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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Apr 1971, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL l4th, 1971 Seeoad Clasa Mail Regis~alion Number 0368 Pubiiahed every Thursday at the office of publieatioii Main Street., Orîno, Gnt*aio. Phone 983-5301 DISCONTENT BUILDING Discontent over theestablishment of Regional Goverament in the Oshawa area appears to be growingf and a recent survey of the Oshawa Coun- cil members seems to point out that the mai ority of the members wish to, have Osbawa wash its Lands of any Regional aspect in this area. 'th' city of Oshawva fears the loss of representa- tion açý wel), as, carryng ai) ad(Ed d -uïdn in re- gards the financial aspect. Both the,,.e fears could v eIl be warranted as one rends of discontent la the Niagara region where St. Catherines, the largest centre, is not favoured with representation by pop- ulation nor protected from supplying the financial basis for the whole region. With Oshawa's discontent and reluctant attitude along with other centres, especially la the rural areas, denoting the same frame of mind, the issue of Regional goverament la the Oshawa area may well be placcd on the sheif. We have always questioned the expendîture of one million odd dollars for the Oshawa Regional Area study. To our way of thinking the study has neyer spelled out la clear layman terms the con- ditions and financial asp~ects of the proposed region. Surely it would have cýeea much more reasonable to study the few conditions such as representation and financing to a point of some agreement before a full scale study was initiated. It certainly has been a waste of money and tinte and this is especi- ally so when the largest centre now recognizes the loss of representation as well as providing the fia- ancial basis for the area. Both these items could well have been considered ini the beginning with- out a year and a haîf study. The Provincial Government has a lot to bear in the study as the Province funded Most of the cost and was pushing Regional Goverament. Surely, if the Provincial Goverament wants and supports Regional Government throughout the populated sectors of the -Province, they must have reasons and proposais to put forth. <Withý the Government of Ontario promoting Rekional Governmnent there must have been a basis on which to establish such a form of government and thîs should be consistant throughout the Prov- ince. There was and is no need to establish million dollar studies la every area of the Province. Surely a souind basis can be/ý'set up by the Province on whîch to build a regional area. The bungle may flot bc at the local level but at all and we suspect that the Province bears inost of the blame again A MULTITUDE 0F CAUSES Over the past year and a haîf înuch has been w,,ritteni about unemployment la Canada and a host of writers and economists have expressed their views as solutions te the problem, which neyer looms too great until you become involvcd person- alIy It has been claimed by som e that the lowering of interest rates will set the economy advancing again whiie others wa~nmore housing to improve of import restrictions which would place our la- dustry in a most compettîve field on the home market wher e they are now protected. No doubt the latter would cause more unempioyment initi- ally but they dlaim over the long, haul Canada would gain. Others would seek more secondarlinl- dustry to use our natural resources rather than ex- po--rt the raw materiats. There is no doubt that most suagestions have somte good factors as -well as direrse factors. No one suggestirqg is going to eliminate unemploymtent for we are faced with a wide scope of-problems which no one body eau control, Our high standard of living increases the cost of exports and leaves littie roomt to operate within the material field within the country. 110ow many TVs can one watch or how many cars can une drive, It is flot likely that Japan will buy finished prod- ucts fromn Canada when she can produce these it- ems mach cheaper. Here we must wait until Jap- an's standards reach those of Canada and costs of production la that country increase. Certainly we are affected by the financial con- dition la the U.S. and other major countries. Over thesec we fiave no control. The list could well continue and antil a majority of these ills correct themselves Canada may con- tinue to face a high percentage of un'employmeht. It is a cycle and at the present time Canada ap- pears at a low ebb. ADULT- The effect of gamma. Rays on Man-in-the-Moon - Marigolds by Paul Zindel (the play that won the Drama Crities Award) What the heli are they trying to prove Martha? by Dick Atche- son (a rather interesting report on the new self expression. South from Sounion by Anna Weake (romance) Sunday the ýRabb. Stayed Home by Harry Kernelman QB VII by Leon Uri- (a novel of the Trial of the century.) JUNIOR- Gr eat Trade Routes by J. Duche Marie Tanglehair by Dorothy T-eiderstadt. Only the Stars Know by FIL D. A. MaIcMillan R.C.A.F. Eleven. Time to think of Marr- iage by Betty McKelvey-Kalish by Olga Beauchamp NORTHWAY RESTAURANT TO OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Pararas of Toron- to have purchased the Northway Restaurant south of Orono on 115 Highway. They will open the res- taurant sometime during the first week of May. The building is be- ing completely renovated along with new equipment being added. It is reportedý that there wîll be extensive changes.' Presently a contest with a cash prize of $20.00 is being held to pick a new naine for the res- taurant. Entries may be mailed to the Orono Times c-o of Advertiser 105. Sece advertisement. It Pays To Advertise Contracter Brick -BIock - Concerete Stone Werk - Cabinet Werk -Tue 983-s441 UGNQ Coâtlime.tal Savn sud MTA?& BAIE. GENTImUN.** W. have a gaa unaad Whfrl- p.o ready for youxur va. Drap la and glie themi a fry Gr.up Rates Avallae MeB. te Bat. 1 p.m. - 1 sin. Smi. 8 am.- 1 PAL. 14A ONTARIO STREET 7U.4. OBAWA LEGION DRAW ITS A NEW IIIGH - OVER $4400. Th%, monthly Branch 178 Royal Canadian Welfare Fund Draw was made at the dance la the Legion Hall on Saturday night. A1 new high of $4434.00 in monthly total sales was reached, and as this total grov!s 50 does the contribu- tions and donations from,.Branch 178 to assist in local drives and projects. Mrqs Nora Lambert, winner of the door prize draw was asked to make the selection for the win- ner and pulled ticket No. C 3266 from the drum declaring Mr. Jim, McDonald of 651 MeKellar Street, Peterborough as the winner of $2117.00. Geo. Dunlop, a branch 178 member who seems to be hav- ing another stroke of luck was the seller of the ticket and re- ceived $212.00 (George sold the second prize ticket last month). Second prize was won by ticket No. 5029, drawn from. the drum by the branch entertainment chairman, Mauritz Annaert; this second prize of $100.00 went to Roy Clowes (a branch 178 mem- ber) who lives at 1291 Minden Etreet, Oshawa. Roy also recei-ved the $10. seller's award for selliing the winning ticket. President Stan Dunn, who- is chairman of this draw and his co- chairman Don Wright would like to thank all the people that par- chase tickets on this monthly pro- ject which is enabling branch 178 to do a better job la the commun- ity. For the first 4 months of the year the, total sales has been $15,538.00 with prizes being a- warded la the total of $8,546.00. Since the March draw the follow- ing donations have been made: Canadian Red Cross Society ................. Easter Seal Campaiga .... Kiwanis Club re Library Auditorium Drive.... Boy Scouts of Canada (re Japan Tour) ............. $100,00 100.00. Clarke High School Orient- eering Club .. ............ 100.00 And it is expected that Branch 178 wîll approve a donation of $500.00 to the cancer blltz, at their general membership meet- ing on Thursday, April 22nd. CARD 0F THANKS I would like to take this oppor.- tunity to thank everyone for the many cards, flowers and fruit re- ceived while in the Oshawa Hos- pital, also ail the cails and visits thanks to the Post Office Staff Mrs., Shirley Black and the Tans- leys. Thanks again. Connie Hooey. CARD 0F TIIANKS I woulà ]ike to thank the Oshawa Ski Club and Pee Wees. for the gift of a Barometer, Ther- mometer and Hydrorneter and al- so for honouring me at the ban- quet. a-c Stan Bal CARD 0F TIIANKS I wish to express a sincere thank you to ail who so kindly remembered me during my stay in Hospital. a-p Edward Farrell NOTICEo Ellison and Bros., Baurgain Centre' Corne in' and see our sopply of NEW and USED CLOTHING TOOLS, DISHES APPLIANCES and SHOES and an assortrnent of USED FURNITURE 2nd rond into Pontypool froin Highway 35, hallf way down road DAIRY PRODUCTS TOBJACCOS Cu'NFECTIO'NERY MATTS 8BILLIARDS and Barbe rshop Orono, Ont. v J Bright Side- Normal and Dry SHAMPOO 8.oz* 9 8 oz. VO 5 Hoir Spray $1,857 8 oz. Tame Cream Rinse $11 STUTT'S PHARMACY ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-500>9

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