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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Apr 1971, p. 6

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__________________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2lst, 1971 Board~vo Rersnfie-e t UNITED CIIURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, APRIL 25th CHURCH SCHOOL - 10:00 MORNING SERVICE - 11:15 KIRBV SERVICE: 9:45 A.M. CHURCII SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "DIAL A THOUGHT" PIIONE 983-9151 Grant C. Wlade GENERAL INSURANCE Newtonville, Ontario Telephone 786-2921 Frigid Locker System Vour Headquarters -for --Freezer Supplies Goverument Inspected BEEF or PORK Steer Sides of Beef Cut - wrapped ...1b &M Fresh Frozen Salmon or Hal'ibut Steaks ILSq - Fresh Oysters Available - PORK W t;I b 49c BULK SUPPLY 0F, Frozen Food CUSTOM CUTTING SMOKING - CURING Loc,,ker Reniais PHIONE 623-5578 73 King St. W. Bowmanville A delegat ion froin fli Northi- umberland and Durhiam County PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations - Alterations Repairs Specialîzing in Hot Water I-eating Foreed Air Heating Septic Tank Work R.R. 1 Orono 983-5624 Board of Education in Toronto on Api-il 6tli fo express their dissat- isfaction with ccirtain Oshiawa Area Planning aind Developuacat Study recoîniendations. The delegation, lieadcd by Board Cliairman AI Stiike, strong- ly opposcd bthe OAPADS recoin- niendation f0 fransfer ail educa- lion services in the proposed area f0 a regional aullioiity, saying fluet sucb action would cause a serious disruption f0 student ser- vices in tbe f lrce county muni- cipalities wbicli nould be affect- cd -- Bowmaîrilie, Darlington and Cartfwrighît. Tliey a, ow <r ý onposrd to a iecomniendation of flic OAPADS administrator to lîivc flie Execu- lix e Comnnittee reduccd in size. Such l nove xould probably re- suit in the eliînination of fthc one seat the Boaud of Education for Nortliumberlanîd and Durhiam have on flic Commiittce. Sid Wor- ulen, trustee for iDarlington, is flic preri sentpr eitative. Cbirman AI Strike in an in- terview ou Apîil l2th -said that flic loss of the three western n-unicipalil les fi onu flicUnited Counties Board wouid cause tbiree major problenus. Tt woiild dirupt the Board's Western Area sindent services progi-ais wbich include naflui- ber of consu lalive and adiîsory serv ices. If would eut out between 400- 500 Carke and Ncexvcastle ligli scliool studenits -wlio, according f0 Board forecasfs would xisb tfo become earolled in tfli new Bow- manvile Hligl Seliool's teclinical education prog-ains Tf would ]cave "only a stunup" of an area, consisting of betweeii 16,000-17,000 students. Yet, Mr. Stiike said, the De- paitnenf of Education lias rec- ommended that tlic number of dents under a Board's jurisdic- tion sliould be no less flan 20,000. 20,000. "We know fliaf regional govemfi- ment will come to flic area soon, er or later huit wc feci fliat in fthc inferesfs of educafion, if would bc preniature at present," Mr. Strike said. 1lIe suggesfed fliaf a split may' be 'tenable but only affer Port Hope and Cobourg bave become more populous centres. In flic meanfinie, lie makes no bones about bis desire and -the Board's-to keep educat ion wif L flic Couinfies. The Minister, H1on. Roberti Welci, iisfened f0 flic delegaf ion j and said lie wouid take their po- sition under, considerafion and discuss the matter witb flic Min- ister of Municipal Affairs, wlio is uitimately responsible for flic ne- giotial goverrirnent studies îîndeî- faken in flic province. Mr. Stiikd lias good cause fo expect flot oîdy a sympaflictic but undcrsfanding eau- as well froua fthe Minister. Mri. Welcli is fronaflice Lincolnu district wliiciî was încorporated lifto fihe egion- la a previous article an af- fempf was made fo clarify certain rnisconcepfions about flic Knox Chiristian Sebool at Bowmanviile as fan as ifs propen naine is con- c,. rned. Let lis low looki at some of flic reasons wliv lis sebool is con- strucfed, and many ofliers across Ontario and Canada, as well. Parents sliould recognize fliaf flic education of flueir chlldren is pî-imaîily their ourn responsibil- ity. Especially Chris-tian parents acknowlcdge th'e tact fliat tbein chlldren anc given fo flicin by thie Grace of God and flierefome they do desiî-e to pire flîir cliuld- îen a - od-cenîtred education, if flue possibilities fo (do so cati b fouînd. The fpiîilosonuîy of flec edii cationai sysi ' in i îoui- public s('loot is not fancd lunxx itb the (lii ian's vîkw vof 11f',which ac- lenowledges and ohys Cod's cup- rcmacy in creafioýn, even wlicn w'cv tnaebthe fbre" R" f0 o ourj cbildren. To be fair, soin' Christ- i-m seýbool teacbeî- * in our public schooi si steni do t ,acb -as scb, hovvver-tbcy (10 'o0oli fe nr sonal conviction aîîd love u'rd flair Lord and in i ni'v cae - uionfcary to Puiblie Sehool policvý Cbî-isfians c îv' r' sense the daua11er xeuuîi-e are eul ucated in a sclîool. xhene cod is 'lot giv-'n lis i-i gliful place. Yben ire look at soineoflier countries around the world, ve sec the disastrous effeets (of a Stafe aîîfonorn in edic-xtion. The band that rocks the cîadie r-les lie- w orld. If the lîand liappex - fo b 'anti-God, tfb 'n oiv- 'vor!d is ou - collision cou - e and alim,îdcy i"cali'seeflic Orneui everywhene, Sifrely we can blaunje our - Ouicatîon forone uîf the reasons "'Y goinig 10 Chuuîcl on Suxn. loy is more and more considered old fýýî. biioîic and unnecessa-y. We obviously wa nt to give ')um eidren thie best of everythjng riz. food, clotbing, sheiter, an ed- ucation, and happiness, Letfusnsfot omit flie Most important factor- of ail, whîch is to tcacli our cbuldl- rca a love towai-ds lus God, wiicli is flic basic soure of al liappi- ness. lIn order fo irv fo rI'i f lus goal, the Chiristian lia-en- of today must show blue gî-eate'f cef- foi-t and vie sec in flic Kno - Ciiit-nscliool it Rosi na.ixilî a humblIe beginning The Public Relations Commi ttce. al Goevrnmenf of Niagar-a Janu- ary, 1970. Thougli many govern nment functions clîanked to thie regional aîutliority, education was not one of flicu. If is administer- ed by flic saine boards as before. The delegafion also- consistcd of Frank Thom, Director of Edu- cation; M. A. MacLeod, Business Manager of flic Boar-d; Jeff Rolfe a foi-mer Board Cliairmaîx; Sid Worden, truîstee for Dariington; Au-f Rowan, tmustee for Cart- wriglit-Manvers, and Johin Nes- bitt ciîairmaîî of the' Teacliers Board Relation Conuinitice. Se. Mcý,Laren's, "HOME PLANNING CENTRE"9 1ee.Îà wJ Oronoi Fuel& Lumber Co* Phone 983-9167 ____________ NORTHUJMBERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION *The educational presentation to the Northumberland and Dur- hain Cou nty Board of Education at its regular April Sfli meeting was on the tapie of Creative Arts. Mr. John Cuîmberland, Princitn ai of Grand view Fl eientarv School addressed the Board on the sLbect, and then had 8 stud- ent, i1utrate the progrim. In bi- conmeni s. Mr, Cinib,'r- land noted that the wbolc child iq . iiniîrt-xrît anid wlile, scbools have t-'ndcd tb stress "wbat a cliknow s h Arts stress "wlî -1 a dîîld i l'rbrfarts can becrne obsoleje o, uickly but the aittitudes and 'efd iln taugflit ini the Arts do flot. 0f the niany fac ts or thue Crcc ative Arts, Gi ndvievw school lbas fosdoun CrcaTive Pmriaas their are~a for concentration Ci- ali ve r)ran'i is ni :î.llynarog-nu wliich iniisoves 1'hle devei opmei'nt of one's ininahnfioîu and origii- ality. If is a prograi that is piniaiily coic' mcnd with process r. thei- tbvî iflii the perfecting or 'specific skills. A Tlîtg fealturi, or ci ative drana, is that a]l children <an be in- o n( ltlîiîhbey partic- ipate in grouips il is realy an in- diviriil -ici ivify cent red around jifli lual eoree.This may thefli foin of pantomimie and roic iýyin T t is imnortani to rote Iliat Creative Drama is very diffei-ent thon draina as we gu n- eralîr know it Tin drama Iliere is a script, stage andI audience. Ii (' iiî D ana iir is no srn-ipt, no st-ge andclrio audience. if is a cîiontaneoiis eprin e- sultant froin suggestions given bv7 Iý 1 e 'qla rrFor exaIîoiie, Ilie stufflents migfit iespond b miei -play flic dri-în, blowing thie' bugle, being a cîrcus animal, an aci-obat, tlhe band leader. In îllustrahiuîg the cniuo Mr. Cumberland h-ad each student pretend hie vas part of a mnachine and make fbe sound and motion 4 of tbat port. The students flien took ecd part and put thein into- a total machinîe. Tn doing this, fthe decision making process anid flie leadership role associated with creative draina was very obvious. Mr. Cumberland and bis stud- cnt-, Tauuie Adams,, Beverley Wbil e Diana Pickering. Leslie Bramble, Pou]l Richiardson, Bol) Chaoman, Grant Curtis, Wayne Preston, were flîanked by Board meinb"r Mr. Bill Carman. (',ARPUTHERS CALLS FOR RE-TIIINKING ON O. H. C. REPORT Alex Carruthers, MPP for Dur- hainolias asked Alan Grossinan, Minister of Trade and Develop- ment f0 review tlie application froin Port Ifop" to flicOntario Housinp Corporation for a II.OME. Plan developinent. "I have aslced thc minister to thîy le report compiled by flhe 01WC and flien re-consider tbe town's application," he said last week. The Ontario Housing Corpora- tion Report si ai 'ing the reasons -vbJv Port Ilope sboeM nof bave auîy H .O ItE. bas been fermed by would have to accept to a degree" H-e feels the report leaves a lot of room for argument. "But I'm flot in a position to state niiether it's right or wrong," lie addd Mr. Carrut 'hirs said bce was an- xiou1s ti 1hdve a meeting with the m-îyo and -otiniJ!anid with local industrial ýnd business men to discuss the liattî r. Port flopc Town Council re- qujesired l11 011C to conduet a suïrV(y oîu tihe lc(d for II.O.M.E. Pian dwellings in April Iast year. SetcTank Service GENERAL PUMPING, 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 S.sA VIOURs ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 9:30 a.m. 11oiy Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Ho ly Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 The Rev. H. Rebert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. / Cg I I "4 REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 Kinz St. W. Bowmanv-elle 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, courteous, effici- ent service when buying or seling andfor the largest sel- ection of properties lu the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster 983-5801 William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Ray Finnie 277-2280 (Bethany) Dane Found 623-3965 Andy Suteh 983-9119 Roy Stronz 52 r il ,Bethany

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