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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Mar 1971, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIUE, EDES c a M 2t, 191 ROY THOMPSON Orono, On"al Phne 9834759 AUl Cuwpntry, Work RemodeDIag K"« mCusb.ardm Wle buirm theadatl.m URP. w. BLADE ROASi Olti Tume Value - Brandeti Short Rib Roast i b. 78< Beef Steakettes lb 59C St. Lawrence 25 Quuce Corn 0OU 69< Kraft Process- Velveeta Cheese 2 lb. $1,39 GREEN or WAX BEANS or Green Peas 5Sfor 99c Coloureti GoodLuck MARGARINE 35c Agri-nows, by Bob Watt, Ass't Agir. Rep., Durhamn Couuty A 4-H Club Leader Speaks Out- itervnewed iby Roti Stoeck, Assit Agr. >Reg. Durham County. Ask Gary Jeffery Wh'at lue thMLks atout youth toduy' andti e wilil tel! you they itoen't citange4 that faudlu over te ycears, but titey do want te pla~y a morie act- lb. ý68c Ideal for MeatLoaf or Burgs G -ound Beef lb. 59C Essex Brand,, Rindless BACON lb. 59C Golden Ripe Large size DANANAS 2 lbse 290 Hfigh Liner SOLE FILLETS 16 oz. pkg. 69c BUY, OF TUE WEEK Sockeye Asti-a Brand ¼%'s Red Rose Coffee. I OU 590' Orange Çrystals was 5 - 98e BISE, 'N SHINE 5 env., 88e 5c. Off pack - Household SCOTTOWELS 2 roil pack for ---------- -- 49e Slicei,. .Crusheti or Tidfits Lee PINEAPPLE, 19 oz 21c 4 Delicious Varieties Supreme BWsuits 3 for $1. Lihby's Faney QuaJty TOMATO JUICE 3 for $1. Chuni, Goverament Inspect. DOG FOOD, 15 oz, 6 - 69c. Supreme Sweet Mixeti PICKLES, 15 oz----- - 29C. Fresh, Crispy, Christie's CRACKERS, 1 lb. pkg. .39e ru DX- SERVICE STATION. liiwy8 ud"15, lut ,"rth a »eweuatl Preuu Qually Produets loiAtiT'"ç 1mut Reusonable 1prees Aay quantity per gal.. Steve 011Staion20,9 Phono 987-4215 -1 Ottoawu Report Noëtiberlancl -Durham IDamhtafnt passed a BML la weekt ta provide 'for the . uniforrj packaging and Ia-belling of cor 'numer 'goods. This legisiationj ldes!ignled 4bo affor-igreàiteîr-prote tiein to te consumers> by way c information on te produci titey buy. lun in-trOdueing te Bill ta thi House Of Caennins, Cansui Aiffailis Minister, Ron Basf or( went wc'lt balklia listai-y t( prove titat People 'have Jbe'-n con eernned Idor a long tkme aibout-t' wc.git andtimeàsure, of thiings 11c quatetil from'thie baok af Dcii ive in the tinlgs 4Iitey -do. A: a 4-H Club Leader, Gary work, wi'tth yaung People, sa li ecau spcak frain experience, -As Well as apcratiuig a success- fui tiadiy farmn, west of Bowrnan vdilleG-aM is leader of.-the 4-11 Pauftry Club and ýPne.9dent o: the Ducitamn County 4-Hf Club Letaders' Association. -Gary feels that yaunig people arc capable Of earryang on a suc- cessfut 4-41 andi wauld inucli sooner do so titan have -prepared maVeirial Plusheti at 'tem by te Club Le-ader. Gary tank the ap- prlahof getting te. nebg3uers involved in thie Poulry Club Pro. grai, andi by the resl ttiis was vcry succensful. "«Not Only W1,11 Taenhelrs leara mare about a specific ai-ca they are 'worleing on, but they will 'pick up ofier ideas in thed- rsearcl àr dfarma-ti-on", says Gary. Gary a.nd the i-art af tite 4-H Club Leaders ara In favour of member participation. Ta titis eMd, titeY are ewmetaging lte formation af a 4-H Maniber's Council ta Plan activities for -te membýrr. "IThe Member Council will allow titc young people ta aerganize and carry out Vh-edr an a'etivi4is a'nd I thin< this is gaood", 'says: Gary. Gary feuls taI Vite parents are ,a vital Part an ite 4-11 prograln. "If te memnber knaws b; is parents ar-e thitee ta gveatvice, tite main- ber will _wOrk harder", 'gays Gar-y. lRe alsa 'tinkl;parentscan punit too bard on'lte yaung persan ta w-a 'all thce-lima andi This cari have a neigative e.ffe.t an lte Wlien asiieti what ha enjoyeti about bcing a Clulb Leader, he gafid "I làka 'warkijlg -wIth yo>ung people and -I hope 1 amn hIlping tem i saifne way."1 Gary addts, "As titey leara à'haul agiculture, 1 leara alsýo because yau (bave ta be awaure of what is gaïng an.", "'NO malte(r uwethcr te,4-11 nmlte stays an lthe farin or goes ao work ini Vie lcity, lue can, lr from 44H." Junior Farier Activities Tita Executive of thei Durba-ri utn-iar Farmers have infoa'mbd us at titey have plans for 'teïr Ilawci land ApM l events. On March !7, tdiey are gaing ta balti a "To- agganiýng Pýarty" aItte -Krby ;hi 'Hill, knaring at 7:30 p.'m. and in April a visilta a Sugar Bush. Junior Farmers ils an arganiza- aon madie up af rural andi non- 'i-al Young peoiple bct'weaaVte ïes Of 15 ta 28 wihuicituntiertake )rjecîs, educationail meetings 'id social eývein- Now ds lte Ume ýhe, 'plans are being mada for Lw ms trhil i argani- ati onà11 ail ,an ýyo'ie -iidg ta join. ay icontact D'IcLk Ruititerfaird at 13-5772; Johin Larmer lat 986-4424 r Sa1'ly Laagmaid at 263-2765. )URHAM "AGIRI-NOJTES" Last week au'mireograpited py of îlie Match issue of Dur- lm "Agrh!Noýtes" 'vas mal-eti out 1,253 fa'rm homes fin the teronomy, Chapter 25, Verse 5: 1 "But hOu itaa have a pe«ect and just weighit, a 'peerfaet andi juSt 'ieasufre sha'lit. tou -have: ti'tt hy :days mnay 'ha lenigthened in. :the land! wbh ite Lord hy G»>d giMth thee."1 antid lram )the cbook af 'Proverbs, Chapter 20, Verse 23- "D versweghlt's 're an abomin- aflion uuto the Lord; and a, false balla.née is nfo good.", heMinfister caneliudeti his a1&ý.tiRHn Ofof ad authorilies by i'cferring ta Article 15 of the Magna 'Carta,,wich says.. 4m"emh,crshah te stanidard mnias- tires of wine, -ale andi carn. . titrougeiut thte ki'ngdani. There shal 'be a 'sta-idvrd width of dyed clatit, russett andi haberjeet, nain- ely VwO e'lks wÎ,t-in the selvedges. WeMghts are ta ha standardizcd s!Tmilaiy: Moder 'paeka-ging as ,revolu- tianized retalmng tiietâcdxs. lina maclera suPejtna>ket tbeee are a'PProxi'matciy>7,000 different pi- pacitaged ines. 'Estiimates Say that im fOUr Years titem E t~ibe bet(wee-n 15,000 andi 20,000 dffkr- ent Ris in titis cetegay. The consumler 'must now rely on the package te give hian Vhe be,,ic product ifonnation lie once receoied drainthte mrohmWi la dayn -gone past wc kneiw the cOrner -groctr or'butcher; 'we went dawn to him andi- discussefi the praducts wve wlnited tea buy. This mew legielatian wIiie- qUlire -ufii ninifarmity la Packaeeimig anI labelling preduets sa tÉtat purewhasers will undter- stand what tliewnare gettig. lMt will ensure that the 4nfaq'xation am 12abels is truc and rules ott thbe variaus cule trick.q silened to deceiive the publîc into a nkng thtv are 'getWaicL more Mhan they aa'ei (Reincihr te ed ines an the packacees of su-iced baicon?) The new law mml1 alsa subdue the undue prolifesiation of ipackage shapes andi sizes. 1 thint tiis is goati legislat4o 1whbieh wxill le v'ery hel'pfu-l toa ail canismers î and I -giiss:titat îneludes ail cd us! CORNISH'S Red & White Fi11 your basket with these Terriff ic. Savings Old TMme Favourite! Va lue Checked Branded Be«f EVERREADY Batteries Duracell - Aikallue ]Ener>gize« For FLASHLIGHRTS -WATCHES HEARING AIDS- CAMERAS 1TRANSISTORS WE HAV« THENALL TU BESI For TVs, RADIOS, STEREOS and HI-FIS We naw have the equipmeiit whereby you can test your own tubes for the above equipinent Our- stock of replacement tubes wiII meet ail your needs ---------- D, ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES NE BUY A.Nà SELL Old Glass. China, Pine Articles Toys and Odditles IF IT'S OLD . CALL US WE PAY CASH Phone 623-5342 after 6 p.tu. VENEZIA RESTAURANT Rlglawayv 115 and 35 1/2Mile South of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN,7 DAYS A WEEK Speciaiziag in Pizza - Meals 1Also Week-End Specials TO -MOr-1 f 'y IWORR/E AOU IYESTER".A AANi WERFfT f jf HT Elmer's -Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mill st. North, Oromo Phone 983-5130 F. W. or -Bonus Feature Garbage Bags 10 to Park 39c Oli Thue> Best Buy Kellogg *Corn; Flakes 16 oz. pkg. 40c Olti Time Best Buy Roasteti 1 il il = 1 Ib. bug 89C ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES SALES and SERVICE Donald Cathéet PhoneOM35171 Grant c. Wad, Insuirance Newtoaviile, OntayM Telephone 786-ml Liskard Weidi--'g a" LATHE WORK Ia te - 5 p.M. U.aday tbrougli Saturda" PnomE 847" Oxford IOJCKLAYER.S STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCMIANL Phone 983-506 ýSpecialiing ln ail klads of STONEWORK and MIEPLACES We abe de chimaey Revairs Dr. W.R.Kent DD!7 BowmanviUe Professionai Bie 222 King St. E. - Suite 106 Office Roui-s: 1Closed Sat., Sun. and Mou. OPen, thi-ougit Tues. to Frlday Telephone 623-7340 1 ýom .

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