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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Apr 1971, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2lst, 1971 5O th ,Anniversary ( Continued from page, 1) stumps re now protected from VNEZIA RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 /,mile south of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAVS A WEEK Specializing in fPizzal ,-Mes Also Week-End Specials- ID. ROGESiRS'unN ORONOý,, ONTARIO WE BUY AýND SELL jOld Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and Odditles j IF IT'S OLD ... i CALL US I WE PAY CASH Phone 623-5342 after 6 p.m. ROYTHOP SON *Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Work Remodelling Kitchen Cupboards vVe build frein the foundation up. DX SERVICE STATN High.,way 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle tIFeaturing: Airemium Quality Products AIThe Most Reeasonable Prices Any quantlty StoveOi1 per gai. at Our 2 .9 Station . Phone 987-4215 Florida Large CELERY each 2 5c Mexican Thick Meat No.1 Cantaloupes 3 for$1., Sunspun Parehment - Coloured 1 lb MARGARINE 3 for 89c Instant Coffee iMaxwell House Packages of 10, BONUS 10 ounce jar $1.69 Gaorbage Bags 3 for $1. Cornish's Red & White PHONE 983-5201 Healmth Unit Report souvenir bunters. There were' dif- ferent forms of arches formed by flic elemeîîts. Speaking of the beautiful cac- tus flower.s the speaker said, "God smilcd and there wenc f'iowers." H-undreds of varieties, from littie desert lhues f0 large tnee-iike ones were shown. The stems of many cacti are ridged, so fhat as the sun passes part of if is in shade. Many of flic ridges are wide en- ougli for a flieker f0 build a nest and woodpeckers bore befween the spines of others for their nesling place. Mr. Clarke losed by showing nal nne Alid(es while recifing a poem and, the chorus of the song "Hlow greaf Thon art." Mrs. Convier thanked Mr. Clarke and gave a snall gif t in appreci- ai ioii. Mr. Clarke had been a dinner guesf of Mr, and M-s, C. Billings, in spile of Eileen's injury fo.lier foot the previons day. Mlrs. E, Brown and MVr. C. Tam- plyn enientain'4d wiih piano and fnumpei. selectÏous and Mr. C. Taylor and Tir. C. Billings added f0 li te eening's pleasune with theni ioiin, pi-mio and mouthorgan- numbers. The presIdent, Mns. Convier conunted on rs J. 'C. Game having eelebraýted7--r 90tb birfb-, clax April 5 f0 which Mrs. Gamey made \itty comment. Also Mr. and Mrs. W. Wood had observed I hein 44tiî wedding annivcrsary recently. A letter was read from Mrc. Rus- seli Gomme, Provincial secretatry, expnessinug regret af not beiug pre '-eut and offering good wîshes. We were pleased fo bave Mrs., T. Fairbrother present after ber receut accident and she bas kînd- ]y offered to give a rme af the Anjgust show, for the best yellow or golden rose, so make note of that lu your.year book- lMiay 20 will be our Spring Show and Green Elephant sale. If any are interested in a bus B OLf TIME VALUE CHECKED - BRANDED MEavluT OLD TIME VALUE - BRANDED SHORT RIBR ROASTS lb. 78e 1IALIBURTON, KAWARTHA, PINE RIDGE DISTRICT Ileatth Unit Report for March Com.munity Hlealth Nursing The general public hears more and more about the rapidly in- creasing numbers of oid people in our siciety. It is true, that the Lnumber of peopie over, 60 years of age is inecasing, but this is chiefly'due fo control of diseases of childhood ini the last century, and also to control of maternai inortality. Not ail older people are disabled. Although many have chronic disease such as arthrîtis or diabetes, many lead active lives. The, health department ncts as co-ordinating agent in providing communif v services for the eider- Iy in need of service. Institution- ai facilities are available, as in Couniv herces fer the aged qnd in n'î. hoires. 'lie beaith un- il; do-s iimp,,tions in the fifteen nursing homnes in the four' count- ies, These nahsing bomes have a total of 625 bý_d.s, and are visited liy one of the registered nursiing staff once a month. The depart- ment of Ilealth regulafions are interpreted f0 administrators and nursing staff in these homes. There ba- bet'n great improve- ment in ie facilifies and care provied in lite last few years, and nuring home personnel has trip fo Ottaiwa ai tulip time please, confacti Mrs. Convier or Mrs. James immed laiely. MVr. Clark, w-ining fo have a partin1r'our 501h Birthday brought some lov eiy hand crafted jewell- ery mnade of natural maferials by lie and bis son. Winners of these xvere C. Taylor, Mrs. W. Wood, Mrs. Faîrbrother, Mrs. Gamey, Mni. Zegers. C. Billings, E.' Leud- tke, K. Chapman, I. Murray, John Mleekes, ,loe Staples, R. Wood and M. Buckley." A lovely decorated birthday cake was on the tea table and Mrs. Mý. H. Staples, and Mrs. C. Billhings poured, tea from silver tea serv- es. Mrs. E. Hamm, our oniy chart- er member, was seated close by Mrs. Brooks Cowan and her com- mittee were ln cbarge of the re- freshments. Guests were present from Newcastle and Bowmanville. Mr. E. James took more pictures to adçl to the pictorial record of our Golden Year. Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mill St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Speciail Spot Light Offer - 25e Off Pack OXYDOL PLUS $l-59 20c. OFF PACK SPRAY FOAM Glory Rug dleaner $1.29 Kraft Oid - White or coloured Cracker Barrel 12 oz. 77c FEATURE! NABISCO 15 oz. pkg. Shreaded WhMent 39c McCains 2 lb. bag FANCY PEAS 49?C Supreme Brand 121/ oz. tins Orange Juice 34$16 Genuine Imported Dutch Beautîful assorted shades Glodiolus Sulbs 12 for $1. cooperated lu every way fhey can. Mach remains f0 be d oue, espec- iaily in iufegrating these bornes as active parts of flie commnunity. Mention lias been mnade fre- quently in flîese reports of the nunsing care programme aval able f0 citizens by the beaith unit nurse. This type of programme is now being insfifufed iu other rural heailh unif s. This service is largely given fo older people, and we arc very pnoud fo be able tfo present if. The a reas lu the health unit vary in the number of citizens wbo are above,.the 65-year mark. For example, Lindsay office, wbieh covers fhe wbole of Vict- oria County, lias a ratio of 7% of population wbo are 5 years and under, but 14% who are 65 ycars and over. Hialibunion Coun- fy bas the saine pro 1portion; Cam- phelîford area is comparable. On l'ie other hand, Bowmanvilie's population of 5 vears and under is .01A, wluile the older age cate- gory is only 8%. Dental Service Tl'le Dental survcy programme bas no'v been compicted lu 112 of the 133 Elemeutary and Be- farded7 Childre-n's Schools in' the four coutuflies. Over- 23,000 child- he bverceiedadental in- lour-leiaf Coe f Dna ,H-ealtiî"' not ny eain h find!iigs f0 flic parent btalso podnga dntlhelt es- sage as well. A gain if sbould be stressed that this programo-,me is not Iu ue o proviÂde a detail- cd examninalion but rather a cur- sory1 inpec),lion tlo find gross de- fects and isý aimeiýd primanily at those children whýo arc not re- celving regular reali cane hy a family deutist. ' meant to substitute, replae or lut nioere with fthc reguLarrcî care that some eildren areared receiv- ing but only to bring miore chiljd- ren under this 'type of ciare. ,As no more than' 40% of the child- reu lu our area are receiving this type of cane, this programme4is lndeed bighly justified. Those eildren.who bave been found to be lu URGENT need of dental cane are not only uoted as such on the take-bome card but also recelve further follow-up by way of a letter malcd f0 the parents, which emphasizcs the importance of their child recclving dental care and which is f0 be signed by fthc dent 1sf. To date, 240 of these parents bave returned their signed letters f0 indicate that this saine number of children have been lu urgeut need of cave andhave also received cane. C. R. Gummow Public Sehool lu Cobourg was the 'site for pub- licity given f0 our "Murphy flie Molar" programme by the Hleaîth Education Consultants of fthe On- tario Deparfmnent of Health. In- novations have heeiî utilized aud origiuated hy fthc Dental Director ln this Dental Ilealth Educat ion programme whlch help f0 make our Grade One eilîdren more a- ware of the importance of good health. These were the subject of a write-up lu the Local Health Serv ices Bulletin as weli as a ncws release across the four counties. The Fluoride Suppiement pro- gram bas sbown an encouraging responsle. Nurses, physicians~, dentists, local pharmacists and the news media have ail played a vital noie in publicizing and ln- ereasing fhec utilization of fluor- ide suipplemients. The Kindergar.. ten, registrations, presently being lield, have provided an ideai set- timg to publicize this program. H1-ere the mothers of young child*- ren bavé ftie opportunity fo leara of the benefits of fluoride for their cbildren's dental bealth. If 15 hoped tlîat the stress placed uipon the benefits of fluoride may continue and that many parents inay becnmotivated to hetter their children's dental health tbrough, fuis, simple and effective meas- tire. 'Families on prîvate welis have been making considerable us'e of flhc Fluoride analysis ser- i7ÎCC providcd by the llealth Un- it. Sixty7six (66) pivate wells have heen analy zed for fluofide level since this program was or>- ]igi ated in laie February. AND FABRICATION and LATHE WORK 8 a.î te - 5 P.m. %ïonday thr6ugh Saturday PHONE 983-5760 STONEMASONS WILLIE J., SCWIIAHL Phone 1983-5606 Speei aiizing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimnev Retiairs Dr. W . R.KetDD-ç Bowmanville Professiona B18g 222 King St. B.- Suite 108 Office Heurs: Closed Sat, Sunt. and Mon. Open through Tues. te Fridayl Tele'phone 623-7349 ULB for Spring Planting GLADIOLI Large Bulbs Pre Planted BEGONIAS DAHLIAS IDEAL FOR MEAT LOAF OR BURGERS FUATURES Fresh Gr@und Çhuclk lb.68e IL',

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