ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26th, 1971 Part 2 - Continued LEARN THE PLACE AND NATURE 0F ANGER SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM Oshawa Business College July 5 to AuguÉt -13, 1971 Open to students front Grades six, seven, eight, High Sehool, University and other interested faduits. Choice of Sehedule:' 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. or 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 P.m. Choice of subjects including Shorthand and Typung, Ac, counting and others. Free Brochure Available. fiai 728-0052 18 Simcoe St. N. VENEZIA RESTAUR ANT Highway 115 and 35 ½mile south of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Specializing in Pizza - Meals Also Week-End Specials ROY THOMPSON Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Work Remodelling Kitchen Culpboards W e build 'from the, foundation Up. SPECIAIL SAVINGS During The Month of May Golden Jubile. CORNISH'S of the-Week! Choice Sliced 19-oz. Tins ;e efor Ham- Lee Pineapple 2 for 49c: lb. pkg 59C Asr7 vth pectin) 24-oz. Soc keye e almon ý5c tube 89C B.ick's $weet Mlxed Cui-bits ý32-os jaïýý !,ickles or ReIish,- 65 c Good Size Tender- Juicy- Branded - Full Cut R undAStea k1lb. 99 Always Tender Bottom Round -Well Trimmed Rump or ROASTS lb. $I.09 Maple Leaf - Lean - Meaty Cooked Hum 6oz. pkg 58C Mapie Leaf Mild. Seasoned Skinless Wieners ý2 Ibs. $1.0'9 -Maple: Leaf - Mild . Sweet RInldIess BACON, Ibo,59c Fresh Minced CANTELOPES e.19c I GROUND BEEF. Ànger is an instinct of ýelf-,pro- teton and for the protection of others. fitecau ses us to, stand up and figlitagainst harmful ciemies, oi the human pérsonaIity. We. are angry Iwith cvii,- and therefore we stffien ourselves aâgainlst it and oppose it. Otherwise wé ai- lô w cvilito invade us and thers. Our capacity to love the good, deteriliine our- capacity to hate the evii. But note that it is our virtue that is to bce lashed into a rage - flot- our pride, our Iýurt feelings, our fears. Angýer is a driving forée. If anger is toï be constuctive, it must be harnÈess- ed to great causes. Anger is much like the explo- sions in thé engine of your car. These explosions are under con- trol of purpose and will drive you to your destination. But if, iftstead of harnessing. the explo- sions, you lighied ail the gaso- line in your tank at once, with one great 'blowup' you would blow yourseif and the car to.,pieces. That is what is happening to the insides of you when you have a 'biowup' of uncontrolied, non- constructive, anger. It leaves you and your situation tomn to. pieces. Jesus is an example of control- led anger. When lie was healing the man with the withered arm, lie saw the liard faces of reiigious men who were opposed the act because it was being donc on the Sabbath. We read, "H1e looked round about onthem with anger, being grieved for the hardness o! their hearts." This was not personal pique. He grieved for others, Anger is rigliteous -if it bas in At grief on account o! what is hap- pening to others and not a grudge on account of what is happening to oneseif. Good scriptural advice is, "Be ye angry, and sin not". "Let nlot the sun> go down upon your, wrath." This is important lest it cor-- rode the soui into bitterness or ruin the digestive track -- exper- iments have shown that food does not digest when one, is violently angry, Anger impairs the vision-- Not onl1yispirituaL vision so that the- 1-inrnletà if ecoômes blurred; but it also iteýrally dims the pJhysicai' #si One optomtrist holds that hie can ,neyer.examine the eyes of an angry man - such" a mani aiiôt se straigh't. Wyhen inger resuits in resent- ment the"'màchfnery o! one's life breakçs down; or at least works so badly thàt it IeaVes you exhaus- ted and ineffectiVe. Resentment is'sand in tfiýêlnàchinery of one's life. Love js it--'11f e orkçs bet- ter with oit than,,sand. If resent- ments are there: ton't try to. sup- press them - this can cause havoc deep doWr. Dont take the oppos- ite way. A woman wvho had pains, spine. back, shoulder blades was asked by her doctor, "What is bothering you, inwardly?" she re- plied, "Weil, 't think I would lie well if 1 could tell my husband just once to go to ---. Perhaps she would have been relieved mo- mentarily but similar resentmeflt would f111 Up again And be ready for another spili over. DO S0ME POSITIVE GOOD Rather than trying to run away from your resentments or to nurse them, do something posi- tive.. in the first place try to for- give. By ti?,ý grace of God in Je- sus Christ it can be done . Follow this with finding something nice to do in regard to others. A hus- band and wif e constantly quar- relied over many things. Usually the starting point was over which television program was going to be on a certain time. The wîfe wanted music, the husband, news. One day having feit the stirring of the spirit of Cirist in bis heart he changed bis/ pattern of action at the time of the program. Walk- ing over to the TV he diaied the musical program bis wife enjoyed The wif e, who was ail set for the regular quarreil was dumbfound- cd. "lIt's time for the news", she said, "why did you turn on the music?" -I knew you like the musi cbeýst," he replied. "But," saidthe wlfe, Il you don't want to missthei( news." With that she turrned the channel to the news. From that moment they solved their problems by thinking o! the other person first. In the famiiy system the be- haviour- of every individual is re- ]ated to and dependent upon ev- ery other one wîthin the familY. Well integrated relationships are best assured when there is faith in and loyalty to Someone beyond Sourselves. l1b. 59C Kirby News Don't forget the Luckv Lunch- eon sponsored by the,,Kirby U.C. W. onWdesaJune 2nd at 12:30 in the Main Hall of Orono United Chureh. There wîll be a Bake Sale also. Kirby Church Anniversary wil be at 2:30 on Sunday, May, 30th. Mrs. Lawrence Harris returned home from, Bowmanviile- Memor- jal Hospital on Friday. Visitors on Sunday at Mr. and' Nrs. Lawrence Harris' were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hird, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. -Bill Sears of- Scarbor- ough and Mrs. Jack Wlliams of BoB YEOMANS PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations - Alterations Repairs Speclallzing in Mot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work R.R. 1 Orono 983-5624 D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUE ï WE BUT AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLD ... CALL US WE PAY CASH Phone 623-5342 after 6 p.m. A;THEL E ff.FOET7. AN ASTRO "NAU T Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mill St. North, Oroso Phone 983-5130 Oxford' STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCIMUWAHL Phone 983.56G06 Specializing lu ilkdao STONEWORK anu FIREPLACES We alse do ehimnev .Rievairs Dr, W. R-9Kent D D Bowmanvile Professional Bidit 222 King St. . -Suite 106 Office Hours: Weekdays: 9 to 6 Except Wednesday Afternoons TeIe'phone 623-7340 Boxed PLANTS of ail kinds 45e each 2 for 89c- GERANIUMS - Assorted colors 69e Dahlias and Glad BUýeLRBS (good large size> Ail Colours iddletons ORONO, ONT. - I Golden Jubilee Buy-o: Primrose Brand Froze burg Patties, Steakettes i1I Best Buy! Stafford's Raspberry Chorr7 (w Air Freàhener - No Spraying Berry-Box Jums. 49c E. ID. Smith 28-oz. glass Ga"rdonCoktil35C Featurel -SlBlue Bonnet Margarine ý2 lbs. 69C Send for 10%v Cash Refund on, Groiery Orders up to $30.00 - Maximum Re- lund $3.00 5-lb. Pkg. TIDE, King Size $1.69c Famnily SundayMese DX SERVICE STATION Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Fe aturing: Premium Quality Produets Ai The Most Re'asonable Prices ------..~ Any quantity per gal. - t>ove ilS*tation ' 20. Phone 987-4215 < W-01 Orono were visitors on. Monday. Weekend visitors with Mr., and Mrs. Ken Bail were Mr., Gord Walker and Gail of Wil]owdale and Miss Susan Bail of Oshawa. Mliss Karen Lowery spent the iveekend at Triplewood Dodge at Bobcaygeon where she has ac- cepted a position for the summier months. Grant C. Wade Insurance Ageàncy, GENERAL INSURANCE Newtonvlle, Ontario Telephone 786-2921 Leskard"Welding ANDFABRICATION and LATHIE WORK 8 'a.ni. - to - 5 p.m. Ilonday through Satutday' PHONE, 983-5760-