ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th, 1971 WANT ABS FOR WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00 pm. TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 See Milison. Insurance Agency for Ml classes of personal and Com',]ei jCovera'vs Office. 1AalIk S".~, rono 983 5032 Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAMJS interior Exterior *HARLES RZdD Orono's Licensed Auctioeer and Valuator Sp)ecialize in Farm ,and Furniture Sales Consult me for terms and dates ýIIONE ORONO 983-5914 monuments and Family ?Memorials ,Our qualfty and service leaves ..nothing to be desired AM the porson who bought from m, a'neighbour, friend or relative fIbe RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE, Largest display ln 'SoutherE Ontario R. C. SLEE Bewmanville, Ont. Phone 623-3383 WATSN'S Marine-'- and Cycle Orone P hone. 983-5343 -PRINCE CRAFT BOATS - Anouette Snow mobiles McCulloeh CHAIN SAWVS j BRepafrs to ail miakes of Lawn! Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engine« ALLOUETTEI SNOWMOBILES PUMPINGOT i SEPTIC TIK Bert Tompkins f Phone 786-2552 Clarke Public HIOUES OPEN: Tuesday *:30 8:30 Thursday 6:36 - 8:39 fflday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Said'10:00 - 1.2MOa.m. fPLUMBING and HEATING fSales and Service M4 HOUR BURNER SERVICE!f GULF FINANCING ~L w Interest Rate.Gui PoeTyrone 263-2050 Orville Chatterton ELECTRICAI4 CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING AND SERVICE Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvail 98345108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING BLECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - 0I-FI WiESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME GUARANTEED SERVICE H a m .tons In surance I Service I FIXE, -IPACKAGE, POLICIES * FIDELITY BOND iLABILITIY LIFE IMAIN STRE ET, OR ONO Sad:e Eamilton jJzim Har, fFor Dependable Service IAfter Heurs andi Week-ends 983-9330 i Box 133 Phone 66-8-35U2 Stafford BrothFers Iëety WH NBYOtTAIO si pd sl a I rrenodefling am nethei iFloyd .I a flouse?i 9your presemi ,n contactj FOR SALE CobCorn and Feed Barley. Cali evcnings. Phone 983-5021. a-c FOR SALE Quality Grade Goats for sale. $3500 each. E.- Holyome, R.R. 1, Sommer- ville Rd., Orono. b-19-p FOR SALE One small pony and saddle and one German Shepherd Pup, three month old. Phone 786-2532, after five. a-c FOR SALE Saturil Guitar, six string, Fenld- er (Champ amp) Amplifier. Phone 983-5557 between 5 and FOR SALE Hay 35c. bale, approx. 3000 Straw 30c. bale, approx. 1500 Good quality and condition 20 tons ground Cattie Feed (Oats and barley in bulk)ý $40.00 a ton 20 - 50 lb bag Cattie Condition- er (Rerbageum) $6.00 a bag 21/4 bags Dunn's Grade No. 1 Hay Mixture, 40% Alf-alf a 57 lb . bag, 60c pound Terms Cash- Pickup daily until' 5 p.m., WANLESS FARMS Phone 983-5525 - 2 miles east on Somerville> Rond from 115 at Orono EAT APPLES FOR HEALTH Ftanicy, eniýp Dcliclous, kuaclniosh and Spys. Specials- 1/ bushel Macs, $1.50 1Delinieus,' $1.50, Ice Cream, % gal., 79e FRED'S FRUIT MARKET t4f CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARY RUMMAGE AUCTION Donations of saleable items are now being received by the Lib- rary. Clothing, furniture, appfli- ances, tools, dishes, etc., etc., wilI be accepted. Bring your donation to the Library or leave your name with, the librarian on duty and the items will be picked up. Proceeds for further renova- tiens at the Library. a-c Sale to be held Saturday, June 12 NOTICE Cail Orano Landscapiing for soddiing, planting and -seeding, tree removal and gardeniing.-, Phone 983-5598. t-f Deed or Cippled RICAeBD REALTOR 99 King St, B. BOWNAN VILLE When Euyhig or Séflng caR WILF HAWKE TOUE ORONO AREA REPEUSNTATIVE M8-5274 Memnbei of Oshawa and Dia- ùîGt Reg EMeBoard I ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I WANTED Will Pasture horses on 99 ac- res of good grazing lanid, with sJ)ring running through property., Very good i iding facilities. V7ery reasonable - Also have mnanure for sale. Phone' 263-800.5. a-c IIELP IWANTED CARETAKING FOREMAN Applications will be, received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. May l4th 1971 for the position ef caretaking foreman. The quties and responsibilities for this Position will require broad supervisory experience re- lating to Caretaking and Main- tenance and to the direction of personnel. Knowledge of modern cleaning methods and material application is essential. Salary commensurate' with qualifica- tions and ability. Letteurs should be written listing qualifications and exper- jence to: M. A. MacLeod,, Business Adniinistrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education, Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. a-,c .BASEBALL PRACTICES Bail practices will commences this coming week with PeeWees on Mondays; Tykes on, Tuesdays; Bantams on Wednesdays. Orono Park with praetice timre start at 6:30 p.m. a-c NOTICeý Be sure and come to the Kendal W.I. Penny Salle, on Mlay, 8th at 8 pli. la Kendal Ceýtr.il Schoo]. Admission 25c. Luinchi served. b-19 c COMING EV'ENT DONORS UIRGENTLY' NEEDED RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC - WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 1:30 to 4:30 p.mn. and 6:30 to 9:00 p.mo. LIONS CENTRE, Bowman- ville. 1-ELP SAVE LIVESr Phone 98 13-5301 WANTED Experienced restaurant lhelp for a nine hour day at NICK'S VALLEY INN R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. Phone 983-9303 DANCE Saturday, May 8th at 9' m Comlnunity eall, Newcastle. Muýic by the Squires. Do or andf Spot Prizes. sehool, tg produce the newspaper couple. Sponsored by Durham N.D.P. Everyone Weleomne.a- NOTICE Rowmanville and District Re(f Cross Branch H-eadquarters now- at 28 Division St., Bowmanville. Workroom open 1:30 p.ri. to 3:30 n.m. a-c IN MEMORIAM BROWN-In ]oving memory of a deardear mother Margaret Ethel who died May 7th, 1970 and a loving f athpr Colin who died Ap- ril 8th, 1967. Ever rempmbered by daughter Mary and family. a-e IN- MEMORIAM VA N SGGELEN - In loving- memory of our daughter Caroline Van Seggelen who passed away May 9th, 19W63. Just a spray of beautiful memory Tîed with all our love. Memories to cherish forever With one we so dearly loved. Lovingly remembered by Mom- my 'and Daddy, brother and parents, Uncle and Aunt. a-e PORT HOPE- COBOURG DISTRIC, FARMERS STAGE "IGIVE AWAY"I It was'give away day on Satur- demonstirations in 'both Port Hope day when area farmers staged and Cobourg with the slogan "We've béen gîving it away long enough; we mîglit as well go ýal the wýay." Shoqppeýs 'going into stores in both towns were given free samp.. les of farm' produce, such as cheese, eggs, by the haîf-dozen, containers 'of. fresh farm milk and butter. Every fifteen minutes there was a draw for quantities of the produce and at the conclusion of the demonstration for persons at- tending the Cobourg demonstra- tion and four in' Port Hope- re- ceived a qu~arter of a hog.< About 600 farmers , members of the National Farmers' Union Local 319, were involved at the two locations. Thie temonstrators passed out leaflets' explaining that 1970 was an "annîversary of 20 consecutive years of lower net farm income ,William C. Haill, B. Comm. hoeNewcastle 987i-4240