ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY Sth, 1971 VENEZIA RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 ½mile south of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAVS A WEEK Specializing in Pizza -Mel Also Week-End Specials ROY THOMPSON Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 AUl Carpentry Work Remodelling Kitchen Cupboards %Ve huild from the foundation- Up. Report From QensPark Alex Carrutiiers, MP.P., Durham I'ie Supremary of Parliament The 4th' session of the 28th Parlihnent of Ontario lias already felt the impact of the firm no- nonsense policy of the Honour- able William D)avis, the new, Prime Minister. Thiis policy was made very ev- ident in the definite and clearly outlined proposais for legisiation in the Speech from the Throne, ln the reorganization of the cab- inet, ana ln a major re-shuffling of the top civil, servants. The most significant example of Mr. Davis' firmness of policy, however, came recently when attempts were (Jhis week fhen attenmpts were made to weaken the powers of Parl ament. Our parliamentary systemn elec- ted by the voters did not blossom overnight, but grew from ýroots that strike deép into the tradi- tions and customs, and have sur- vived many storms. The "Deep The Editor: 1 would like to take this oppor- tunîty to thank you for your co- operation and interest in educa- tion. The opportunity, provided 1)y you, 119 the students of this school, to produce the newspapci- ]ast week is much appreciated. As wcll as being an enjoyable activity the Iearning experiences which this exercise produced are bcyond measure. I ]ook forward to similar act- ivities ini the future with your newspaper and indeed with other businesses and enterprises in the area. Yours sîncerely, D. Moffatt, Principal Orono Public School. DX SERVICE STATION Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle SFeaturiîg: Premium Quality Products -AI The Most Reasoîable, Pri ces p-Any quantity per gal. -Stove (Oiu tOur200 phone 987.4215 O.P.P. Report The Newcastle Detachinent of the Ontario Proincial Police fromn April l8th to April 24th ia- vestigated 16 motor x cuiee colli- sions in which 8 persons were in- jured, and as a result 5 persons were charged with I-ighw'ay Traf- fic offences. A serious personal injury acci- dent that occurred on Iligliway 401 near Newcas.tle on Apili 8, lias since become a fatal accident Investigated during the saine period of time, were 59 general occurrences of which there were 3 reports of break, enter and theft, 6 reports of common theit, 1 wilful damage report, 2 domes- tic complaints, 3 disturbance coin- plaints, 3 assault reports and one trespassing complaint. Drinking driving offences are on' the increase. Six persons have been charged within a wecký per- bod These perosns if convicted will automatically lose their lic- ence to, drive for a period of not less than three months, and could be suspended ùp' to three years anywhere in Canada. The penalty provided is $150.00 to $50000 or three months in gaol, or both fine and imprisonment. Most of ail, should they depend upon driv- ing for a living, the consequences could resuit la loss of employ- ment. On April 23, 1971 at approxia- mately 11:00 p.m. a car was stol- en from in front of Newtoaville Churcli hall. On April 24 the vehli- cie was recovcred in Toronto.' Six persons were arrested and charg - ed la connection with thîs offence. RECREATION'TIP Over one-third of ail the vie- tims of boating accidents last year in Ontario wereg fishermen, and a higli percentage of these fatal accidents occurred during the spring months when the wa- ter ivas cold. One of the greatest safety - de- vices to overcome boating fatali- tics, is the life preserver. Uowev- er like a seat belt la a car, it is only effective la saving, ]ives when it is worn by the accupa nts of a boat. KNOW THE LAW: When driving at niglit, the hiàh way traffic act -requires you to use your low beam headlights when within 500 feet of meeting oncoming vehicles, and withini 200 feet of vehicles you are fol- lowing. The penalty provided by law is not less than $20.00 and not more than $100.00. This law applies to ail highways, including 4 lane divided highways. POLICE WEEKÇ- Special Police equipment will be on display at the Newcastle Detachment on Friday, May l4tIx. Visiting hours are from 2:00 p. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. cause of the limited Urne on one day per week available for hear- ings. The firm stand taken by Ur. Davis not only indicates bis abil- ity te lead, but also assures dur- ing bis terni of office that Par- lialnentary Gôvernment will bie iaaintained and strengthened. Speech" of Saxon Kings with. their wise men finds its counter- part today ini the spe 'ech from the I brone, the addlress in reply, and the debatïs that follow. The Thrcne Speech, which out- uines the government's proposais for legisiation, is an important feature in the operation of Parl.ia- -1 ment, and its proposed elimîna- - tion by the leader of the oppo- *~sition in bis address in reply to catcd the changing attitude of the speech a fcw days ago mndi- some groups to the parliament- ary system. A more serious indication of this changing attitude was the attempt last week to place la the hands of a ;standing committee, comprising some nîneteen mem- bers,' powers presently held by the legisiature. iAssesion onamtion byMr. lAssesinlar amtiowasyMd. TmReid, education critie -for the opposition, to empower the stand- igcommittee with independent powers of investigation similar tthe Congressional Committees in the U.S.A. The motion at that time wn defeated by a vote of the legislature, and' when the samne motion was introduced in the~ early days of this session, it was again rejected. At the organ- ization meeting of the Human Re- sources Committee last week, however, the motion waLs again introduced and approved by mem- bers of tiie Committee who were' present. The terms of reference govern- ing standing committees, clearly states, however that such com- mittees are empowered to, deal only with matters referred to them, by the legislature, and as firmly stated by the Prime -Min- ister, the action taken by the committee was completely out of order. The Standing Committees of the legislature play a very im- portant role in parliamentary Govem~ment by reviewing I.egis- lation, recommendîng amend- ments thereto, and by examniîng departments referred to them. At no time, however, should they have the power to assume the rights of parliament itself which is the one body responsible to the people. Investigation powers are grant- ed to, select comm'.'ttees or to Royal Commissions through terms of referente, granted by the leg- isiature and their findîngs are re- ported back to, the legisiature in the form of a reportupon which future legisiation may be. based, These committees or commissions sit for perciods of many months, and operate between sessions of the legislature. Regardless of cir- cumstances it would be impos- sible for standing committees to, assume investigation powers be- Two Groups Share Bowling Hoenours A group of ladies from Orono and a group from Kendal have shared the top honours in the Newcastle Ladiies Bowling league this year. The Kendal group of six headed the league foliowing the regular sehedule while the Orono teamn of five won the final playdowns. The league enjoyed a dinner and social evening at Noone's Rest- aurant on Monday evening.- Members of the Kendal were Kathy Mercer, Alta staff,ý Teresa Langstaff, Thompson, Isabel Patton Diane Langstaff. team Lang-. Betty and Members of the Orono team were Mabel Goode, Val WatÉon, Betty Major, Marilyn Major, Joan- ne ilutton and Elaine Mercer. Leskard Welding AND FABRICATION and LATHE WORK 8 a.i. - to - 5 p.m. Wonday throlaggh Saturday PHONE 99375764 Oxford .ICKLAYERS STONEMASCbNS WILLIE J. SCISWAHI, Phono 983-5606 Speeializing Inail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also de chimnev Revairs Dr. W.RL.K.t DDsý Devina fflePr.fessî.aalDIi W Kmu st. E. -suite lu Office 190«r.: Coued Bat, Sap. am" Mu.. Open' throng% Tue&. to Fri*W Telehne 03-78 G IFITS for Mothers Day GLASS WARE CANDLES RECORDS WATCHES WALLETS Order your cut Flowers and Plants now Middletons Elmer's Garag e TEXAJCO SERVICE Mill St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 CORNISH' PHIONE 983-5201 FREE! 5 lbs. GRAN. SUGAIR With the purchase of 6 "Bjest Buly" General Electric LAMP BULBS 40 60 or 100 Watt at regular price Choice Plump Canada Grade 'A' 2% to 3 lb. average CHIOKENS lb. 35c Tender, Juicy - Fresh-cut Essex Brand Chicken Quarters Luncheon Meats lb. 39C 16 oz. pkg. 69c Swift Premium, by piece Swift Premium Dinner Bologna lb. 38c Homs IL 95c FROZEN IMPORTED - Whole or Haif Lamb Legs lb. 69e Chase and Sanhoru, lb. bag 'Feature- Blue Bonnet, 2 lb COf FEE 'lb.L 88c Margarine 69c Culverhouse Choice Quality 16e OFF PACK, Super size Golden 19 oz tins CREST $1.09 PEACHES, Astra Brand Sockeye, lb tin 3 tins for $1 SALMON 99c Feature! Facy C.A. Macntosh Bold Detergent APPLES gt pkg. 89c 5 ILbubg 79c Brown Bear- 16 oz. cont. Royal Brand Assorted, 3 oz. Honey Liquid 43c JelIy Powders 8c THE HOME 0F FINE Barbecued Chickens Hot each Friday aid Saturday - Order to-day - - - - ---------- wvmmwý