ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2Sth, 1971 ORONOWE KLY TIMES Secomi C1as~ Mail R a Number 03fi6 Pubhshed every Thursday ut the oMice o-f publicatIon Muta Stnee~, Orono, Ontacic. Plione 9~3-53tY1 WHAT PRICE WAR? Aftcr speaking to two local merchants, Mr. Car- man Cornish of the Red and White Store and Mr. William Armstrong of the I.G.A., we discovered that there.was disagreement in regard to the price war. Mr. Cornish thinks that the price' war is not over whereas~ Mr. Armstrong feels that it is. Whein they were asked why the price war was started, MrL. Corni sh indicated, "It was a gimimick to get trade back." Mr. Armstrong on the other band commented, "It was a result of the country's economic status." Both store owners agree that thc only winners of a price war are the consumers. Mr. Cornish stated that be wouldn't be surprised if there was another one. Mr. Armstrong disagrees, with this. NEW SCHOOL The ne,& school for Orono lias been a very much talked about issue in the past few weeks.' It wil be built in a newer and more modemn style t,-i-tbe present school, and will provide an area with up-to-date teaching and learning facilities. When the sehool is opened it is planned that the "ýopen concept" metbod whlch is being used in the present' school, will continue in Grades 6, 7 and 8. The work done is based on a theme approach. The last theme was fligbt, and at present the pupils are working on themes of their own choice on Mendays, Wednesdays and Fridays. When the pupil completes bis or ber work, they take it to the teacb- er who then marks it. 0f course, in the iiiornings, the subjects, math- ematics, spelling and reading, are stili being tauglit.witb a special period for éach subject spread out in the 3 bour moz-ning period, Language and compo %.ý' on work is also taught.- Physical Educa- tion, Music and Oral Language are tauglit on Tues- day and Thursday during rotary periods. When the school is' completed, the scbool yard wçill expand to malle a bigger playground area for ail. The General Purpose roomn will stili be used for physical education- projects and other scbool ac- tîlty. Tbe old school will be tomn down and tbe land wili be landscaped. I'm sure It wlll be a pleUsure for students to at- tend the new school and the youngerpupils willbe impressed witb the new, bigger library. This, scbool wlll now provide good facilities for future generations for years to ýcopie. Ronnie Callanan, Gr. 8. LAUDABLE DECISION The decision by Ontario teachersto reject strike action on May 3, is most laudable. Wîth the rapid rise in education costs the teachers were exposed to an equal increase in criticism, as public atten- tion was1 focused ever dloser on the scbools. By rejecting strike action to obtain the expendi-, turc wbich they feel essential to carry out a ful education program tbey bave sbown a maturity whicb is desireable. They can also dlaim to have set an example to others wbo are contemplating the use of strike action to achieve their ends. Years ago teachers were a highly respected group in'the community. As time bas gone on they have lost, largely tbrough 110 fault of their own, this esteemed position. However, their action this weekend is that of a responsible professional group. Not only do tbe teachers instruct in our classrooms but their ex- ample of life and ideals are no doubt a guide to those they teacb and thus hold a double responsibil- ity in this area of Canadian 1f e. Last week a poor example was displayed by par- ents of cildren picketing the Ontario Housing Cor- poration in Toronto. The parents, in this one in- stance, wbere they urged young children to create disorder and deface propcrty, bave set a pattern of life that will remain a lifetime. Again we laud tbe restraint by the teachers in their recent action. REWARDING EXPERIENCE We would like to take a few lines to commend the group of students from the Orono Public Scbool who for the past week bave, been on the news beat in preparation for this edition of the Orono Times. We feel tbey bave done a remarkable job and with some articles bcing outstanding. The students bave sbown a real sense of respons- ibility from tbe very bcginning of the undertaking and werc the group to ,make ail the decisions for. this, week's edition. Tbey reported the local meet- ings, wrote and edited the articles, planned the headings, designed the front Page and arrangcd their interniai operatioti. We feel they can be proud of their achievement and we know it bas been a rcwarding experience for us working with this group over the past week, iVrs. Sadie Hlamilton of flamil- tons Insurance Service is pleased to announce that Mrs. Susan Saw- yer of tliat company bas success- fully completed ber General In- slince e xaminations as prescrib- ed by the Depatment, of Insur- ance of the Province of Ontario and is now licensed te handie al lines of general insurance. Mms. Sawyer is working as of- fice manager in the new office of the Agency located on Main St. la Orono. The move to this new location lias 110w been com- pleted and ail transactions are being handled la this office. Lo- SUE SAWYER cated next to Barlows Furniture store on the west side of Main Ste ti.ewly delorated office will bemore convenient for clients of the Agency, Mr. James Rlare wbo Is now af- filiated with Mrs. Hamilton, is al- JIN RARE, It Pays To Adverftise Contracter Brick - Block - Cencrete StoeoWerk Carnentry- Cabinet Werk Fleers - Tule 983-5441 ORONO continental Sauna and STEAU BATH. We b'ave a Sauna and Wkirl- poo rad for your use. -rpuand glye tbem a try Grop-)Rate$ Available Wo. Sat, 1 pa. - 1 a.m. Sunw. 8 amn - 1 pa. 19A ONTARIO STREET M"60 «OOSHAWA Letter to Orono, jOntario April 23, 1971 Dear Mr. Editor: 1Until I read in the paper of April 21st that the small grass fire north of our home "was start- ed byunknown cause", I had flot thought of writing to you. It was a small grass *fire as you reported but could have been a more tragic event involving a fair-haired boy about ten years of age. 1 bappened to glance out a window and observed a boy in the process of stamping out a smal fire which he had presumably started. There was no one else ia s4ght. My first thoughts were of a boy getting into mischief. Witb- in seconds, to my horror, flames were advancing everywbere and the boy, now panicky, was run- ning tbrough the flames trying desperately to put out the fire. Luckily bis cIotbing didflot catch fire. After shouting to the. boy to get away from the fire, the Fire Department was called. Two other small boys were seen sta'-ting a small lire on tbe samne property, earlier in the week but they managed to put it out. The old saying, "Boys Wili- BeBoys,, cannot apply to every situation, especially when a life is endarg- ered. Yours sincerely, Mrs. E. Schmid. so working fromn the new office. andi is, anxions to meet the many rustomers in tbe area.- According to Mr. Hare "th.is area bas a great potential and should be an excell- ent area for the insurance busin- ess." After fifteen years in the industry Mr. Hare joins tbis cern- pany as an informed aggressive agent and seems very satisfied_ witb the reception he bias recejxr- cd to date, The building and constructiônh going on in the Orono area augeFs well for this expanding Insurance Agency. "Many people have ex- pressed surprise ai the changed appearance of the office, and seem, pleascd- to have the facili- ties so conveniently located," said M~r. Hare. "lWe are looking forward to a very good year."> Mr. Hame's son, Alan who is presently managing tbe Osbawa office of Petley-Hare Ltd. wrisl al- so bc doing some work ia tbe Orono area. 'I reg. 88e reg. $1.0 O.... 6 Facelle Royale Facial- I isane 2 for 25e Paty RMose ALL SHEER reg. $1.49 ..ý........... 88e WOMSan MINNOWS We will seil you one or a million We wil neyer run out Ph, 983-5530 NOTICIE Ellison and, Oro. Ba rgain Centre Coing ln and see our sVqply of NEW aud USED, CLOTHING also TOOLS, IISI? APPLIA'NCES and SHOES and au. asaortment Of USED FURNITURE 2»d roi4d, into '1'ontpo.1 frotu Highway 35, baif w"y down roui DAIRY PRODUCTS TOBACCOS CONFECTIONERY MATTS BILLIARDS and Barber shop Orono nt. SUPER DRY 4 oz. reg. $1.39 ............. 77e Adora HAIR SPRAY reg. $198 ......... 81.18 SHAMPOO reg. 99ec . ............ 77e G-Ipiletite SUPER Stainless Blades reg. 5 for 79ec... 5 for 53e STUTT'S PHARMACY ORONO, ONTARIO Ioplr PHIONE 983-509~ 574