________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WVEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th, 1970 Orono, Hockey, ..Hockey at the Orono rink came to an end on the week-end featuring a mumber of exhibition games as well as a Tyke tournamnent. On Saturday evening an exhibi- tion gamne between Orono and Ops Township was a vîctory for Ops by a score 3-1. Doug Hancock. scored lthe lone 'Orono goal with assist to John West. NEWCASTLE WINS ORONO TYKE TOURNAMENT ~The Newcastle Tykes won the lo- cal Tyke tournament last Friday ev- ening by a decisive margin ini both Z1.1i1S.w]4jih they played. In the final game of the tourna- ment Newcastle efcate4 the Bow- nianville Number i team Iby a, score of, 6-2. In Newcastle,; qpeinii garie theY defeated the Bowmawvilk No. 2 team by a score of, 8-0. Orono in the -tournament first met Bowmanville No. 1 with the garne ending in a 3 al tie. Wayne MfaçLean, Duane Major and Bob Myles scored the Oronso goals x%ith a ssists to Wayne Mac- YLean ar& Peter Pbillip. Biowmnanville won the shoot-off to break the tic and advance to the fin- al gamre.' In the Consolation round Orono defea ted the Bowmanville No. 2 teami by a score 2-0. Wayne Mac- Lean and Duane Major scored the two Orono goals.,Assists went to Ross Stntt, Bob Myles and Peter Philip. TYKES WIN IN MILLBROOK GAMTE The Orono Tykes visited Mill- brooIk last Tuesday f0 take a 5-1 victory over Millbrook. The Orono scoring went to Ross Stutt, Keilh Cascy, Keviin Philip, Prestoti Long and Duane Major: Assists wcre credited to. Paul Ried, Jimn Moffat, Bob Myles,7 Way- ne MacLean and Terry Hedges. BASE»ALL IN TH1E NEWS Russ Major informs us that the Orctio 'Amateur Athietic Associai- tion is sponsoring this summer three bail tcams in the categories of Pee- Wees, Tykes and Bantams. The teams are being entered in a league which will take place this Wcdncsday night. PORT HOPE FAIR TO OPEN SUNDAY Port Hope Agricultural Society Board held their monthly meetingon April lst when plans werc furthcr- cd toward the 1971 fair.- The Board has proposed that, for the first time in the fair's known history, Sunday features will be ad- ded. Expccted attractions will be a Western rodeo-style horse show and a demolition derby. tSuggestions for a band concert and an open air ,Church service were also discussed. Ways of enlarging the 4-H as- ýpects of the fair was discussed. Many new tentures are bcing con- sidered including liquid embroidery ,on cloth, canvas, glass and other oh- jects, in handiferaft competitiions. keRplying to a questio n fronsi Alex Carruthers, ' M.P.P., Durham on Tuesday, April I st, the Honourable ThoasWclsMin-trof ocl Arena Has $5.000 Surplus The Orono Arena has closed its doors again for Spring and has had a very suiccessýful year. It takes many people f0 work hard and together to accomplish success and also a good Arena Manager. Mr. Earl, Taylor has donc bis job again 'this year very well. Besides making ice, managing the arena, organizing hockey games, looking, after .the içe making, equip- ment, he-is.ofteni called upon to do other endless chores. Enrl has'had two very capable assistants this year. Brian Black and Robert Taylor, who also «leserve credit for the 'past five months. The Hockey Coaches and Manag- ers who devote a lot of time each week to teach, to the best of their ability the fundamentals of hckey, and quite often get a lc4 of criticism, deserve a lot of thanks. They arc John Moffast. John Mather, John Witherige, Robbie Robinson. Orv Chatterton, John Siater, John Go- forth, Roman Opoka, Chtick Hutton Vic Bridger, G~ord Loviery and Russ major. The 'Referees who get yelled at and criticized every week but are always back next week to devote their time and help, Vie Bridger, Gord Lowery, Frank Sawyer, Doug Taylor, deserve credit. The Hockey Tournaments have to have Trophies donated anid thse fol- lowing businessmen always pitch ini immediately:- Matt's Barber Shop, Dutch Oven Restaurant, Smith Bey- erages,, Albert's' Texaco, Orono Weekly Times, kolph Hardware, L.' Taylor Saddlery, Carman Plumbing and Heating. Mr. aind Mrs. l-loyd Taylor-aI-, ways have thse booth ejean and well stocked to provýide excellent .service t0 the many peopIe at the Arena. The Orono Hockey Mothers and the Figure Skating Club have t0 be thanked for their time and money spent at, the Arena. Ail the, people- who looked affer collecting money at the door also deserve thanks for persons who have helped this year devoting their time. Also any other in any way, Thanks. The Arena this year had expens- es of $9145.32 and receipts of $14,953.87. As the summer ap- proaches a lot of work will be done by the Associatioin in readiness for next year. New screening is needed arouid, the -south end "boards,' dress- ing rooms paînted, boards painted as well as wash rooms and the east side of the arena. Some new, ice- making equipment is needed down- stairs and many other small items. The Associatioin is always ready to accept help and comments from anyone.. so please step forward. Thanks again. Orono Amateur Ath- letic Association. Grant C. Wav de Insu-rance Apuicy NOTICEI,, 'ne Or1»o Amateur A*hk Association are this summner pro. xnotini. three basebail tennis in Eastern .Ontiirio Basebali Assoc- igtion league. The, three teanu are Tykés, PeeWees and Ban- tglms. Coaches and managers are re- quired for some of the teams any, assistance would be appreciated. Youi are asked to contact Mr. Russell Major if you wiIl help with he summer all prograi.> GâOOD FRIDAYad BASTER SIUNDAY DINNERS loin us this wek-end for dinner that includes ail those thîngs you seek wheni eating out. Phone -983-5536 LICENSED DINING LOUNGE Noone's Hotel & Restaurant lghway 115 at Enterprise North of Orono c. '-v y'- v., q. Support your local Rotary Easter Seal (ampaig.n RETURN YC To decrease ur postage cosits youir dontation may' be left at the Banik ê Moatlieal Cheque, out a crippled c;hild today. )U 40