ORONO EEKL'TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL l4th, 1971 Provinc Endorses Sen"ior Ci*tizens' Week The Honourable Thomas L, Wells, Minister cf Social and VENEZIA RESTAURANT rnghway 115 and 35 ½Mile South cf Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Spedizing ln Pizza - Meals, Mlso Week-End Specials D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTAIO ANTIQUES WRB UY A» BELL 014 (flau, China, Plue Artcs Toye and Oddtles Ir ITS OL»D. CALL US WB PAT CASH Phone 823-5842 ater & in ROY THOMPSON Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Anl Carpentry Work Eemodeling Kitchen Cupboards WVe build frein the foundation up. il 1Fajxnily Services, anneuneed rec- 1ently the fîrst province-widc Sen- -ior Citizens' Week in Ontario, June 20 ta Junie 26, 1971. -"Primary planning for1 this special week would bie at the lo- cal community level where mun- icipal governm-tents and volun- tary assocfiations are mast invol- ved with senior citizens' greups and elderly people in the area," said Mr. Wells. 'I encourage all organizations and individuals to get invalved in.the planning and carrying eut of this first province widc senior citizens' week. Dur- ing this week we want te make as many peaple as possible awvarc ef thc contributions, of the eider- i y, thec services for the elderjy. and what it means ta grow oIder." "Lot taflive: lQt te give"l -- that'sq the way 1 sec senior citizens' wcck." said Mr. Wells. "Ontario's seFniar citizens have a lot ta live for. Tbcy also have a lot ta give ta other members cf the commun- ity. That's why the Ontario De- partirent cf Social and Famiiy Services is officiaiiv recagnizing Ontario Senior Citizens' weck, June 20 te 26, 1971. 1 ilbane that eacb community vrill fulfili the aims cf Ontario S"nior Citizens' Week by recog- nizing the contributions aover th e vears c'f elderlv mer and womcn ta the 117e of Ontario- and by en- o,rany and cxp)ressine appre- ciation cf past and Present servie- es rendered iiw outstanding sen- 1cr citiz(ýn- cither individually or in associations." "sa resuit of this special weck,_ 1 sec the develepmcnt cf special Dograms and proicts by and with senior cttizens iu coim- munities tbraughout Ontarioand jqnot just services for senior citiz- Burns, Mild Seasoned Skinless FfLATMSE Wieners lb. 55c WHITE SWAN 3 for $1 VEL LOTION 24 oz. 45c Il ounce bottie AYLMER CATSUP 19C 16 ounce Kraift Cheese singles 77c SAVE Se. 2 19 oz. tins itîchelis Apple Sauce 45c CHECK OUR SHELVES for Hundreds ef other LOW PRICES Cornish's Red & White PHONE 983-5201 ORONO WEEKLY" Value Chccked - Branded Red- or Biue lmD TIM Prime ib]Roasts lî.s88e Ideal for Reasting BOSTON STYLE PORK DUTT ROASTS lb. 4g0 LEAN, MEATY - WELL TRIMMED MUT PORK DUTT CHOPS lb. 590 By the Piece - Mfild Seasoned Bologna lb. 39c Mountain Brand BUTTER First Grade lb. 66ç' Betty Creeker CAýKE MIXES pkg. 38c Beaver MlIXED NUIS 13 oz. 98c 14 "oz. Tii LIBSYS SLOPPY JOES 59c Fresh CAULIFLOWER, BROCCOLI, ASPARAGUS, ETC at attractive prices îiest Trop ic Banamas l. 2c* ens. We want to stimulate general interest in and knowledge of ag- ing, the elderly, and ail existing programs for senior citizens in Ontario,." Although the promotion of a province-wide Senior Citizens' Week is new, the idea of such a week is not. Many groups of sen- ior citizens' clubs, across Ontario have been endorsing the week be- ginning with the third S»nday in June each year as Senior Citizens' Week. Mr. Alex Carruthers MPP for Durham, has in previous years intreduccd in the Ontario Legisiature a bill ta preclaim such a week, and the idea was endorsed by members of ail polit- ical parties in the legisiature. Mr. Wells has set up an advisory committee for Ontario Senior Cit- izens' Week. It will be chaired by Mr. Carrtert and wiil include representatives of senior citizens' associations. "The Cities cf Kit- chener, London and North Bay, bave 'already pianned Senior Cit- izens' Week for their communit- les," Mr. Wells noted. The Ontaria Dcpartment'cf So- cial and Family Services will pro- mate active participation 'of in- dependent groups or associations of retired persans; residents' cou neils fromn homes for the aged, the ei.derly in housing projeets for senior ci tizens or nursing homes; members of elclerly per- sens' centres, public health un- 1hq, local social service and plan- ning councils, service clubs, pub- lic libraries, speciaiists in aduit educal ion; recreatien centres wor- king with the eiderly; churches cf ail faiths and ail other interested organizatiens throughout thePro- vifice. Otta.wa Report Northumberland- Durham M.P. Russell C. Honcy and Mrs. Honey arc visiting Remania durîng the Easter parliamentary recess. They are aecompanying Ilouse cf Commons Speaker Lucien Lam- oureux andMrs, Lamoureux. Mr. Honcy is Deputy Speaker af the Hanuse of Commans. The Canadians are 'the officiai guests of the liomanian gevern- ment. They will hold meetings with the Chairman cf the Roman- ian National Assembly, the For- eignl Mi nister, Trade Minister and other offiçials. The trip is plan- ned ta permit some time for trav- ei within Remania ta enable the Canadians to familiarize them- selves with that country. * e à Elmer's Garage TEXACO SER~V[CE miii St. North, O1rono Phonie Down Go The Taxes In Hamiliton Twp. Taxpayers in Hamilton Town- ship will cnjoy a inoderatc reduc- tion in their taxes this year. The Miii rate will drap 4.1 for resi- dences and farms while the com- mercial rate bas stili ta be de- termnined. The original budget presentcd by Dcputy-Reeve Foster Russell, who is chairmanof the finance committee, would have provided larger réductions. Hc callcd for a 5.9 milis drop lu the residentialand farm rates and a commercial rate decrease cf 9.7 milîs. Hawever. 'when be presented bis figures te, council it was feit that the smaller réduction would bc mare sensible. Main reason for this was that councillors feit> the taxes would have to go up again next ycar and it wauld be wiser te build a cushion cf funds now. Mr. Russell was *able ta bring in the grnerous budget ýbecause cf the rédu~ction in'the education levy. Counties TaxI Budget $4,898,277 The United Caunties' tax col- lecter will becasking for more moey from 22 cf the 24 constitu- ent municipalities in 1971. The ('ounties goernment plans te spend $4,898,27725 this year. 0f this ame-unt $1,759,497.25 wil bc collected from the muiiicipali- tics; the remainder cames frem credits and government grants. The total 'municipal lcvy is up $157,000 over 1970, and is the équivahent cf a one miii tax in- crease across the counties. The small rural municipalities are being hardest bit by the ley inercasecs. Cartwright, Cavan and Clarke townships are the most serieusly affccted with increases cf about 20 per cent. Hope, Darlingtan, Manvers, Percy, Haldimand and Seymour townships will expérience increas- es cf bctwecn 13-18 per cent. Bowmanville's ievv jumps te $168.243, up $11.252 and repre- scnts about a seven per cent in- crease. The oniy municinalitieq ta bave rtductions in their levies wcre Cobourg and the village af Bright- an. The maior item in the Ceunties program is their pranooscd roads expenditure, wbich totals $2.752, 840. The municinal sbare is $1,- 104,085. The mihi rate fer roads is the same as last ycar - 9.75 - and is based an an assumed coun- ty cqualized assessment projected fram 1970 figures. Wefare will cast rate-paYers $231,925 on a total welfare bud- get af $938,500. The féderal and provincial goverîments pay ai- most 80 per cent cf the cests. The Kawartha, Haiburtan and Pine Ridge' District Hcath Unit will receive $152.671. and' the Golden Plough Lodge in Cobourg for Spring Planting GLADIOLI Large Bulbs Pre-Planted BEGONIAS DAHLIAS GLOXINIAS A wide variety of colours in ahi bulbs., Buy bull< aid save on yeur Spriig planting. iddletoms 1 OSONO. ONT. DX SERVICE STATION- Hlghway 35 and 115, just îorth of Newcastle Featuring: Premiunt Quality Products AI The Most Reasenable Prices Aiiy quantity per gal. -Stove 1Ou atour-20.~ Phone 987-4215 will take $45,490 for its cost of" operation for the year, A total of $287,136 bias been budgcted for general expenses. Darlington township levy haa N'en set at $170,398. anl increase of nearly $29,000 over last year. Clarke's levy has gene up pro- portionately greater. At $98,3U6, it is $20,000 more than in 1970. Cobourg lias the greatest leVy, at $281,447, but is down $5,3W0 from hast year. Port Hope is as- sessed $197,301, Hamilton town-. sbip $115 4811, andHepe township $70,605. The townships of Alnwick, Brighton, Cramahe, Hamilton and Alonaghan South ail have increas- es ranging from 8.4 te 11-2 per cent. Port Hope and the villages of Coîbarne, Hastings, Milhbrook and Newcastle will experieiice inerceases fram almost nIl te about 10 per cent. -The Canadian Statesmat Lkard WkIing A" ~FABRICATION and LATHE WORK 8 a.M. -t, - 5 pa. %enday through SaturdaY PHONE 982-57 BUICKLAYER-S STONEMASOINS WILLIE J. SCIUIAHL Phone 983-5606 Speeializing ii aU i ids of STONEWORK and FIREPLAGES We aise de -chlmnev Revairs Dr. W. R. KetDDS Bowmanviile Professlenal DidR 222 King st . E -suite 106 Office Heurs: Closed Sat., Sup. and Mon. Open through Tues. te Friday> Telephone 623-7349 . - 1 . 1