ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1971 Kendal News Mrs. A. Swarbrick has been forced rto, move to an apartment in. Oshawa, as her. health is flot good enough to be alone in her Kendal home. Mr. Ken Cooper's new home is niow going a head rapidly. Weun- derstand there is to be a snack bar built at the eagt end of the Village by Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Wil- kim. Sunday was a fine day for al Albert's Texco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orae UNITED) CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge, -J Minister Rev. -B. E. Long SUNDAY, JUNE fth, 1971 CHURCH SCHOOL - 10:00- MORNING SERVICE - 11:15 KIRBY SERVICE: 9:45 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "DIAL A THOUGHT"I PHONE 983-9151 ST. SAVIUR S ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship- Service - 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy -Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-,4745 The Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Septîoc Tank service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 Callyour. )icensed Plumbing& Mechanical Contractor who seils, instails and guarantees PLMBGA-ND HE ATlUNG- the special evcnts., The morning serv ice was ýcll.ttendIeçl whçin the Orangemien of, the " istridiý c'thcrr d at the Pub'ic School and aucompjaniedý by the "Fife and n'2mbâiud iarced iUp 'the 'Main -.Èrcct to the church. There Nvýre a nunber of Orange Ladies, mcm- bers of the L.O.B.A. from Kirby, Orono, Tyrone and Bewdley. We were pleased to sec the Kendal Troo1 p of Girl Guides and the Ken- (l Browni'-s with their leaders ini the parade. Special Anniversary services were held at. Kirby and Welcome. Some of our people took ln these services also. On Saturday afternoon, June 5 there will bc an- auction sale of fîa-uiture, books, dishes. ,baby sell on the lawin east of the New- torjviie Church. Phone Mrs. fl. ýî'o tbr, I{endal, 9q3-5676 If you have muy-articles to bc picked up for Mie sale. l'h 'orne baling will hc sold la the basernent of the Newt onvsil le chureli. Auctioneer, '1r. TLloyd Clydesdale. Time one p ni. Saturday. Proceedsfor Piar- souiage repairs. On Sunday morning. June 6th at 11:15 arn. Kendal will hold tlîeir Sunday School Anniversary with Rev.,R. C. White as guest speaker. Prizes and pins for' reg- ular attendance mrill bc given to the boys and girls of the Sunday Sehool.. We need your support for the work of otîr Suinday School inthe Village of Kendal. Albert. .E,-;es 11r% AE. West, in bis 65th a l,1iwideiit o!f(>'.orlo foi-os ir fourty-five years, pIa s sed awayr, at bis liorite ln Orono -onuria May 29tb. Kaowrî throughout thi" comnmunity as "'Ah" lie was a promninent athicte and, supporter of athiete activities within his comînunity. Ife excelied la the field of hockey, ba.;eball and oth- etr individual sports. In later years lie was associated with minor sPoiîtintg achivifies lhroughout thse area. Ifeelheld a greatinterest in the developinent of the' Orono Comf- niunity Meniorial Park and 'for many years has been the chairman of the Board, responsible for its operation wit hin'tIse community. Mr. West rame to, Oror'o from Beaverton as a youth working in a local buheher shop. After, a kew ritorths lie opencd bis own shop and for the licter part of bis life in, Orono was the leadirig butcher., Ife mias predeceased by bis %life, Ednia Dean. wbo passed a- vvav April. 11, 1968. Ile ]caves ho mourn his dealli five sons, Junior, Dean, Raye, Kçeithl and Bionald and one daugli- tnr,' Donna (Mrs. R. Forrester) aI] o)f Orono., The funeral service was field on Monday, May 3lst with ]Rev. B. Long officiating. Thse service was held from the Lang Memor- îai Chapel, with intermnent in thse ,Orono Cemetery. Palibearers were Messrs. H. M. Mercer, J. C. Tamblyn, Dane Found, Howard Wood, Floyd Post and William Hooey. Would Like To See Local Youth.In Orono Theatre In recent conversation with Mr. E. H. Samnuel, Chairman of the Orono Youth Theatre, it was stat- cd by thse chairman that he would like to sec more participfftion in the Theatre by youth from the Orono Area. lc said it was a grand opportunity for tihe local youth to develop an întcrest ini this form of Canadian culture. Openingsin thse cast as well as back stage arc stiti available and future interviews will bc an noua- (cd hy fthc directors. Mr. Samuel points out that the Theatre is most fortunate this ycar in obtaining the calibre of peu sons as director, co-director and teelinical director. Ail corne to the Orono Youth Theatre wîth inuclu experience and with high 'nau asaj -ult aLo.). states Mr. Samuel, bave already slîown their organizational ability and are now ready for thse open- iag of the Theatre course and preseatations. Il bas been pointed out tIsat the Theatre Ibis year is being run as a training centre for theatre arts as well as preparing two plays for presenlation on Orono stages. Speciai instructors, will visit local theatre classes to give instructions pertaining to their specialty and these persons are well known in the Iheatrical cîrcle. Youl h may participate ln afler- noon courses and/or in evening courses, Mr. Samuel points out that tliis aliows a student to work as welI as being a part of the theatre. The size of the Company is bcing reduced this year over prev- lotus , giving greater control by thse director and to provide an cnriched course in theatre arts. ln speaking with Miss Andrea Ewcret of Bowmanville, who has taken part in thse Youth Theatre since it started ln Newcastle, she said that she was thrilled with the rranemens tiisyearan that it was what 'they had been working towards for some time. Thse venture this year is more on an educational and learning basis of theatre arts. Mr. Samuel aiso points to the popular "Peter Pan", production along with another play to con- clude the, Theatre program ýin -August. He further urges ti.at local youth become i nvoived in th~e Theatre this year and is assur- cd that it would be a rewarding experience. T( lar kg Museum Throughout May, several ladies spent every Wednesday morning at thse Clarke Museum. Armed. with iops, brusbes and pails of hot, soapy water thcy 'attackcd' the rooms and sent spiders fiee- ing for thucr lives. Now the rooms arc ready for dispiays. Eariier, it was decided to use,"Early Days in Clarke- as titis year's themp. Kecping this in mind, Mtiseurn members chose "1,umbering" for one of thse dis- pînys, as it was one of thÏe early industries ln this area. Workers arie buy doing res-arcli and aur,- erouis other jobs ho, set up lte lurnbering exhibit but IIELP is Oananauone eil hei give or b;au fo the Clarke Mus'um thes follow- ing articles- Frose sedge, adze shingle-horse Pit xasv wedges cant lîook wvooden matîl logging tackle- chains,î etc. Old records, accounpts or piet- tures pcrtaining ho-logging. The Wuseum is operating on a "shoestring" budget and volunteer heip is desperateîy needed. Any- one who can use a hammer, saw, paint b rush etc. please phone Mr, 1). Tansley: 983-5479. Articles for the Museum can be left at Mrs. . Schmid's, Churcli St. S., Orono, or, Mr. D. Tansley's, Haist side of Rowe St., Orono corner of Station St. If desired, articles could bie picked îup by Mluscumni cembers phone 983- 5479. Local News, 1iffls Janiee Webster of l3ow.- nianville w-a; hlioured guest at a lunecheon on Saturday ai the home of ?rs. iCarl Bilings, Orono T\veniy relatis es and friends frnThrouf o, Port, Credit J- iteli- ener,ý Port H-ope and Bowmaihville w'ere preseat to bestow bést wish- es on the. bride to' be whose marriage to Mr. David Penney of Cornwall, takes place June 12th, Co-hostesses were Mrs. I-arry Bail ey, Mrs. Wayne -Bailey and Mrs. Carl Kiînmett. Township 0f C larke Tenders, For Fencing Tenders on company stationery, sealed and clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the Township Clerk Up te 12 noon, June 11, 1971, for the supply and erection of ap- proximately 40 rods of fencing around Lawrence Cemetery, Lot 21, Concession 5, as iollows: 8 wire even spaced woven fence with wooden posts rod apart, steel posts ln between and anchor posts on corners. Lowest or any tender flot.-necessarily accepted. H. DeWith, Clerk, Township of Clarke, Box 219, Orono, Ontario. !«*W.,Omb âiýwwffl -0 % oww»m !M10111 mi om m Imm i lowl ilmi ýo 0 mi !milolýq w 9 0