnage saletic endl of May or fis-st week la June as a meians te s-aise lands te S-tas-t work 'on te renýovraticas cof thc bac-k sec- filon cf the lîhrarîy buildinig. It is fecit thiat -Vhisas-ca -could be uscd for 'rny - pus-poises -by ticse in Ich commiulity. In Its psent s-taI e tfie as-caeau n be cf ne use. Angene -1ý1 iarirng as-Viciles forthie sale., whbti-ey wish te douate arc ask-e -t onta-ct say of tic lhraians at tire libi-ary os- phone 983-5301. Arranagemen-ts wlll be macle te pick up articles ff Viey cana-et lbeis-cught to e tc rary by Vie donnor-. Aay saleabie article, anril Vjilsinu- a ameinaythiug, wiII le he accepted. Ticebrrem R . Forreste-, - stated -ii at ai-i-auge-me-uYts, bad been tmad-e for tic insgtaýllaýtiýon of tic feun-tain and seatin a flowes- gardien sèýtting. Tic -lilbranisan, Ms-s. Olga Beau- v-hamp, reportel tic fins-t de-dine dn, rearding -i-nthti past tweyens-s. flac oan cf bocks foirFcbs-ua-ry il nby 300 oves- Viat cof las-t Fer- ,rts-arry. PFos-w-eaîtherconýd!ions anrd jin'ereased alctii-tdes ha tic ires wiere attrirbuted as tie s-cas- tal foi- ie decline. A $5 millionbafif le stand, cidred r-ire traek, seiatinrg ,500 persons, bas be-en preposecl for ,oier-a ,on ivbyJuoN 1972 n-car tic ~eît einterciange on Highway The a~r~urmctwas macle ao th ic wrekenc by Osli-awa IRam- ess Mngmn Ltd. ownes-s o-f )ronQ Raceway. Plans for 'tic ilass A track mnust be approved y). Dsarldigton Townsisip andcltii- Central Onia-rie Wa-ter Resources Tice 54-nmber c-holding ,comp- ny, Rlams-noHoldinýgs Ltd., lias Large Number Attend U.C.W. Smorgasb-ord On the evenlig of March. 16, program -inceluded' si.ngng m. Orono U.'C.W. held a Most suc- ski'ts by the 11i-0s, sdnging by Cessful SmorgUsbord. Supper 'and C,G.I.T. girls, a group, of tee girl Tariety Show i-n the Main Hiall, and à-nîdivàiduals - Piano, trom- where the St. Patrick's theme was bone and autoharp, solioists - aptly 'carried out in~ the decora- msclnunbhers opi piwno, violin tiens made by Mrs. F. Lyeett. andd 'hainnm'nea. A most amusing 4Ma'ny aduIts anýd ehWikhen were monologue wa-, given by Mr. Ray- Inattendance te enjoy a bounti- mond Ohapman. ful and delicieus imeal, J'dr. -Donald Staples,, accomptav Mr. Sterling Mather, in. bis us- led iby his motherý at the piano, ual gen4al iman.nèr, aeted as led -the audience in.,aà'ing-song of Master of Ceremonqes for the en- IDiýsh tunes tertainnient, which opened with The U.C.W. i-s most gr-atefuit t the -Oreno -PuhlârcShool- Bamd, one'arnd al for making this ev'et under the capable direction of such ia success. Oïbe Tealize the Mr.--E. (Barr, presenting serveriali ameunt of talent whidi we harve sei-ectI'ons. Otlher aumbers on the among our local 1peoplfe.' purchasecl 99 acres of lard on tic soutfi side cf tic Cous-tic-e interehngefor- $210,000. Tic proposed raceway weuld have stable tacilitries foi- 800 ies-ises, louiages andc a dini-ng rrooia i-n tic grands-tand overloek- ingte ctrc. If approval is graarted, tic ta-a-ck wriilil jolastililac opeilations at Gar-den City (St. Cathiarmes), G&ee-nwoecl (Tes-ente), Mohawk, ('Campbllville), Le-don arnd Windsor wliichf os-m tic A cia-- euit during te ic trottin-g seras-en. Tics-e tracks ail gros-s more -Pian $100,000 à. day i-n bettin»g. Tic opusration expeets te cater te 1.5 million racing fans draWn from tic casteca, Toronto ancra. If tic -Couirti-ce rste j.ocis tic ps-es- ent circuit, th- tmnek wout-d 'prob- ahly s-un two melets with -more tiean 100 racrnmg ulays ecdi yrs. A charter for opes-ation -weuld have Vo be gaiiid lis-cm tic feles-- al department cf agi-cultua'e arnd arpps-oved b-y he Canadi-au Trot- ting Assqoiation and -Ontas-io Rac- iag Commimssion. Oshawa'imeos id yy 19~ y- Il Police Trustees To Enforce- DogýBy-law Iln Village 'Ille OrOno Police Trustees metý oni Momday evtning wheln it was, decided to dives-t some of' tie traffie officer's ,Mtme to that of Con trol of dugs ru-nning' at large., R. Forre-ster necosn-mended the ýmove;-Which was acrccted by AIr. Watson. To pre<-ess-thlis, move tie Trustefes passed e resolution askigtic Townsbip CouiaediI to pa-sý the inecessas-y resolution of ihy-iaw se that Mr. Watson- could enforce condhItioas of the dog by- law withIn the iimîlts of the Pol- ice Village. It ýis not the Intention thatithVe Officer wili. pick up dogs ru'aadag- at large and take ti-eni thVe Town-,hiqi ;ieund but would îssu-e a sum'mejn.s u-nder the Suinm-ary Conviction A-ct to tihe wneLr of Tic 'public will ble noti-f-id w-ien the dog by-law is te 'cliee- forcedi within the Village. Tlic chais-in requested a spec- ili reefiing of the Police Trust- e-s,, -andct representatives of the Onbârie Water- Resqiarces -Com- mnission te cons-ier -certain pqui- icies te be set forth'ý as ýwell as tie deve ' opment of a second weni for the local isystem and Vie- ex- tension of tie boundaries cf the wàater area. ice meeting is to be set-up - with-i'n the nmext couple of weeks. The Village dock îS te be brougitite accord with the prdpeir tirne. Mr. Woodyiard was author-ized te, obtain prices in iregards - a guarci rail along side ie Tannes-y Hil iwhîicth 'bas 'been-- ps-rnsed by theý Trustees te Mess-ss. K. Seheen- - ilaker aid'S.îS. Rtierford. R. ïo-et-rstated'tiatit iis agree- -menf ' ihould be settlled. ir. Woned. yard saiki t iad ali-eady irua orver Clarke Township Muiseun ari Areiirveis Socüiety akn for sup-' port. TËhe lettes- was LIiled te ho ce>nsiderrleid whien the budget nias cempleterd. (ContinUed, page 4> New ,Minimum Wage Set Labour Minis-tes- Gos-dca Oaston las-t .Frday tgsued a nemndes- te all employens that tic gener-a miniýmUm wage la, Ontario ia- creases te $1.65 an heur on April 1. The lcs-ca-se places Ontarils mnim-unm wage on the saue lervcl as the pres-ent federari minimumý wag e. The co7istruction rate ours-eut- ]y at $1.75icreases te $1.90. Thue genes-al student rate will be $1.30. The minimum rate f os- the hotel motel, tousst resos-t, restaurant and tavcrn rindusrtry 'will be $1.65. Thoeewlll be one exception. As -itant bell captiains, bellmen, doormen, waiters, bus beys and waitnesse's wli receiýve tie! niew minimum wage of $1.65 on Octohb- es- 1, 1971.- .The nrew rates lare the second sterp luntiierminrâmum wage in- creras-es anurcunred las-t yerar. At, that time, the minimum heujrly wage was rabserd from $1.30 te e$150 starting las-t Octobeir wi*Jh thc second' increase te $1.65 te become effective Apriil 1. The Past Noble Grands Club 62 Oý0n Wednesday eenýing 'the Past ýNoble Grands met at the home of Sister OldveMdllson"with a deliclous supper 'Sèrvë4d by Sis- ters kfene, Doreen, Toots and Sister Mae 'ope.ned the 'meeting with a -poem, 'Rdipples en a Quiet Stream.' 7he minutes of the lest mieiný,ig were v~ead and a rfinane- ial report iven. Sisitejr Mae then thanke d our hostess, Sister Olive for -having us lat her home; also the girls for the delicdous supper. At our next meeting In Ap&il, to be 'held at Sister Gamsby's, the final arrangements of lthe TuIlIP Tea will be made. Sister Dore-en moved our meet- ing 'beadjourned and a social LMmne was spent AreaMay Get Newi $5 Million Raceway ýl

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