s ORONO, WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY,- MARCH 24th, 1971 Two Oromo Teams :Win" Both the OQrono PeeWees and the Orono Atomis harve comnplebed a successful seasonth vitite hon- our of winniing tlieir xespecti ve The, Orono PeeWees clinched their 1a14nhi n Newca6fle un 'fh~dyevteidng whein they defeatcd ewas1ei.n hesecond garne by a score of 6-3, Joahn Corni Jh scored two of the Orono gaswith Chns pRohin Incn- irig threc points on one goal and two a t.Parry West npetted on.e goali took an asst ini the game. OVier Orono goals went te Jerry Jahnton, Nicky Van Se.g- gel16à. The ewasegoals iweire scoced -byr DaTe 'M31ïlso.l, Paul Quinçney iiifd Jeff Ogdeii. ATOM CHAMPIONS The 01 cno )Atoins woi theiÉ league camios i wh a' re- sounding, 8-0 wln over Bonidan- mille on Satuirda_,y niight in Orono. Matthew Robinsoir scored two goals,; ngonie a7sst. Doug ramralso'swarpd two goals. The Trest a 01 ecrigwt'int to Ron TaIsma ~ lonrg withi an sit Scott Wüst, Dav4'd Hutiton a goal and ai asst ,aagoal Vtvtch- d up toa 1it n fthe game wî,hPilhlo Omilkw Toin c Gýtar, Owel ohstnand OalsQuan- tnll, also.pick'iing Li~p assists. . Both the aboW-ve Orono ,teams have- enjoyed plenty cI hockey dna'ing the seasoet ,and have pro>v- dded keen coi ttinthroughaut iheir schedule. ORONO TYKES PLAY 1'hp Orono Tyke, No. 2 teain ploy'ed at a o>ne-ail ie with Bw- nivil le Satu'rday mornîI.,g. Du- ane M1ajor sae the Oronio goal. Saturday igl,,it the 'Orono Tyke No. 1 eanim re defeated by ta 1%owianville-AI-Star ein 4-2. Ross Stutt scar7ed the liwo Orono poals with Peter 'hi.passiVVing en both goals. Frigid Lockevr Syste.m _your iHemdquarteru p --Freezer Supplies Government Inspected BEEF or PORK This Week's Special Fresh Frozen Salhmon or Halibut -FrecAh Oysters Available- BULK SUPPLY 0F Frozen Food CUSTOM CUTTING SMOKING - CURING Locker Rentais PHON 623-5578 73 KIng St. W. Bowmanvmie The Many Voices Calling Youth %glIuUmil FiEui UIjzo Youüth ineed ta growv mentially, physically, sqpritua1ly, soeiallY. 1STEVE WEST They -need t me te medfltate,j 1PLAYS' BIG PART trie;to play. andl compete -and Steven West piayeèd a'gpattrain. They riQed t.partiipate in tethird gaine .I te Junir and express thesnselves, ta dot- B league play own ers IatP-) Uieieîesndtegxn Wednedy hn tie Osaatheir cisarater, ,deveilop tei 4rush1inen defeatet ilVie Peterber- 'talents and léara leaàdeship and_ ouigli Lions by a score of *4-1. sýocîaialk. They* need to in- S oiirthi. The ictory wae to,-creàase in understaînddng. nf Goti,' awa goals -and àasâilsted -on thVe tO serve t hLir fellow s, tVo diseiP. fous-th. Hlhe victory, was, hpr%- lixe seli , andi to 1senrehit nd ever, a teanu eff6rt whîch put' stretclî andi perist in . doing. the -shawa tern ahead iii we ThwY ixeMi Vo work, tô endure, to 1sea'xes at Liils point _two gaines iacri1ice, ta -love. TÉhe'ý needti o ta one. learn . to fineet >frustration, diffi- tuly, ýanti temptation effectively. *And, .Iqnportantly,, they reeti Vo T rustee Meeting ffde'ntdfyhernselves with isignifi- cant goalis, wîth, a comnimnat (cotnued fsrn page 4) 'o flue Loti, fis KingdIon, anxd his A copy oI a letteir front Mor-'cue risan anti1 RichardFonl Ltd., Insus-- ence Ad1justera, was réceived bS, Cl1 1c atendalude in ncasly fluýe Trustevs in - whide ht p iioedtha àlo hiibonCllLlll. in the 15 ta 24 agebsakt AI- Street ihati causeti damag11e t tha1ugfli ianY teen-age dropouts tiruck d'a the 'amloLint iof $700.00., retura ocug aVra on R, Forrýester felt this shotidb parnts their !long holsAy vfsornu hanclleti b$f thie Township -)of xlgo erie i-chureh aI Clarke as théey lhel the ùnsuranceà onti for such laîiy The lettes- was ---- treferrjed fao 1the Roati Departmient., The nmatter nI the -parking sigas came up for discussion and it was statei that lit 'was certaa- ly tine te proper signs were erected., Mr., Woodyard was re- que-ted ta contact 'lie Township Road 1 Depar't tint ta sce il they coultid'.do the- watt hUS week and il not ta hire- other labour Vo change the, sigris.o u A letter frnm Hale's DisposaI, larke ToYwnshi)p, offereti the weelly. remioval of garbage from titeir disposal as-ca on a- daily basis at an'annual price of $5000. The TIrustees took no action on this matter andtithe lettes- was lileti.,The Trustees now ths-ough their oan system paY $504000 for S uop p a sîntilar service. Otta'wa Report I g -Russell C. Honey, Q.C. M.P. Northumberland - Durham Northumbherlandi - Durham M.P. Russell C. HI-oney, on Marmh 15th, dent of the Canadan Tram< sporta- tien Commsission to "ensure thiat If yau recoived a suppit the spate eïf ralilwai aocidents, in- in 1970... cludd'ng te latenût ones, ithVe youy may qualify for inc Port Hope a-ca reeeive te siec- pyet fe pi iliattention aI the e oniniss." aret'afrApi1s Noti'ng t ite Comsslionis ýthat time, the maximur presenrtly studydng te whoîe mat- OId Age Security p ensi tes- of rail a acidents, Ms. Hon- G uaranteed Incomne Su ey ýasked Me. Pickersgi11 ta en- eridto$300a sure that the Commnission directs snb e rstora35.00 its attenion ta determine snifprsno amr there are an<y "ýspeciial facas-s whose husband or wift whi'oh might be reseposible fas- pensioner, and Vo $255 the heavy 'prepondes-ance -of ac- for a married couple wl cidents in the Port Hope areca." pensioners ($1 27.50 ei TI a 'wrtten sibn'nssiou ithe Northuberland-qDurhamn M.P. saiti "You knaw, 1IP arns-e, thet We You have already rec, havespeialrones-n 'i - artmation bookiet and ani Hope becoause aI the fact that tUhe main Uines of baLhi'major raàlways for the supplement. If between Tas-enta anti Monts-cal are, eligible, and hacross the Town aI Part Hope. completed and mailed some 40 taO 50 feetaov seves-al form, you should do s busy streets anti immediately ati- cesdGaate jacent ta 'hoav!ily populated reGi- dent4,ai areas." Your regional OId A Mr-. lonev ýa'dded, "It seents to me. as a layaxan, that titere fis consdeoeably moretitan coinlai-iÀ dence in this u'nla.ppy ses-jas of aeadents." "One ls alinost driven ta te conclusion that there inu&t be negfigencein the servicing anti inspection of equipment by IËSUED BY THE DEI te railway. coaxpanies," he toiti THE HO M%1,. Pickersgill. youthiful vitalty Lt sç*rely needs, and d'e Viives them of te church's suppovt and formative àn$luence dur-mg o-ne a. i te most crucial pe.riods ofle? (Louïis Caesel',- senior editor, Unîted Press Inter-ý As an ,aàid Vo the Conumuinty, the Chsc f en hrist .of Lat-, ter-dcy Sair-ts, (Mýormon) will oh ýan pe os entktled ,,'The1> Many Voitces ,,Caliýpng. You.th'. The. Mormon Ohurých isnqted, for,-its abfitYty t hold on to it$, youth amd instil %vibihin- them-nfaith, hones ty,, chasýtdty, desire fer- knowledgs, and excellence. Ovier- 50% of t>he mesnbe.rsMip of the Ohurch is unider the ýage of 25, 1Blder Marion D. Haink, one of the -Genearai Authorities o£te, -L D) S Chus-ch states, .At te ag& of 21, at -leat 3/4 . natl ýMoia»n Young people. are stalt tghtly at- -tadxed Vo the urd. HoW do they do lt? lu tryinig to, demoistrate how- Moirmonis succeed where jothers- f ail, the Church of Jesus Vhrist- IlýContinued page .6 riay-now qualhyý thenrease,ý.- anteed Incomde >ement to your Security Pnsion. c\pply no~mi ornent creased st, 1971. At n combined ion and upplement wilI imonth for a red person fe is flot a 5.00 a -month vho are bot h ýach). ce ived an infor- application form I you think you ive, noV already Jthe application so now. The in- ncome Supple- If you did nfot recelve a supplement in 1970.. ' you may now qualify for one as of April 1lst, 1971, because the amount of income you are allowed has been adjusted upwards. Nearly 300,000 more Canadians will benefit from'this change. The new maximum Old Age Security pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement will be $1 35.00 a month for a single person and $255.00 a month for a married couple who are both pensioners ($1 27.50> each). ment is noV sent to you automatically. You must apply for it each year. For, further information or' assistance in determining whether you are eligibe for an increased supplement, write the regionial OId Age Security office at theý address shown below: kge Security office îs: 789 Don Milis Road, Don Milis, Toronto, Ontario Phone (416)-966-6000 PARIMENT 0F NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE DNOURABLE JOHN MUNRO, MINISTER, Planuing te build a new honme? Se. JfcLaren's "HOME PLANING CENTRE" __ Oromo Fuel & Luimbher Co. Phone- 983-916 7 ____________ Ba.sebali Registration Anyone snterested in pJiaying Baseball this year please leave, your name, and, age at the Area Rolph Hardware or Russ Majors, 983..5858. Schedules will be made up at E.O.B.A. meetings' en April 5th and 7th. Orono Amateur Athlet'cý i iiî ý ; li ,, ý ýý ý, ýýl 4 ýý ý 1 lý1- 1