ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEIONESDAY, JUNE l6th, 1971 FRESH - PICNIC STYLE POR difIrOAST-i' lb. 35, BUTT or SHOULDER Poark Chops IL 59c LEAN, MEATY Chuck Steaks IL 78c FROZEN - IMPORTED Lamb Legs IL.69c, FROZEN - IMIPORTED - SHOULDER Lamb Chops L.55c FOR PICNICS OR SNACKS DOLOGNA 16 oz,. pkg,. 5e ,CIGARETTE FEDERAL BILL "DICTATORIAL" (Continued from page 1) 1970 tobacco exports reached an al time level with sales of $60 million. Ini .1939, the last year for wbicb Mr. Newell bad figures, the 150,growers in Durhamn and North- emberland Counties alone pro- duced $6 million worth of tobac- co. haif of whicb was exported. He stated hie found it difficuit to understand that for eacb of the past three years the federal goverilment has sent its own sci- entists to teacb developing Afri- -can countries-how to grow more tobacco. In 1969 and 1970 Canada aiso sent management consultants, ar- cbitectsi an d American grain ex- perts to these countries to super- vise the construction of auction 'warehouses and to teacb officiais there how to grade and seli their cigarette tobacco on the world market.' Mr. Neweli added that the gov- ernment if it. were consistent -night as well place warning labels on beer and liquor. "Very littie. béer is exported," lie added. -The Oshawa Times VEN EZIA RESTAURANT Hlghway 115 and 35 ½mile south of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Specializing in Pizza - Meals Also Week-End Specials ROY THOMIPSON Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 AUl Carpentry Work Remodeiling Kitchen Cuphoards We build from the foundation Up. kendel News On Saturday afternoon, June 12 a number from the Kendal area attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peacock of Elizabcthville. The celebration was beld at their farm home. The weather was perfect se the guests eould enjoy themselves visiting on the lawn. The bridai party of fifty years ago had their pictures taken. One of those from Kendai who had waited on table at the wedding dinner fifty years ago was MrS. Geo. Cole (nec Mamie Archer). The soloist at the wed- ding' had been Mr. Melville Wbite of 'Lindsay wbo was there with lis wife on Saturday. Miss Leonora Henry and ber brother Dr. Lorne Henry bad been guests at the first wedding and were there on Saturday accom- panied by Mrs., Henry. Mr. Victor Peacock, brother of Vernon was at the first wedding and with Mrs. Peacock attended on Saturday al- so. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Honey of Milliken and their daughter Mary (Mrs. Wm. Pearson) of R.R. 1, Little Britaîn were there. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Peacock of Kapus- kasing and their four sons and Mr. LAST CALL Summer School Classes at the OSHAWAk BUSINESS COLLEGE commencing July5 to August 13, 1971 ACT NOW! Only a llmited number can now bc accommodated CHOICE 0F CLASS SCHEDULES 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. -or 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. -or 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CHOICE 0F SUBJECTS- Typewriting - Bookkeeping, Filing - Shorthand - Aecounting Business Machines -English Spelling- Mathematics - Pen- Snanship -Office Procedures and others FREE BROCHURE Availabie Register by phone, mail or in person 18 Simcoe Street North Dial 728-0052 Malcolm C. Barnett, Principal PRIMROSE BRAND BEEF STEAKETTES anid Mrs. Allan Peacock of Boit- ont witb their son and daughter ivere there to heip their parents ani grandparcnts celebrate the happy occasion. Mr. and ilrs. Gor- cn àttende d. Mrs. Carman Bell wvas in charge of the register. Mrs. Tcrry Price of Bowmanvile wvas heiping to entertain the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Everton White of Bowimanville were tiiere. Others from the local neigh- bourhood were Mr, and Mrs. T. Stevens, Mrs. W. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bullen, Mr, and Mrs. I-. Lowery, Miss M. McKelvey, Miss C. Stewart, Mr. A. Tbompson and Mr. and Mrs. G. Cathcart. The Llizabethville ladies served lunch and wedding cake to ail. On Saturday the Kendal Pee Wee, bail team played against Des- eronto ani won. The Juniors played against Bowmianville and were also the successfui team. Botb gaines wr played in the Harvey Jackson Memoriai Park. Congratulations to Miss Linda Greenwood, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood' on re- ceiving bier Bachelor of Arts de- grec in psycbology, from Trent Unîiversity on May 28, 1971. The Unitcd Church Women met i the Sunday Scbool Room on Friday evening, June il1vith vis- itors present from Newtonville and Shiloh. Our guest speaker was Mrs. l)icker whose native home. was Jamaica. Iler husband died two year -s ago shortiy after they came to Toronto. She bas-' three daugh- ters wbose, care miakes it difficuit for bier to do as much Christian work as she wouid like to do. She told of a spiritual experi- ence she bad as a girl of seven- teen when 'God seemed to conie very vividly to hier. Just as Jesuis had spoken to Nicodemus, "You must bc borin again," So lie spoke to lier and she gave herseif to a life of service to Hlm. Jamaica bas a population of one and a haif million. It's area is about 4,000 square miles. 11cr people are of mixed nationalities as the Spanish beld Jamaica for many yrars before the British took it over. It is an island rich in resources, but the population is too great. Unless you bave a tradle or profession it is unwise to come to Toronto to get work. The sclîools do flot provide, bigher cd- ucalion unless a faînily can pay for it. This iras unfortunate Mrs. Dicer believed. The climate is v iried. In thle ni unl 'ains it somý- times reaches 450 but in other Place's i is tropical. The pi oducets are sugar, ban- ,ariws, molasses anid bauxite- used iii riaking aluminum. In the cities tlicy bave problems of rioting sncb as we bave but it is peacefuil in the country. Some people are very wealtby wbile otbers' suffer from poverty. There are fcw cars and many ride IL 59C bicycles. *Many years ago a violent earth- quake sw allowed ail the people and homes in one village with the exception of a Frenchman who was thrown into the Ocean and rescued by some fishermen. This happened in 1692. Mrs. Dieker had had malaria when a girl. She was in bed for six months. Then she began to walk again with the help of crut- ches. Now she is completely re- stored to health. The chief city of Jamaica is Kingston, the capital. 11 Kendal will hold a bazaar on November l3th one week later than Newtonville. The 'Newtonviile sale net pro- ceeds $23200. BOR YEOMANS PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations- Alterations Repairs Speciallzing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work R.R. 1 Orono 983-5624 I .ROGERSONI IORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WE BUY AND SELL il Gass, China, Pine Aricles i Od Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLD ... CALL US PoeWE PAY CASH Poe623-5342 after 6 p.m. Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mil St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 CORNISH'S RED & WHITE Leskrd Welding, ANI) FABRICATION and LATHE WORK 8 a. i-to - 5p. Wonday through Sattwçday PHONE 983-5760 Oxford B:ICKLAYERS STONEMASONS' WILLIE. J. SCHMAHL Phone- 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds or STON EWORK and FIREPLACES' We also do chimnev Revairs Dr. W. R. Kent DDIQ Bowmanville Professional Bldp, 222 King St. E. - Suite 10q. Office Hours: Weekdays: 9 to 6 Except Wednesday Afternoons, Telephone 623-7349 IFather's Day Gifts PIPES - CIGARETTES LIGHTERS - WALLETS COLOGNE SETS WATCHES WATCH BANDS CANDLES FOR DAD RECORDS LANTERNS Etc., Etc. ORONO, ONT. FOR ROASTING - LEAN anid MEATY- ÂBuTlIlbo 44ce BEEF LIVER, Always Tender lb. 59c Mild cured BACK BACON, by the piece End Cut 79c m Centre Cuts 89c t FEATURE-INSTANT COFFEE Maxwell House 10 oz. jar, $1.6,5 Feature! 3 ounce packages J@l1-O Assorted, Powders 9 for $1 BUY 0F THE WEEK - Family tube Colgate Dental Cream 6 oz. 69c -o-' r, ..o.eo.neooooeoeo, DXSERVICE STTIN Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quaiity Produt __Aî The Most Rw~sonable Prices Any quantity per gal. -Stove u0 sttion2 0.' Phone 987-4215 '4d" #"M«wwwmý - -i-- VOUTU KILLED IN CAR CRASH A 17-year-oid Pontypool youth, Stanley Alexander McCabe was killed in a three-car accident on Highway 7A about 6:15 on' Sunday Newcastle OPP, who investigat- ed the accident said the driver of the second ýehic1e was also killed but the name was not revealed at the time of the accident until next of kmn had been notified. Driver of the third car, John Pinkerton of RR 2, Schomberg, was not injured in the accident. Grant C.-Wade lnsurance Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Box 82 Newtonville, Ontario Telephone 786-2921 Box 61, Port Hope, Ontario Telephone 885-2288, 1