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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Apr 1971, p. 1

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Orono V'OLUME 32, NUM-BER 14 Weeklyl ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDN] Another Season Passes With Sunrday saw the closinig of the Or- a-ne Arena for the winter season of 11970-1971. Mr. Ron Opoka, (left) pÏresident of the Orono Amateur Athletic Association,. who sponsor zhe hockey activities 'at the rink as velI as operating the- rink, stated Saturday evening that it had been (secol a -mest successful year. Mr.,',Russeli mana, Major,(right) secretary of th~e Asso- tid ciation, supported this view point td and further said that to his know- who ledge it was thé înost successful yet. a set Also pictured with the group above agnmi iilarmer's Co-'op ~Busiuiess Jim Carson 0f mental Health Clinic Spesks At Kirby The Home and Sehool Association -of Kirby Centennial Sehool held its mneeting iJast Tuesday evening with Mr. Jim Carson et the Ontario Psychiatrie Hospital, Whitby, as guest speaker. Mr. Carson attended University et Torontoe and follewing considerable experience counselling with the Can-, adian Army in Normandy, England and Korea, worked with the Child- ren's Aid Society. H1e is now senior social worker at the Mental Health Clinie et the Ontario Hospital, Whitby. Mr. Carson entitled his talk, "Ports et Caîl of Mental Heaith." He speke et alcohol, a short-term stimulant but leng-termn depressant; et drugs and the many reasons for using them, escape, experiment, eu- phoria, etc. Mr. iCarson stated that one ef the (Coninued on page 5) the ar Farme Satui Hall decià in th savin 1969 forf net thatc of 19 Totî $382,4 000 in were The ment andd 1970b Ti mes Youth ESDAY, ýPRlL 7th, 1970 MayI \ OPPORTUNITYV OUTH It niay weli bc that the prug:.arn Stgtgga "Opportunity Youth- which, ba s been instituted by thue Federal Gov- ernment to stimulate youth pro grains for enploymcent may be ace- tive in the Oîono area this summer. Diring the past week two propo3als bave been miade public with oa-e having already been submitted for consideration bY the IFederal gev e'ninent. The, other is in, thé plan- nirng stage but is expected fo bc un Ils %way to Ottawa Ihis -weck. Mr., Fraser Wallace of Orene bias' advanced a plan te dlean- up the Orono 'creek and the immedîatc aïea in the Clar-ke Township Centenniail Park and Nature Area swhicn is now part of the Orono Park. H1e wiii present bis plan te the (Irono Park Board early this week and up- en receiving their approval wili make application te the Federal gov- ernmnent te apply uinder the Oppor- tunity Youth program for financing of the plan. The Federal Govern- ment bas 'set aside a total of $53 million te, assist yeuth, in organiz-, ing- sehemes whicli. would employ youth Ihis stimuler. It is fr-om. this fund that lie bepes te be able te finance the seeme and hire some- nd lft)is arlTayorii~ where arouud twelve youths te dean-up the park andTnature area iger' whoruns a proficient and la-pth-prianntuerc. arena and Mr. Lloyd Lowery basalwysbee redyte dàon Mr. F. Wallace sees the park and hasalwysbee redynature area as a gieat- asset te the Lof skates te referee the many cemmunity. > He further states that ies at the Arena. yeut h are concerned, with sucli de- velopments and especially the en- vironmiental aspect. Ne feclý that the schemec, if -tpilroved,. woufld pro- vide the opportunity for yoùuth te a. inreases deve(miunt th area as weIi as providing the oppor- tuinity of earnling funds te furthier financial report submitted te thieir education. anual meeting of the Durham iers' Conuty Co-operative on The plan, although flot totally rday evening in the Oddfellow's completed by Mr. Wallace, 4 ýwbô 1reported a net savings before graduates fromn Teachers' College aration of patronage returns this year, would include cleari de- he amount of $13,360. This net bris and broken class from the rigs compares with, $20,100 in stream, creating smaii dams, clean- 9 which was an ail-time high ing debris from the area, planting the local co-operative. The 1970 trees, aiong with streain cross-overs savings of $13,360 is above and other items whîch would cein- of otber years excepting that plinient the overali' deveiopment of 969. tbe area. He states tbey would have te seek advice from profess- Il sales in 1970 reacbed ionals in some of the work but felt 400 as cempared with $366,-_ this would be readily gîven. 11 1969. T otal sales in 1966 $3 10,300.00. The submissin te the Government couid total, be felt to near $15,000 with the main part being for labour. meeting approved the pay- of the 1965 patronage funds Te1scod chm én po- leclared a 3% patronage on Th seodseebin pr- business.1 ià 1. ýz (Y- ý1 lire 12 TWP. Reeve, Asks To Be' Observer Mr. R. E. Sims,'Oshawa' Area Planning and Development ' Study executive administrater has asked that the study be streamlined in an effort te speed-up the study and the sclîedule te formation ef the area. Hîs proposai was accepted last week by the cemmittee and bas been sent to the executive sub-com- mittee for further detailed study.' Mr. Sims bhas asked that tfra OAPADS recemmendations be pre- sented te the Minister ef Municipal Affairs by early June; that legisla- tien be passed in December 1971 te create the region; that eleàtions ef regional and municipal ceunicils be beld' in January 1972 and 'that the new coundils take office in, Mardi, 1972. Ceuncil, under bis proposal, would ' take full charge in January of 1973. Mr. Sims propesed major organ- i7ationai chiqrges te speed-up the formation of the region and tbis would include the reduction in sizis ef the executive committee. Reeve Stone of Clarke Township, wbo bas been attending tbe execu- tive cemmittee meetings, stated that in aIl likelihood bie wouid be drop- ped, frem the commitîce as Clarke Township was net at this time part of the study. Reeve Stone, bowever, states tbat bie is stili interested in the study and has asked that bce bce i- lowed te attend the meetings as an observer wth neo riglit te vote. This request -will be given considleration byý the èxcnutive eommitteé. The Clarke Township Reeve said that R. E. Simis in making bis pro- posai td cutdewn the size ef the ex- ecutive committee had stated that they were. at a point where they were, only re-hashing old chaff and thus getting nowbere. oted wbich could bave an effect in tbis area, bas already been submit- ted te the Federal Goverrnent, This schemne bas been planned and suibmitted by Mr. Mike Gilbooly ef Bowmanville, who is aise a member of the directors of the Orono Youth Theatre. His plan would bc in con- junction with the Youth Theatre promotion and weuld assist stud- ents in being able te earnl money while attending the theatre tbis sum- mer. He expects te hear sbertiy frein the Government, in connection with his sulumission. Memorial Organ, At Special Service The new Memoriai Organ at the -Orono United Church was dedicat- ced on Sunday during a special even- ing ser vice. Tbe impressive service featured many musical selections as well as noting appreciation te Mur. Wm. Irwin, builder et the Christian Education Building. The service was- weIL attended. As part of the dedication efthtle Memorial Organ, a memerial plaque and scroll was presented by Mr. R. D. Morton on behaîf ot the con- gregation. The plaque was received by Mr. R. M. Dickson. The plaque carried the naies of these making donations ini memerv cf friends and relatives. Mr. Morton, in presenting the plaque,. reterred te the bequests et monies by the estates of Mrs. F Brimacombe and Mr. M. J. Tam- blyn wbich bas placed thc church in theý position of baving ne tinanc- ial debts and making it possible te instali the new organ. A plaque wvas aise presented in gratitued of Mr. Wm. Irwin who was huilder et the Christian Educa- ien Building. Mr.' Caries Tamblyn in presenting the plaque on behaîf of the congregatien referred te, somte et the carlier bistery of the eburci and mentioned tnet oniy the 'efforts et Mr. Irwin but aise the dedicated service te the church by Mr. Wi. 'Ilie musical portion cf the service was provided by the Orono United Church choir-, a local girl's triple tio, a guest crganist, Mr. Glen Taylor, Port Perry, a guest soioist, Mrs. L. Weales. Oshawa and tbe Country Four Quartette of Messrs. Gien Allun, Jack Allin, Donald Staples and Merrili Brown. The evening service was conduc- ted by the Rey. Basil Long. Cost et goods sold amounted 'te $317,953 or 83.2%. Operating ex- penses totalled $51,873 or 13.5%. income for the year was further strengthened through bond interest amounting te $3,689. Investinents include a $5000 Gevernment et Canada Bond and $16,699 invested in the United Co-operatives of On- tarie. The new buildi ng addition at the local ce-operative was erected at a cost of $10,739.00. The cost et preperty and equipment lias totaîl- ed $125,475. which at the end of the year 1970 due, te appreciation was valued at $60,204.00. Mr- John Rickard was re-elected te- the directorate with Ewart Rob- inson and Lawrence Harris being elected te replace retiring directors John Knox and Ken Henderson. Other directors Io the ro-operative are Ilowird Quantrili, Sain Turner, Ronald lickle, Stanley Milîson and Caries Tamiblyn. Followiag the annuial meeting Murs. Evereit Brown deligbted the audience with. ber re nditions on the organ . The group aise enjoyed a lunch and dancing te music pro- vided by James L owery and his g; oup. Orono' Hockey -Mothors Complete Active Year i-lue Orone Hockey Mothers held their annual meeting at thc Arena on Tuesday evening, Mardi 30 with 10 mnothers in attendance. Thc following are the officers for 1971-72 season. President: Barbara Black Vice President: Kay Gustar Sec. Treasurer: Marion West Directors: Barbara Loeng,' Joyce Major. Nola Bridger, Janice Quan- triti, Lenore Hickey, Bontiie TaIsmna, Diane Green, Bernice 'Mottat, Jo- anne Hutton, Shirley Black. The foltow ing us the financial statement for the past seasen: RECEITS: Proceeds frein Hockey D raw -... ......... . Proceeds from Sale ef Cook Books ............ Proceeds frein Penny Sale Proceeds frein Hockey Gaines ... ................ Profit foi year...- 1033.00 -Ballance fe.rward frei 18.0 Marci "70 548.00 108.75 Miscellaneus ...... ... EXIIEINDI'fURES: K. Mather - Winner cf Duaw ..... ..... Orone Timesý - tickets for Draw - ....... [xpress Charges and Sales tax - Cook bocks ...... Penny Sale tickets, gitts 1 etc. - . . . . . . .- Jim Bishep Sporting Goeds sweaters, socks, ietters_ Orono Athletic - donation te Arena rp.of i-epait-s MisceljaneCu Is 32.75 1908.50 501.06 30.88 25.60 162.36 485.89 200.00 45,10 1450.89 457,61 231.03 B3ank Balance March '71 688.64 Orono Hockey Mothers Ex. M. West, Sec. Trtas. ilî imiiï"; ïï -4 orono Publie LibrOXY Jan 10, "17 Plan

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