VOLUME 35, NUMBER 22 Wee"kly.Timc ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26th, 1971 miÉlective Program Extends Choice 0f -Subjects At Oreno Seaventy Entries In Junior Gajurdeners Spring Show The Junior Gardeners 'put up a very good show last Thursday, .May 20. The junior section had 53 entries and the Seniors 15. Il was an excellent turnout for their first show. Keep up the good work! Thanks bo Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Buckley and Mrs. Touchburn who judged the show. Their decisions ~were as follows: Senior Section: Class 1 - "Dining Table Centre piece"l - Marian Zegers, Frank Zegers, Mary Vogel. Class 2 -ý "WiId Life" Mary Vo- gel, Marian Zegers, Frank Zegers. Class 3 - Mother's Day"I Mar- nian Zegers, Mary Vogel. Class 4 - "Long Neck BottIe Arrangement" Marian. Zegers, Lura Bridger, Frank Zegers. Class 5 - "Miniature Arrange- -ment" Frank Zegers, Lura Brid- -ger, Mary Vogel. Class 6 - "Decorated Folder" Mary Vogel, Marian Zegors, Frank, iZegers. Jumnior Section: Class 1~ - "Dining Table Centre" Piece" Danny Zegers, Tim Staple- ton, Earl Atkins. Class 2 - "Wild Life" Heidi Schmid, D.anny Zegers, Beth Nixon. Class 3 -. "Mother's Day" Kerry Lynn Grady, Karen Atkins, Mich- ele Major. Class 4 - "Long-neck Bottie Arrangement" Heidi Schmid, 'Kat- en Atkins, Kerry'Lynn Qrady. s Class 5: "Miniature Arrange- ment" Janette- Tansley, Earl At- kins, Kathy Moffat. Class 6 - "Decorated Folder" Danny Zegers, Janette, Tansley, Lee Reëmington. The children wlho had a gar- den were given a tomato plant' end some vegetable seeds. Some children were disappointed that they didn't gel a prize-. But try again for the next show in Aug- ust. Don't give up. Keep up the good work. Once again the Junior Garden- ers plan tohold their annuai Dec- oration Day Flower Sale in June. Advance orders may be made by phoning Mrs. F. Zegers 983-5490, or Mrs. G. Atkins 983- 5608. Spectacular Showing 0Of Tulips At Horticulture Spring. Show IORTICULýTUrtAL MEETING A spetacular showing of tulips immiediately caught the viewer's eye at the 5th year Horticultur- ai Spring Show, on Thursday, May 20. The iridescent beauty of the tulips was enhanced by the daffodils and, narcissi. House- plants and three classes of ar- rangements was also included. The President, Mrs. Couvier, welcomedthose present and asked that they go and see the Junior Gardener's, exhibits. This group had an excellent display for the short time they have been to- gether and much credit is due the leaders, Mrï zegers and Mrs. Atkins, as well as the eilîdren. Door prizes of Dixon's Plant food were won by Mrs. S. Allun, 'Mrs. B. 'Long and Miss A. Watson. Mr. and Mrs C., Tink, Hampton, who had judged the Senior show, each spoke on their 'favorite flowers, Mrs. Tink -on Chrysanth- emums and Mr. Tink on Dahlias. Many helpful hints were given regarding the culture of these flowers. Winners of Mum plants, brought by Mrs. Tink were - Mrs. 0. Cotham, Mr. W. Wood, Mr. W. Miller. Winners, of dahlias donated by Mr. Tink - Mr. F. Truil, Mrs. G. Gamsby, Mrs. C. Bîllings, Mrs. C. McLaren, Mr. E. James, Mrs. R. -C 'Nman. Mr. Tink extenù- an invitation, te the'Bowmanville Iris show on June 16, when, a specialist in Ftireworks Displuy Pos tponed To Jung The Orono Chamber of Com- merce p ostpon',d their fireworks display which was scheduled 'te bc beld on Monday, May 24th. The displaywiIl now be ignited sometime in June in conjurîction with their annuel Beef ]3ar-B-Q, wbich is beld in the Orono Park. The fifty-fifty draw also to 'be1 held on Monday bas beeni post- ponied to the same date. It hias been reported that al area fireworks displays were postponed on Monday te future datesq due te the wet, inclemerit weather. flower arranging will deonstrate Ibis art. A brisk business was done at the Green Elephant table and the bake, table. Many lbanks'to al those wbo donated to cither of these tables. A special tbank you to Mr. Woudstra, of Valley Stream Farm, for the donation of dwarf apple trees. There are stili tickets available for these at Mrs. Couv- ier's, for $1.25. Other donations of money for prizes at the summer show were acknowledged. Judging of the win- dow boxes and planlers will ho- done just previeus te the August show. Mrs. B. Cowan and ber lunch commitce served tea and cookies buffet style. Prize Winners are as follows: 1. - 3 red tulips: Rev. Long, Mrs. B. Long, Mrs. Zegers 2. - 3 yellow tulips: Mrs. 1-. Cobbledick, Mrs. R. Chapman, Rev. Long 3. - 3 pink tulips: Rev. Long, Mr. C. Taylor, Mrs. H. Cobblediek 4.-Any other colour: Mrs. G. Buckley, Mrs. D. Tansley, 'Rev. Long 5. - Lily flowered tulips: Mrs. F- Vagg, Mrs. G. Buckley, Mrs. F.. Zegers 6.- Parrot tulips: Mrs. O. CeaI- ham, Mrs. G. Buckley, 'Mrs. F. Vagg 7.- Double 'Tulips: Mrs. G. Buckley, Mr. C. Billings, Mr. C. Taylor 8. - 3 daffodils: Mrs. S. Holmes, Mrs. Q. Buckley,- Mrs. O. Coat- bain 9. - 3 narcissi: Mrs. G. Buckley, Mrs. IR. Chapman, Mrs. E.,Scbniid 10. - Single Afrieqft Violet: Mrs. Vagg, Mrs. F. McKenzie, Mrs. O. Coatham 1l. - Double African Violet: Mrs. W. Wood,. Mrs. H. Cobble- dcMrs. F. Zegers 12. - Collection of Ilouseplanîs: M1rs. F. MeKeuzie, Mrs. F. Zeger.s 13. - l'Golden' Anniversary" ar- rangement: Mrs. D. Tansley, Mr~ GBuckley, Mrs. S. Holmes1 14. - "Natural Beauty":. Mr.~ Zegers, Mrs. E. Scbmid, Corri -Zegers 15. - "Conversation Piece": 'Mr R.' Cbapman, Mrs. G. Atkins, Mre E. Schmid. Successf ul Show The Orono Public Schooi held a most' successfui program of musical entertainmenl lasI Wed- nesday afternoon and evening. Gnod attendance was regislered aI bolh performances wilh the general purpose room filled le capacity for the evening perform- ance. Ail classes in the schooi frQm Kindergarten tei Grade eight per- formed their particular numbers to the enjoymenl of everyone. The school band aJso made a noteable contribution tb tbe program of uusic with three selections. The music program at the school is Under bhe direction of Mrs. G. fluchesue with further assistance from Mr., Ross Melcalfe, Musie Consultant for the western area. Dept. Opposes Rezoning Bid Correspondence from the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs addres- sed te the, Clarke Township Plan- ning Boarcl and the Township of Clarke has informed hoth bodies that approval of a Re-zoning By- law passed by bbc council of the Township was nQot being approved by the, Deparîrnent at Ibis lime. The re-zoning by-law was for land te hbe develop' J by bbe Clarke Conservation and Fish Clt3b hav- ing a fish pond and ten chalets along the course of the Wilmot Creek just norbh of bhc seventh line road. Continued page 0 Clarke Public Library Extends Hours 0Of Service The Clarke Public Libra'ry' Board oni Thursday evenîng last approved a recommendation from ,,.the Librarian ta oxtend Library Open bours from ten and a haîf hours a week to fiftien hours a week. By revamping the program. of work by the assistants and the hi- brarian it is feit Ibis extention shouid not, cost the 13oard any more operating expensos. The extended hours will be on Monday evoning from 6:30 ,lt 8:30 p.mii. and on Thursday aftcr- noon from 3:00 p.m. ta 5:30 p.m. The niew extenided hours coirie into effect after June lst. Also on Thursday ecvening a program of oubside film shows was arranged and tilles choosen. The film shows will ho on a week- ly basis cemmencîing Wednesday, June 23rd and conbinuing each and every Wednesday unlil the end of August. The films will be shown on thelawn of bhe Libr- ary with viewers expected to pro- ide their own chairs or blankels. It was reporled by the Librar- ian that. reading and loan of books for the monlh of April 1971 bad increased by 350 over that of 1970. Need It'em-s For Sale It is less Iban tbree weeks ho- fore the holding of 'the Clarke Public Library Rumimage Sale wbich l s tl e- he1d at the Library on Salurday, June l2th. Donated items are now needed for the sale. These may include furnitpre, appliances, antiques, gardon tbols, teys, anythiug sale- able and this includes alm ost anytbing from soup te nuls. If you have something le donate te bbc Library sale phone bhe -library during open heurs 983- 5507 or bbc Orone Times 983-5301 As of May l8th the Orono Pubj- lic School is operating an Electiveý Programn of. studios for students_ of grades 5, 6, 7 and 8. The pr- gram will be carried through unm- tii Juno 241h at whicbljtime it will be evaluated, The program Is carried on dur- ing the afternoons of Tuesdays and Thursdays, Subjects in the elective prog- rami are selected by the students form six major areas. These in- clude Music, Physical Education, Reading, Crafts, Mathematics and French. Rtis. compulsory that stu- dents chooge1 one elective front Music and Physical Education with another two making a total of four electives. The Music departmient will ini- clude four electives, ba.4ic vocal, advanced vocal, reoçrder as well as baud. Physical Education also cornes with four electives be- in g Folk Dance, Ind ividual Exer- cises, Group Games as Ve1 as ,Track and Field. In Reading thero are five elec- t ives including work with Novels, Lab., Remedial, Poetry and Speed, Reading. Crafts include Leather, Paint- ing, Outdoor Crafts and- Crochet Work. Mathem atics take -in Re- medial; Games and.Puzzles; Lab. There is one elective onlyii French that being Conversational French. Sorne of the descriptions'of the electives are Reading - Novels- To read for. enjoyment. To chall- enge readers . To appreciate plot style and drama in a novel. To widen your Ïeading: knowledge. Crochet Work- Here is your chance to make'one,,of those wild "vests" or summier bats that ev-, eryone is wearing. You'Il have to buy some material but the cost should be quite jow. In providing the olective pro. gram there is an effort by the school to offer more choice to students in selecting areas of study. The elective program al- lows 'the student to choose worlc which suits bis own needs,, abili- ties and interesîs. £ ~ Mel Dowrns Wins Hockey Mothers' Draw