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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jun 1971, p. 1

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Orono VOLUME 35, NUMBER 23 '175 Join Iu Competition At Weekly Ties New Fashion Store (Inr~ fu4at~arnn a~ITo Open In Orono The 4th annual Clarke Orient- eering Meet was hcld on Sunday, May 16 in the Ganaraska. One hundred and seventy-five compet- itors cntcred, with ages ranging from ciglit te sixty p us. Compet- itors came from ail parts of Southern Ont ario with large dele. gations from the Toronto and Wel- land area. The advanced Blue 'cou"-S for Elite Men was won by Paul Kaki of SISU of Toronto with a fime -of 1:24:34. In the Junior Mcn's Division cf the Red Course, the winner was IR. Slack of Hamilton while the Junior Women's Division was won by Diana Hazelden of the host Club. Pam Mclnfosh of the Uni- versify of Guelph won the Wom- en's Division running the red course. Running the Yellow Course, Tom Lowery in fthe Boys' Division and Willy Woo of the Junior Men's Division won again for the hosf club,, Clarke O. C. if was a family sweep for the 'De St. Croix of Vincland. Dick de St. Croix won flic Younger Veter- an Men's Division whilc his wife Pat took the award for Yeunger Veteran Women. Ted de St. Croix wen the Younger Boys Division. Clarke O. C. again came to the -fore with Gienda Tennant winning -lic Novice Women's event and Keitli Hans.en, the Novice Men. The Wayfarers presented a -cdean sweep for Clarke as Clarke O.C. members took flie first fhree places wi h Linda Lowery and Bob Robson, first followyed by Paul and Don Staples and third Kafhy and Sandra Morrow. Spec- !l mentirli should be made of * Kalia Mandre of KÇalev, Toronto who having suffered a skiing ac- cident StiR complefed the course with his wife and young son. Course setters were Lars Carl- son and Hon Lowry Junior. A sincere thank you te ail who helped in any way te make this event a luccess. Clarke O.C. is continuing ifs Wl U~UlI~~U UUI~ uvoe~~u Mother and, Daougkter Banquet A Mother and Daugliter Ban- quet was held Wednesday even- ing, May 26th for the Orono -C.G. I.T., compliments of the U.C.W. of Orono United Church. Grace was give- by Rev. Long. The tables were lovely with arrange- nents of Iris and Tulips, compliments of Mrs. Vagg, and Mrs. Duvaîl. Scalloped potatoes, ham, mixed vegefables and salads were serv- ed by Unit 4 of the U.C.W. Joyce Werry and Elaine Vagg led us in worship, followed. by a piano recital by Joyce 'Werry, jokes by Kim 'West, Elaine Vagg and Joyce Werry. A skit called "The Sand Box" starring Shelley Loucks, Jennifer MurdÉock, Nellie Buckley, Lorry B.,rnes, Kathy Newell, and songs. by Wandà Kramer, Elaine Vagg, Kim West andi Joyce Werry and a piano solo by Karen Lowcry. Prize for the most merrit points was awardcd to Jovce Werry. Leaders Betty Colvin, Roberta Ncsbitt and Karen Kinney were thrilled to receive carnation cor- sages from the girls. Coroner Appointed Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur:' hansi, in, a news ,release, frorn Queen's Park advised that by or- der-in-Council, dated the 12th day of May, 1971, Dr. William Gordon Beer, R.R. 2, Blackstock, was appointcd a Coroner in and .for the Unitcd Counties of North- umberiand and Durham. fine recori this year with competi- tors returning laden with awards from the meet held at the Univer- sity of Guelph on thc May 24th weekend. Clarke Orienteering Club has Championships this year to be the honour to host the Canadian held Thanksgiving weekend. This is a major undertaking on the part of the Club with competitors from many provinces compcting for national awards. Mr. and Mrs.. Don Long of Or- ono arc to open a new fashion Store in, Orono Where theyý wilI merchandise ladies' and children's, Wear. The 'new store will be locat- cd in flhc present vacant store, owned by Mr.-and Mrs. Long just north of Rolph Hardware. The store is to beý operated by Mrs. Long and it is cxpected fo bce opcned sometime around the in-iddle of JuIy. Fountain & Benches Adorn Library Property A Florentine Fountain and four benclies have been insfalled on flic west lawn of flic Clarke Public Library ln Orono.' The set- ting lias been cnlianced wîfli a rock garden lu which flic founfain lias been set. The fountain will lie in opera- the' Orono Cliamber cf Commerce witli the lienclies licing donafed liy Mis. liena Waddcll. Mr. John Breen designed flic sefting and provided flie material, flowcrs and field stone. The founfain will lie ini opera- fion fils week and totally cern pleted. If furtier beautifies flic grounds of flic library. New Library, Books, A duilt- Love' and, Will by Relie May (A flieuglifful and sympathetic book on flic, probleins cf modemn man) Caftch 22 by Josephi Heller Great Lion cf God by Taylor Caldwell Junior- Frein Sea te Sea by Thomas Bred- in (Biography cf Alexander' MacKenzie) Floafing and Sinking by Fanklyn M. Branley Tic Mysfery Man by Scott Corbeft Easy Reading and Picture Bocks Potatoes *- Potafoeen by_ Anit a Lobel Momo's Kiffen by Mitsu and Tare Yashima Umbrella by Tare Yashima. Olga Beaucliamp Orono Village Appoints Dog Control Officer The Orono Police Trustees at their regular monthly' meeting on Wednesday evening passed a res- olution appointing Mr. C. J. Wat son as Dog Control Officer for the Police Village of Orono. Mr. Watson under the conditions of the -resolution wýill enforce the conditions of the Township of Clarke Dog Control By-law which prohibits dogs running at large. The Control Officer has thec power to issue a summons under the Summary Conviction Act to those owiners who do not abide by the conditions of the By-law. Discussion centred around the construction of a new fell for the Village with a reseluftion being passed asking the Ontario Water Resources f0 procecd with the construction and f0 provide the financing for the prejeet. R. For-, rester stated that the OWRC would provide the Trustees wîf h the sehedule of annual costs now that it has been decided to charge $175.00 a lot for new development outside of thie Village. If was de- cided by the Trustees fo withihold any decision on water charges outside of the Village unil 'fur- ther discussion could he lheld with the OWRC. There existed a divis- ion of opinion amongt the ITrvs- lces in this latter mattpr wlî n the chairman asked that they hold up their decision until a cicarer picture of costs could be determined. Mr. Woodyard stated thaf there was a possibility that the Counties would widen the bridge la the hollow at the soufh enfrance into Orono this year. A leffer from the United Counfies Rond Department aise pointed ouf that thcy would consider assistance if a guard riisplaced aiong side the county road just north of Station Street.. R. Forrester recommended that ameeting be arranged with Messrs. K. Sehocamaker and S. B. Rut herford to finalize the agree- ment befween, the two and the Police Village over the ravine just north of Station Street. He said this had been hanging lire ail too long. Mr. Woodyard is to arrange a meeting. Mr. Forrester aise said that a meeting sheuld be arranged with the Road Superintendent to set out the road -work in, Orono this year. He said. the budget for roads has been set for some time but no plan of work set ouf for the Road Department to carry out. Graduates DOUGLAS N. MOFFAT Son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Moffat, Orono, received his de- grec as Bachelor of Science in Ag- riculture, at the convocation of the University of Guelph on May 28th, 1 971. He lias accepted a po- sition with Selves Farm Ltd., Ful- larfon, -Ont. Douglas received his elementary educafion at Orono Publie School ,and his secondary education at Clarke Higli School. Barbara Gayle Sawyer a daughter of MIr. and Mrs. Roy Sawycr of Sawmac Farms, Orono, formerly of Oshawa, has gradu- ated with an honors degree in Physical Education and Sociology at MeMaster University, Hamilton. She is flic granddaughter of Mrs. J. Sawyer and Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCailum cof Oshawa. There i s an outside possibulityý thaf the proposed Ontario Hydre power station at Bewmanville could becenstructed befere the Wesleyville projeet. The 700 acre lakefront site in Darlingteno Township is close te Highw-ay 401 and te a railway spur,. whle Wesleyville is almost inaccessible liy. comparison. Af Wesleyville addifionai par- cels of land were purcliased last year for fhé, construction ef a railway spur. 1 A. spokesman for Ontarlo Hyd- ,vo, Jolin Pal terson said last Thurs- day thaf no0 decision bas been ,made on what projeet will go fir'st. "If could lie 'one or the other,," lie added. Ife pointed out fliat Hydro pur-. chased flhc land bccause cf the danger cf Jisng ]and cosfs due teo the proposed developmenf in the area. The projeet was part of Hydro's "leng-term planning." Li ke the Weslcyville project, Hydre ha,5 made no deci,.ion on the size of plant or type cf fuel to be used. Mr. Patterson said that the Hlem power station in Toronto is te be converted from coal fuel to gas later this 'year. O11 is lie- ing used at thle Lennox station and nuclear fuel nsed at Picker-ing and Douglas Point. But lie refused to admit thaf flic trend is rnoving fromn coal fuel. "We hiave an economie mix", lie said. "Coal is liecomîng diffi- culf fo get, particularly coul with a low sulphur content." H-ydro won't he dependent on one source cf fuel, lie confinued, hecau5ýe there is an ecoaomic ad- vantag" la not lieing depeadent on one source. "This makes sense te our ecee- ornlsts. Witlî the shortage of ceai we miglît have le face, rising prices., Mr. Pafferson said that prelim- mnary site investigations at Wes- Icyville, wffich have been going -on for more than a ycar, arc con- finuing. Soil tests are being taken, te ascertain the carrying abilify cf flic rock. "These tests usually, go on for a couple of ycars", lie ad- Hydre daims that work'at Wes- ering st ation is complefed which leyville wil begin as by flic car- pentry class as soon as the Pick- is te lie "wifhin the nexf few yeaqrs." l'le 850-acre site af Weslcyvîlle vvas purchased in 1968 and, lasf year an addifional,200 acres were purchased from the Austin brofli- ers, who revealed af fhe fume that lhey liad no choice but to sçll. At Iliat time a Hydro officiai sl ated that flic extra land was neede.d for flie construction cf a rai]way spur line. Additional land, he said, wquld bc. be rguired if flic decision was te have a nuclear plant la order te meef fthc requirement set iy flic Atomic Energy Cent roi Board. In setfing the budget for the Village for 1971 three grants in fthe amount cf $50.00 ecd were awarded to the Clarke Archives and Museum, flie Orono Horticul- tural Society and the Orono Youth Theatre. In flic Orono Hydro meeting, the Commission accepted a recom- mendation that the Orono Hydro pay a rentai for the Hydro build- ing amounting to $20500 a month. This was increased from $160.00. Mr. M. Downs reported that flirce streef lighfs had been de- stroycd by stoncd and that to re- pair and replace them if lad cost considerable. He suggested fliaf a rcward bic offer -d in, appre- hending fliose responsible. No ac- tion was taken on the recoin- mendat ion at this finie. Schools A ti-S okin Campai n plained A sfide presentation compiled liy flic Ont ario, Deparf ment cf Healfli' on "Ope-raion Don'f Start", the anti-smoking campaign which lias been opcrating since 1968, was slîown to members of fthe Nortliumberland-Durham Tu- berculosis and Respirafory Dis- case Associafion at the annual dinner last Tliursday la Port H ope The association wiich. launci- cd flic campaiga lias receiveda- tion-widc acclaimfor flic pregram, conducted aînong Grade four, five and six pupils ln sehools lunflic fwo counfies and flic campaiga slogan "Ricky thinks smoking sfinks" is licing usced fhi.oughouf flic province. Ricky Raccoon, tic central char- acter cf flic campaign, who was MeNaugiton, lias become well- (Contined page 3), O1RONO WEEKLV TIMES, WBDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1971 Ontario Hydro Officiais In A Quandary Il

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