ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2lst, 1971 WANT ADS FOR WEDNESDAY -' ý'-- PUBLICATION ACCEPTIED . UNTIL 5:00 p.m. TUESDAYXï- ',~ eYy PHIONE ORONO 983-5301 . --'-- See Milison Insurance Agoncy for AUl classes of personal and Commercial Coveragres OfiLk .in St Orono 983.F0~31 les. 983-5754 Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Interior Exterior CHARLES REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer *and Valuator Speclalize in Farm and .Furniture Sales Coomult me for termns and dates PIONÉ ORONO 983-5914 Monume.-nnts and Famfly ïMemorials ' Our q<uaity and service leaves . nothlng to be desired Ask the person who bought froni me a neighbotir, friend or relativeý Thle RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display in Southeru Ontario R. C. SLEE Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-3383 WATSON'S Marine and cycle Oron, Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouetteý Snow Mobiles McCulioeh CHAIN 8AWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PIJMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-255 Clarke Public LIBRARY MOURS OPEN. Tuesday 6:»0 M:3 Thmrsday 6:30 8:30 rlay P2:30 - .5, 6:30- 8:30 8gwday 10:00 - 1 a.m. IPLUMBING and HEATING- Salàs andI Service 11N IIOUR BURNER SERVICEi IGULF FINANCING Low lnterest Rates GuEï Pho ne: Tyrone 263-26,50 Orille. Chatîterton ELECTRIC4L CONTRAcTING ELECTRIC HEATING AND SERVICE Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO ORONO ELECTRIC Herb andI Gerry Duvali 983-5108 ELECTRICAiL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. * RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME GUARANTEED SERVICE iHamiltons Insurance Service' IAUTO IFIEE, IPACKAGE POLICIES e'FIDELITY BOND j LIABILITY IMAIN STREET, ORONO o Jinmliare -For Dependable Service 'After fours and Week-ends 983-9330 IBox 133 Phone 608-352 SStafford Brothers Lma"d 'J- Building a Blouse? or remodelllng you rWesernt orn, thon eertaet Floyd Nickc1sov phn uii FOR SALE 1959 Chev Sedanl. $17500 orý best offer. plione 983 56Ïp. b 17 p FOR SAU',E On1eten gallon IFish Tank, air Pinilýnd amI andI $25-0 0. APPlY Edward Cowling,, Orono Northi. a-c GOATS FOR SALE One hornless maie Saaen; one Iîornless female. Phone 983-5919. a-p FOR SALE 1961 Chevrolet, no plates. Best offer. Phone 983-5311. a-p TOWNSiI1p 0F CLARKE TENDERS FOR TRUCK Sc FENCE MATERTALS Sealed 1lenders marked as to Contents will -be received at the Township Municipal Office in Or- ono not later than 12 o'c]oek noon D.S.T. Tuesday, May 4, 1971 for the supply of (1) Approximately one 30,000 G.V.W. Truck and Box (no Irade in) (2) A. 1200 Rod 8 strand galvan ized wide farm fence B. 800 Steel T 8' fence posts C. 1200 Rod 121/2 guage barb- ed wide D. 12 - 16' wire gates Item No. 1 must be submitted on Township Tender Form, no others will be accepted. Item No. 2 will be submitted on your own stationery. .Further information and Tend- er Forms lnay be obtained from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender flot nec- essarily accepted. M.L. Ross, Rtoad Superintendent, Box 57, Orono, Ont. NOTICE Scwing alterations and repairs; also plain sewing. Phone 983-5493. d-18-c CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARY 1WRMMAGE AUCTION Donations of saleable items are now being received by the Lib- rary. Clothing, furniture, appli- ances, tools, dishes, etc., etc., will bie accepted. Bring your donation to the Library or leave your namne with the librarian on duty and the items will be picked up. Proceeds for further renova- tions at the Library. a-c NOTICE Cali Orono Landscaping for sodding, plantinrg aind seed.ing, tree remnoval and gardening. Phone 983-5598. t- Wanted De«d or Crippled Farm Stock PI4CED UP PR2OIT Tg.kh. cnefles 11847 MargwilI Fur Farm Licem . Me"ISC- R1CAeRDý REALTOR 99 King at, ]. BWUANYILLE Whern Buyhig or Sffllng ean WILF HAWKE ,Voua ORONO ABEA REPRE8ENTÂTIIJE 993-374 Nember of Oshawa andl Dis tiet Real ENste lord ood ,AL tIN ie- ae li HELP WANT£D WAITRESSES required for ful and part time employment for restaurant opening in May on 15- 115 Highw:zy south of Orono for merly Northway. Must be plea- sant and attractive. Telephone 983-5601. a-c HELP WANTED COOK required for restaur-t' pening in May on liHvg1jrýy 3- sout 'h of Orono, formeriy Nol way. Must be experiienced, g( wages, full time position. Ti rhlone 983-5601. EAT APPLES FOR HEALl Fancy,' crlsp Deýldelouýs, lMaeInti iand Spys. Specials- % bughel Macs, $1.50 Delicious, $1.50 Ice Cream, 1/geail, 79e FRED'S FRUIT MARKET FOR, RENT A two bedroom Apartment. Phone 983-5674 after 4 o'clock., Available May l.st, 1971. a-p NOTICE CoulntrY and Western Dance, Millbrook Legion Hall, Saturday, Aprîl 2,+&h M1usie niy Fay Adams and l'ie Country Hits. $3.00 per couple. Dancing 9 to 1. Bar privileges. a-e COMING EVENT You are invited to St. Saviour's Annual Easter Salad Supper in the Parish Hall Wednesday, April 21st. Admission: Aduits $1.50; Cbild- ren 75e. Time 5 o'clock until ahl are served. b-17-p NOTICE A Mlarathon Pancake Dinner Sunday, April 25th. Fresh Maple Syrup, Paneakes Sausage and Coffee. The servings commence at 12:30 noon and continue until 6:30 p.m. or until ail are serv'ed. Adults: $200; Cbildren accom- panied by parents: 50c. The dinner to be sponsored bv the men of the Orono United Cburch and held in the Maiun Hall in aid of Churcli funds. Phono 983-5301 Experienccd restaurant help for a nine hour day at osh Kirby Home and School, Moitli- Sly meeting. Tropie, Comnunlea. tion ýand Perception.. Film, "Eye of the Beholder"'. Tuesday, April 27, 8 iim, Also Physical Educa- tion Demonstration by Senior stu- dents. Kirby , Cer.tennial sehool. Refreshment following. a-c BEEF CATTLE AUCTION "GREY BRUCE LIVE STOCK CO-OPERATIVE AUCTION SALE Of 1,800 COMMERCIAL BEEF Hereford, Angus Shorthorn breed- ing: ail Grey Bruce County raised and wintered- - at the Wiarton Sales Arena on Thursday, May 6,- 10:00 a.m. EDST. Carman Hlamill, President T. Stewart, Cooper, Secretary NOTICE Dr. P. I. Maartense will not be in bis office from April 23rd to May 2nd inclusive. b-18-e NOTICE On Tuesday, May 4th at 8 p.m., Mr. Kenneth Stubington, L.L.B, Assistant Crown Attorney United Counties, will be guest speaker at Kirby Centennial School. Sub- ject -."Yo'ur Riglits as a Property Owner". Sponsored 'by Clarke Citizens and Ratepayers Inc. a-c COMING BITENT 'le Past Noble Grands Club 62 will lîolil a Tulip Tea and Penny Sal1e l it1 e Oddfellow's H-allon 'May 29th. a-c COMING EVENT I<irby Centennial. Scbool JEuchre Niglit, 8 p.m., April 24th. Lunch. 75c. a-c COMING EVENT TÉhe General Meeting of Orono U.C.W. will be held in the Main Hall on Thursday, April 22, begin- ning at 12:30 p.m. with a Pot Luck Luncheon. Meeting to corn- mfence at 2 p.m. An interesting film will be shown, entitled "A Day of-Experience", dealîng with William C. Hall1, B. CorM. Chart«red Accountant PhoneNewcatle 97-e A M dyWensa COMING EVENT «MO i Ili