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Orono Weekly Times, 26 May 1971, p. 7

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ORONO- WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY,ýrMAY -26th, 1971- WANT ABS FOR WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 See MWiliso n Insurance Agency fer AS classes of personal and Commercial..Coveraires Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032 lies. 983-5754 Gord, Sim pson PHONE 983-58Ô8 Orouo, Ontarîo PAINTING CARPENTAY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS CHARLES RéJD Orono's Licensed-' Auctioneer and Valuator OSelalize in Farm and Furniture Sales Oofflult me for. terms and dates MRONS ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and .Our qualty and service leaves nothing to be desired .Ak the person who bought from us, a melghbour, friend or relative The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display in Southeru Ontario R. C. SLEE Bowmnanvilie, Ont. Phone 623-3383 WATSON'S Ma rine and'ilCycle Oron. Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allonette Snow Mobiles MeCulloch CHAIN SAWS Repairs te a&U makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle ughe ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PUMPING OUTj 8IEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 j j 'I p p * I YAMSj IPLUIMING and HEATING j Sales and Service 14 H OUR BURNER SERVICE1 IGULF FINANCING ILow Interest Rates U Pbn:Tyrone 263-2450 Orville Chatterton ELECTRICÀL CONTR..4CTIN ELECTRIC HEATIN,,G AND SERVICE Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO ORONO ELECTRUC Hlerb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC IHEATING ELECrRICAL, APPLIANCES *T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE GUARIANTEED, SERVICE Service, AUTO - IREe, PACKAGE POLICIES FIDELITY BOND LIABILITY LIFE MAIN STREET, ORONO ISad'ie Hamilton Jimn Bar. For Dependable Service After Heurs and Week-endsi 983-9330 Box 133 phone 618-3552 Stafford Brothers Cemetery Memrials 318 DoUa swStm tFaM 1 Building a House?ý Ior remodelling your present one, then contact Floyd 'Nichlson I ! phi FOR SALE One srna]l Commercial $40.00. One xedding dîress with and headffiece. sîze 10-12. Phone 983-5216., FOR SALE One Gurney Combina tion Wood and Electric Stove in -excellent condition. Apply Ch-as. E. Taylor, Phone 983-5633. a-p FOR SALE, 1 steel Bag Truck $10.00.- 3 -bus. Scoops,,$3,0O each. Phone <83a5-3 Housework wanted. Phone 983-5216. a-c IIQflSJS Third animal Çonsignment Horse- Sale held int PETERBOROUGHI, IVESTOfK SALE BARN on SATURDAV, MAY 29, 1971 12:00 P.M.. For Consignînents and Informationý phone Steve Liptat 263-2117. b-22-c CLARKE PUBLIC LIBL4RY RUMMAGE AUCTION Donations of saleable items are now being received by the Lib- rary. Clothing, furniture, appli- ances, tools, dishes, etc., etc., will be -accepted. Bring your donation to the Library or leave your name with 'the librarian on duty and the items wiIi be picked up. Proceeds for further reneva- tions at thre Library. a-c- Sale' to be-held Sûturday, June 12 NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT, Evergreens, Shade Trees, Flow- ering Shrubý-, This Wek's Specil- 2 Mountain Msh, 6' to 8' $5.95 Clump Whie Birch 6' - 6' $4.50 balleçi in burlap Richardson Parmns, Pontypool,, Ont. Phone 7105-277-2312 Nursery located on Hwy. 35 ORHONQ, TRAILER SA'LEtS AND RENTAL Truck Campers liard and Soft Tent Trailers This week we have the Al - Canadian Trans-Cotinental Coach~ 30 feet long, fifth wheel, for the haîf or three-quairter ton truck Chas. Stapleton, Phone Orono 983-5974. b-21-c NOTICE Ca11 Orono, Landscaping for sdigplantinrg and seeding, trxee remcova1 and gardenuing., Phone 983ý Wanted Dead or Crippled Farm Stock NICKED UP PlOMPtLY TOePhone Coileot 26-27ZI Margw!i Fur Fanm Lience Ne. 8f-C-7$ REALTOR 99 ]King St., E. - BOWNAN VILLE Wheu BaYing or Sefling cal WVILF HAWKE. YOUR OltONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Meoiber Of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real E»tate Board FRESI HOME GROWN Frig. ASPARGUS Veil BOXED PLANTS and Specials-.. 1/2 bushel Macs, $1.50 Ice Crean, 1% gai., 79c FRED'S FRUIT MARKET tOn Highway 115 South of Orono FOR SALE 1959 G.M.C. 4 ton 2,000 gallon tanker' with three compartments. Reasonable. Phone 983-57-25. a-p PAPER DRIVE Kendal Area Only On Saturday, June.-l2th. Spon- sored by the Scouts of theFirst Kendal Troop. Have papers tied. securely and ready for pick-up by 9:00 a.m. For further'information phone Bob Nichols, 983-5377. a-c WANTED House or cottage for two, re- sponisble couples in charge of Orono Youtb Theatre for .july and August. Contact Box 105, Orono Weekly Times or phone 983-5301. HIELP WANTED Assistants wanted for Swim- ming Instruction by the Orono Swimming Club, one hour a day for three weeks in July. Must have Bronze. Applications to be addressed te Mrs. Beryl- Clark, prier to May 27th. b-c LOS'r Beagle Dog argw'ers to nasse "Snoopy". Brown and black, anld white under the body and the tip of his tail, and paws. is leash is stili attached te his collar. License No. 60, in the area of the New Dutch Oven Rest- aurant, Hwy. 115. Reward!_, Mrs. E. Wice, 245 Sammon Ave.,, Toronto 6, Ont. Phone 46ýý07à4. a-c CAR WASH AT BARRABALL'S Service Station from 10:00 arn. to 4:00 p.m.) Wet Wash (inside and out) $2.00 Outside -$1.00 SATURDAY, MAY 29th Sponsored by Saracens Car Club, Orono. a-c TO GIVE AWAY To a good home - An 8 month old black and white par-t border collie dog. Very good with child- ren. Phone 983-5608. a-p TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Beokkeeper Written applications -will be re- ceived in the officeî of the under- sîgned up te and including June 1, 1971 at 12 moon for the position of Bookkeeper. Applicants should state age, cdu- cation, experience, marital status and other pctsonal dataý - Applicants should have sonre typ- ing experience. Full range of fringe benefits in effect. Successful applicanit to commnce- duticim as soon as possible-. Initial Salary to be commensuzrat, with experience and qualifica- tions. Ail applications will be trea)ted in strictest confidence. H. DeWith, Clerk-Treasurer, P.O. Box 219, Orono, Ontario. Spring Plants For Sale FLOWERING GERANIUMS Plants ini 4 Bright Colors A good choice of Spring -BOX PLANTS also available DEMOOY'S GREENHOUSES North St., Newcastle PHONE 987-4916 COMIN EVEN Th odenG EEfi NTMrs p sored by Orýono U.C.W., unit, 4 te be held in 0rono 'United C'htrch Auditorium, Sat(ir4ay,' May 29th, 1971 at 8:15 p.m . Tickets: Adults $1.00; Chiifd-rn 12 àndunder 50c. b2- COMING EVENT Corne and have a cup of te-a a the Past Noble Grands Club 'ea Tulip Tea and Penny Sale on -Sat-, May 29 at 2:30 p.m. in the Oddfýllows Hall. 22-b-e The Annual Meeting 'of the Clarke Township Progressive Con servative Association and Pot Luck- Supper will be helà in the Oddfellow's Hall, Orono on Wed- .iesday evéning, May 26th 1971, dinlner to commence at 6:30 p.mL sharp% to be followed by the elee- tien , f Officers and - transaetifôn of gèneral business. We W'ïll have with us as Speak- ,er, Mr.. William Thompsen, Q-C. of Oakville, Alex Carruthers MU. A.' and others. lLadies are ..requested to bring ,a bot'dish or a pie. 1Our President requests that ail membýeTs and their wives make a speciali effort. to attend this in- po rtant meýeting. a- - NOTICE TheSn'~ Citizens are having a Pot LIu~ supper followed by cards, Th#~sday, June 3rd at 6:00 p.rn.. in the ýOddfellow's Hall. Co.rnq andenjoy the last meeting béere the. holidays. NOTICE Dr. McKenizie will be on holidays 'from; May 22nd to June 2nd. a-c COMING EVENT Kirby United Church Anniver- sarywill be held on Sunday, May 3th at' 2:30 p.m., Guest Speaker: Rev.R-. F. Dorsch of Springville. 'Master, Neil Pope, boy seloist from ;Pçrrytown wilIl sing.- MOTHER'S DAY OUT Màther's Dîayý Out group wiIl meet i-n the Main Hall'of Oron United, Ch4urch on ThuFsday, June 3rd from 9:30 to 1l: 15 a. Everyone welcome. P1èeàs of ageq~day. to Wheelng AMest irgEi WhNEelWth Virginia Frjeth- ý nflrhaite ctac F enta T orsnatdi, contact Peterborough, Phone 742-9192 William c. Hall, B. omm.@ Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday aiid Saturday, Insurance Clarke 1Public LIBRARY HOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30. 830 Thursday 620-8:30 Trlday 2:39o - 5.: 6.30 - 8:30 Zturday 10:00 -- 12:00 am. . nterior Eltterlor â4âtàewl

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