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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jun 1971, p. 1

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VOLUME 35, NUMBER 27 Weeky ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29th, 1971 Orono Trustees Meet Over Wate-,r Extenasion The Oronio Police Trustees on Monday eveing, at thecir reslular m'eeting imet wth Mr. Casper an, engineer in regards charges est- ,nýbished by the,, Trustees in rela-, tion to new deývelopmient. Both Parties expressed lthiur \jiews in the mnatter withi the Trustees holding to their policy of $175.00' per lot charge within new devel- opments. Mr. Eberlée of Totten, Sims and J{ubicki also attended the mneet- ing. The Trustees pointed out that they kîad already given directive for Water Resources to finance .and construct a sccond' well and that this request would now go before council, of the Township of Clarke. Mr. Eberîce said it would -be from eigliteen monflis f0 two years before flie projeet wou]d be completed. 'He also said tbat if was possible to stop the project .at any trne prior to construction. Mr. Castperi stated that lie 'oidbein toucli witli the water ýImanager in tflie n i lutuI Mu the correspondent altî wavýs receivc(l frorn ihale c .a ~oferig arbg~picscup anýd USe' ,,-f the ]laieDpiae ;for an annual arnount of 4400.The Trustees arc tlo consider fhis of- jed atrrveigthe,,ir oin ~present operation whýiicli presently eosts $5i400,00. This cos),t does flot take into, accourtreeu fio flic Orono durnp or added 'costs in maintaining te isp)osai arca. Rl. FretrsaýI it alway7 Cis ii anssbtcncrc ih IVIr Wooyar tha itWas mîore eonveniiently located for the Xi la"ge users. 1Vr. Nicholson saidli 'wýould liketo Coniider thl iutfu furtlier before rnaking any deiv ion. -Approval was gýii n by th 'Trustees f iprveflapproîacli road to fthc Orono Park it ii pected that guard po sts are to lic -epaired and painted. 011ýr, such guard posts are, also tb b, pal i d and the cutting of grass is to' be extended ln certain -areas in flie Village inc]uding- the triangular section jmmediafely soufli of, the Orono Cemetery. Mr. Woo dyard stated that Scott Nursery, was. to, start work this week on landscaping the side bank, Main Street at Cobbledick Street. Do n Peebles Speaks At Kirby Graduation Lasf Friday evening graduation exercises for, Grade 8 of the Kirby Centennial Scliool was held for fortysix graduaýing students. Mr. 1. C. Goldcr, principal, ex- pressed his congratulations and stressc'd to the students the need of good comr.mon sens e and fo the parecnts the use' of under tanding. Il said the liest feacher \vas "ex- pirience." Miss 'Caîolen Breault delivered a brief but direct valedictory ad-, dress expressing flic traditionai thanks and with fthc wisli that the' members of ftie graduafing class could add something to our futur,'. Miss Ellen Heard infroduced the gucst speaker, Mir. Don, Peebles, Gudance Consultant, wlio exprcssed many ideals wlich fhe graduates -must consider a, they begin to venture forth itb fhe world. He said if was import- aýnt to know on' self, to lias eidea O Icgnize mo Ivaus à tlîr n cd fo-undi an ~ Si eph en 1'lf BiRcky Copplin, on heha If o th gi mdu"ýtinc c0-', , J te th a o~ trop, y lilasnay îiil'c'î'id tbsî iý ac' n~II u éu i.S Orono Youthlheatre, On Sunday affernoon abou t I wenfy-five menîbars of thec Orono Yout Ii Thaf ce cast met at thec Oronio Pailk foir a get-acquainted geltoethr.The group met with thec direci or and co-director wlio outlined flic activil les for flie sumimer as wcll, as flic course of instruction and information re- garding fhec two major produe- flaons. Lunch was also partý of fthe af- ternoon activities. This SatVrday, July 3rd, the~ group will open flie summer act- iviti ' s at Orono whidh is exteuded cousiderably fo that of former yeats. A greater empliasis is bce- ing pluced on exiendiug skills iu aIl aspects of drarna and theafre productions. The productions are to be con- fined to flic last f wo weeks lu August. If is reporfed fliaf flire sfi11 is a need for some accommodation of lied andf breakfast for some of tbc sfud 'nts. , Aoyone i nterested te assisfini' Ibis phase of flic 'Flic if.' i xl dte ontqct Mrs. If.11 i ýl o inOîonoi Imiprovinig Mr. Bruie Gilbank, who on Monday,ý June 21sf was run over by lis tractor is Teporfed improv- iug ut flic Osliawa General Hos- pifai. Mr. -Gilbank is, liowevcr, sf111 under intensive car-e utflic hospif ai. If is assumied fIat Mr. Gilbunk wa'i sfartiug hlm fractor in flie baruyurd wlien fthc misliap occur- redl. if is ,belicved fin l nun f- fuitf he lctract, or from mov-- ing,~ ~ ~ ~ 'h lefipdwt lctract or running over Iimii. .Uc wa-, founý in flic yard liy lis oldesf son Bill who summoncd help from fhcir ncighbours, Me. und Mvrs. George Carton!. Mc.Gilanksuffered ,1Ch Asdam- ag' ed lsoa cruslied ribcage. It wus good fun, aud'good pan- cakes Safurday morning xh-n the' Orono Firefiglifers held their Pan- cake Breakfast at the fire hall iu aid of Muscular Dystrophy. Mr'. Sterling Maflier dlaimns it the most sueccessful yet and that thec De- partaient were soppoîted- by' fwo udrdand fifty hungry morning risers Thoselu bed attire ate for haif prie'ý,. Grandma Mather, the chueL cook, is shown above wifli-Mr. unrd Mrs. Aif Jak"ýman wlio daim they were up fMr flic b'rgýiin, Photo by Anu Samel' Two dditon IPobes It wus learued ut the Northium- berland and Durham Board of Ed- ucation meeting on Tliursday ev- eniug fliat two additioual port- ables would be available at the Clarke High Sehool by September lst, 1971. This increases the num- ber of portables ut Clarke to 5sev- en. The memorandum at' Thursdays meeting poiutcd out thaf the Reg- lonal Office of the Department of Educaf ion had ýappro'ved one additional portable for Clurke for 1971 and lad. stood firm on t1iis d'cbsion. The Board had made ap plicafion for fwo portables. The second portable for Clarke, according tf0 fhe nmemiorandumr, is being fransfcrred from the Court- ice Sdliool where' it lias been in (Continucd on page .4) Graduates Lt Ail Iljaprened At K rby Centennial- WILLIAM D. GUNTER Mr. William David Gunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gunter of Orono, was a -~eeent Baclielor of Science gradutate from Queen's University in Honours'Ge(ý.rapliy. H, wi,! hefakir g Post Graduafe work at Queens. Pictured following the Grade 8 graduation ceremonies at I\irby Centennial Public Sdîeol Mce' M Reginald Elliotf, M~iss Caroh'n Breault, class Valedictorian, Mr. -. C. Golder, principal, Me. bon Peebles, Guidauce Consultant, guest speaker and Mrs. W-ns. Wan- nan. Bofli Mrs. Elliott, Keudal and Mrs. Wannan, Orono, who have been feachinig cf Kirby, arc retir- 'ion in Hfope Township at fhe Pine ing from feching thi,; Ycar, bonAi 11111sehool which no longer ex.- vi ith twenfy yeces of service f0 iSts. Following lier marriage she 1b-' Profession. "lie fwo refiring lias tauglif ut ('rookcd Creek, t aciers refer to Qiii many (biang- N 'wtonville, Enteiprise, Leskard eý, during fli c yars and csp cTi- cnd finally at flic new sehool in ally fliat o f teaching eighf grades Iirby. She lias becen the grade 5 li -one classeoom tefthc single feaclier 'at Kirby for fthc past grade classes. Mrs. Ellott sfarted lier profes- three years. UfIs. Win. Wannun started teacli- Ing at flie one-room Kirby school; ai flic Enterprise school for ten years. She also tauglit for ýa year wýhidli was followed by a position ai Leskard and for tlic past tliree years lias been flic grade 2 and 3- teaclier ut Kirby Centennial. -Photo courtesy of Canadian Statesman "ON BEST Centeniail College Graduate Mr. Ronald Best, sou of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Best, E.R. 2, Orono, Ontario, received an Automotive Technician Diploma at Centennial follege's convocation ceremonies. Ron is currently working at Mazda of Canada Ltd. Time .- Recieves To-p Awa-rd,

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