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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jun 1971, p. 1

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Twiggy, True and Bobette Te~am-up Il More Emmployed For SWEEP By Ganaraska Authority Students of the Orono Public «SchoolI held a fashion show ln the ,General Purpose room last Wed- nesday evening displaying the latest fashions for summer wear. The, students did exceptionally -well in the area of poise and dis- play and dîd in ,fact comp etc with a group of professionals. Pictured above are the pros with Bobette (Bob Hancock), Gravel-pit Gertrude (Mrs. Beryl Clark, school secretary and com- mentator for the three beaÛties), Twiggy (Erie Barr, teacher) and Truc Davidsan, that iiberal stand- ard-bearcr (Doug Moffatt, princ- 1. alt of Lbe sehool). The evening was an enjoyable one with- a large crowd in attend- ance. Mr. Roy Foster, chairman of the Ganaraska River Conservation Authority informed the Times last week that the Ganaraska had received additional funds through the Provincial S.W.E.E.P. pro- gram. These ailditional funds aie sufficient enough to permit the Authority to hire an additional eleven students to carry out work within the Ganaraska projects. The 'Authority will now have a total of twenty-two students hired tbrough to the end of Augnst. Mr. Foster saîd the additional funds will ailow the Ganaraska to broaden their work plan during the summer. The additional funds, he said, became available to the Province when. the Ford lUotor Company loaned a total of 85 trucks to SWEEP proiect rather than have the Province rent the trucks. This saving hbas been passed on to such groups as the Ganaraý;ka who have been able to extcnd their plainned orojects. Mr. Foster said be hâd sent wvord to the Province that the Ganaraska could use more funds just as soon as he had heard it xvas available. le ïeeeived word on Friday la st that the additional funds were approvcd for the Gan- araska, STARTING TO-NIGHT F ree Summer Films' At Clarke Library The Clark Public Library wifl show free 'outdoor movies on a weekly bqsis each Wednesday ev- coing during the summer months. The program starts tonight, June 23rd at dusk. The films will be shown ont-. doors on the lawn and those at-. tending will have to provide their own Iawn chair or blanket. The first four programs have> been ar- rang' d and are outlined ýin an. adverfisernent elsewbere in this issue of the paper. The films are supplied through the B gional Library , ban de- parilment and have been chosen fo suit a wide range of taste. Most arei c olour, Film choice has Ixý,eri made on educalionaland rec- reational hasis. Doîï'X fomgt the films are fre and are to be shown every Wed- n 'sday evenipng at the Clarke Li- brary in Orono. Take Part ln VOLUME 35, NU: BER 26 OJIONO W 'EKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAV, -UNE 23rd, 1971 local "rOpportunity FundsA e Ue Youh"aPoecf Out Starling the first week in Juiyc '3atteïvxood 1liouse, the bo-iie of ,the laie \iiceiii ]Sassey, wîll ho a "luxury private community for senior citizens." Robcrt liarten, who pureliased flic 300-acre pi operty three y cars ago, revealed reeent]y that aft -r considcring a number of uses for the estate, he eventualiy decidcd f0 devclop a residence for senior citize1s. The mnlti-room bouse has been re-d ccorated aînd furnislicd and <wtill be rcady for the first paying residents on July 1. Mr. Marton said he hbas already had a nnmbcr of inquiries as a re- suit of advcïtising, the inquiries from as fàr away as Flor- Ida. "If is flot to be construed as a convalescent home," he said. "But as gracions living. accommodation for people who stili have the abil- ;ify to look after themiselves." There will be maid service, a echauffer-driven 'limousine and good meals, cooked by a first class chef, he said , and the grounds will bc available for use by resi-: dents. Mr. Marten said the lionse has accommodation for 14 persons in single rooms plus two suites for Senior Reeve John Stone of the Town- ship of Carke bas announced that tlhc Township bas made arrange- irients to provide a social evening including entertainment for sen- ior citizens of the commnnity. The event is beiag lheld on Thursday, June 24fh as part of Senior Citizens' Week in Clarke, 'Township as declared, by the, The costs involved are frons $60 per week for the single roims np to $125 per week for the large suit es. .Batterwood's panelled - living rooru will be the common roons and the' dining roons will ho USed by the residc'nts. Mr. Marten will retai the 11h- rary for bis own use; plus a priv- aie suite and office space. He wîll üonitinue 10 live at Batterwood. "This type of operation requir- es a minimum of management," lie said, "but a chef, maids and other staff will be hired." Several attempts have heen mrade by Mr. Marten to sell the property and hie revealed that while there had been a. number of inquiries fromt prospective buyers, tîseprice offered was neyer right. He has also had several ideas on the possible use of Batfcrwood snch as a honeyrnoon haven and a cultural centre incorporating schocols for both girls and boys, theatres, recreational areas and other facilities. Township throngh a resolution passcd last week at the regular meeting of Couneil. Mr. Melville Jones of Newton- ille is to show pictures of inter- est taken tbrongliont the commun- ily. The picturos date baek many years with many boing taken by Mr. Jones' father. Also included for the evening will be a light lunch.. Mr- Fraser Wallace informed the Orono Tim that the Federal Covernînent had rejected his plan to cleari up V1h Orono Stream and other related w ork under the "Opportuiy Youth" program. 10nr Wallace had submifted bis plan to the Government and -was hopeful that througn "Opportun- ity Y outlî" lecou Id provide stud- ent employaient as well as im- proving the natural environment aýong the Orono Stream and es- pecially the area under the juris- dictioni of lus.' Orono Park Board It is noted that the Govcrn- ment did approve a similar scheme for the Oshawa Creek wviih xv's stibmitted by a gorup of stuclents frorn Durham College. This group received their approv- ai some wecks ago and are pres- ently earrying out their program of 'work. EARLY «"FLIPI" SATURDAY MORNING Fire caîl will have your local firefighters on duty early Satur- day mornîng as they prepare your breakfast at the Fire Hall. F-lap-jacks, syrnp, sausage and coffee is on the menu wîth the first batter ready by 7:00 a.m. If you, are too tired to dress and come in your pyjamas the breakfast price will bceuct in half. The event is to be held in the Oddfellow's Hall, Orono com- mencing at 8m00oicloek. Reeve Stone also notes that transportation will be arranged for any Senior Citizen or group la the Township. Those reqniring t insportation f0, Orono on Thurs- day are asked to phone the Clerk's office 983-9179 leaving their name and addre'ss. M"'usical Recital The pupils of Miss Marie Yeo were invited to take part in a M usical Recital held at McLaugh- lin Library on June 7th. The ev- ening was planned as family night. The children were so pleased to have, asspecial guest, Mrs. M. H. Staples, their former music tcacb- er. Those taking part wre-- Kerry Lyfi Grady- London Bridge is Falling Downvi and Early One Morning. Wayde Long - Allgretto-in G and A Song in the Woods. Timmy Stapleton - An Old French Dance, A Waltz. Annette Adams - On Parade, The Cuckoo, HopHop Hop. David Adams -' Andan.te, The Itchy Ant. Patty Hooey - Whence O Shep- ard Maideni, Rabbit Pie and Mr Moon. Mark Stp.pleton - A Tune, A. Walk, On the Bridge. Oshawa Pupi] s- Helen Tandy - Our Schooi March and Cradle Song. David Hoffman - Lavender Blue, Sprinig Time, Golden Slumber. Dale Richards - Home on the Range. Danny Richards - Oranges and Lemons. Duet, Dale and Danny Richards' Drink to me Only with Thine Eyes. 1 would like to take this qppor- tunity to thank the parents for th'"ir co-operation nlot onîy for family night but through the year. Marie Yeo. Resigns From Townskip Position At a special meeting of the Conneil of the Township of Clarke on Monday evcning the resignafion of Mr. H. R. Best was received as Building Inspector and Zonîng By- Law Administrator. Mr. Besf's resignation is fo take effect on Jnly 21sf. Council authorized the Clerk, Mr. H. DeWith to adverfise for applicants for the position. Graduates Linda Greenwood, B.A. On day 28, 1971, at Convocation at Trent University, Peterborough Miss Lind a Greenwood received lier Bachelor of Arts degree. Miss Grcenxxood,' who majored la psy- CIIQ1ogy, is an elementary sehool leaclier and the dfiughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood, Kend ai. Mrs. Beverley Cunningham Daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Tennant, Orono, graduated on May 14, 1971, lrom the sehool of X-Ray Technology at Peterbor- ough Civic Hospital. She was a former student of Orono Public Schgol and Clarke Higb Sehool. She bas accepted a position on the staff, at Peterborough Civic Hospit al. Batte ood ous

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