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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jun 1971, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TUMS.WEDNESDAY. lUNE 2M&d.1971 CORNU H'S >RED & WHITE Oh Boy' Do wehave Watermelons. Ail sizes and shapes and, heryone is loaded with crisp ,red-ripe meat, cool, - lusclous, sugar sweet. Perfect for piecmcs- deightful for dessert. Be sure to put one in your cart. Forida Sweetc Red Cutting Tender Juicy - Full Cut - Value Checked Tender JuicY- Barbecue Style B aif KRAFT 16 oz. jar Round SNteak $1.09 CDCeN l,4 1 Cheez Wbiz 75c Burns Featurein Well Trimmed - Tender RU P ASSTSISL.$.09 Maple Leaf Bindless BACON 11lb. pkg. 59c Maple Leaf - Cryovac Halves HAMS Bonless lb. 98c Barbecue Speciai - PORK SPARERIRS lb. 69,e Maple Leaf Skinless WIENERS lb. 59C SA-USAGE2lb.$ Maple, Leaf - MTix and Match Chieken Loaf, Bologna, Mac and Clicese, Dutch Loaf. P21imento Loaf, Olive Loaf, Luncheon fet 4 for $1 BONUS BRAND WHOLE CANNED CHICKENS 3' lb- tin $1, Feature - bouse or Garden - Kilîs Quickly Raid Bug Killer $1.29 Witli Enzymes - 25e off pack, king BOLD $1,49 Swift's Premium RAMSm 1% Mb. tin $1*49 Satin Brand - Colored parchment margarine 4 1.Ibs.$i Heinz Tomato KE'CHUP 3 btls. $1 Feature - Regular AUl Popular Varieties Deep brown with Pork 19, oz. K"OOL-AID 20 for $1 Libby's Beans 44$11 / kendal News The Women's Institute m et at the home: oL Mrs. J. Henderson on Tuesday evening, June 15. After the singing of the Ode and re- pcating the Mary Stewart Collect plans were- discussed for a holi- day. Suggestions were made that we go by the "GO" train tn visit Ontario House. It was decided tint the Institute would pay for our tickets to the 'Plays in Orono at tlie Youth Theatre. 'The rol caîl was, "Name a keep sake you have t home *and tell its history" O0ur hostess had, a very pretty, smail gre en glass sboe, that ber aunt lad given b-er. It had 'been, Nissed down several generations. Encl inl turu told of some treas- -vre, ai fruit>bowb, an oval picture --e. The meeting was then turncd ,ever to the convenor of historical researcli, Mrs. G. Cathcart. The -notto was, "Let's liuibd the future iemcmliering 'the foundation our grandfathers built for us." A few years ago she laàd read =n article entitlcd "Do not throw VEN EZIA RESTAURANT Rlighway 115 and 35 'kmile south of Oroho PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 1 DAYS A WEEK Specializing in Pizza -Meals ,AiseWeek-End'Specials ROY'THOMPSON Orono, Ontario Phione 983-5759 AiU Carpentry Work Remodeiling Kitchen Cupboards We build front the foundatien up. away your heritage." Thé author said one Saturday morning lie s aid to bis boys: "This morning we are going to paint the kitchen chairs." As they carried them out one lad said, "Gee, Dad why don't we seli these old chairs and buy some new ones,". Let me tell you sometbing. When your great grandfather and your great grand- mother were married they lived in Chicago. They had a boy of two years old when the great fire of Chicago began. They carried the fuariture. out and piled it on the lawn. Then your great grandfath- er said,- "Mary, you watch the furniture and l'Il run to the water front - to get a team and wagon to carry the furniture to the lake" She sat down on a chair and watched the fire burning in the distance, an awesome siglit. Just then a team of borses dame Up the street. She hailed the driver to load the furniture. When it was loaded Mary said "l'Il go with you to the lake." H1e said, "There isn't room for you" and lie grab- bed the lines. She tlirew lier little boy on the feather tick and grab- lied the end of the wagon. She ran along behind and finally got up on the wagon. The man was steali ng the furniture. At the water front lier husband was still LAST CALL Summlmer School Classes at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE commencing July 5 to August 13, 1971 ACT NOW! Only a iimited number can now be accommodated CHOICE 0F CLASS SCIIEDULES 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. -or 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. -or 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CHOICE 0F SUBJECTS- Typewriting - BookkeepinÈ Filing - Shorthaud - Accounting Business Machines -English Spelling -Mathematics - Pen. -&nanship- Office Procedures and others FREE BROCHURE Available Register by phone, mail or iu person 18 Simcoe Street North Diai 728-0052 Malcolm C. Barnett, Principal trying to bail a team and wagon. So it was soon unloaded and the driver paid. Tbese are the chairs. The Cbicago fire took' place October the 8th and 9th 1871, a liundred year ago. Tlie ladies knewit was caused b 1y Mrs. O'- Leary's cow kîcking over the lam.p wbi1e she was milking. It had been a hot, dry summer and the houses were made of pine. Even the sidewalks were of wood. Piles of lumber and coal lined the banks of the Onion R iver. It Jumped th~e river and spread, south into the great city. It bur- ned 1900 acres. An area. as -big as from the seventh to the eiglitli bine and' from Low's to the boys' trai.ning scbool .on the boundary. On October 9, 1871, Allen Cath- cart said bis brother came mun- ning from'the field. "Get the it's getting, dark!" At four o'clock night settled iu. Ail le nex day you couldu' sec the sun or tbe woods. Up in western Ontario the risli ah died in the creeks caused by the smoke from the great Chicago fire. A liand made chair was then examined. It haçi been' in the family for well over a buun dred years. It. was stibi strong and very comfortable. A special treasure was Allen Catbcart's watch, eigbty-eigbt years old and stili keeping perfect time. It was wound up witli a key. A picture of two ladder backed cbairs were shown; one made in 1800; one bi 1900. The early one was five luches shorter, showing that ecd generation is at least an inchi-taller. If you are a man of five foot, ebeven, chances are your father wvas five foot ten and your gmandfatber five foot nine. Lunch ýwas provided by our bostess Mrs. J. Henderson. The next meeting will lie at tbe borne of Miss C. Stewart in September. The Kendal Eagles won the bail game against 'Port Hope on Sat- urday 9 to 7., On Sunday they played Kingston and lost. The Kendal Juniors pbayed Newcastle Monday cvening and won 10-2. The funeral of Mrs. Susanna Cabdwebl was hebd lu Orono Un- ited Church on Monday, June 21. Uer minister Rev. James Burn spoke of ber long life of service to others. Mrs. R. Morton played some well loved hymns. The *bear- ers were ail nephews: Mr. Carlos Tamblyn, Mr. Everett Brown, Mr. Tilton Stanton, Mr. John Foster, Mr. Charlie Poster and Mr. Byron Poster. She wîas born at Kendal onthe Thompson homestead nine- ty four yenrs ago. The many frîends gathered later in the basement of the Orono cliurch, and the Kendal U.C.W. ,erved lunch. Eldorado Plant Lying Idie Eldorado's multi-mîllion dollar zirconium plant is lying idie be.- cause there is no market for zir- conium. G. F. Coiborne, plant manager said that the world supply of zir- conium far exceeds the demand. For this reason it is difficuit to predict when we will 'start pro- duction again. It is such a nabu- bous thing at the moment and it is difficult to predict what wl happen, lie. said.. Ten empioyees of Eldorado were' laid off, on Friday and according to the plant manager the laY-offs Bol YEOMANS PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Heur Service New Installations - Alterations Repairs Specliling la Hot Water Hfeating Forced Air Hleatlng Septic Tank Work R.R. 1 Orono 983-5624 D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARtIO ANTIQUES WE BUY AND SÉLL Old Glass, China, Pine Artle.u Toys and Oddltles IF IT'S OLi . - CALL US WE PAY CASH Phone 623-5342 a.fter 4 P. YOUFO ilI B/CK TOBUMFe FiXs PA Y6F5 . Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE mmi St. North, Oremo phone 98&5130 Leskard Welding AND FABRICATION and LATHE WORK 8 a.i. - te - 5 p. lionday through Satuxrlay PHONE 983-5'760 Oxford BWRCKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCEMAWAHL Phone 983-56« Speclallzing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPILACES We aise do chlmnev Repairs Dr. W. R. KentDDsQ Bowmanville Professional R1dr P.22 King St. B. - Suite 106 Office Heurs: Weekdays: 9 te 6 Except Wednesday, Afternoons Telephone 623-7340 Cut FLOJ"WERS Sweet William and Mums alse Potted Mums for Decoratio 'n'Sunday JUNE 27th FLOWER CONTAINERS Priced each 79e Mliddletonls ORONO, ONT. DX SERVICE STATION Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: fjPrernium Quality Pout ___ Ai The Most Reasonable Price Any' quantity per gai. Ouat our 9 >rove 1 lStation20,. k ~Phone 987-U215 were primarily caused by the closing of the zirconoum plant. But it is also part of an overail cost reduction process which is a coninuing thing throughout the refinery, lie said. Mr. Coiborne'said the zirconium Plant was closed last fail after being in operation for about 18 months. The large plant was built in 1969 at an estimated cost of $8 million. GatC. Wade Insurance Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Box 82 Newtonville, Ontario Telephone 786-2921 Box 61, Port Hope, Ontario Telephone 885-2288 ..........

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