ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th, 1970 O ls 1NWEailTME Edo P.i~bl$1he nuy ThPhone 9 êi R. F. ims, eeuiedrco of the Osbawa Area Plan- nrgand Deivelopment Study' has followed the> rigbt, course in p ontig ot taiOAPýA?.gSis fast reaching its bour o1f finald de- cisin. lso hepinpoinited many of the ma4jor flaWs in its oveýr alstruIcture. Hisý proposed remedial action won't please ail; but i' timely, clearcut and- makes sense. OAPADS, ,under its- present forrnat i far too c mbcrsome -- with 130 committee positions a~ne-- to be a. truly effecfive decisioo,-making body. There are far too manycooks in ts kitchen. Mr. Sims' plat of attjck, basiâall1y, would be -two-foid, as foilows: -Streamiine the programn wifil major organizationïal' and qcbeduiling changes (the executive would be stripped of ail "non- municipal" mnembers, as far as possible); -ýPrcent OAPADS' recommendation to Queen's, Park by JI nso the region can make its debut by next Decewber. Election of counicils would be in January, 1972. The latter wouild thkè 'over twro months later and spend eight months organizng. Councils would assume full operational responsibulities January 1, 1973. The executive wouid suspend "developmnent" planning and. concentrate on 'the political aspects of regionalism. There are some high hurdies - b clear, 'but this far the executive bas approved the proposais in principie, and asked. the sub-committee tô give il further study. At least one monîli wil b. needed by the sub-committee. Also, thse executive committee stili awaits two parts of Consultant Don Paterson's regional governdient report (expected any day now). Mr. Sims' proposed blueprint shouldnmake il easier, for ail concerned bo prevent OAPADS from floundering. Decisive action Must folow. After so miuch talk, some action m1ustý corne. Co.,operatiou Needed The Durhams Central Agricutural building at the end of Park Street, in Orono, bas rocketed into popularity of late and at the present time two groups seek its rental to promote their particular activities. Both the Orono iAthîcitie and Orono Youth Theatre have applied for summier rentail, Th2ee is no doulit thaât the Atbletý'ic bas, over the years and cuýrtainly within the iast ten or tev years, added to the building thousands of dollars worth of repairs along with an equal aon of free labour in making these repairs. Hardly would il have been feasible for the f air board to make these repairs for their own use. They bave, of course, added greatly to the weii-being of the annuai fair. There appears no reason at the present time why, through c o-operationf, the two groups cannot live in harmony and stawe their intenlded programs making a fuler use of the building. It, is rather novel to havesuch a building in a community whiçh can serve not oniy as a rink, but ,aso as an exhibit building and for furtber sport and theatre. The fullest use of the builing wouid seem most logical. The two groups can, if they wish, co-operate 10 extend lh. use of the building with a wide program of interest for al sec- tors of tbe community whether it be sport or theatre. This is something that keeps Orono alive and progressive, $20,OOO Surplus- and '41easurfer wvCre commrended Qol Tuesday when, . their Auditor, M'f. WaIter Pope, stated, that. the Town- ship üorated iii at real business sense froru ýt1he. finanCial %viewpoifft., 'lfe opýeration is ecxcellent and- the records; are wiell niaintained, hle said. '1The Towunship opi-rateý,t -wli utider their budgeting systenix," hec furtlier c aLmed. Tuhe iwshi Illbbe C A of 11)701 showè,Cd'a-,o]Il o<f .20 î000.00 whc amount Uc iu dito fut shonuîld bc aced ;î, rC Cel ,iCx'- wùrk- in,,, fund. iaii akn of the reserve fuld he said it was b1,is pîdon nd that of the Deparîment -t Municipal Afils that a niicil)xditv should *es, blish sucb 'a find to a point of ý!ptjo 50 pcenit of'taxation. a fund, he, taid, assists the Troxwn s lip I Iaml'gtaXarer as wyel1 s ulitig dôi)\ n 1borrowing înteles~t coss. loie ntither stated that- lte fund belps to tabilize taxatfion aild- -firiirâte flbictuatinhg, tax -rates. The decision to set up the fund ileIt with couicil. AUSTERI'TY PRO ,GRAM FOR ORONO In spaking the Police Village of Orono's fiiaiiàl position, hie said, "the Police Village is in poor shape .and wÎll have to operate on an auerity prograns for the next few During the year 1970 the village debt increased a fuOrther $3,1 19 to a total of $;43,132.00 he latter a- mount includes ail costs not ye t paid in connect ion with the Village rîoad program along uith other def- icits incurred in 1969 and 1970. Th'le auditor s1tett0 that care would have to be exercised under a plan- ned budget and that the debt, if possible, shouild lie liquidated withiin tbllext four years. GAINS SUPPORT 0F ,ORO?<O PARK BOARD Mr. Fraser Wallace has gained the approval of the Orono Park Board in his proposai to set up a Opportunity1 Youth group to clea»- up the creek and area 'of the Parký and Nature 'area whicb centres _a- round the Orono creek through the Village of Orono. The Park Board h eld a special' meeiing on Tuesday evening to re- ceive the proposaI!, The green light was given Mr. Wallace in regards bis proposai. Mr. Wailace Will submit bis re- quest to the Federal government Ibis week. Cfîtacto r Brick - hock - Coocrete teme W.rk Cr1eats7 Cahiat Werk F1.rs - Tlne 913-8441 ORONI TWO GROUPS ASK TO RENT AGRICULTURE, BUIDING FOR SUMMER MONTHS- A committee of the Durham Cen- tral Afjricultural SoStrY met on Tuesday evening when, tbey receiv- cd a request from the Orono Amna- teur Athletic Association for a year- round rçatal of the Agricuitural Building and also .a request from the Orono Youth Theatre for the ren- tai of thebuilding for par of June, and ail-o f July and Augiust. A decision is to be reacbedý at' the -ext meeting of the Fair Board. The Athietie in their request ask-' *cd thait they bc granted the building on aý rentaI basis for the year in or- der- ht h beynaymake improvç- ment in the fâciitiiies, repair to e- 'quipmient and' sorne paiinting. They ao aid they would like' to expaWc their recreational program dig. the summner. months. The Orono Yôtuth Theatre' lias r-equiested rentqIl of the building for_ a tîwo and a haitf montbh periodl for the presentation of theatre agai n in Oronio ibis suremer. SEA LAMPREY CONTROL IN LA KE ONTÀRIO As a resit of suirveys carried ýout i the sumimer of 1970 the Sea.Lam prey Control UJnit of the Depart- ment of Fisheries and Forestry will be treating al 23 sea lamprey pro-; ducing strtams on tbe Canadian side' of Lake Ontario this coming sumn- mer. These streams will be treated witr chemical lampricide to )kill the four>Z year-old lajnprey larvae as they mi- grete downstreami to the lake. Streams wbicr will be treated in the Lindsay Forest District include Bowmanville Creek, Wilmot Creek, Graham Creek, Port Briton Creek, Gage Creek, Cobourg Cretk, Graf- ton Creek, Shelter Valley Creek, Lakeport Creek, Salem River, Butter Creek, Smithfield Creek and May- hew Creek. This treatment will heip protect future plantings of yearling coho and Chinook salmon'by tbe Depart- ment of Lands and Forests. The ad- uit sea flamprey population in Lake Ontario sýhauld be sigrificantly re- duçtîd by the treatment by 1972, bce- fore the youing salmnon becoine fuliy vuffierable to lamprey attack. FACILITIES EIMPROVED IN DISTRICT PROMINCIAL PARKS The developmnent of modern equipment and changing recreation-7 ai attitudes bave emphasized the up- dating -of many ,oid conveniences thougbt traditional, with park use. In .keeping with tbis general trend, Local News A former resident of Orono,- Mr- L. G. McGee passed a'way in Bow- manville Hospital on Thursday of iast week. The private funeral ser- vice was heW fîrom the Morris Fun- eral Chapel,, Bowmnanville on Sat- urday, 'April 3rd with interment in Orono Cemetery. Mr. Terry Stroud and family spent last week-end in Toronto witli their fricnds, tbe Klemenz. NOTICE Elli1son and Bros. Barguin Centre Contei and.seee r u uIy ,of NEW and USED, CLOTHIING1 TOOLS, DISHES APPLI ANCES ad SHIOÉS'l, and au assortment of USED FURNITURE Znd r»oid into Pontypool frord Hlighway 3 5, haif way down roa d EASTER NIE LTIQ Bc mire ta chek Out eomplete S'eIection of Easter Giffi ,MATIS BILLIARDS and Barbersihopl Orono, Ont. Phone 993-531» 11emember N, ur friends and relatives with Cards by ,(outts Chocolates by Smiles 'N Chuckles STUTTIS PHARMAY -j, -~ 3~; -~ (MONO, ONTARIO PHONE 9U4M