ORONO WEEKLýY TIMES, WEDNESDNY, ýMAY 26th, 1971, 1Kendol News Ladies from the Ke&ndal 'Wom- en's Institute who attended the Di.4trict Annual at Solina were Mrs. J. ilenderson, Mrs. E. Cour- oux, Mrs. A. Low and Miss C. Stewart. Kendal Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. G. Cathcart on May 18. The Penny Sale was was discusscd and nîethods of improving it. The help of the Girl Guides of Kendaj was appre- ciated. it was decided to make a 'Z M i~ &riapes off nidPin .brige PLASTIC PAINT PAIL Sty i strCî wah wre bfilrd 3 Il', MEINOR AQUA GUN Just squeeze trgger for any type of spray. Gleaming chrome finish. Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 0,-ouo UNITED CHURCH ~' Orono Pastoral o~7 Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, MAY 3th, -1971 CHURCH SCHOOL - 10:00 MORNING SERVICE - 11:15 KIRBY SER.VJCE: 9.45 AJM. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "DIAL A THOUGHT"1 PHONE 983-9151 ST. SAVIURS ANGLICAN' Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service- 9:30 a.m. Holy Communon- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rec.tor 997-4745 The Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. SeptilcTank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUE SERVICE LORNE HARDY, Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 Callyour S lcensed Plumbing &. Mechanical Contractor who selis, instails and guarantees PLUMBING AND HlEATIfNG greatest happiness. A loving fam- ily, loving God, brings happiness. The scripturc rcading was Ex- odus3; verses 1-6 and Isaah 9; verse 6. Bey. Snelgrove had' been to Conference at Peterboroughi dur ing the week and heard Rev. Jas. Park spe."', on "Evangelism ln the Seventies." Our church must change with the times. Next Sunday the Orangemen of the donation of $3000 to the Guides. It was also movcd that we give $10.00 to the girls who attend the church camp at Quin-Mo_ Laýc. Carried. Mrss M. Manders, con- venor of Ilome Economies and Hea]th, then took over- the pro- gram. Her motto wvas, "Put it back ini the grolind". Rol cal] - How can we prevent Pollution?, Several good suggestions were made. Mrs, Manders then read an article on Pollution frorn a health standard. It, sunmed Up the re- marks by stating ýthat "Things are going to get a lot worse bc- fore they are heýtt(er." Lunch was provided by Mrs. Wmn Ho. The next' meeting is to be at Mrs. J. hlenderson's home. On May 22nd the funeral ser- vice of Mr. Jack Payne was held in Pontypool United Churcli. Led by the minis ter and the Anglican Padre of Betliany. Among those attending were members of the Clarke Council and of the Kendal Orange, Lodge. The service at the Pontypool Cemetery was a com- biried Orange and, military ser- vice.,Twelvp members of the Leg- ion paid their last respects. -Then a bugles plaýyed "the last post?' Later the friends gathered in the Chamber of Commerce hall which was tlie former school and lias been renovated into a fine place of meeting. We feel certain that Jack Payne, Mrs. Jas. Richardson and Tony, Richiardson worked liard to have sucl a fine hall for those who are left to enjoy; a fitting memorial to tliem. Jack will be missed. W#e extend our sympatliy to lis wife and is sisters, Mrs. Freeman Eddy, Or- ono,- Mrs. Arche Whitmee, New- castie and Mýrs. D. Goddard, Bow- manville. Mr- and Mrs. D. God- dard returned by Jet plane from ,Ireland, the, moring lie passed away. Jack Payne's grondmiother 'was bort on the Carscadden home- stead west of Kendal. Rev. T. Snelgrove. told tlie child- reux a story ette "Eppie's Dis- Eppie's faily' had very littie money and lived in a small house. Every day .she passed,( a beautiful bouse with fine lawns. In this grand liouse 'lived a little girl named Olive. Olive was lonely and invîted Eppie 1 come to din- ner A butier met lier at the door, lier parents were away, in fact slie said they 'were hardly ever at home or very seldom at home. So Eppie invited Olive to corne to lier home for dinner next week. Eppie, learned that material things do flot bring the May 28-29 district will parade to Kendal Churcli at 11:15 arn. The follow- ing Sunday, June 6th is Kendal Sunday School Anniversary. Don't forget about the sale on the Manse Lawn on the afternoon of June 5th' Get those old chairs repaired and painted. Proceeds ta go towards Parsonage repairs. iVrs. Vilda McTaggart lield a fami]y reunion at lier home in Keridal on May 23rd. *1 mS'HOW 2 2tolO0p.m. PETER CAMPBELL AREA PORTHOPE, 40 EXHIBITORS Everything for the Home, Inside and Out Swimming Pools - Mobile Homes SWIMMING POOLS - MOBILE HOMESý Trained Eepre5entatives To Talk To FREEADISO FREE SUPERVISED PARKING RAIN OR SHINE - DON'T ý1ISS IT! N0 îl1,CE, TOWNSHIP.'0,F CLARKE, Change of Council Meeting Dat e To JUNE8, 17 at 10:00 a.m. . DeWit,- Clerk. 3rd ANNUAL PORT HROPE-COBOURG Featuring HOME - GARDEN AND OUTDOOR LIVING LE mist rse El ' h ~Knitted tank tops and shirts with ýslihrtsleeves, durable -laen s S r01-pressed. Alsollelanca stretch terdr s'hirts C',rew Lek j XL. Agood selection of Men's Swinf Trunks in stretch Men' pemannt-res shrts terry, elastiv faille, stretch nylon and' fortrel wîth cot- MenIspermaent-pess sirts ton. Styled with Hawaiian leg or new 'longer length., styled by "'Currie"l with good colour choîce Tops to match stretch terry trunks. Sizes S, M and L. short, leeves and long Plm ced $ 5 pointed collar. Can be worn eo «e with or without tie. Sollds, checks, stripes and fancy de- etSa d als signs. Sizes S., M., L. and Soft, supple sandals with with leather-covered insoles. XL. Rubber soles. Olive and tan. Sizes 8 to 11. Priced $4,"95 1 0$6,A95 Price each nrensWd Bet ift Finerquality leather beits by "Hickok" in 11/2 and 13// inhwidths. Black and brown. To fit waist sîzes 30 to 40. $6OOre ,0 osU0 $197 mone 983-5207 HOME i