- ORONQ WEEKLY TIMES, WEDN-SDAY, -MARCH 24th, 1971 Septic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 MOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Télephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 808 YEO0MA4S, P'LU11eNG 'A 'D '!EATING 24 Ilour Service New Installations- Alteratlons Repairs Speclallzing lin Hot Water H1eating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work R.R. 1 Orono 983-5624 UNITED fCHURC11 Orono Pastoral Charge. Minister Y Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, MARCH 28th, 1971 CHURCH SCILOOL M 060 MORNING- SERVICE -11:15 KIRBY SERVICE: 9â:45 A.M. CHURCH SCITOOL 11:00 A.M. "MA)VL A THOUGHT"I PHOfME 983-9151 ANGLICAN Estabhished 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 9:30 a.mn. HoIy Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Frayer- Second and Fourth Sundayu Holy Baptism by appointment witli Rector 9874745 The Bey. H. Robert Hayne, B.A. L.TII. W. FRAINK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 Ki<ng St. W., Bowmanvilie 623-3393, Toronte 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For 'prompt, courteouBs, effici- ent service when buylng or selling and for the largest sel- ection of properties hI the area Contact Orono Aren Representatives Roy Foster 983-5801 K endol INews' Mils. M. Foster. went by ar to Te mes-ee to - .vÈit er .son, Bc riiad Foseer and also to attend lier graai,,:sons .wedd&i - laterý ihis, sprd*g. Mr. and Mrs. Luciemn Lainhier and Andre haïve mioved frai the, Pete NewelsI tobacco fari ta an- other In: Daàrlngtoil, hir dxy ourg- est sên EfIe; ,attendIs- â choal WI Brantford, Ontario. We wish the-n the best !in th-eir new loca- 'Sore C hhosneiameand Lt'Letges Ire c%enprl forthe first lime sinice- Christanas as familles pre- paire to spend "the vacation week 1i thecunay m'et at the beauýlLtifut new home of M-s. 'Wln. 'Liurasky, on the sev- enthkLne(--on, Tue sday atfternoon, Mjaccrh 16. Thee ere elg'ht mem- ber-s presentý. The mnee-ting ýopenied with the oign f the Ode. The meeting Wais ýi chàý!cge of! Mrs. Tu'ransky. TheL 11motte was "Perfection Is net -xpLeted but improvement is."1 The coll ea 's, "Something the yýoungec generation bas taughit us." A dîscussion, followed, some had visîited s'cheols' nngedu- caton eek and found 'things verydifen.D1ghf'msi cla'sses as ou' xaepe nue ;Minjutes ofthe February mreeti;ng were renad. it vwas decid- ed that the same officers would continue la thene posýitions as latst >year. lJheques _were signed giving $5.00 each te: The Heart ,Fund and The Cancer Fund. Ken- dal school g-aduatien pins will cost abûout $28.0. The Institute wili pay 1ha11,1the cost. Lt 'n's plan- 'ned that ec mem-ber woffldt 'bring saaidwïecs, clip cakes or ic(okies te the Penny Sale on !may 8th. -Mxs. TuTcansky readl an article entitled,.- ITow Good I's Your Ohilid's Sehool?" frai the Mardi Reader's 'Diest. Lt eoiniluded iith the Statemnt: 'Most oonmulitie have t1ue sehools they deserve. Dues yosacs? Penny collection was $1,16. Lunch w'as pro'vîded 'by Ma-s. M. Mandea-s and Mrs. E. Coucoux. 'Mr. and 3&!rs. N.athews and thedr two schoo-1 age childcen have muve4d rom Treinton ta the Pete Neweil tobacco farm. CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATI4G PETER BOOTS Phone 983-5796 Custom Built Furniture and Repair Work Specializing in Living Roair Bec. Room Built-ino B3ars Wood Carving Free Estimates R.R. 2, Orono On Local News Mr. Aîlgaa 'e *,lnton lias moved iito tVhe MeKenzie Apar t- ment iciN'd . and Mrs. Cl,;ft Coopur hawv taken up re'ýs&eie 4n the artient She reCentl1y Va- cated inithe .KLvmà-4te prea. Mrsý lo.rotýhy KEen!, Tont speni _ft .eekend 'wth :_rs, I.Jarry 7aie. Ma'. and- Mrn.- Manl, Kirnmett, Napanct vicsbted Iaýt week with- UMn and. Ms. -C-ail KhnXimett. Mrs. Diwa M-a-, with hecê sister Mi s. 11. Clarke 0 f:,'Prescott are ho1lidaying tln the suhc States. Mrs. Donna Forrester ýwas dIn- 'ner -gue.5t .«0Mr. and Mrs, E: H. samumel Satrday -e'vc:nîmng while, Xi% Foresber attended a- Regdon!- aILibrary. Boarël meetâng in Mr. 'and Mrs. Donuald Staples aLnd ýfamiiy also-,Linda and Stev- en WIiggins 1o£f Torooto, ýýMrs. E. H. Samticl and dhildren left on Sundoy fo r Stowe, Yerint whe4re the,., wiIll njoy skitng during Oe hO!!iýqy veek. 'Mr. E. H. Saiel anid AM. R. Porrster Jeave on Wcdn.es,ýday for Stc>we. Mr. F.' W. Trull, with his son Mr. 'lîloyd ,'Truli of Kngovilsit-, ed on ýTuesd'ay with 1Lx, anci Mrs. APRIL LAYOFF AT IIONEYWVELL Hon'eýýwell Càtrols Liu. in BRw3Èma['iIIe will lay off 52 of its employýe'es' effective April 20. Don Gilhioolyl, tlie fùilm's Fper- sonnel. manager, said t'he layoff is a"nra type of redluction. It's nriothinig SeriouIS; jUSt One Of tho(se- thîngs that hit uis." He said the layoff Ils due te Albr's Tenace OMM" ALREPAI ?I«O e s 8.w4 ma mar'ket condition~s and the genenal eenmcsituation iii the country 1lon1eywe1l, w'hichi was set Up iii 13owmn'letwv nd a lhait years ago, mlanuLfactu1res ii'put de- vijces for comiputers. r.Gi]hooly said lioCouki not estimate the 1eingth of the Iayoff ad added tihat Ilwe're loping, the ewill Ihe elanges Ln the econ- omy before the end of Ap-il."1 LEGION. MONTHLY. DRAW TOTAL '$4018.00' The Miaa'ch Draw showed the hihest ~lsto date op lln $401800, an'd alter naniy, n~ mnon,'h.s of tyigto gn-t thL i z- ure to)$3500fl00, it s'uddenly jump- ed above and bais now-topped the $4,00. figuure. At an ,. o-îerflow'ii'g erowd at #wi Legion M%1onthly »anoe on Sat-, urday, Mareh 2th, a cheer rang taie total %vas over $4,000. MrW. Ted DoglsO1awn, a ealle<l on to draw the LFir-t Pr-,zc W.nner, and c«eaw Te1iNo B185 front the 'drum, deela iint "Homward aid Gord" as the wiii ners of t4e $1,009.00. t was later' foun'd that, thîis - tiket beImLonge ,te Hroward Burgessand Gord. Sei- lers, bath emi ploy'ees of tue Tcywni ,of Bow'mianaviiule. Thie ticket wva- one that,; Gord Sollers lvatd beern selling and in cleaning up bis tickets it wýould appear that 'he h id'E d-cIded teû split a ticket wifth Howc .-d Burgess, ,selliüg thds t i- ket aise aieted Gord a furthiir $19100 as t1he selcr's Awcard. 2c 'd Pr~e ~asvon by v Wiqiam ;Inemployee Oc Genepal Mtors horec4v'es -the cu4-,omiry $10000 Seconid Prize-. This ticke-t was one sold by Geo. Dunioýlpof Ormio, who receives the $10.00 Secon4d Pn'ize SelIerM Bantam Hockey Wiedniesdajy, March 24th Teanis frein ORONO - NEWCASTLE PORT HOPE and BOWMANVILLE Atom Tournament FRIDAY, MARCH 26thl Flrst gaine 6:30 p.m.RBROG Teams from BEWDLEY-SCBOUH ORONO and OFS TOWNSHIP PesWee Tournament S-ATURDAY, MARCH, 27tb Ffrst game 6:30 p.m., Teamns froin NEWCASTLE - DO WMAN VILLE ORONO and PORT HOPE Yard Goods 9G 1 R L'SDENIM-Cone ýSportdenim, durable .Press, 50,% Polyester GIRL'Sand 50% Cotton.-45 inch width. Light blue only. PRICED PER YARD ------------ ------------ - $2.25 FORTREL AND COTTON-Truprest Fortrel and Cotton lu PANMM aweight suitable for ail spoctswear. 45 inches wide. Atua LIT with white P u uPRICE PER YARD ---------- - ------------ COTTON CREPE-Printed Cotton Crepe suitable for child. ren's Pyjamas, kitten design. Little or ýno ironing required S I SPRICE PER YARD ------------------ ---- --------- 79c NEW CRIMPLENEVe etRbo PANT SUITS Woven edge imported Velvet Rîbbon. Machine washable. for girls Hall Inch. Pink, aqua, red and black. PRICE PER, YARD------------------- - 35e Attractive style wlth lace trim: Machine washable fient Faclng Pik, bUne aid yelIow Trhntex Cotton Bias Hem Facing ln 2%i yard packages. Size 7 to 12 yeaî,s Copen, navy, white, goîd, beige and brown. PRICE PER PACKAGE--------- - - -------c $11*95"Whi'sper" Knee 11gb. "WhIisper" Sheer one size Knee High Hose to wear with Panits. Fits 8½ 2to 11. lWaple, Pacifie blueand treacle. PRICE PER PAIR ------_79e