ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESE')AY-, lU'NE l6th, 1971 Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn and hei aunt I L.. C. Falli.s of Toronto ýî J1V- I i b s cinf Ottawa and ji i gA1i last week and called on Mis. liii md Hanceck of Kempt- ville. MîsJý Hicks of Orono has re- tui ned f romn Scotland after a months vacation With relatives. Mfr. Bob Lewis is a patient in the Bowmanville Meimorial Hos- pital. Mr. Douglas Moffat, of Fullar- ton spent the weekend with Mr. 4'5. BUY THESE 2 ECTRIC BLACK & :MS TOGETHER AT Features: powerful 11½ uminum housing, dual fiat for storage. P-t separately, 79.95 R: A must for weIl-- )s. Lightweight, quiet atia n. it separately, 18.88, -grip hanidie, fingertip ý:ght aluminium hous- .ges professionaily an~d 13 inch sinigle edge -13 - e cord for lawn ers,and portable tools. ELECTRIC CHARCOAL LIGHTER Eliinates smoke ant unpi' leasant cdouri when starting youî barbeque. The unit is î safe, quick, and effi- cient. AgIbert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono UNITED CHURCH Orone Pastoral ~ Minister Rey. B. E. Long SUNDAY, lUNE î3th' CHURCH SCHOOL - 10:00 MORNING SERVICE - 11:15 KIIBY SERVICE: 9:45 A.M. CHURCU SCHOOL 11:00 AM. #"DIAL A THOUGHT"l PHON~E 983-9151 ST. S AVIOURIS ANGLICAN Estahlished 1869 Begular Sunday Worship Service - 9:30 ar. Holy Communion- First and Third Sundays Morming Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-41745 The Rey. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Septic Tank, Service GENERAL PUMPING M4 IOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 Callyour Sicensed Plumbing &. Mechanical Contractor who seils, instalis, andguarantees PLUMBING AND HEATING anýd Mrs. J. D. Moffat, Blain and Ian. M. F. W, Tr'ili left 'Ibis emorn- ing, Wednesday, to f ale Up res- iiîn ré' at1le ('o-lnPon L'dge, Coourg Ii-- 'riC ds n Or o ,, wish h hr lan) ýïcs a -o i ment ii bis, n..w ip;a' C of îa î (lenfCe. Mr. Raymiond Chapmnan i a p&- tient in ftie Bowvrnviîle iem- orial fHospital. Mrs. Walter G'îb,)on and L 'anne were weekend visitors with lier mother Mis. C. B. Tyrreil. Dr. and Mrs. Thos. Burness and farnily of Oakville were Saturday visifors wifh Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graliam. Mr. Terry Graham of Kingston was also' a weekend vi sitor. Orono gue'ah at the Rennev- Webster weddîng in st. Jolîn's Anglican Chîîref, Bowmnanville on Saturday xiere Miss Geke DeJong, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett, Mvf. and Mis. Wa3 ne Bailey, Imrs. Do'fyBaihzy, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Biliings. Mr. William David Gunter, son of Mr. and MIrs, C. S. Gunter of Orono, was a receiat Bachelor of Science graduate from Queen's UJniversity in ilonours Geogîaphy. H1e wi]l be taking Post Graduate xvork at Queens. The Clarke Public Library lias now extended its bours to include Monday eveningfrorn 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and Thursday afternoon, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. RESTAURANT For Rent On Highway 115, nortix of Orono, Now in Operation Good Opportunity Apply MIKE'S and NICKS' SHELL RIt. 2, Orono, Ont. P>hone 983-9303 t" te i'It of M ienvýGIll i>hi Seo i 'ito, at t-p to T, -Viicl'ft tii' school ut 7 a hi b/a t'ik, a ci hirr sto Pici in At IPickering we got on tlw Go train to the~ Union Sta- tionî and tfii n Nxi C got 0o1 'b"eSabi via) aind ve went on a stucfýe car. After ive got off that street car we crol-sed the afreet and got on another sfec f car. Wec xent on fwo streef cars and then we walk- cil fo Fort York. Uic saw where flic soldiers and the colonels and the sergeants iu the armny lived. We saw the kîtch11 en Nliere flic women v7orled anid cook ed and slîe g a vcus so m bie ci anid butter ti.tthe), iv( nilae iC i ' UiWsIv iiiiinv othC'r tjiiag . Aft-r Fort York i xi ufoni 7o stinet cars and tfliu 'e neuf o1 a feiry f0 Centre Islaind. Tlicre we ate lundi. Alter vi e ate lnch w e took flie fî'rry f0 the other side then xx e took the streef car to flic City Hall. Uic ient b flic top and looked down, if iras 80 iîigh that everyone looked like a toy Bar- by doil and flic cars and trucks looked like foys. Tien we went back to the Union Station, on flic Go train and on Uic really enjoycd our trip. S'aielley lBrown, Gr. 4 Sili a uggr, Gr. 4., NEW BiOOKS JUNE l7th, 1971 fi (lt- The Pan Book of Wine Making by B. C. A. Turner IoinCow7ners Compîcte Outdoor- Bluilding Book by John Burton: Brimer BAlia (C"'la by Cliff Kopas (a, story of effort and achievement) W iiting for Willa by Dorotiy, Eden' Vi'le Ouf fit by J. P. S. Brown (a Western) J' ior- C hiaby -Life World Library Tlii JIinglihg Brothiers by Molly Cone 1Hello My Love, Good-bye by Len- oua MaIttingly Web- r (a Staeey Belford story) Fasy fReiding and Pictuire Books The. Tile of B. ujamin :Luiiîuy by Beatrix, Potter Gabil le and Selenla hy Peter IX sbarats A. 'For Angel by Beni Mlontresor. Olga Beauchiamp Thinking of going to British Columbia fliis Sumrner? Cornein and see our display. Suges nsfrD0.. oFather's Day, Jute 2t Surprise Dal with one of our light- weight summer jackets. The latest styles in sizes 36 to 46. PRICED FROM $12.95 to $25.95 Casual Slacks in aN ils. Mostly permanent checks and -solld shades i PRICED FROM $5.9 Dress shirts and sport or short sleeves. A good sizes S, M, L and XL. 1PRICED FROM $2.9 ers variety of mater- press. Stripes, in sizes 30 to 46. .95 to $17.95 rt shirts with long 1colourchoice in .98 to $11,00 Walkintg Shorts For warm weather, give Dad a pair of well-tailored shorts. Checks, stripes and plain shades in waist sizes 30 to 40. PRICED FROM $3.95 to $8.98. SwIna 7JMTrunkgs A good selection of Swim'Trunks In stretch rayon faille, stretch nylon and also stretch terry. Terry tops to match trunks. A good assorment of colours. Sizes S, M and j PRICED $3.95 to $5.95 Sanidals Dad wifl appreciate a pair of Surn- mer Sandals for hot weather. Olive and tan in sizes 7 to Il. PRICED from $4.95 to $6.95 TIES SOCKS, BELTS, IIANDKERCHIEFS PYJAMAS and SLIPPERS 's "LOT TO LIVE;> LOTI.O GIVE".7 As a token of appreciation to the Senior Citizens of these United Counties for the heritage we enjoy to-day, 1 hereby declare the week of lune 20 to 26, 1971, as Senior Citizens' Week. Signed on behaif of the Council of the United Coundes of Northumberland und Durham HARVEY E. MALCOLM, Warden