ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APR!L, Zb, 1970 O.P.P. Report Newcastle Detacbment The Newcastle Detacisment of 'tÈe Ontario Provincial Police fromn Marcis 2lst, 10 March 27th, 1971, investigated 12 motor, vehicle coll is-' ions in whicis 3 persons were charg: cd wiîis traffic offence, We are happy tô report Ihere were no in- juries. Investigated during tisesame- per- od of lime were 42 general occur- rences of which there were re ports of break, enter -111d tiseft, 2, reports of common theft, 2 wilfut damage reports, 1 disturbance com-' plaint, 1 report of fraud and 1 ce- ratic or dangerous driving complainit.; Two persons are charged, with crm- mnal offences, 2 persans charged withim npaired drivin g, and 4 per- sons charged ith minor liquor of- fences. A cottage locaîed on 'tlie,,91h Concession of Darlington Twp., norlis of Hayden wa's broken mbt between February 21st, and Marcis 2ti, 1971. A quanîiîy of,. house- hold items were 'stolen, including frozen food, knives,' wooden battery dlock,"drinking glasses, salad, bowl,, and a -black spinning reel. Items are valued at approximately $90.00. On Marcis 25, 197 1, two muen while passing tbrougistise Bowman- ville and Lindsay areas, used tise quick -change con game swindling money -f romi several business estab- lishsments. Their metbod of opera- tion, was 10 purchase items, and upon payîng for theni, would pur- posly confuse tise cashier, and fin- ally tisey would rceive more change than th ey sisould bave., Business in Biowmanville, Manvers Township and Lindsay areas reported of being ciseated from $5.00 10 $20.00. Tise suspects were evenlually arrested in Norwood and returned to Newcastle .P.P. wisere fraud. charges1 were laid. If there are other business menin tise area wvho belieýve thtey have isad bu1sines's dealingç "witli Dicamond Tiriangle Votes J oint Plannâi1ing 1An area planning board is, 10 bc set up between the Dianiond Tri- angle members,. Port Hope, Cob- ourg, Hope Township. and Hamilton Township. Thii was the decisioni takcen at a meeting in Cold Cprings Hall heîd recenily. Cobourg Couneilloi Frank Pow-- çrs rn ved 1h. ,t the priviricii-I gov- e.rnmenit be appropached bo carry out a study of the.area Pi 4 to approve the establihment of an area plann- ing b9ard.,,11ec also suggested that two members,,.from, eacb of, the councils should be appointed to a committee to work toward an area plan. >The meeting was called under the auspices of tle Diamond Triangle and E. A. (Ted) Gomme'of the de- partment of Municipal Affairs and D. J. (Dan) MacDonald of the Treasury Department addressed the meeting and answered questions. t was following these addresses that. Councillor Powers first moved that the decision 'be taken tohave a joint planning board., Tbis pr 1ovoked furiher discussion. until Mr. Powers again made the miotioni. 1 At Ibis.point Hamilton Township Reeve Charles Éurrison voiced bis opposition to sucb a move saying that lie1 cwould want to present Xbis, niatter- to bis council before making àny decision. 1 1On the suggestioni of Hamilton township Couincillor Lloyd Williams, the townrship council inembers then retired for a few minutes to try to reaich a decislion. When they retuirned Reeve Bur- rsnannouinced the township's ap- proval of the motion and seconded the motion himself. The vote wasý unantimous. When the motion was first minro- dued& Port Hope Mayor Michael Wladyka said he wondered if there were some people who considered tisese suspects kindly contact O.P.P. Detachment Newcastle as soon as possible. KNOW THE LAW- "Inattentive Driving" Collision statistics jirove thal many traffie deaths and injuries are the result of inattention on the part of lise driver concerned. The Highway Traffie Actpovd es that every person is guilty of careless driving, who drives a veh- icle on a highway without.due care and attention or withoul reasonable consideration for other pelsons us- ing the highway. The penalty prov- ided by law is a fine of not less than $ 10000 and nul more than $500.00 or to imprisonment for a term of nol more than six months, or 10 both fine and imprisonnient, and in addition your dr ivers licence may be suspended for a period of not more tisan two years. DRIVING TI- You should know wisat 10, do if a tire blows while you're travelling at highway speeds. Don't jam on the brakes. Instead, take your foot ýoff the acclerator. Concentrate on steering and let your car roll to a safe stop. Remember! jamming on the brakes when a tire blows could cause your car 1 t veer out of conitrol, and possibiy overturn. the- Toronto Centred Region plan Design for Development te be n dumping of people in this area.. He went on te' say that there. was, nbi:tintg which could stop the grow th which was taking place and suggested thaât the choice, was either tp throw up our hands and have no part of il or to plan eour own devel- opmnent. Somnenareas havebeen, allowed to develop. without rnl- rinirg, he p1ointed out, and soine day sone one is going to have teo 'sy for the mistakces that have beenmade., "Yes, Port Hope is in favor of an area planning board," said the Mayor. Councillor- Williams then. asked the provincial government represent- atives whaî the procedure was for s etting up ant area planning board. Mr. Gomme replied that this should bc done by approaching the government te have the area ap- proved as a desirable planning unit, Answering a furtber question froni the councillor be said that the board, if created. wo.uld only bc able te make reconimendations as its function would be entirely advisory. Thse councillor then asked if the estimated 100,000 people who were coming to the area during the next 30 years would be confined in one urban development or if several ur- ban areas would bc set up. *Mr. MacDonzaïd ,said that the type of plan envisioned would call for setting up of several smaller urban areas to allow for the preservation of beaty) spots a!nd recrecation areas. Thse councillor then rephrased bis quiýion to aýsk ,,l7etiher tbis wold miean amalgamai.,tion aionfg fthe pre- sent imu(nicipalities. Mr.' Gommne stated that planning of this nature is bound te raise the question of whether oôr not the pres- ent municipal structure was ap- 1propriate and that amalgamations coUld flot be ruled out. As there were no representatives f rom Hope Township at thse meet- ing it was agreed they should be ad- vised of the decision of the other Diamond Triangle members and asked for their opinion. PROSPECT 0F AIRPORT ON SCUGOG ISLAND AROUSE S ANTAGONISM Lake. Scugog residents are con- cerned, about the prospect of having the new Toronto international Air- .port constructed Wn their area. Sckigog Island has been quoted as one of thse four possible sites and, in a CKEY radio broadcast :on March i 8th, was reported to bc the one Premier Davis favoured in recent Ialks with the federal government on the mater. The site is especially .attractive because a large buffer zone area already exists and would not have te be expropriated. (55,000 acre buffer zone is required for the 5000-10,000 acre planned air- port). Aithougli the decision where to locale the airport b as not been taken, Scugog residents are muster- ing forces to be ready te oppose it if it should corne te their area. Letter te Editor April 1, 1971 Dear Mr. Editor: May we,ý through thse medium of your newspaper say tbank, you to all your readers for their support'of the Christmas Seal Campaign. - IThe citizens of, our United Count- ies gave very' generously, withý the result that -we. had a smail, increase over last year's, contributions. Tis is Most gratifing. The nrevention and research of resýpîratory diseases includin-9 tuib eculosîs, empbysema, astisma, chronice bronichitis and pollution ef-, FcshaVe becoMe of greater scope anid more costly. Remember, bron- chilis and emphy sema are the fastest, growing causes of death anddisabil- ity in Canada. Hospital tréýealea for sucis cases today costs 'tie Can- adian people 45 million dollars, an- nually. Our campaign, a "Malter of Life and Breath" is one becoming increas-' inglywell known as families bear- and -know first hand of tbese dis- eases aIl of which are belped by our campaign.. Support of the campaigrk is a helping hand to tbousands of~ fellow Canadians. Sincere thanks, 10 you for your generosity in thse publicizing of thse campaign and tise co-operation and belpful assistance. Itl is only tbrough the belp of youe newspaper tbat we are 'able* 10 keep the message and informa~tion of these diseases and our'role in tise!wbrk and service ir thse community.. Yours sincerely, Thomas W. Hawvke, D.V.M., Cisairman Chri st mas Seal Cam- paign, Nortisumberlànd- Dur: hami TB-RD Associatio n. Planing o buli anew onne Se. cLarn's "R..P.AN.N.C.NTR. Basebali ý'Reistratio. Anyone Interested ïn playng BasebaU this year please leave yeur iiame and age, at the Arena, Rolph Hardware or Russ ?MaJrs, 983-5858. Schedules wlll _bemade up at K...A. meetings en April 5th, and WIL Oromso Amateur Athletlc Fr igid Loiker System for -Freezer S"Pplie Gyoverameut Inspeete BEEF or PORK Steer Sides of Beeflb*8 Cut - wrapped .. b 8 Fresh Fromen Steaks ïIb-E "?C -Fresh Oysters Avallable- PORK rwho::;lb 49c BKULE SUPPLY 0F Frozeua Vood CUSTOM CUTTNG SMOING - CURING L.ocker Reniais FIONE 623-5578, 73 M«ngSt. W. Bowmanfvfle Choose. your Weddlng Stationary from the popular BOUQUET - PRESTIGE INVITATION LINE, Canada's f irst choice of We.ddLng and Social ferras A wkle choice designs/ and types to ehoose, from. INVITATIONS - ANNOUNCEMENTS - MATCHES REPLY CARDS - SERVIETTES THANK YOU NOTES - ETC. ETC. MAIN STREET.ORONO,,ONTAMI