1 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAV, APRIL 14th, 1971 Letter To The Editor 1.1. 2, Orono, Ont., 1April 8, 1971 Orono Weekly Tîmes, Orono, Ont. Letter to the 'Editor: A growing number of people in this community, and throughout North- America, are beginning to realize that t& preservatiQn of our bounitiful environment is, flot only a rewarding exercise to en- hance the. quality of life, but is becoming an urgent matter of survival. Awareness of the dang- ers of pollution_ have, ln many quarters, reached, a state of pub- lic alarin and everywhere we hear the admonition that- "somcthiings must be doue about it." It is refreshing and encourag- ing, therefore 'to read in your paper that a group fff young peo- pie in Orono, lead by Fraser Wal- lace, have decided to petition the Federal Government for funds te undertage a dlean-up program of the Orono Creek and its environs as a summer employment project. Wonderful! A terrifie move! Orono is blessed with a natural phenomenon which is the central focus of interest from the stand- point of beauty and charm - a meandcring' stream of crystal clear water with its complement cf bridges and ponds. But this system can net be tak- en for granted - it must not be permitted to gather infection and die. With care and attention now it can corne alive with new pro- tective foliage on its verges, stone work or, rip-rap boulstering the eroded place, vwlking paths, trel- lises, ýshad ed pools, beds of gaudy flowers, 'grassey patches, ciumps cf water cress - and possibly the odd copse cf nut trees for the use cf human and squirrel gener- ations yet unborn. .Believe rne, these young p.eople have something. Let's hope those who handie the money bags have the same kind cf vision. Warren Lowes. AYKSRAk Frigid Locker System1 Your Headquarters for --- Freezer Supplies Gonvernment Inspected BEEF or PORK Stee Siescf Beèf Cut - wrapped ...lb. Fresh Frozen SalmoQn or Hlb, PORKI(felb 49 BULK SUPPLY 0F Frozen Food CUST0M'CUTTING SMOKING - CURING Locker R entais' PHONE 623-5578 73 King St., W. Bowmnanville To the Reeve andl Council cf the Or( Çorporation of the Township cf Clarke, Groino, Otario. Geati eren. I have cornpleted my examination cf the bocks and records cf this muuicipality and its local boards and commissions for the year ended December 31, 1970, and in this connection I arn pleased te report the following for your consideration: I wish to gratefully acknowledge the assistance and ce-epera- tien cf the Township Treasurer and his staff. 1 hereby report tha t la my opinionl: 1. The financial transactions which have cerne under my notice Li have been within the powers cf the municipality. Lc 2. The audit bas been conducted in accordance with the instruc- tions cf the-Department cf Municipal Affairs. 3. The financial statements present, fairly the' financial pesition cf the municipality as at December 31, 1970, and the results cf its eperation for th e year ended on that date. Statement cf Revenue and Expenditure Schedule 'l. This schedule reports the Corporations operation la money a-, mounts for the year, with comparative amounts for 1969 beiag shewn. The revenues are shown, in greater detail on schedule 1-1 and ýthe expenditures are detailed on schedule 1-3. Consolldated Balance Sheet Schedule 3. The a ssets liabilities and surplus cf the municipality for al fund - revenue, capital and reserves are shown 'consclidated on schedule 3. The assets are detailed in schedule 3-1, and the liabili-, ties and surplus. are detailed, on sehedule 3-2. The assets on schedule 3-1 reflect the following: Accounts receivable Due froni the Federal Goverument 1,100. This amount receivable in lieu cf taxes on the Orono Post Office was received. earlý' in 1971. Due from the province cf Ontario 66,920. This ameunt is made up as follows: Balance cf 1970 road.subsidy Provincial share cf welfare paymcnt Warble fly grant Taxes receivabie 62,000. 4,420. 500. 96,920. are analyzed on schedule 3-3. Due from the Police Village cf OrOno 207,057. 43,132. The large amount due from the Orono Police Village at the end cf 1969 cf 40,013, bas increased by 3,119 during the year. The necessity cf the Police Village Trustees te budgetfer a substantial reduction in this outstanding liability sheuld be communicated te thern. As a resuit cf the large read program lu the village in 1969 the village finances do net allow cf any fur- ther works or programs-.at the present trne, and al existiug commitmentsý should be analyzed te ensure that ne uunecessary expenditures are incurrcd. Temporary Loans 240,400. Ternporary leans on behaîf of the Township generally amount te 210,000., and the balance cf 30,400. is a loan îucurred on behaîf ef the Orono Police Village for their 1969 road program. The O.P.V. leau was ap- proved by the Ontario Municipal Board for the re- payrnent te be spread over five years. Other Accounts Receivable 31,353. Accounts receivable consist cf- sundry road, depart- meut accounts of 27,659. and sundry accounts of 3,694. Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities 27,327 Under the sick leave benefît plan, unused sick leave can accurnulate and emnployees now become entitled te cash payrnent on termination cf service. The liability for these accurnulated days te the extent that they could be taken la cash by an emnployee on termination of employment amounted te 12,093. The outstanding reads departrnent account cf 6,053., hydre arrears cf 1,255. and general accounts cf 7,926 make up the balance., Local Boards Schedule 1 to 7 cf scries L details the results of our examination cf the local boards. rcao Hydre Systeni - Orono Water' System The, P series cf statements detail the assests, liabil- ities and surplus, as weli as the results cf the eper- ations for the year cf the above two local Boards. In the water system a liability to the Ontario Water Reserve Commission cf 57,369. has a debt retirement; fund balance apfflicable there te cf 7,725. leaving the Capital Debt outstandiag te the O.W.R.C. cf 49,644. The balance due te the Ontario Municipal Works Ass- istance Program for capital work on the water sys- tem amounted te 100,741 at the end cf the yeax-. Further notes te these financial statements are de- tailed in Schedule 7. ience Number 3875 uarch-25, 1971 WALTER H. POPE, Chartered Acceuntant, TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET as at Decemiber 31st, 1970ý ASSETS Cash on hand and in baak .......................... O ther A ssests .,... ..... ............ .. ...... Acceunts receivable ..1........... ... ...... Taxes receivable .......... .......................... 5,3à7. 8,333 151,642. 207,057. 372,429. LIABLITIES Bank lb ans .......... ... .... .. . . ........... 240,400. Accounts payable -....-................. ....... 29,098. Reserves and allewances ......... ..... ...M--<.. 82,198 Surplus, December 3lst ......... ........... > 20,733 372,429. TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE STATEMENT 0F REVENUEý and EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 31, 1970 REVENUE Revenue, from taxation ........... ....... ...... .. 667,751. Contributions £rom other Geverament............. 1'100.' Province cf Ontario .................321,441. Licences and Permits.............14,011. Rents, concessions and fanchises ...... 152. Penalties and'interest on taxes.................... 19,590. Miscellaneous ......................................... 1,934. 1,025,979. EXPENDITURES General governrn t ......................... Protection te persous and property.............. Pu.blie W orks . .................. ...... Sanitation and waste rernoval.................. Conservation of Health . ................................ Social and Family Services ................... Recreation and Community Services .......... Financial Expen'ze........................................ Police Village Rates...-,.....-........................... Orono W ater System ....... .--........... C ounty R ates .. ........... -............... Cost cf Education .................. ........ Commuuity Planning........ ......... 33,911. 24,940. 298,616. 2,413. 8,627. 34,550. 12,435. 40,333, 17,984. 9,588. 79,062. 446,023. 10,586. 1,019,06&. Excess of Revenue over expenditure for the year .. 6,911. 1,025,979. Excess cf revenue over expenditure for the ydar 1970 ............. .............................. 6,911. Surplus at the begianing cf the year ............. 13,822. Surplus at the end cf the year 1970........... .... 20,733. Planingto bulid a new home?___ _ See MdeLaren': "1HOME PLANNINGt, CENTRE"9 Orono Fuel& Lumbe r Co. Phone 983-9167 T ownship 0F Clarke Report i