ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14th, 1971 Sport Notes KENDAL EAGLES IN. EICiHT TEAM L AGUE The Kendal Eagles Intermedi- ate basebali club has beeri enter- ed in an eight team league for p1lîîy this summer. The league is va]led a Senior Intermediate-Jun- ioi league with Interniediate, Jun- ion and Senior clubs entered ini 111- league. The opening- gamne, of the li~'gue will be held iu Kendal on lýl24th when Kendal faces the, O hawa Intermedliates with the gaine being called for 2:00 p.îný Other teams in the league are: 'Kiigston Seniors, Kingston Jun- iors, Port Hope Intermediates, Oshawa Intermediates, Oshawa Juniors and Kendal Intermecti- ates. GR{ANT WAI>E HEADS LAKESIIORE UMPIRE ASSOCIATION At the annual meeting of the 1,'ýkeshore Umpire Association h)",d last Wednesday, Mr. Grant Wade of Newtonville was elected president. Mr. Charles, Trim of Bomý'1anvil1ie was elected secret- ar-treasuirer %with M<r. George Pplig ol, Hope. elected vice- presidc ult. IJMPIRES CLINIC SUNDAY, APRIL 18th Mr. Grant Wade of Newtonville leports that an Umpires Clinic Will be held for those int'erested on Sunday, April l8th at thePort Hope Legion Hall commeiing at 10:00 a:.m.. Anyone wishing to umipire this summer are asked to attend this clinic. tOWMAN VILLE RED EAGLES. ADVANCE TO FINALS The Bowmanville Junior 'C' ~Red Eagles start their champion- ship final -serie s in Bowmanville tonight, Wednesday, when they' nieet Dresdon. The second and third game wil1 be played in Dres don on Saturday and Sunday. The Red Eagles recently elim- inated the Huntsville M1erchants With a final game score- of 6-4. Sandy Brqwn scored two with the remainder shared by Dan. Cowle, Kim Rogers, Rick Ellis, Douglas Crough and Mike Donoghue. Doug Talor of Orono is one of; the mainstays of the Bowmanville Club. STAN BALL RECOGNIZED BV OSHIAWA SKI CLUB Mr. Stan Ball of Orono was given recognition by the execu- lieof the Oshawa Ski Club re- ieîtly for his willing efforts in encouraging and assisting child- ren at the junior tow at the Ski 1h11. Stan lias become a bywrord with the youngsters at the hill 0v- or the past seven years as lie lias started hundreds upon hundreds on their way Up the rope tow. Recognition was- pàid to Stan at a recent banquet of the club. Hope Council Close Doors ilope T~ownship Council met, behind closed doors to discuss whether or not 30 building per- nis should be issucd to a Toroni- to de(veloper for a residential subdïivision west of the proposed iiy'd-(o gcnerating station af, Wes- The press was excluded from (ihe mreeting on the arrivai of the developer, Walte~r Hoey and bis cJames Faulkner. in .Hope township. No indication has been given as to whether this suspension has been lifted. The suspension and the con- trois were pla ced on the town- ship after the discovery that Mr. boey, between October 5 and 12 had registered a total of '390 deeds for lots with the East Dur- ham Registry Office. 1Approximately 45 of the lots were registered by a Toronto bar- rister, J. Eric Young and the rest by the original purchaser, Mr. lloey. The price paid- by the purchas- er for the 390 lots totalled ap- proximnately $275,000. Hope township council, at that time, appealed to the provincial goverrnent for help, because it feýared the possible tax burden on existing property owners if ail of the lots were developed. Council was told by bis lawycr that the H-aliburton, Kawartha and Pine Ridge District Healtk Unit had already approved the in- stallation of septic tanks en the lots. Young PCs (Contàinued from page -2) YPC display and seli membership at, the ,jorthcoming dinner spon- sored by the Senior Executive of the Durham Association on 5 May at Greenwood Towers Motel, Port Hope when, Stanley Randal Grant C. Wade Inserancé*6Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Newtonville, Ontario Telephone 786-2921 will be the guest speaker. Place on dune l9th. Activities for the summer sucli as Bar B-Q, The executive al,,-o decided to dance and public debate were dis- partîcipate in the May "Miles for Iýussed. Millions Walk" and plans were made for a field trip to Ontario A pollution Awareness Com- REmTU To decrease our 'potage costs your donation mai be left at the Bardé of Montreal mittee, consisting of Jan Pollard, Bert Reid, Gerrard Collins and Robert Jarvis was established ta aid in pollution control in North- umberldnd and Durham. Týhe footbone's', connected toth h'eadbone. Think aboutit. ~/When you play tennis, you tvear tennis shoes.When you walk, youwear good walking Ishoes. And when you work you wear proper Sfootwear for comfort an-d protection. 'J Take a good look at your shoes. Make sure they're, not getting run down at the heel. Change fraying laces. Il And check the soles to see that they're in good condition. Sure footwork be&ins witk proper footwear. SeIfmdefence. It works. Your Workmen's Compensation Board and Safety Associationm, Ontario. Cheque',outa crippled Cil todaly. y Suppor t your local Rotary Easter Seul (ampaign RNI YOUR. -1ý- - e