Township Taets-Do-652MOI -Property owners in tlie Town- ship of Clarke, outside of tlie Police Village of Orono, will en- ~joy, tliis year over 1970, a prop-' -ýe1rty tax reduction of 6.521 milîs wliicli amounts to $6.52 on every tlieusand dollars of assessment This reduction is due iu whole to an education levy reduction whicli on the Township tax bill .ropped a total of 13.73à milis in 1971 over that of 1970. Other in- creases in tlie County ievy and the Towusliip of Carke road rate brouglit tlie decrease down to 6.521 milis on residential and 1Iarm property. The commercial and industriai miii rate drops in tlie township by 8.040 milis. Property owners in tlieliamiet cf Kendal will bave the decrease dropped to 5.707 milîs due to an increase in street iigliting costs. Their reduction wiIi liewever be $5.70 on every $1,000.00 of assess- ment. Tlie decrease in tlie Police Vii- lage of Orono is furtlier reduced witli a jump in tlie Village rate. Property owners in Orono wili liave a decrease of $2.97 on every $1000.00 of assessment on resi- dential propertý and $3.79 on commercial property. Tlie Township road miii rate Brief Report Given On New O'rono SchoI Project At -the Nýortliumberland and ?Durham County Board of Educa- flou meeting last Tliursday a re- -prt was received on tlie building pyoject of school in Oreno. The new scliool building is te lie built in a manner tliat wil disturb as littie as possible the classes whicli wiii be carried on itlie present building. Tlie pres- ent building will be demolished and the aren and grounds finish- cd te tie in with the new cou- 'Structîon. Most of the present playing -field at the sehool wili be used for the new building. As a resuit fihe architect, Mr. Hovitcli, bas 1een instructed te desigu a new -playiug field Ite be ready for the The present general purpose reom will bcenecompassed by sections of tlie new construction. It is aise intended tliat certain, imfprovements will be made te -lic general purpose room includ- îng fireproofîng of the ceiling, ventilation and-.thie prevention of 'vater seepage tlirou glitbe block wvalls. IBOWN'S SCIIOOL -T0 BE CLOSED' It is -the intention ef the -Board te close Brown's Sehool lu Clarke on June 30, 1971. The September 1971 enroiment of 42 pupils wiii be trnnsferred mainly te Newcastle Public Scliooi. A smaii number may to transferred te ewtonville. Solina Public Sliooi with a September enrolment of 36 pupils. is aise te becesed with thc stud- ents being transferred te Hamp- ton, Enuiskillen and Burketon Public Sebools. -TAMILV LIFE ADVISORY COUNCIL. Tie smali Committce drnwn from the Principals' Cabinet, for -the purpose of setting up a Fam. ily Life Advisory ('ouncvii, bas now. compieted its task., It wil be recalled tint the formation cf, -isCouncil was the resuit of DIE-HARDS END SIIN G AT KIRBY The iast run down the siopes at the 0'sliawa Ski Hill (Kirby) for the 1970-71 scason was completed on Sunday afternoon, Those who took advantage of the day report- ed lots of snow on the hilI and good conditions for this time of year. The sun and temperature added to the excellence of skiing. It lias been reportcdl that the Club lias completed tia year its most successful year since its ln- ceptiücn. The steady winter con-« ditions along with new hligroom- ing equipmieit iwere the main- features to compliment the year. meetings held with principals, te consider the educational implica- tions re the "Non-medical use of Drugs". The workshops heid lu the tliree geoý#raphical areas studîed the topic fromn the folliw- ing four viewpoints (a) The In- Scliool Progragm (b) Iu-Service training of teachers (c) Commun- ity Involvement and (d) Rem- ediation. A summary of the discussions referred to above stressed the following points: It would not le desirahie te set up a program tliat deait ex- clusively xith Drug Educating. Rather it was suggested that Guidelines for an integrated pro- gram tînt includcd such topics as Anatomy, Physioiogy, Mental H-ealth, Famiiy life and drug,ý night le compiled. A Country-wide Committee rep.- resentîng a cross-section of the Comfmunities invoived should be appointed te review the four ar- cas studied nt the Principals' worksliops to consider the Guide- liues mentioned in (1) above.- A part of the County Committee was toelie composed of teachers who wouid serve in an advisory capacity and perform the wril' ing tasks required. The designatin "Family Life Advisory Couincil", sliould lie used to Idescribe its true function. Local' Artist T. Exhibit Ou lPaintings At Library Mr. R. D. Morton cf Clarke Tonhpwil display ,bis cil paintings at the Carke Library commenciug tuis Thursday even- ing. The paintings wiii le ou dis- play for at least a week and a half. r.Morton lias shown, consider- able abilîty lu bis work and lias liad bis work.on display at show- ings lu Toronto and at ils own home. Many cf bis paintings are cf local scenes as well as some cf the picturesque views lu the bol- ilay regiens cf this part cf On- tarie. The Carke Library invites ev- erycue te view the showing dur- ing its stay at the Library in Orono. increase from 24.824 mils lu 1970 to, 29.155 milis in 1971 is due mainly to snow removai during tlie winter. Tlie Township Geneir4 ai rate was reduced sliglitly by .732 milis. Tlie County rate lias been in- creased by 4.411 milîs due to tlie road costs. and to tlie fact tliat tlie County lias now taken over tlie operation of Welfare on a County basis. Tlie Village of Orono rates in- creased from 15.490 in 1970 to 22.223 milis in 1971 and notes the iargest increase of any autliority on th *e tax bill, Property assessed at $3,000. lu Pollution Survey For'Rice LaO'ke More' tian '40 members cf the' Rice Lake Tourist, Association were given details cf thec-instal- lation cf services which will ev- entually cut dewn wter poilu- l ion problems. At a meeting lu Greenwood Tower Motel recently, officiais cf the Departmcnt cf Henti and the arca hcaltli unit nnswered questions on the provision cf sep- tic tanks and holding tanks. N. D. Pappas, a projectengin- eer witli the Public Heath Engin- eering Servi ce cf the Departmeut cf Health, outlined the provincial government's program, whicb started hast yate inspcct nl lakefront cottages and resort areas and ciassify thern witb regard 1l' whetier they are causing pollu- tion or net. "Tic empliasis is dlianging and tie tempo is increasing, but witb 200000 laies lu tuis province alone, I lere lave to le rnnny tlirusts te the programi," lie snid. Part cf tic progrnm denis witli existing cottages and tourist re- sorts and the other part concerus itself with future land use. 1%r. Pappas said tic program' was late' getting stnrted hast year because the 1970 progrnm had te le worked ou at the same time as plans were being laid for thc 1971 effort, the Township (excluding Orono, KeIndal and Newtonviile) will pay a total tax of $405.84 while a similar property in Orono wil pay $419.61 plus water frontage The big saving thîs year came from' the County Board of Educa- tion which was due to a credit Theatre Voted-In On SIiMmMajority On Monday evening the direct- ors of the Durliam Central Agrie- ultural Society voting by secret ballot, after hours of discussion, passed a motion in which the Or- ono Amateur Athletîc Associa- tion was grantcd access to the agricultural building to make nec- essary repairs to machinery and other renevations while also the Orono Youth Theatre were firanted use of portions of the building during the month of Ju]y and ail the building during the month of August. The motion also carried that the contract witli the' Youth Theatre group w'ould carry certain conditions whicli are to be set forth by the executive of the Agricuitural' So- ciety. The motion carried 15 to 12. As the vote 'indicated the meet- ing was split over the use of the building by the Orono Youth Theatre gro up. It, was stated,- in the, discus sion that the building and premises must be vacated by midniglit and that no sleeping be ailowed in the building. The. mat- ter of increased insurance costs is aiso to be looked into before owing. the Municipalîty. It can be assumed that iu 1972 tlie educa. ien rate will returu to its former level in Clarke. The townsliip rond rate . couid weil reduce in 1972 providing snow removal is not again a probiem.. The County increase will stab- ilize at its present level of 1971 and thýe Orono Village increase is cxpected to continue for four or five years. A number of resid ents in Clarke and Orono have been mislead ln assuming tliat tlie tax rate has increased tliis year. Tliis happened wlien tlie first instaiment of taxes was greater tlian iu 1970 when the Township set the interîm pay- ment at 33% of the total. In 1971 tlie first instailment was based on 40% witli the two remaîning. lu- stalîments set a1jO 30%. In ail the local taxpayers are to enjoy a reduction iu taxation ranging from 2.978 milis lu Orono to 6.521 milis lu the Township. Tlie Council of Clarke 'Township set tlie budget at a special meet- ing on M onday evening. any -agreement is signcd or pre- The meeting npproved the promotion of a Pee Wee Rodeo for the Thursday evening of the fair. The Snturday niglit programt 15 tf0lbe decîded by tlie entertain,- ment committee. A letter is to bie sent' to the Orono Police Trustees to dlean up 'broken glass and otlier bebris which wns dumped with snow on the fair propcrty. It was stated that tIc Trusteesliad net receiv- ed approval froni the Fair Board to dump snow on the property. Oroumo Chamber ,To Sponsor Annual Firew orks Display Tic Orono Ciamber cf Com- merce met on Monday evening at. the Coachi and Four Restaurant where the group npprovcd lu principle a new constitution -for the CharnIer. Tic document sets forth sofe ne'W policies whie contnining some of the past pol- idies. Mouthly meetings cf the gen- duced te quarterly meetings w7hiie the Chamber's Council(ex- the projeet rau to a deficit cf eculive) are te meet, monthly. Other changes are cf internai matters. A general meeting que- rurn was set at eleven members. Letters from the Clarke Mus- eum and Archives Society and the Orono Youth Theatre lu- which the former asked for assistance, stimulated a lengtliy discussion on the policy cf the Cliamber ou whetlier or not they should give financial support, which preseut- ]y is limitcd, to such groups. Dis- cussion wns divided with sorne feeling that the Cliamber existed soiely te 'prornote the business community. The trend cf the discussion was (Continued on page 5) Orono Youth Theat re To Produce 'Peter Pan' This Âugust The Orono Youth Theatre wil le back again this summer with a new expanded programme. Thc Board cf Directors are pieased to announce tic hiring cf ce- directors David Scliatgky, Toron- te tlieatre-arts teadlier and direc- tor, and Jack Messinger, Canadian boru graduate cf the Yale Univer- sity School cf l)rama, te head a full season cf worksliops, instruc- tional sessions, and productions cf interest te young and oid in the cornmunity. Dancer Maylene Chan will le resident dliorcogra- plier and movement coach, and will be jeined iy several instruc- tors wliose background lu theatre, education and Ite media will re- suit in an excitirig and enrîching experiçnce for ail who participate this summer. Plans for tlie summer - te run from. July 3 te August 31 - cal for two major shows: a new ver- sien cf thepopular musical 'Peter Pan', and eue other te lbe decided. Tlicy willibe presented lu thc Orono Arena, and the 73-year-old Orono Towu Hall during the last two weeks c f August. The Programme Members cf the company de- cide the extent cf their involve- ment: cither full-time, or even- ings and Sundays. Evening par tie- ipgnts, lu addition te their train- ing sessions, take part lu the full- company Musical, while fuil-time participants undertake both maj- or productions and worksliop pre- sentationli. Speciai instruction and, guidance in the foliowing ar- cas are availabie for sieection: Techuical arts design, construc- tion, and operation cf: Ligliting, sets, costumes, mnke-up, sound. Production stage and house management, administration Performing arts dance, music, singing, fencing, mime, etc. A regular workshop for Acters wîllli e heid tirouglieut the suri- mer te develop abilities lu self- expression through movement, voice, improvization, ensemble, scene study, and characterization. The Orone Youtli Theatre will attcmpt te assist members cf the compnny with food and lodging. A limited number cf work sdbol- arships wlll bie availabie te full- time participants. On acceutance, ecd person will pay a Iý5.00 registration foc, which includes insurance. Auditions and interviews arc open te, higli school and univers- ity students over 16 from Oreno, Bowmanville, Newcastle and sur- rounding areas. Tliey wil.-le ed in tic Orono, Town Hall Snturday Aprîl 24 an-1 Sunday APril 25. EFacliap citwili be notifi'-d cf the timep and date cf his appoint- ment. Auditieners are requested to corne prepnred with a monologue cf about 3 mnumtes, plus either: aý -ontrâa;ting monologue, a song, a skit, a story, a dance, or any other demnonstration ef performi- ing ability. Orono Weekly Times VOLUME 35, NUMBER 16 ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14th, 1971 big , 0 ý 010 iwM.1 - W -- -1 w . . , ZZ ý lý;Zl 11 illl 1 11111 1'liiiiiiý,ý,ý "ýl 'z 'il 1