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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Apr 1971, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESI1AY, APRIL l4th, 1971 WANT ADS FOR WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTEID UNTIL 5:00 p.n. TUELSDAY PHNGRONO 983-5301 See Agency for kil classes of personal and Coi.nmereial Coverai'es j office. Mai1n St.,Oro 983-5132 les. 983-5754 Gord Simpson PHONE 983«5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Interior Exterior CHARLES RMD Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Speefalize in Farm and Furniture Sales Qmsult me for ternis and dates PRIJNE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and FaïmïlyMmoaI Our quiality and servic 'e leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person Who bought from M. a nietghbour, friend or relative, The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontarîo Street PORT HOPE Largest display in Southera Ontario Bowmanviile, Ont. Phone 623-3383 WATSON'S ïMarineI adCylI Orou, Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alonuette Snow Mlobiles McuiohCAIN SAWS R9epairs to ail makes of Lawni iMowers and 2 and 4 cyýclej Englueso ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PuimpING OUT SEPTIC TANKS I Bert Tompkins Phone 786-25,52 LBR ARty HOURS OPEN: Tuesday G6:30 8:30' Tbursdcy 830- 830 lFrlday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Stwrday l1-0: -12:09 a.iu FOR SALE FOR RENT 95 ohv Sdn 150 i ero prmn j OYAMS JwsbeffeCVSean $150 o 2e 9835674aar 4 PLMÎG and HEATING Phone 983-5639. b -17-p Slsand ServiceFOSAEORAL !? IORBURNER SERV!CE# O AEFRSL 1F11N-ANCTN 11-1 - ~GULF Low phôone: lnâterest Rates Gl TYrone 263-2950 J ELECTRICAL CONTRA-ýCYING I ELECi7RIC HEATING AND SERVIE Pho ne 983-5546 or 983.5940 GRONO, ON TA,RIO ORONIO'ELECTRIC Hlerb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELEE3TRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI * WESTINGHfOUSE ECA ELECTROHOME GUARANTEED SERVICE iHamilton s Inisura"nce, I Service AUTO FIRE, PACKAGE POLICIES FIDELITY BOND LIABILITY LIFE MAIN -STREET, 'ORONO Ji Il IFor Dependableji( Service After Ilours adWeek-ends ÎBox 133 Phon 6683552 Limited I manmufactiwenO Icemetery MoveI0'riais i 313 Dundas fotNs WHITBY, ONTARIOj iFuildn lue Ior remodeling yonr present one, tiien contact' rionc m-e, Ij A Welsn Pony for sale. a mare. Phoe)83-5606. a-c FOR SALE C...Fire(bird boys bicycle; 5speed. Original cost $78.00. U-sed, only 1 season. Askiing $35.00 -Contact Larry Lunn after 5:00 FOR SALE Tr'uck rack to fit Chev. haif ton withl long rarrow box. Excel- lent condition. Phione 983-5689. a-p FOR SALE 1959 Chev. Sedan, $17500 or best offer. Phone 987-5631). b-16-p HELP WANTED IIelp for housework by the day Phone 983-558.- a-c HELP WANTED Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- merce, Orono, Ontgrjo Lrequires experienced Teller. lease apply in person. b-16-c HELP WANTED A press opev'ator wanted. Must be 25 or over. Apply in person to Curvply Wood Pýroduicts, Orono. a-c WANTED) 2 bedroom Apartment to rent. 3 aduits. Possession by May 31st,' 1971. Phone 983-5434. a-p NOTICE Sewing alterations and repairs; aiso Plain sewing. Phone' 983-5493. d-18-c CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARV RUMMAGE AUCTION .Donations of saleable items are now being received,,by the Lib- rary. Clothing, furniture, appli- ances, tools, dishes, etc., etc., will be accepted. Bring your donation to the Library or leave your name wîth the librarian on duty and the items xiii be. picked Up. Proceeds for further renova- tions at the Library. a-c NOTICE Caîl Orono' Landscapàing for sodding, planting and seedfing, tree rernoval and gardening. Pkone 983-5598. t-f Wanted Dead or Crippled RICA u P DM' IRFA LTO R 99 Klug st., B. BOWMANVILLE When Biàying or Seiflllg cil- iL[F HAW KE YOUR ORONO AREA 993-P.7-1 Mt1ay lst. p.M. a-p LIAIblck puppy -with whlite mark- ings, 5 mOnths old. Part Schnous- sier. Phone 983-5722. a-c WANTED TO BUT Roto Tiller, 4. or 5 h.p., anda small cernent mixer. Contact Mr. O. Popadich; helti 9e3-5494. a-c ]EAT APPLES FOR HÏE ATT Sbukhel Cce grade Mjacs .95C. 'Ice Cream4-, gal., 79c FRED'S FRUIT MARKET HORTICULTIJRAL Nç)rCF, C'orne and join the 5Oth Birthday Party for the Orono Ilorticulturai Society on Thuirsday, April 15, at 8 p.m.ý in the Main Hall of Orono United Church. Mý,r. John Clasrke and Mr. Ruscel1 Gomme of, Toro- to will bring special Greetings. There vvill bc several musical num- bers. A special welcomne to Past Presidents. l>16-c COMING EVENT You are invited to St. Saviour's Annual Baster Salad Supper in the Parish Hiall 'Wednlesday, April 21st. Admission: Adults $1.56; Child- ren 75e. Time 5 o'clock until ail are served. b-17-p DANCE Satuwday, April î7th a't 9 p *M. Lions Centre, Bo*manvjlle Music by THE SQUIREI- floor and Sp.ot Prizes, Bar Privilegcs Lunlch $4.00 Per Couple Sponsored by Durham .DP Everyone Welcome. DANCE A Dance, Pontypool Community Hall, Saturday, April 17th. Muis-le by Fa,-, Adams and The Country !lits. Bar Privileges. -$3.00 per couple Couples only. Dancing 9 to' 1. a-c Phone 983-5301 Experienced restaurant help for a nin-e hour day at R.R. 2, Ojronlo, Onlt. phone 983-9303 to the ]ROYAL AMBASSADORS BOwminviile Legion SATURI)AY, APRIL l7th .:Admission $3.00 per couple Couples'over <21 most weleome Prizes galore COMING EVENT The Orono Home and Sehool Club xvwiii meet on Iuesday, April, 20th at 8:00 p.m. William iMe. Cartl'Y, Sociology Instruictor at Durham College xviii be the guest speaker. 20 years experlènc iii National Jouirnalism. WIli speak on a sub ject to interest everyone in Orono. ac MOTHER'S DAY OUT Mother's Day -Out group xviii mneet in the Main Hall of Orono United Church, on Wednesday, 'April 2l-st fromn 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. Ail môthers with pre-school child- BIRTHI GIBSON-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gibson (nec Lynda Tyrrell) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter on Tuesday, April 13, 1971 in Peterborough Civie Hs- pital. ,1a-e IN MEMORIAM LUXTON - Cherished mnemor- les of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Oscar John, Who passed away April lSth, 1968. B'eatifuJî memories are treas- ured forever, 0f happy days when we were together. Sadly missed by wife Mercie v1ndf family.a- "',IN",MEMORIAM HO0LLINGSWORTH- tn loývlng memory of -a fear husband and father Rowland Hill1 Hollingsworth who, passed away April, 15, 1967. Lovýingly remembered by wife *~oeNewcastle 987-420 and Ssturday 1~

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