___________________ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY,_MARC!! 24tb, 1971 OPýP. Report Tire Ne-wc-ast'e Detachmnent of tire Otro Po5e.lpolice frodniMardi 7tMrto Mardh l3th, 1971, ie'iac 18 eotor Veh- icfle olin in whidlb 3 persans receivel perso'ral injunly, and as aresl 6 persons, were charged wPh t -a ic o4fences. Aiso ýI,'vestigated were 44 gen- era 0fir'Crup~of w'hiceh there weire 2 reports of Break, Enter ançi Theit I rt-pnrt-, o! conimon Theft, 2'lifi I )zamage çepovrts, 3 U 'sturbanep -Crmýplaîintsi, 1Tres- pasS: g omuirt 2 reports of Assa t lt, 3 l)ornestic Coniplaints, and one oErratr or Dagerous- Du C'i onmpsIrt T wo personsý are ýcharged witir minor Iiquor offencrs cead one 'csncharnged witrh Imptirled DriviDg reLquIfing frmn. anotor vehicle coli4'sion. On Marci 10, 1971 at 2:00 a.ni., u.nknown persons attempted to breaik i:to the truck of ire Snap- On-Tool P)'stributor, located near Courtice Road and Base bIne Jtoad. Unrnown to these cuiprits, the burgaular alarin was set intc peration whe.n tirey opened tire do- f tire truck, Devices of tis n,-,t*,ir' Prývery effective, as tire vulprÀt.s fLed -froin the scene emip- ty 1lqInded. On 'Mat-ch 11, 1971, in'vest'i'ga- tibn resulfed du the art-est of bhree Osha'wa youths wio were found in, pos,3ession of auto parts 'colen froin Domns Auto Wreckers iu the Courtice 'aea. On Mateh 13, 1971 vandals -in- vaded the Orono at-ca and wil- fully destroyed several rural mail boxes. It 'would appear tirat ýtiese per'son(,s) are gettirig tire-r kicks froin surir foolisir acts. They can be. sure, wh'n 'prceudeo4 being.arrested and chaeged.-Tire public tould assist to LurtaËl sudh fooJis'hnes3, by otan igail pos- 3ible informationi, a'nd report same to your local police Dept. Tire public are oftenapre- ,ive to beconie involved and fear'ý that reprisal by tire offenldeir 'wil î-esult. Everyone srould be amare ébat tire source of 'amy informa- tion recedved hy a Police Depart- ment 4s confideniel and net re- leased to the pt-css, public or ev- PuVihe pet-son suspected of tire Attention ilotorists "Bicycle season is appýroaching"Y The, spring holiday season xiii bei-ffact for ail scirool c'hlld- ren from nMat-ch lQtir to Marei 2&Wh.Mild tenîperatures, -aind gQ-od roas ill encourage many child- 'en tri venture far and wde on herbicycles. Many of these crdenare i'nexperieneed cyc- lists Ad often tdînes forget a- býout iranud signais and ot]ýer traf- fie present on tire ro'ads.. Give these young cyclists tire sanie con- nidueation you would show if ;)ne of tirer were your own. Neyer startle tiremiwith a sud- den biast 'of your irorn, and pass irle- wit'h plenty of rooni to soon be out in f ull for-ce, riding )n. at-eets and roads. Hlp to cru- sure their safe retur-n fo soiool -aftr the holiday sec-ýon. TnwTire Law 'Yw <ivers under imqstrucion' Kirby News Mit-. andMus Lawrenc.e HarrLç, Dcuigla; , Casrle0s, RonamUk' Jute~ anç d h ar loi with Mr. and Mrýs. Bob -Motton, Gorden and mVarilyn. were dulinner - anersnoni guegts withirMrs. George 'Mrton, Orono, on Sunday. 'r.and Mrs. Charles Tlosr Ornoo we're Sur-,lay suppeur and ,everdng guesth-,o! Mr. and Mzs. Stan Chapmian. An eruror was tiade i 1ast weeks news. It should- have read mrts. (Continucd froni page 4) qf ,atter day Saints wii-I~ focUSed on their extecie and twel1-Ied youbh programs. Deet- ive Whit,1e froffi, Os hawa wil ire tire guest speaker. -e is thec head of the OriminM4 Investiga- l ion Brancli of the Youttir Bureau. There wilI bei a tape-taDlk by Eider Marion D. Hankus, assijstant to tire CounIcd ufthre Twe'ive Ap- Postiles. Aisoa film presentation entituled "Little RedH«ný" Those 'wio are desirous for as- sistanc wtir the "Youbh" ý.hou1d pl*n to attend. TPhe Open 'House wili be held nt thre corner of ,Rooeeland and Thornton roads 7:30 pin, on Mari 25th. Al welcoýine. Swimming Pools COMPLETE POOLS If you are buylng a Swimminrg Pool give me a call! 0. Popadich PhorWe 983-5494 Orono, Ont. DnCohlranie asnd D'Onaia (not Barbara left by plane to , dSt VýtIher parents in Florida for twa weeks. On Stnday a.t Kjrhb ,Ohtrch, Jacdy Mlarlene, iinfant daughter, oî, Mr. and Mirs. ýRýiseb>orough, Le&-, kard, f ormnly of Keda-on, was b!aptized. H{is 'parents frorn Seaý- grave att(ended the chxietendig. A carg pairty was ýhe4d at Kfrby Cenrtn<nùli Shool Satwdîay en.e hl. he winines's for the evening wEre; highr lady, Isabel Trn; Iow lady, Inez Harris; jh1e hgent, 'Reid HaIIEMes; iow gent,1 Lorna L-oweey.> Door 'prizes went to Med Harnes and Lawrne eetiS- ris. The 'prizes were doaiated by Shop,, rono ElecVric, Ahirmstroogs Ladies' Wear and MXr& Nedjl. Éor thre hast Party we f<wgot to mnentin a. paize donated byOo,, 5c tO $1l-00 Store. We )ýish to tlrank eveiryone cosnnected with thre success of the party inb1uding Mr.* and Mrs. WTn. Forres who have 'be6ný a great help. *Don't folrget Kirby H1omnel and 'School on Maïreh 30th.,The guest speaker is Mr. Jam Carsîý Senior Social worker at Mental LHeailth Clinte, Whithy, Psydaîiatrk Ic Hs- pital. Mr. and Mrs, Jim% AMd and Mr. and, Mrs. AroMie McLaren ame leavinig Satuirday for two weeks vacation in the Racbados. iMrs. Mary Heinderson, ias reý turned freinher trup t6 FnIida. . UT. and mrs. Raymiiond Urap- înaW attendd Marilyn Hoopees wýedcng ini Toronto on Saturday Marilyn taught at Kfrby last year MNothers Take To Ice The Orono HekyMothiers and theur otntenparts in Nefwcaslle ire CuITUrrenl uwOlve i in a beqne and home senes:ý o! hockey, The first' gaule waS p1aw din. Ne'w-, castle Iast Sundey evening before a bhig crowd of sutpportoes. Tlre gamne ewded iii a tic- two goals apiýcce. Ms. ia n4ý~Guteian ~d Mrs. M Phikp -were thirnaz*znen for OMM s wxie Mits. Joyce Mey. ers ýaM, MM.sDonna [Foth tir ored for Neweigtule. Orono msists were cre&ute4 te Murs. Joyce Major atid Mrs. Bwnbana Long. Thre proceeds frSm thre gaine oSÜI*ly anounted to $11875 17bhis was div~kkd betweeq the groups. Thre seconudgame of ticrie ,es wil be playedkt Onono this Suns- day eivening at 8:00 p.sn. For eai c LI eDtertý *ez' 4 be Sure to be prt-. sent. M Is il s 2 c n s R.IECEIVES TEAM MASCOT~ Dobeje Allen, playing goal for the Port Hope Junioer C club wus the reclpient of the. team masct hamig bedeg voted the Most Val.- ufafle plaYer for the eclub. 'Don Won great pt-aIse frein Vte Port HOPe fans end did have a hmn season with tire club. Incidecnt» thre Mascot wýasa wliite leghorn LAST WEEK BANTAW WIN We faâ.ed to report a victoiry for the Orono »antaums iast week bover INe eat.e32 'Meuk 0aak a scored twoeoftthe Oroeso go"l with thre other b.y David Brwn. e a, LENTENSP,,ECIAL GOOD IfMAmC to 2 COTAGECII-EESE, 05C Off REAMED RG~ 9 ITE UNE34 REUAR4e36t Glen Rae Deir 1 1 - .- - OP '